Possibilità di utilizzare porzioni della banda di frequenze 470-790 MHz attri...CSP Scarl
Giornata di studio sui White Spaces, che si è tenuta lunedì 24 ottobre 2011, 9.30 - 17.00 – Sala Agorà , Incubatore d’Imprese Innovative del Politecnico di Torino (I3P).
This document outlines Governor Rick Perry's 2020 vision to cut, balance, and grow the American economy. It proposes simplifying the tax code so that families and businesses are no longer wasting billions of hours and dollars complying with it. It also advocates lowering the corporate tax rate to make the U.S. more competitive globally and eliminating special interest tax breaks. The plan aims to balance the federal budget without raising taxes through regulatory reform, entitlement reform, and repealing job-killing legislation to spur economic growth.
This document outlines a plan to make locums4you.com the top site for locum tenens and permanent healthcare staffing placements. It discusses optimizing the site for search engines through on-page and off-page SEO. It also recommends expanding social media presence, analyzing competitors, hiring an SEO team, and targeting recruitment agencies, medical facilities, job seekers, and colleges. Short term goals include completing the site and driving organic traffic. Long term goals include developing country-specific sites and forums and partnering with major job boards.
This document provides guidance for journalists on basic safety and security preparations. It recommends thoroughly researching assignments in advance, developing contingency plans, obtaining appropriate equipment and training, and understanding applicable laws and risks. Journalists should travel with support systems, choose secure lodging and transportation, and vet local staff. Freelancers must understand assignment risks and available support. Independent bloggers also face risks and need security networks. Overall, thorough preparation is key to journalist safety.
The document provides information about citing sources in MLA format. It discusses the general guidelines for MLA citations, including providing the author's name and page number when quoting or paraphrasing a source. It also provides examples of how to format in-text citations for various sources, such as books, articles, and works with multiple authors. Specific guidelines are given for citing different types of works, such as classic works with multiple editions and works without a known author.
1) The document describes two prototypes created during a design thinking workshop to help "Mr. L" find a job or start his own business.
2) The first prototype was a blog for Mr. L to showcase his work and networking, but it needed a better design.
3) The second prototype was for Mr. L to start a mobile app development company with friends, which excited him but he was unsure how to begin the business.
Rajeev Prabhakaran is a mechanical engineer with over 10 years of experience as an estimation engineer in Dubai. He currently works as an estimation engineer for Jumbo Engineering LLC where he is responsible for reviewing tender documents, preparing material takeoffs and cost estimates, liaising with suppliers, and developing bills of quantities. Some of the major projects he has worked on include IKEA Warehouse in Dubai, RTA Data Center in Dubai, and construction projects for ADNOC. He holds a Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and has skills in CAD software, quantity takeoff software, and Microsoft Office.
The document discusses the issue of overfishing and its causes and impacts. Overfishing occurs when too many fish are caught, not allowing adequate time for fish populations to replenish. Worldwide fishing levels are two to three times more than oceans can sustainably support. As a result, at least 25% of fish stocks are overexploited or depleted. Overfishing also affects other marine life as fishing moves down the food chain, risking oceans dominated by small fish and invertebrates. Individuals can help by being aware of sustainable seafood options and choices.
Presentazione al Seminario FUB del 4 luglio 2011 "La sfida per l’accesso dinamico e flessibile allo spettro: radio cognitiva, spazi bianchi e nuovo quadro regolatorio "
The document outlines the structure and organization of the RöS°CLAN-LEGION, including definitions of roles such as Captain, Co-Captain, Wing Commanders, squad members, and more. It describes responsibilities like holding training sessions and fun wars. The goal is to build organized squads that can improve their skills through teamwork and prepare for competitions.
SWUG - June 2010 - AD LDS by Andrew ChengDennis Chung
This document provides an overview of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS). It discusses how AD LDS uses the Extensible Storage Engine for file storage and is organized into configuration, schema, and application partitions. The application partition holds application-specific directory data. The document also compares features of AD LDS to Active Directory Domain Services.
Draft SXSW Panel Picker presentation. More coming soon. Panelists from Southwest Airlines, Team One and GSD&M. This panel proposes and explores an idea called Cultures of Advocacy within the context of creative businesses. Please vote and we'll see you in March.
The document provides an acknowledgement for a project report thanking various individuals who provided support and guidance including Mr. Sudhir Bhadoriya, Mr. Akhilesh, and Mr. Sudhir Jain. It expresses gratitude for the opportunity to work at a large telecom company and learn from experienced people during a summer training. Completing the project would not have been possible without the assistance of these experienced individuals.
A teacher showed children a digital story about bread making on YouTube to introduce them to digital cameras and prepare them for a photostory project in the classroom. The children then took many pictures during a bread activity. They selected the pictures and recorded audio to describe them, adding background music to create their own digital story about making bread, which the class enjoyed watching together once complete.
There are internal and external sources of finance available for business growth. Internal sources include reinvesting profits and selling assets. External long-term sources are shares (ordinary and preference) and long-term loans such as debentures, while short-term sources include overdrafts, trade credit, factoring, and leasing. External growth can also be achieved through mergers and acquisitions requiring large amounts of financing from sources such as banks, business angels, and venture capital firms.
This document outlines Governor Rick Perry's 2020 vision to cut, balance, and grow the American economy. It proposes simplifying the tax code so that families and businesses are no longer wasting billions of hours and dollars complying with it. It also advocates lowering the corporate tax rate to make the U.S. more competitive globally and eliminating special interest tax breaks. The plan aims to balance the federal budget without raising taxes through regulatory reform, entitlement reform, and repealing job-killing legislation to spur economic growth.
This document outlines a plan to make locums4you.com the top site for locum tenens and permanent healthcare staffing placements. It discusses optimizing the site for search engines through on-page and off-page SEO. It also recommends expanding social media presence, analyzing competitors, hiring an SEO team, and targeting recruitment agencies, medical facilities, job seekers, and colleges. Short term goals include completing the site and driving organic traffic. Long term goals include developing country-specific sites and forums and partnering with major job boards.
This document provides guidance for journalists on basic safety and security preparations. It recommends thoroughly researching assignments in advance, developing contingency plans, obtaining appropriate equipment and training, and understanding applicable laws and risks. Journalists should travel with support systems, choose secure lodging and transportation, and vet local staff. Freelancers must understand assignment risks and available support. Independent bloggers also face risks and need security networks. Overall, thorough preparation is key to journalist safety.
The document provides information about citing sources in MLA format. It discusses the general guidelines for MLA citations, including providing the author's name and page number when quoting or paraphrasing a source. It also provides examples of how to format in-text citations for various sources, such as books, articles, and works with multiple authors. Specific guidelines are given for citing different types of works, such as classic works with multiple editions and works without a known author.
1) The document describes two prototypes created during a design thinking workshop to help "Mr. L" find a job or start his own business.
2) The first prototype was a blog for Mr. L to showcase his work and networking, but it needed a better design.
3) The second prototype was for Mr. L to start a mobile app development company with friends, which excited him but he was unsure how to begin the business.
Rajeev Prabhakaran is a mechanical engineer with over 10 years of experience as an estimation engineer in Dubai. He currently works as an estimation engineer for Jumbo Engineering LLC where he is responsible for reviewing tender documents, preparing material takeoffs and cost estimates, liaising with suppliers, and developing bills of quantities. Some of the major projects he has worked on include IKEA Warehouse in Dubai, RTA Data Center in Dubai, and construction projects for ADNOC. He holds a Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and has skills in CAD software, quantity takeoff software, and Microsoft Office.
The document discusses the issue of overfishing and its causes and impacts. Overfishing occurs when too many fish are caught, not allowing adequate time for fish populations to replenish. Worldwide fishing levels are two to three times more than oceans can sustainably support. As a result, at least 25% of fish stocks are overexploited or depleted. Overfishing also affects other marine life as fishing moves down the food chain, risking oceans dominated by small fish and invertebrates. Individuals can help by being aware of sustainable seafood options and choices.
Presentazione al Seminario FUB del 4 luglio 2011 "La sfida per l’accesso dinamico e flessibile allo spettro: radio cognitiva, spazi bianchi e nuovo quadro regolatorio "
The document outlines the structure and organization of the RöS°CLAN-LEGION, including definitions of roles such as Captain, Co-Captain, Wing Commanders, squad members, and more. It describes responsibilities like holding training sessions and fun wars. The goal is to build organized squads that can improve their skills through teamwork and prepare for competitions.
SWUG - June 2010 - AD LDS by Andrew ChengDennis Chung
This document provides an overview of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS). It discusses how AD LDS uses the Extensible Storage Engine for file storage and is organized into configuration, schema, and application partitions. The application partition holds application-specific directory data. The document also compares features of AD LDS to Active Directory Domain Services.
Draft SXSW Panel Picker presentation. More coming soon. Panelists from Southwest Airlines, Team One and GSD&M. This panel proposes and explores an idea called Cultures of Advocacy within the context of creative businesses. Please vote and we'll see you in March.
The document provides an acknowledgement for a project report thanking various individuals who provided support and guidance including Mr. Sudhir Bhadoriya, Mr. Akhilesh, and Mr. Sudhir Jain. It expresses gratitude for the opportunity to work at a large telecom company and learn from experienced people during a summer training. Completing the project would not have been possible without the assistance of these experienced individuals.
A teacher showed children a digital story about bread making on YouTube to introduce them to digital cameras and prepare them for a photostory project in the classroom. The children then took many pictures during a bread activity. They selected the pictures and recorded audio to describe them, adding background music to create their own digital story about making bread, which the class enjoyed watching together once complete.
There are internal and external sources of finance available for business growth. Internal sources include reinvesting profits and selling assets. External long-term sources are shares (ordinary and preference) and long-term loans such as debentures, while short-term sources include overdrafts, trade credit, factoring, and leasing. External growth can also be achieved through mergers and acquisitions requiring large amounts of financing from sources such as banks, business angels, and venture capital firms.
2. Eskolen konparaketa Langaitz ikastola Gelako Hardwarea: ordenagailua, pantaila, bozgoragailuak, argazki kamara… + PROIEKTOREA PCaren erabilera: Denbora librean. Sofware didaktikoa: Urtxintxa eta Begizorrotz. Gelako erabilera: Kontsultarako baliabidea, jolasteko, ikasteko eta irakasleen erabilerarako. Mary Ward ikastetxea Gelako Hardwarea: ordenagailua, pantaila, bozgoragailuak, argazki kamara… + HOME CINEMA PCaren erabilera: Denbora librean + astean behin ordenagailu gelara Sofware didaktikoa: Urtxintxa, Birziklator, autobus magikoa… + sofware ludikoa (Disney) Gelako erabilera: Kontsultarako baliabidea, jolasteko eta ikasteko
3. Konparaketaren ondorioak Bietan ordenagailuak erabiltzen dituzte gelan, batez era era ludikoan gelan lantzen dituzten edukiak osatzeko. Ez dute programa berezirik aurrera eramaten baina Urtxintxa eta Pelutxe proiektutik baliabideak eta ideak erabiltzen dituzte. Irakasleak dakienatik abiatzen da ikasleei irakasteko; hau da, ez du ikastaro berezirik egin teknologia berriei buruz (erabiltzaile maila). Sofware didaktikoaz gain, bestelako erabilerak ematen dizkiete ordenagailuei: Google-en informazioa bilatu, argazkiak ikusi, entzungaiak, ipuinak on-line…
4. Etorkizunari begira egin dugun hausnarketa XXI. Mendean bizi gara eta gure ikasleak mende honetan bizitzeko prestatu behar ditugu; hots, teknologia berrien mendean bizitzeko. TB-en erabilera ez da gelan sofware didaktikoa erabiltzera mugatzen. Irakatsi behar dieguna da ordenagailuak nola erabiltzen diren. Arbela digitalaren erabilera oso baliagarria izan daiteke TBen irakaskuntzarako baita beste ekintza batzuk egiteko ere.