PowerPoint prezentacija "Elektronska po邸ta" za VIII razred osnovne 邸kole, predmet "Tehniko i informatiko obrazovanje" (Mihailo Uro邸evi, Andrija Milo邸evi i Dragan Milutinovi).
Prezentacija o mikroskopu raena u PowerPoint-u (Office 2013).
*U originalu je font drugaiji. Ja sam pravio sa Dotum fontom, koji je ovde uitan kao Arial. Postoji i jo邸 par sitnijih gre邸aka, pa je zato moj savet da za gledanje prezentacije kliknete "save" (sauvate je na svom raunaru) i otvorite u svom Power Point-u.
Elektronska po邸ta - Katarina Todorovi - Ljubi邸a Ivkovi鰻温邸温一看鉛温.鰻艶岳
Takmienje na portalu www.nasaskola.net
"biramo najbolju lekciju"
engleski jezik i raunarstvo i informatika,
mart 2011. godine,
Elektronska po邸ta,
Raunarstvo i informatika,
Katarina Todorovi, II-3,
Ljubi邸a Ivkovi,
Prva ni邸ka gimnazija "Stevan Sremac"
Prezentacija o mikroskopu raena u PowerPoint-u (Office 2013).
*U originalu je font drugaiji. Ja sam pravio sa Dotum fontom, koji je ovde uitan kao Arial. Postoji i jo邸 par sitnijih gre邸aka, pa je zato moj savet da za gledanje prezentacije kliknete "save" (sauvate je na svom raunaru) i otvorite u svom Power Point-u.
Elektronska po邸ta - Katarina Todorovi - Ljubi邸a Ivkovi鰻温邸温一看鉛温.鰻艶岳
Takmienje na portalu www.nasaskola.net
"biramo najbolju lekciju"
engleski jezik i raunarstvo i informatika,
mart 2011. godine,
Elektronska po邸ta,
Raunarstvo i informatika,
Katarina Todorovi, II-3,
Ljubi邸a Ivkovi,
Prva ni邸ka gimnazija "Stevan Sremac"
The Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce aims to serve and advance local businesses. It has over 1,300 members across the region and advocates on behalf of business interests. The Chamber connects members to resources, saves them money through deals and discounts, and helps develop leaders in the community. It also works to attract talent and investment through various initiatives.
Spiceworks is a free network management software and social business app for IT managers that delivers a Facebook-like interface. It has over 1.5 million IT professionals from 196 countries as members who manage over 89 million devices, 53 million employees, and 964,000 companies with $260 billion in IT budgets. The panel discussion will feature perspectives from three IT professionals on their use of Spiceworks to manage networks, track issues, get advice, and leverage the buying power of the IT community.
El documento clasifica las diferentes formas de energ鱈a, incluyendo la energ鱈a e坦lica, magn辿tica, geot辿rmica, lum鱈nica, s鱈smica, cal坦rica, sonora, nuclear, el辿ctrica, mec叩nica, potencial y cin辿tica. Define la energ鱈a como la capacidad de un cuerpo para realizar trabajo y clasifica las fuentes de energ鱈a como renovables o no renovables.
http://petrafisher.com/training/linkedin-totaal/ 際際滷s van het ochtendprogramma van LinkedIn Totaal. Het LinkedIn profiel doorlopen. Strategisch LinkedIn gebruik. Tips over LinkedIn inzetten om zakelijke doelen te bereiken. In de middag werken de deelnemers individueel met een tekstschrijver, fotograaf en corporate LinkedIn Coach Petra Fisher
This document discusses Brazil's various regions including its political regions, climate regions which include major cities like Brasilia, Sao Paulo, Manaus, Belem, Recife, Belo Horizont, Salvador, Porto Alegre, Rio Branco, and Corumba. It also covers Brazil's landforms regions, agricultural regions, and cultural regions.
This document discusses different regions of Brazil, dividing it into political regions, climate regions which names several major cities, landforms regions, agricultural regions, and cultural regions, specifically mentioning Salvador, Bahia.
Presentation to Leadership Chapel Hill-Carrboro on Blue Ribbon Mentor-AdvocateKristen Smith
BRMA provides mentoring, tutoring, enrichment, and scholarship opportunities to students of color in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools district. Additional funding is needed due to cuts to the Youth Leadership Institute program, which lost 50% of its funding and was affected by federal budget cuts. Leadership Chapel Hill could help by organizing a raffle for a $10,000 dream vacation with 500 $100 tickets or a joint fundraiser with BRMA and other education nonprofits, and asking for corporate sponsors. BRMA is a great nonprofit for Leadership Chapel Hill to support because education is a core community value, and BRMA has quantifiable impact by developing future community leaders who then support other local nonprofits
There has been a tremendous increase of technology - mediated working environment leading to the formation of virtual
teams due to the globalization and it requires a new leadership approach in making them succeed. E-leadership has been
recognized as relevant to lead the virtual team. It is claimed that trust is one of the factors vital to the formation of a
successful virtual team. It is also suggested that building and maintaining trust may be one of the most important factors
leading to virtual team success. However, building trust in a virtual team is a major challenge as team members do not have
face-to-face interaction. Thus, it becomes the sole responsibility of the e-leader in the virtual team to build a trusting relationship between the team members without which the virtual relationship will not succeed. This paper explores the current knowledge about the factors that build trust deemed as critical in virtual team effectiveness and proposed a
framework for building trust in the virtual team. This paper is a reflection for e-leadership in understanding how e-leaders
can build trust in virtual teams that will enhance the performances of virtual teams in the virtual work environment.
The document discusses a Campus STaR Chart assessment for East Central High School. The STaR Chart profiles the school's progress towards technology goals in key areas like infrastructure, use of technology, and professional development. It finds that while technology equipment has increased, more extensive training is still needed to make technology use a regular part of instruction. It concludes that further staff development around technology preparation will help teachers integrate it more fully to enhance student learning.
Killeen High School provides students with access to new computer labs and technology in classrooms to enhance learning. The state of Texas requires schools to teach technology applications, including foundation skills, information acquisition, problem solving, and communication. Teachers must also complete a survey called the Texas S.T.A.R Chart to measure the school's technology competency in areas like teaching, educator preparation, administration support, and infrastructure. The document concludes by noting that the information is required by the state of Texas and the No Child Left Behind Act, and provides a website for teachers to complete the S.T.A.R Chart survey.
Dobijanje soli. Hemija.
As osmi邸ljen u saradnji sa nastavnicom hemije Tatjanom Miladinovi.
Kompletan as mo転ete preuzeti ovde:http://www.digitalnaskola.rs/konkurs/brojPrijavaPoPredmetuIRazredu/razred_8/Hemija/314.html
Soli. Formule i nazivi soli
Uraeno u saradnji sa nastavnicom hemije Tatjanom Miladinovi
Predvieno je kori邸enje bele table.
Kompletan as mo転ete preuzeti ovde:
4.razred O
III mesto - 亳亞亳舒仍仆亳 舒 2010/2011
Ceo as mo転ete preuzeti ovde:
5. Elektronska po邸ta
Elektronska po邸ta, e-po邸ta, imejl, mejl (engl. e-mail)
su razliiti nazivi za mre転ni servis koji omoguava
slanje i primanje poruka raznovrsnog sadr転aja.
Ime predstavlja analogiju tradicionalnoj po邸ti, pri
emu po邸tansko sandue zamenjuju serveri, na
kojima se e-po邸ta uva dok je korisnik ne
6. Elektronska po邸ta
Prvi program za
razmenu poruka
izmeu dva raunara
napisao je Rej
Tomlison 1971.godine.
Tada je internet mre転a
bila mre転a od nekoliko
desetina raunara u
Danas je elektronska po邸ta vodei servis na internetu, i
u svetu je koristi oko milijardu ljudi.
7. Elektronska po邸ta
E-adresa ili adresa elektronike po邸te sastoji se iz dva
deo ispred znaka @ je lokalni
deo adrese i naje邸e oznaava
korisniko ime primaoca
deo iza znaka @ je ime
internet domena na koju e se
poslati poruka
@ je at-znak, majmuni, majmunski
znak, manki (od engleske rei monkey)
8. Elektronska po邸ta
Svaka poruka elektronske po邸te se sastoji iz zaglavlja i tela.
Zaglavlje nosi, izmeu ostalog, sledee podatke:
adresu i ime po邸iljaoca
adresu primaoca
adresu servera preko kojeg je poruka poslata kao i servera koji su
prosleivali poruku na njenom putu do odredi邸ta
datum slanja
ime programa koji je kori邸en za slanje poruke
adresu na koju e se slati odgovor, po naznaci samog po邸iljaoca
prioritet itd.
Telo poruke se mo転e sastojati iz vi邸e delova, u zavisnosti od toga
da li se sa tekstom poruke 邸alju i datoteke.
9. Elektronska po邸ta
Kori邸enje elektronske po邸te je ugro転eno od strane etiri pojave:
bombardovanjem porukama,
poku邸ajima preuzimanja linih podataka
i preno邸enjem virusa.
Pod pojmom spam se podrazumeva
slanje ne転eljenih poruka koje slu転e za
reklamiranje odreenog proizvoda ili
usluge. Po邸to je slanje e-po邸te praktino
besplatno i predstavlja vrlo jeftin nain
reklamiranja, dnevno se po邸alje vi邸e
stotina miliona takvih poruka 邸irom sveta.
10. Elektronska po邸ta
Virusi mogu dolaziti u razliitim oblicima putem elektronske po邸te, ali
se ciljni raunar naje邸e zarazi zahvaljujui nepa転nji korisnika.
Poruka koja sadr転i virus je sama po sebi naje邸e nemona da
napravi ikakvu 邸tetu, ali ukoliko korisnici nepa転ljivo otvaraju svaku
vrstu sadr転aja mo転e doi do aktiviranja virusa.
Dana邸nji serveri za elektronsku po邸tu obino imaju ugraenu
antivirusnu i antispam za邸titu koja spreava ne転eljene poruke da
uop邸te dou do sandueta primaoca i umesto njih se obino 邸alju
obave邸tenja o prepoznatim virusima.