Les abelles de la mel
És la història de la Maria que va a passar un estiu al mas del seu avi i durant aquestes vacances aprèn moltes coses sobre la vida de les abelles, com viuen en els ruscs, els diferents tipus d’individus que hi ha, quines feines fan, com es reprodueixen, quins depredadors i parà sits tenen, quins productes se n’obtenen i quins problemes ambientals les afecten.
Format: Conte
Nivell Educatiu: Primà ria cicle superior
Disponible al Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge i al web del Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge: http://mediambient.gencat.cat/cat/ciutadans/educacio_ambiental/recursosed/escolar/pdf/abelles.pdf
This document contains tables showing the multiplication tables from 1 to 10 in Catalan. Each table lists the multiplication facts for a single number multiplied by the integers from 0 to 10. The tables are presented side by side from 1 to 10 to aid in memorizing the multiplication facts through repeated exposure.
The poem describes the sights and sounds of spring in a garden and countryside. It encourages the reader to enter the garden to pick flowers in spring. It also suggests going into the mountains or hills in May to see birds flying and hear the songs of different birds like the nightingale, quail, and warbler. The poem mentions hearing the hoopoe sing in springtime as well.
Este documento contiene 12 acertijos sobre sÃmbolos y tradiciones navideñas y de Año Nuevo en catalán. Cada acertijo presenta una breve descripción rÃtmica de un elemento como el Tió, el árbol de Navidad, los Reyes Magos, regalos envueltos, el camell, el roscón de Reyes, las uvas de fin de año, el muñeco de nieve y la nieve.
Les abelles de la mel
És la història de la Maria que va a passar un estiu al mas del seu avi i durant aquestes vacances aprèn moltes coses sobre la vida de les abelles, com viuen en els ruscs, els diferents tipus d’individus que hi ha, quines feines fan, com es reprodueixen, quins depredadors i parà sits tenen, quins productes se n’obtenen i quins problemes ambientals les afecten.
Format: Conte
Nivell Educatiu: Primà ria cicle superior
Disponible al Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge i al web del Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge: http://mediambient.gencat.cat/cat/ciutadans/educacio_ambiental/recursosed/escolar/pdf/abelles.pdf
This document contains tables showing the multiplication tables from 1 to 10 in Catalan. Each table lists the multiplication facts for a single number multiplied by the integers from 0 to 10. The tables are presented side by side from 1 to 10 to aid in memorizing the multiplication facts through repeated exposure.
The poem describes the sights and sounds of spring in a garden and countryside. It encourages the reader to enter the garden to pick flowers in spring. It also suggests going into the mountains or hills in May to see birds flying and hear the songs of different birds like the nightingale, quail, and warbler. The poem mentions hearing the hoopoe sing in springtime as well.
Este documento contiene 12 acertijos sobre sÃmbolos y tradiciones navideñas y de Año Nuevo en catalán. Cada acertijo presenta una breve descripción rÃtmica de un elemento como el Tió, el árbol de Navidad, los Reyes Magos, regalos envueltos, el camell, el roscón de Reyes, las uvas de fin de año, el muñeco de nieve y la nieve.
The document describes an activity with children where they explored shadows and light. They discovered that shadows are the same color regardless of the original color. They found that their shadows move as they move in relation to the light source. They determined that the sun is what creates the shadows outside by seeing that their shadows changed sides as they moved.