This document lists and categorizes fruits that are common in the fall season in Catalan. It separates the fruits into two categories: dry fruits and fleshy fruits. Some of the fruits listed are raisins, pears, oranges, chestnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, walnuts, codorniz eggs, apples, mandarins, and persimmons.
This document appears to be an educational resource that presents Spanish words beginning with various letters of the alphabet. Each page features words starting with a different letter or combination of letters. The resource was created by Raquel Girau i Susana Soler, who are identified as P.T. teachers, likely meaning physical education teachers. The document exposes young learners to many common Spanish words through a visually engaging format with illustrations.
The document appears to be a poem or rhyme in Catalan. It describes various nature objects including leaves dancing in the wind without stopping, acorns that bring fear causing everyone to flee instantly, a small snail like a hazelnut that is not an ox, chestnuts that are chocolate colored and explode with great fury when put in the oven, and a mushroom with a bed and hat that stands upright.
This document contains 71 pages created by teachers Raquel Girau and Susana Soler. Each page focuses on a different letter of the alphabet, listing words that begin with that letter. Words are provided in Catalan with the goal of teaching children letter sounds and vocabulary. Pages include letters from the Catalan, Spanish, and some English alphabets.
This document appears to be an educational resource that presents Spanish words beginning with various letters of the alphabet. Each page features words starting with a different letter or combination of letters. The resource was created by Raquel Girau i Susana Soler, who are identified as P.T. teachers, likely meaning physical education teachers. The document exposes young learners to many common Spanish words through a visually engaging format with illustrations.
The document appears to be a poem or rhyme in Catalan. It describes various nature objects including leaves dancing in the wind without stopping, acorns that bring fear causing everyone to flee instantly, a small snail like a hazelnut that is not an ox, chestnuts that are chocolate colored and explode with great fury when put in the oven, and a mushroom with a bed and hat that stands upright.
This document contains 71 pages created by teachers Raquel Girau and Susana Soler. Each page focuses on a different letter of the alphabet, listing words that begin with that letter. Words are provided in Catalan with the goal of teaching children letter sounds and vocabulary. Pages include letters from the Catalan, Spanish, and some English alphabets.
The document describes an activity with children where they explored shadows and light. They discovered that shadows are the same color regardless of the original color. They found that their shadows move as they move in relation to the light source. They determined that the sun is what creates the shadows outside by seeing that their shadows changed sides as they moved.
Este documento presenta cinco pruebas de comprensión lectora para estudiantes de segundo básico. Cada prueba contiene una lectura corta seguida de preguntas múltiple choice sobre el contenido de la lectura. Las lecturas presentan historias sobre temas como animales, niños y la naturaleza.
Este documento presenta varias lecturas cortas para niños. Cada lectura presenta un breve pasaje de texto seguido por algunas preguntas o actividades. Las lecturas cubren una variedad de temas como personajes, animales, escenas familiares y más. Generalmente cada lectura es de una oración o menos y presenta información básica sobre el contenido del pasaje proporcionando detalles clave.