This document discusses exploring legal and library communities in the virtual world Second Life. It provides an overview of why people explore Second Life, including experiencing a new interface, learning new skills, hosting distance events, networking, and having fun. It also lists some legal concepts and papers related to law in virtual worlds. Finally, it summarizes the evolution of Nova Southeastern University's law library presence in Second Life, from early static displays to the current more modular and accessible design.
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1. Energize! Teleporting to Second Life: Exploring the Legal and Library Communities in a Virtual World AALL Annual Meeting 2008, Session I-2 Meg Kribble aka Anne Idler Emerging Technologies, Reference, & Instructional Services Librarian Nova Southeastern University - Shepard Broad Law Center [email_address]
4. There was a day when I looked forward to my browser not taking several minutes to load. . . . We're not World of Warcraft. We're not structured like any game. Second Life is a 3-D version of your browser in 1993. --Jean Miller , Linden Lab Community Manager, February 2007
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