Judith and Barbara are specialists who need to quickly find a placement for one of their clients somewhere in Cincinnati. They search downtown and uptown but those places are not right. After looking all around town, they finally find a home that is just right for their client. They are able to make the placement, do their job well, and celebrate by going to lunch.
This book summarizes the author's discovery of Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn during bike rides around Jamaica Bay. Through perseverance and curiosity, the author learned about the history of this hidden gem. Further research revealed the field is twice the size of Central Park but underutilized. The goal of the book is to unveil the past of this abandoned space and help envision its future.
The document summarizes the key requirements and benefits of obtaining United States citizenship. It outlines that citizenship can be obtained either by birth or through the naturalization process. The main requirements for naturalization include being 18 years of age or older, having a green card for 5 years, continuous residency in the US, good moral character, basic English skills, and knowledge of US history and government. Benefits of citizenship include the right to vote, unlimited travel in and out of the US, eligibility for a US passport and federal jobs. Sources of additional information on citizenship requirements are also provided.
El documento describe las dificultades en habilidades comunicativas y de convivencia que presentan los estudiantes de preescolar y primero en el Colegio Sim坦n Bol鱈var IED. Propone implementar herramientas TIC para mejorar dichas habilidades, caracterizar a la poblaci坦n, identificar portales educativos y aplicar diversas herramientas digitales para desarrollar capacidades comunicativas y convivenciales en los estudiantes.
This document outlines a design thinking workshop focused on placemaking and community strength in Philadelphia. It discusses design thinking and placemaking concepts. Participants engaged in empathy interviews to understand community strengths and needs. They then worked in teams to design a one-day placemaking project to facilitate community strength using constraints of location, budget, and timeline. Teams presented prototypes and voted on an intervention to implement on March 1st.
The Asmat are an indigenous hunter-gatherer culture living in West Papua, Indonesia, on the western half of the island north of Australia; they are one of the last remaining hunter-gatherer cultures in the world, with traditions like nose piercing and body painting for ceremonies and war, but deforestation, colonization, and assimilation are negatively impacting their traditional way of life and culture.
- For 50 years, mobile libraries have travelled throughout Portugal, bringing books and services to rural communities. The document outlines the history of mobile libraries in Portugal from 1914 onward. It describes how the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation operated 62 mobile library units from 1958-2002, lending over 97 million books to 29 million readers. It also details the services currently provided by mobile libraries, such as lending books, reference services, and cultural events, which help connect communities and promote lifelong learning.
The document introduces eight six-year-old students - Irene, Alexia, Paula, Alba, Anna, Maria, Yaiza, Manar, and Carlos - who attend Federico Garc鱈a Lorca school. Each student shares their favorite color, number, and animal.
Este documento presenta breves biograf鱈as de 13 ilustradores famosos de diferentes nacionalidades como Espa単a, Estados Unidos, Canad叩, Suecia y Francia. Entre ellos se encuentran ngel Dom鱈nguez, Maite Gurrutxaga, Manu Ortega, Anita Kunz, Gustaf Tenggren, Albert Uderzo, Carlos Reviejo, Yoko Furusawa y Maurice Sendak. Cada biograf鱈a incluye informaci坦n sobre su lugar de nacimiento, formaci坦n, estilo y obras m叩s destacadas.
El documento propone crear una red social para la comunidad educativa de un centro con los siguientes objetivos: mejorar la comunicaci坦n, aumentar el sentido de pertenencia, implicar al entorno social y abrir canales de comunicaci坦n. Se detallan las fases del proyecto que incluyen un an叩lisis previo, implantaci坦n experimental, ampliaci坦n y control del proyecto.
Gure herria Elosu da. Araban
kokatua dago eta 86 biztanle ditu
Ollerias auzoa kontutan hartuta.
Bertan klima ozeanikoa egiten du:
euri ugari eta tenperatura epela.
Udak ez dira oso beroak, ezta
neguak ere oso hotzak.
5. Elosun bertan ez bada ere, bere inguruan, hau da, Urrunagako
urtegiaren ertzetan aurkitu diren aztarna arkeologiko ugarik argi ematen digute
aditzera, historiaurrean, Behe Paleolitikoan edo, gizakia bizi izan zela zonalde
horretan. Dena dela, urte mordoxka igaro arte ez zen aurkitu gizakien bizitzaren
aztarna idatzirik, izan ere, 1025ean topatu baitzen estreinakoz Elhosu izena,
geroago Elosua, Helossua eta baita Losu ere.
Alfonso XI.ak emandako Fundazio-Kartaren arabera,1333.urtean
Legutiori atxiki zioten herrixka hori. Zenbait idazleren ustetan, hortxe egon zen
kokatuta, Don Rodrigo Artzapezpikuak aipatzen duen Aussa izendun
gotorlekua, 1200. urtean Alfonso VII.ak beretzat hartu zuena hain zuzen ere.
Azken gerrate zibilean ikaragarrizko txikizioa jasan behar izan zuten bertako
baserriek. Eliza, esate baterako, erebat suntsituta utzi zuten.
ELOSUKO HistoriaELOSUKO Historia
7. GURE TXOKO Elkartearen HistoriaGURE TXOKO Elkartearen Historia
Lehengo garaian, gure
birraitonen eta aitonen
garaian, elkartea ikastola
txiki bat zen. Andere単o
bat bakarrik zegoen eta
umeak adin guztietakoak
Gaur egun Gure Txoko
Elkartean bazkari eta afari
goxoak egiten dituzte
2 nekazal etxe daude: Bentazar eta
Albaitaria ere badago: Umberto eta
Lola dira.
Bere garaian hotel bat zegoen baina
gaur - egun itxita dago, eta
hotelarekin batera taberna bat dago
eta hau ere itxita dago.
Pelikulak, ikastaroak, txiki txokoak, irteerak,
bolo txapelketak, etab. antolatzen ditu
kultur taldeak.
Elosuko jaiak irailaren 29an ospatzen dira
San Migelen omenez.