Capital list slide deck invite to advisorsJohn Spindler
Capital List is a platform that aims to connect London-based tech startups to advisors and early stage investors. It will showcase 100 startups exclusively from London's top universities, incubators and accelerators over a 3 month private beta period starting in May 2013. The platform allows startups to display their details and seek endorsements, while advisors can connect with startups in need of advice. It also provides a way for investors to view filtered startup opportunities. The goal is to test the platform over 100 days and prove its ability to generate meetings and investment for participating startups.
1. The document discusses regional and urban planning in Switzerland, with a focus on the federal agglomeration policy.
2. It describes trends like urban sprawl and increasing mobility that influence planning. The Confederation aims to coordinate efforts across cantons through its territorial project and agglomeration policy.
3. The agglomeration policy concentrates development, coordinates transportation and land use, and manages implementation through a tripartite conference involving federal, canton, and city representatives. It aims to develop urban areas sustainably while maintaining Switzerland's competitiveness.
The document summarizes the Mobile Digital Media Lab (MDML) at the Fulton County Public Library (FCPL). It describes how the MDML was created to serve the library's largely rural population by taking technology and media classes directly to patrons. It provides an overview of the MDML's history and services, from its origins in a grant-funded project to its current weekly classes and outreach efforts. It envisions expanding the MDML's reach through additional community and business partnerships to promote creativity, collaboration, and digital literacy.
On January 12, 2012 a petition with over 6,200 signatures protesting clearcutting by Island Timberlands was delivered to the company and Brookfield Asset Management. The petition garnered signatures from around the world in locations including Nanaimo, Toronto, New York, London, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney, and Hong Kong.
The Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand, living on its North and South Islands in the South Pacific Ocean near Australia. While some Maori continue traditional cultural practices like the ceremonial Haka war dance and Ta moko tattooing, others have adopted non-traditional modern lifestyles, though many still struggle with issues like poverty that often affect conquered indigenous groups.
This document discusses Application Level Events (ALE), which provides filtering and grouping of RFID tag reads. It introduces the role and 5 APIs of ALE - Reading, Writing, Tag Memory, Logical Reader, and Access Control APIs. It describes the design of the Oliot-fc ALE implementation, including its projects and deployment. Finally, it mentions future directions such as implementing ALE with big data processing over cloud infrastructure.
According to Asmat tradition, Fumeripits was the first being who existed on earth and created the first ceremonial house. He grew tired of being alone, so he carved human figures from trees and placed them in the ceremonial house. However, the figures did not come to life. Fumeripits then created a drum from a hollowed tree and stretched lizard skin over it. When he played the drum, the carved figures came to life and were the first Asmat people.
The document discusses student grades and feedback on a film project. It shows that Rafaella received a Grade C and Kayleigh received a Grade B. The feedback suggests that close-up shots were effective for expressing feelings, but some scenes jumped between senses in a confusing way and did not clearly show who a character was talking to on the phone.
Series of Workshops to accelerate the development high performance teams - particularly when time is of the essence and where the team is forged multiple sources
This document introduces "The 3 Tool", a technique for experiential learning involving identifying feelings on cards labeled "I feel angry that...", "I feel grateful that...", etc. It suggests using the tool to switch one's state from negative to positive, noticing patterns in negative statements, and using it with partners to practice affect labeling and emotional expression. Suggested activities with the tool aim to explore its effectiveness at self-attuning the prefrontal cortex or labeling and expressing emotions.
This is a link to a YouTube video but no other context is provided about the content or topic of the video. The document on its own does not contain enough information to generate an informative 3 sentence summary.
Resilience is the ability to adaptively overcome stress and adversity while maintaining normal psychological and physical functioning. It is facilitated by genetic, cultural, and individual evolution. On a personal level, 70% of self-regulatory circuits are transmitted from parent to child, and trauma can be intergenerationally transmitted from the last trimester through the first three years as the brain undergoes pruning to become more emotionally plastic into late adulthood through epigenetic effects. Cultural evolution mediated by language allows for faster transmission of survival-promoting behaviors through improved social organization.
The document outlines the strategy for, an online platform that aims to provide students a gamified approach to preparing for job applications and exams through online training, practice tests, and collaboration. It details the vision, current offerings and future plans to expand features and content, as well as the business model, team, traffic metrics, and market potential. The goal is to help more students become job ready through an engaging and incentivized learning experience.
Este documento presenta breves biograf鱈as de 13 ilustradores famosos de diferentes nacionalidades como Espa単a, Estados Unidos, Canad叩, Suecia y Francia. Entre ellos se encuentran ngel Dom鱈nguez, Maite Gurrutxaga, Manu Ortega, Anita Kunz, Gustaf Tenggren, Albert Uderzo, Carlos Reviejo, Yoko Furusawa y Maurice Sendak. Cada biograf鱈a incluye informaci坦n sobre su lugar de nacimiento, formaci坦n, estilo y obras m叩s destacadas.
On January 12, 2012 a petition with over 6,200 signatures protesting clearcutting by Island Timberlands was delivered to the company and Brookfield Asset Management. The petition garnered signatures from around the world in locations including Nanaimo, Toronto, New York, London, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney, and Hong Kong.
The Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand, living on its North and South Islands in the South Pacific Ocean near Australia. While some Maori continue traditional cultural practices like the ceremonial Haka war dance and Ta moko tattooing, others have adopted non-traditional modern lifestyles, though many still struggle with issues like poverty that often affect conquered indigenous groups.
This document discusses Application Level Events (ALE), which provides filtering and grouping of RFID tag reads. It introduces the role and 5 APIs of ALE - Reading, Writing, Tag Memory, Logical Reader, and Access Control APIs. It describes the design of the Oliot-fc ALE implementation, including its projects and deployment. Finally, it mentions future directions such as implementing ALE with big data processing over cloud infrastructure.
According to Asmat tradition, Fumeripits was the first being who existed on earth and created the first ceremonial house. He grew tired of being alone, so he carved human figures from trees and placed them in the ceremonial house. However, the figures did not come to life. Fumeripits then created a drum from a hollowed tree and stretched lizard skin over it. When he played the drum, the carved figures came to life and were the first Asmat people.
The document discusses student grades and feedback on a film project. It shows that Rafaella received a Grade C and Kayleigh received a Grade B. The feedback suggests that close-up shots were effective for expressing feelings, but some scenes jumped between senses in a confusing way and did not clearly show who a character was talking to on the phone.
Series of Workshops to accelerate the development high performance teams - particularly when time is of the essence and where the team is forged multiple sources
This document introduces "The 3 Tool", a technique for experiential learning involving identifying feelings on cards labeled "I feel angry that...", "I feel grateful that...", etc. It suggests using the tool to switch one's state from negative to positive, noticing patterns in negative statements, and using it with partners to practice affect labeling and emotional expression. Suggested activities with the tool aim to explore its effectiveness at self-attuning the prefrontal cortex or labeling and expressing emotions.
This is a link to a YouTube video but no other context is provided about the content or topic of the video. The document on its own does not contain enough information to generate an informative 3 sentence summary.
Resilience is the ability to adaptively overcome stress and adversity while maintaining normal psychological and physical functioning. It is facilitated by genetic, cultural, and individual evolution. On a personal level, 70% of self-regulatory circuits are transmitted from parent to child, and trauma can be intergenerationally transmitted from the last trimester through the first three years as the brain undergoes pruning to become more emotionally plastic into late adulthood through epigenetic effects. Cultural evolution mediated by language allows for faster transmission of survival-promoting behaviors through improved social organization.
The document outlines the strategy for, an online platform that aims to provide students a gamified approach to preparing for job applications and exams through online training, practice tests, and collaboration. It details the vision, current offerings and future plans to expand features and content, as well as the business model, team, traffic metrics, and market potential. The goal is to help more students become job ready through an engaging and incentivized learning experience.
Este documento presenta breves biograf鱈as de 13 ilustradores famosos de diferentes nacionalidades como Espa単a, Estados Unidos, Canad叩, Suecia y Francia. Entre ellos se encuentran ngel Dom鱈nguez, Maite Gurrutxaga, Manu Ortega, Anita Kunz, Gustaf Tenggren, Albert Uderzo, Carlos Reviejo, Yoko Furusawa y Maurice Sendak. Cada biograf鱈a incluye informaci坦n sobre su lugar de nacimiento, formaci坦n, estilo y obras m叩s destacadas.
El documento propone crear una red social para la comunidad educativa de un centro con los siguientes objetivos: mejorar la comunicaci坦n, aumentar el sentido de pertenencia, implicar al entorno social y abrir canales de comunicaci坦n. Se detallan las fases del proyecto que incluyen un an叩lisis previo, implantaci坦n experimental, ampliaci坦n y control del proyecto.
Ubide Arratia eskualdean aurkitzen da, Bizkaiako
probintzian. Arratia Nerbion Arabarekin muga egiten
duen eskualdea da. Hamasei udalerrik osatzen dute.
Ubiden lehen aduana zegoen eta aduana pasatzerakoan,
ordaindu egin behar zen. Aduana Bizkaia eta Arabako
mugan zegoen. Aduana ez ordaintzeko Herriko etxe bat
erabiltzen zen estraperlo egiteko, hau da, ez
ordaintzeko. Etxe horretan atetik sartzen zarenean
Bizkaitik sartzen zara baina lorategiko atetik irteten
zarenean, Arabara irteten zara. Etxea Bizkaian dago
baina lorategia Araban.
Julian Ajuriak ubidetarrak pelikula mutuen
sasoian Paramount ospetsuaren materiala
lortu eta zabaldu zuen inguruetan. Zinea,
Hollywoodeko zine komertziala behinik
behin, ubidetar honen eskutik sartu zen
Euskal Herrian.
Neguak hotzak eta hezeak dira. Udako
tenperatura askoz ere altuagoak izan ohi
dira. Klima ozeanikoa da baina
kontinentalaren ikutuak ditu.
Udaletxea: lehen ikastola bezala
erabiltzen zen. Maria Teresa
Ibargutzi Barrondo 37 urtekoa
Bizkaiako lehen alkaldesa izan
zen eta seguraski espainiako
lehena ere bai.
Santa Engrazia baseliza.
Ekainaren 24an San Juanak ospatzen dira.
Uztailaren 22an Madalenak ospatzen dira, herriko
jai nagusienak.
Gazta Ubideko produktu tipikoa da.