Mobiel leren: Another hype?Rob NadolskiHet substantivistische paradigma tav technologie kan tot meer zinvolle toepassingen van mobiel leren leiden. Bestaande en toekomstige mogelijkheden van mobiel leren passeren de revu.
How to incorporate RSS feeds into your web site using feed2js.orgPeter ThayerThis document provides instructions for incorporating an RSS feed into a website using It outlines the steps to paste an RSS feed URL on the feed2js site, select the number of feed items to display and preview options, and then generate JavaScript code to copy and paste into a website to display the RSS feed. The document also provides an example of what a feed2js-generated feed would look like on the Legacy Library government resources website.
Impact eats sustainability for lunch!EuropeanaPresentation given in Glasgow on June 15 at the workshop 'Moving from Impact to Value', organised by the Scottish Network on Digital Cultural Resources Evaluation
Open Content Business ModelsEuropeanaPresented at Media Plaza event september 10 on business models. Deals with how to monetize on openly available content.
2012 oct 22 shaping access presentation_altEuropeanaTalk about the evolving business model of Europeana at the 'Shaping Access' conference in Berlin, October 23 2012.
Europeana cloud jun 2016 EuropeanaPresentation about the lessons learned from the project and how we plan to move forward with the design of shared services for data partners.
Avaliação de métodos de Segmentação mediante algoritmos de Machine LearningtookumyAvaliação de métodos de segmentação de imagens de plâncton usando algoritmos de machine learning para avaliar a qualidade da água. O documento propõe avaliar diferentes algoritmos de segmentação de imagens de plâncton para analisar o estado da água.
Reef - ESUG 2010Esteban LorenzanoEsteban Lorenzano presents Reef, a Javascript/Ajax component framework for Seaside. Reef allows developers to build Ajax interactions into Seaside applications using a transparent component model. It uses a dispatcher architecture with jQuery and supports callbacks, context, decorations, and plugins to extend components. Developers are encouraged to try Reef and provide feedback.
Photocopier Routine MaintenancePeter ThayerThis chapter describes how to perform routine maintenance tasks for the printer such as loading paper into the paper drawers, adding toner, and cleaning various parts of the printer. It provides instructions for loading paper into the paper drawers, adjusting the paper size settings, adding toner, and cleaning components like the platen glass, feeder, and rollers.
Rss on your_library_sitepeacekaatThis document discusses using RSS feeds in Drupal. It describes using the Feeds and Aggregator modules to import RSS feeds to create nodes or display as sources. Views can be used to organize and style the imported content. Yahoo Pipes is also presented as an option for filtering and combining RSS feeds before importing them into Drupal.
Comics and the Storytelling ImperativeRyan EvansA comparison of story structures within comics and cinema with an emphasis on how viewers and reader are led through storytelling. Examples from Ernie Bushmiller, Chris Ware, Bernie Kriegstein and David Mamet. Taught as a class session for CMS.405 Media and Methods: Seeing and Expression, a class in MIT's Comparative Media Studies Program taught by Glorianna Davenport.
MeeboMe Widget InstructionsPeter ThayerTo add a Meebo Me widget to a website, visitors must first go to to customize their widget and create a Meebo ID. They then copy and paste the widget code into the desired location of their website's HTML.
5 keys for success!ايمن البيليThis document outlines 5 keys for success:
1. Powerful motivations and visualization of dreams are essential for success.
2. Maintaining high energy levels through exercise, diet, and avoiding stress is important.
3. Gaining knowledge through reading and learning, but knowledge must be put into action to be useful.
4. Taking action and working towards goals is key, despite fears of failure or delay.
5. People should dream big and write down their goals and plans to achieve their dreams.
Europeana- The European Information LandscapeEuropeanaEuropeana provides a single access point for over 12 million digitized cultural heritage objects from across Europe, allowing users like a young historian in Madrid to discover primary sources on Estonia from various institutions scattered across the continent and build a picture of the country through his virtual tour of artifacts. However, Europeana recognizes the need to make its homepage more interactive with additional context and ways to engage users beyond just searching and discovering content.
Voyage - PharoConf 2012Esteban LorenzanoThe document discusses Voyage, a persistence layer for Pharo/Squeak that provides a common API and centralized management for saving and retrieving complex object models from various backends such as memory and MongoDB. It provides services like caching live objects, error handling, and reconnection. The API includes methods like #save, #remove, #selectAll. Voyage uses Magritte for object mapping and serialization. Initial versions work but need more optimization and cleanup. Future work includes supporting additional backends and collaborators.
Mars - ESUG 2010Esteban LorenzanoThis document discusses Mars, a framework for building native applications for OSX, iPhone, and iPad using Pharo. It describes Mars' architecture which uses the Objective-C bridge to connect Pharo and Cocoa/CocoaTouch. Views map to Objective-C controls while controllers handle callbacks. The model uses an adaptor to work with different models. Problems with deadlocks are being addressed. The future includes more testing, documentation, and potentially ports to other platforms.
Clearing Paper JamsPeter ThayerWhen a paper jam occurs, the touch panel display shows where the jam is located and instructions to clear it. The document provides step-by-step instructions for clearing jams in various parts of the machine, including the main unit, duplexing unit, exit slot, upper right cover, stack bypass, and paper drawers. It emphasizes removing any remaining jammed paper completely and returning levers and covers to their original positions after clearing each jam.
Abel Gance & J'accuse: Cinematic Pacifism & Filmic PoetryRyan EvansAn exploration of Abel Gance's contributions to cinema technique and storytelling via his film, J'accuse (1919). Acknowledged as the first anti-war feature film, J'accuse is unique in its use of battlefield footage and soldiers on leave from the frontlines at Verdun as actors. Presented at <em>The Cambridge Center for Adult Education</em> with an associated screening of excerpts from the film. (November 2009)</p
Quadern d'aram (1997) de maria àngelsjoanmolarPresentació sobre l'obra "Quadern d'Aram", de M. A. Anglada. La presentació fou exposada en el marc d'una conferència de Lluïsa Julià en una sessió a l'Espai Betúlia, de Badalona, sobre lectures de batxillerat (març 2011).
PELÀEZ HERMANOS S.AjennynaranjoEste documento propone cambios al pacto colectivo de trabajo entre la empresa Peláez Hermanos S.A. y sus empleados para el periodo de enero de 2007 a diciembre de 2008. Algunos de los cambios propuestos incluyen aumentos en las primas de vacaciones, antigüedad, matrimonio, nacimiento y auxilios educativos, así como ajustes en los montos de préstamos para vivienda y calamidad doméstica. También se especifica que nuevos empleados no tendrán derecho a ciertos benefic
Compliance In A Box Documentum Deployment SolutionairschThe document describes Compliance-in-a-Box, a pre-configured content management solution for regulated industries. It offers editions for standard operating procedures and electronic submissions to regulatory agencies. The solution provides a rapid implementation in under 4 weeks using best practices templates. It is cost-effective and scalable to meet organizations' growing content management needs.
Descriptive Statistics in the NCAAsrkthomasThis WebQuest assignment uses descriptive statistics to analyze the performance of NCAA men's basketball teams from the Big 10 conference. Students are divided into groups and assigned roles to research statistics on 2-4 teams, calculate descriptive statistics, conduct statistical tests, create visualizations, and present their findings. The goal is for students to apply their statistical knowledge to real-world sports data and communicate their analysis.
Photocopier Routine MaintenancePeter ThayerThis chapter describes how to perform routine maintenance tasks for the printer such as loading paper into the paper drawers, adding toner, and cleaning various parts of the printer. It provides instructions for loading paper into the paper drawers, adjusting the paper size settings, adding toner, and cleaning components like the platen glass, feeder, and rollers.
Rss on your_library_sitepeacekaatThis document discusses using RSS feeds in Drupal. It describes using the Feeds and Aggregator modules to import RSS feeds to create nodes or display as sources. Views can be used to organize and style the imported content. Yahoo Pipes is also presented as an option for filtering and combining RSS feeds before importing them into Drupal.
Comics and the Storytelling ImperativeRyan EvansA comparison of story structures within comics and cinema with an emphasis on how viewers and reader are led through storytelling. Examples from Ernie Bushmiller, Chris Ware, Bernie Kriegstein and David Mamet. Taught as a class session for CMS.405 Media and Methods: Seeing and Expression, a class in MIT's Comparative Media Studies Program taught by Glorianna Davenport.
MeeboMe Widget InstructionsPeter ThayerTo add a Meebo Me widget to a website, visitors must first go to to customize their widget and create a Meebo ID. They then copy and paste the widget code into the desired location of their website's HTML.
5 keys for success!ايمن البيليThis document outlines 5 keys for success:
1. Powerful motivations and visualization of dreams are essential for success.
2. Maintaining high energy levels through exercise, diet, and avoiding stress is important.
3. Gaining knowledge through reading and learning, but knowledge must be put into action to be useful.
4. Taking action and working towards goals is key, despite fears of failure or delay.
5. People should dream big and write down their goals and plans to achieve their dreams.
Europeana- The European Information LandscapeEuropeanaEuropeana provides a single access point for over 12 million digitized cultural heritage objects from across Europe, allowing users like a young historian in Madrid to discover primary sources on Estonia from various institutions scattered across the continent and build a picture of the country through his virtual tour of artifacts. However, Europeana recognizes the need to make its homepage more interactive with additional context and ways to engage users beyond just searching and discovering content.
Voyage - PharoConf 2012Esteban LorenzanoThe document discusses Voyage, a persistence layer for Pharo/Squeak that provides a common API and centralized management for saving and retrieving complex object models from various backends such as memory and MongoDB. It provides services like caching live objects, error handling, and reconnection. The API includes methods like #save, #remove, #selectAll. Voyage uses Magritte for object mapping and serialization. Initial versions work but need more optimization and cleanup. Future work includes supporting additional backends and collaborators.
Mars - ESUG 2010Esteban LorenzanoThis document discusses Mars, a framework for building native applications for OSX, iPhone, and iPad using Pharo. It describes Mars' architecture which uses the Objective-C bridge to connect Pharo and Cocoa/CocoaTouch. Views map to Objective-C controls while controllers handle callbacks. The model uses an adaptor to work with different models. Problems with deadlocks are being addressed. The future includes more testing, documentation, and potentially ports to other platforms.
Clearing Paper JamsPeter ThayerWhen a paper jam occurs, the touch panel display shows where the jam is located and instructions to clear it. The document provides step-by-step instructions for clearing jams in various parts of the machine, including the main unit, duplexing unit, exit slot, upper right cover, stack bypass, and paper drawers. It emphasizes removing any remaining jammed paper completely and returning levers and covers to their original positions after clearing each jam.
Abel Gance & J'accuse: Cinematic Pacifism & Filmic PoetryRyan EvansAn exploration of Abel Gance's contributions to cinema technique and storytelling via his film, J'accuse (1919). Acknowledged as the first anti-war feature film, J'accuse is unique in its use of battlefield footage and soldiers on leave from the frontlines at Verdun as actors. Presented at <em>The Cambridge Center for Adult Education</em> with an associated screening of excerpts from the film. (November 2009)</p
Quadern d'aram (1997) de maria àngelsjoanmolarPresentació sobre l'obra "Quadern d'Aram", de M. A. Anglada. La presentació fou exposada en el marc d'una conferència de Lluïsa Julià en una sessió a l'Espai Betúlia, de Badalona, sobre lectures de batxillerat (març 2011).
PELÀEZ HERMANOS S.AjennynaranjoEste documento propone cambios al pacto colectivo de trabajo entre la empresa Peláez Hermanos S.A. y sus empleados para el periodo de enero de 2007 a diciembre de 2008. Algunos de los cambios propuestos incluyen aumentos en las primas de vacaciones, antigüedad, matrimonio, nacimiento y auxilios educativos, así como ajustes en los montos de préstamos para vivienda y calamidad doméstica. También se especifica que nuevos empleados no tendrán derecho a ciertos benefic
Compliance In A Box Documentum Deployment SolutionairschThe document describes Compliance-in-a-Box, a pre-configured content management solution for regulated industries. It offers editions for standard operating procedures and electronic submissions to regulatory agencies. The solution provides a rapid implementation in under 4 weeks using best practices templates. It is cost-effective and scalable to meet organizations' growing content management needs.
Descriptive Statistics in the NCAAsrkthomasThis WebQuest assignment uses descriptive statistics to analyze the performance of NCAA men's basketball teams from the Big 10 conference. Students are divided into groups and assigned roles to research statistics on 2-4 teams, calculate descriptive statistics, conduct statistical tests, create visualizations, and present their findings. The goal is for students to apply their statistical knowledge to real-world sports data and communicate their analysis.
Emotional Intelligence in Yoga philosophyRashmiTiwari72Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.
3. nsiemensieme
"Facebook och Twitter en fluga"
Reklamexpert: "Facebook och Twitter en fluga”
Den stora hysterin kring sociala medier som Twitter
och Facebook är bara en modenyck. Snart kommer
ingen i reklambranschen prata om det över huvud
taget, menar Anders Ericson, vd för Sveriges
annonsörer, enligt Dagens Industri.
Oktober 2010 Sociala media /petter kolseth 3
Dagens PS, 2010-10-13
30. nsiemensieme
Cloud Culture
More culture than ever in digital form
More accessible than ever to more people
More contributors than ever
More collaboration platforms
Cloud Culture
Oktober 2010 Sociala media /petter kolseth 30
Charles Leadbeater, Nordvision, November 2009
34. nsiemensieme
Lotus Connections hos TELE2
Oktober 2010 Sociala media /petter kolseth 34
35. nsiemensieme
Guider till Sociala Media
•! Social Media Examiner
•! The Social Media Guide
Oktober 2010 Sociala media /petter kolseth 35
36. nsiemensieme
•! radian6
•! Alterian
•! Scout Labs
•! Collective Intellect
•! Social Mention
•! Trendrr
Oktober 2010 Sociala media /petter kolseth 36
10 Social Media Monitoring Tools for Measuring Social Media Analytics