The document summarizes a group's experience dining at a Viking-themed restaurant called Harald restaurant. The group of 17 people enjoyed the warm welcome and friendly service. They were satisfied with the tasty food and pleasant atmosphere that matched the Viking concept. While the dark lighting and inability to share dishes were negatives, the group overall had a unique experience and were happy with their choice of restaurant.
The document announces an Engineering and Computer Science Senior Projects Showcase event being held on April 30, 2010 from 1-5 pm, featuring senior design projects from various undergraduate programs in the college showcasing their work through demonstrations, displays, and oral presentations. Students from programs including Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering will be presenting their projects. Faculty from each department encourage attendance at the event to see the outstanding work being done by CSUN students.
Smart phones are becoming ubiquitous among students and can serve as powerful learning tools if used effectively in the classroom. Nearly all high school students now own a device that connects to the internet, even if they cannot all be provided expensive computers. Smart phones allow affordable access to educational resources anywhere and can increase student motivation and engagement through audio books, maps, research, calendars, podcasts and more. Educators must prepare to leverage the opportunities of smart phones in order to teach the next generation.
The document provides suggestions for finding happiness, such as finding humor in other people's mistakes or failures, rude people's reactions, and bad events like Olympic ceremonies. It also suggests being happy to avoid negative consequences from others trying to force happiness or make power points. The tone is lighthearted and comedic in suggesting ways to find happiness through humor in everyday things.
This document outlines a research proposal to study parent engagement among newcomer families in Toronto schools. The study would involve interviews and focus groups with parents and teachers to understand barriers to engagement. It would then implement an intergenerational technology literacy workshop where students teach parents computer skills. Students and parents would provide feedback on the experience. The study aims to develop a framework for engaging diverse parents and add to research on supporting newcomer families in schools. It anticipates the workshop will increase parent belonging and empowerment while helping staff understand parent perspectives and circumstances.
The document discusses various treatment controversies for Meniere's disease. It outlines the history and definition of the disease, as well as current understandings of physiology and pathophysiology. It then summarizes different medical, mechanical, intratympanic, surgical, and ablative treatment options and discusses evidence from studies evaluating their efficacy and side effects, finding that many options remain unproven or controversial while intratympanic gentamicin titration and vestibular nerve section/labyrinthectomy can reliably reduce vertigo.
The document discusses the Toyota Kata method of continuous improvement. It proposes using routines like grasping the current condition, setting a target condition, using PDCA cycles, and coaching katas. These routines are meant to be practiced frequently to develop the capability for continuous improvement. Frequent coaching cycles between a mentor and mentee are also recommended to establish rapport and keep practitioners learning.
This document celebrates Kaitlyn Suzanne Minor's 4th birthday. It includes photos from her first bath, Christmas time, and first birthday. The parents wish their daughter a happy 4th birthday and express their love for her.
16th October 2014 at 1885 Britomart.
Join the meet-up group and attend the next Glug here:
Big thanks to for creating this clip of the night.
Inspirational talks from Mike Van De Elzen Celebrity Chef, Nathan James Cooper TBWA Digital Director and Casey Eden Entrepreneur.
Glug is all about filling up the creative well. Our showcase event is held in London but there are now 8 other events around the world including Auckland.
Based around a series of talks and informal networking dubbed Notworking, Glug has become one of the most exciting, credible and well-attended creative events around the globe.
Glug showcases inspirational creative people and practices from art and architecture, fashion, food, digital and design. Its about taking some time to immerse yourself in something creative and different over a beer or two. says creative director and Glug host Dave Nash
Leo Burnett said, Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, is still the secret of great creative people.
Great danger lies in simply marinating your brain in advertising conversations day after day it will only weaken your own creative spark. adds Nash.
So there it is, get yourself along! New Gluggers are always welcome to come along and see what its all about.
1. The document describes a portal called myHimachal that covers news, tourism, business, and public opinions about Himachal Pradesh in 10 languages.
2. It aims to be the largest source of travel information on Himachal and provide detailed analysis of news and the potential for business opportunities in the state.
3. The portal uses latest technology and design and engages journalists, writers, and contributors from Himachal Pradesh and abroad to share information about the state with visitors from around the world.
The document describes a teacher gathering children's prior knowledge about digital cameras before showing them a digital story about bread making on YouTube to prepare them for a photostory project. The children then took pictures during a bread activity and recorded audio to describe the pictures, adding background music to create their own digital story.
This document provides an overview of the financial and operations of Babtel, a converged communications services provider operating in Iraq and the Middle East. It introduces the executive team and regional office locations. The mission statement aims for Babtel to be the trusted choice for secure, accessible and competitively priced communications services. Details are given on Babtel's coinless phone booth business, circuit switched telephony enterprise services, and Wi-MAX wireless access network.
O documento discute os recursos educacionais abertos, incluindo seu potencial para apoiar comunidades de aprendizagem, aprendizagem ao longo da vida e inclus達o social. No entanto, existem desafios como sustentabilidade, resist棚ncia partilha, qualidade e interoperabilidade. O documento fornece defini巽探es de recursos educacionais abertos e exemplos de projetos e modelos de sustentabilidade.
The document discusses three new problems that have emerged with cloud computing: vendor control over user data, restrictions on accessing and moving data between services, and data becoming siloed in separate cloud services. It then provides details on the Backupify service which aims to address these issues by allowing users to back up their cloud data and retain control and access to it. The document concludes by outlining Backupify's future roadmap to provide more capabilities for analyzing and using the large amounts of user data it has backed up.
Smart phones are becoming ubiquitous among students and can serve as powerful learning tools if used effectively in the classroom. Nearly all high school students now own a device that connects to the internet, even if they cannot all be provided expensive computers. Smart phones allow affordable access to educational resources anywhere and can increase student motivation and engagement through audio books, maps, research, calendars, podcasts and more. Educators must prepare to leverage the opportunities of smart phones in order to teach the next generation.
The document provides suggestions for finding happiness, such as finding humor in other people's mistakes or failures, rude people's reactions, and bad events like Olympic ceremonies. It also suggests being happy to avoid negative consequences from others trying to force happiness or make power points. The tone is lighthearted and comedic in suggesting ways to find happiness through humor in everyday things.
This document outlines a research proposal to study parent engagement among newcomer families in Toronto schools. The study would involve interviews and focus groups with parents and teachers to understand barriers to engagement. It would then implement an intergenerational technology literacy workshop where students teach parents computer skills. Students and parents would provide feedback on the experience. The study aims to develop a framework for engaging diverse parents and add to research on supporting newcomer families in schools. It anticipates the workshop will increase parent belonging and empowerment while helping staff understand parent perspectives and circumstances.
The document discusses various treatment controversies for Meniere's disease. It outlines the history and definition of the disease, as well as current understandings of physiology and pathophysiology. It then summarizes different medical, mechanical, intratympanic, surgical, and ablative treatment options and discusses evidence from studies evaluating their efficacy and side effects, finding that many options remain unproven or controversial while intratympanic gentamicin titration and vestibular nerve section/labyrinthectomy can reliably reduce vertigo.
The document discusses the Toyota Kata method of continuous improvement. It proposes using routines like grasping the current condition, setting a target condition, using PDCA cycles, and coaching katas. These routines are meant to be practiced frequently to develop the capability for continuous improvement. Frequent coaching cycles between a mentor and mentee are also recommended to establish rapport and keep practitioners learning.
This document celebrates Kaitlyn Suzanne Minor's 4th birthday. It includes photos from her first bath, Christmas time, and first birthday. The parents wish their daughter a happy 4th birthday and express their love for her.
16th October 2014 at 1885 Britomart.
Join the meet-up group and attend the next Glug here:
Big thanks to for creating this clip of the night.
Inspirational talks from Mike Van De Elzen Celebrity Chef, Nathan James Cooper TBWA Digital Director and Casey Eden Entrepreneur.
Glug is all about filling up the creative well. Our showcase event is held in London but there are now 8 other events around the world including Auckland.
Based around a series of talks and informal networking dubbed Notworking, Glug has become one of the most exciting, credible and well-attended creative events around the globe.
Glug showcases inspirational creative people and practices from art and architecture, fashion, food, digital and design. Its about taking some time to immerse yourself in something creative and different over a beer or two. says creative director and Glug host Dave Nash
Leo Burnett said, Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, is still the secret of great creative people.
Great danger lies in simply marinating your brain in advertising conversations day after day it will only weaken your own creative spark. adds Nash.
So there it is, get yourself along! New Gluggers are always welcome to come along and see what its all about.
1. The document describes a portal called myHimachal that covers news, tourism, business, and public opinions about Himachal Pradesh in 10 languages.
2. It aims to be the largest source of travel information on Himachal and provide detailed analysis of news and the potential for business opportunities in the state.
3. The portal uses latest technology and design and engages journalists, writers, and contributors from Himachal Pradesh and abroad to share information about the state with visitors from around the world.
The document describes a teacher gathering children's prior knowledge about digital cameras before showing them a digital story about bread making on YouTube to prepare them for a photostory project. The children then took pictures during a bread activity and recorded audio to describe the pictures, adding background music to create their own digital story.
This document provides an overview of the financial and operations of Babtel, a converged communications services provider operating in Iraq and the Middle East. It introduces the executive team and regional office locations. The mission statement aims for Babtel to be the trusted choice for secure, accessible and competitively priced communications services. Details are given on Babtel's coinless phone booth business, circuit switched telephony enterprise services, and Wi-MAX wireless access network.
O documento discute os recursos educacionais abertos, incluindo seu potencial para apoiar comunidades de aprendizagem, aprendizagem ao longo da vida e inclus達o social. No entanto, existem desafios como sustentabilidade, resist棚ncia partilha, qualidade e interoperabilidade. O documento fornece defini巽探es de recursos educacionais abertos e exemplos de projetos e modelos de sustentabilidade.
The document discusses three new problems that have emerged with cloud computing: vendor control over user data, restrictions on accessing and moving data between services, and data becoming siloed in separate cloud services. It then provides details on the Backupify service which aims to address these issues by allowing users to back up their cloud data and retain control and access to it. The document concludes by outlining Backupify's future roadmap to provide more capabilities for analyzing and using the large amounts of user data it has backed up.
2. Eskolen konparaketa Langaitz ikastola Gelako Hardwarea: ordenagailua, pantaila, bozgoragailuak, argazki kamara + PROIEKTOREA PCaren erabilera: Denbora librean. Sofware didaktikoa: Urtxintxa eta Begizorrotz. Gelako erabilera: Kontsultarako baliabidea, jolasteko, ikasteko eta irakasleen erabilerarako. Mary Ward ikastetxea Gelako Hardwarea: ordenagailua, pantaila, bozgoragailuak, argazki kamara + HOME CINEMA PCaren erabilera: Denbora librean + astean behin ordenagailu gelara Sofware didaktikoa: Urtxintxa, Birziklator, autobus magikoa + sofware ludikoa (Disney) Gelako erabilera: Kontsultarako baliabidea, jolasteko eta ikasteko
3. Konparaketaren ondorioak Bietan ordenagailuak erabiltzen dituzte gelan, batez era era ludikoan gelan lantzen dituzten edukiak osatzeko. Ez dute programa berezirik aurrera eramaten baina Urtxintxa eta Pelutxe proiektutik baliabideak eta ideak erabiltzen dituzte. Irakasleak dakienatik abiatzen da ikasleei irakasteko; hau da, ez du ikastaro berezirik egin teknologia berriei buruz (erabiltzaile maila). Sofware didaktikoaz gain, bestelako erabilerak ematen dizkiete ordenagailuei: Google-en informazioa bilatu, argazkiak ikusi, entzungaiak, ipuinak on-line
4. Etorkizunari begira egin dugun hausnarketa XXI. Mendean bizi gara eta gure ikasleak mende honetan bizitzeko prestatu behar ditugu; hots, teknologia berrien mendean bizitzeko. TB-en erabilera ez da gelan sofware didaktikoa erabiltzera mugatzen. Irakatsi behar dieguna da ordenagailuak nola erabiltzen diren. Arbela digitalaren erabilera oso baliagarria izan daiteke TBen irakaskuntzarako baita beste ekintza batzuk egiteko ere.