The document summarizes a student's media studies foundation portfolio project to create a print music magazine targeted at Christian teens aged 16-25. The student followed conventions of real magazines in their product, such as using a catchy title, cover image, and contents page. They aimed to innovate by focusing on a niche Christian music genre. Feedback from their target audience helped them refine their magazine to be more engaging and appealing to readers.
This document discusses persuasive speaking in a democratic society. It explains that persuasion is rooted in controversy and involves questions of fact, value, and policy. It also outlines the concepts of ethos, pathos, and logos in persuasive appeals. Ethos refers to the speaker's credibility, pathos to emotional appeals, and logos to the use of evidence. The document provides tips for strengthening ethos, such as sharing experiences with the audience, citing experts, and considering different viewpoints. It also notes the importance of appealing to audience emotions through techniques like affective language and vivid details.
The document discusses electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from sources like mobile phones and their potential health effects. It summarizes research from the World Health Organization's International EMF Project which found that EMFs from 0-300 GHz do not cause any known health issues. However, some studies have proposed potential thermal and non-thermal effects, though more research is still needed and no direct health hazards have been proven. The document recommends precautionary measures to reduce exposure but concludes that long term mobile phone use has not been definitively linked to health risks.
1) Analysis of student test results from DBE 2 and control schools found that over 75% of students met standards in language and science, but only about 35% met standards in math in both grade 3 and 6.
2) The percentage of students exceeding language standards dropped dramatically from 69.4% in grade 3 to 7.1% in grade 6, and the percentage below standards increased from 5.4% to 21.5%.
3) DBE 2 programming helped narrow the gender gap in math performance, with an 8% difference favoring girls in grade 6 in 2008/09, compared to a 21% difference favoring boys in 2006/07 before DBE 2.
This document provides tips and guidance for real estate professionals on conducting keyword research and optimizing a website for search engine rankings. It recommends starting with broad level 1 keywords for the home page and then targeting more specific level 2 and 3 keywords for subpages and niche pages. Key aspects covered include using keyword tools to analyze search volumes, organizing keywords by priority, and assigning keywords to different pages based on their level of specificity. It also discusses measuring the authority and links of a domain to understand search engine rankings, and performing a competitive analysis to identify gaps and niche opportunities. The overall aim is to understand customer search behaviors and optimize a site's structure and content around relevant keywords at different levels of the search funnel.
All things came to be when "In the beginning, God created" everything in six days, with man and woman as the crown of His creation. God constantly watches over you and sends his angels to protect you. God causes all plants to grow and provides food for every living creature, demonstrating his ongoing care for his creation.
The document discusses the need for public service renewal and innovation to better serve Canadians. It notes that the status quo is not an option and new approaches are needed. The document suggests that by coming together, learning from each other, and challenging conventions, progress can be made on building a renewed public service through open dialogue and collaborative leadership across organizational boundaries.
The student created a print music magazine targeted towards Christian teens aged 16-25. To make the magazine appealing to its niche audience, it followed conventions of real magazines, such as using celebrities on the cover and colorful layouts, while adding some unique elements. The student used various technologies like InDesign, Photoshop and social media to construct and gather feedback on the magazine. The final product showed improvements over preliminary versions through more polished editing and layouts.
This document provides recommendations for a Telecom Equipment Manufacturing Policy in India. It notes that telecom infrastructure is critical for socioeconomic development but India currently imports a major share of its telecom equipment. The document aims to develop a policy framework to promote domestic manufacturing in order to capture more of the economic benefits of telecom growth for India. It outlines the rapid growth India has experienced in telecom connections and estimates that connections will exceed 5 billion by 2020. This will drive significant investment in networks and require vast amounts of telecom equipment. The document recommends measures to promote both domestic manufacturing of full products and component manufacturing to make India more self-reliant in telecom infrastructure and capture more value locally from the country's telecom growth
The first reason Jesus became both God and man in one person was to be our substitute. As true God, he had the power to save us. As true man, he could take our place under the law and suffer for our sins.
Information Preserving Color Transformation for Protanopia and Deuteranopia (...Jia-Bin Huang
This document proposes a new method for recoloring images to make them more comprehensible for those with protanopia and deuteranopia, two types of color blindness. The method aims to preserve color information in the original images while maintaining natural-looking recolored images. It introduces two error functions to measure information preservation and naturalness, which are combined into an objective function using Lagrange multipliers. This function is minimized to obtain optimal color transformation settings. Experimental results show the method can generate more understandable images for those with color deficiencies while keeping recolored images natural-looking for those with normal vision.
Some slides to support my talk to Carleton's Institute of Health;Science, Technology and Policy Knowledge Mobilization masters students. August 6, 2015.
Este documento presenta varios productos de artesanÃa y alimentos chilenos que representan la identidad cultural de Chile. Incluye descripciones breves de cesterÃa mapuche, alfombras tejidas a mano, juegos de greda para sushi, especias y aceites de oliva mapuches, miel chilena de diversos árboles nativos, aceite de canola, nueces tostadas nativas y dulce de leche de cabra. Todos estos artÃculos resaltan tradiciones y productos únicos de Chile.
The document summarizes a student's media studies foundation portfolio project to create a print music magazine targeted at Christian teens aged 16-25. The student followed conventions of real magazines in their product, such as using a catchy title, cover image, and contents page. They aimed to innovate by focusing on a niche Christian music genre. Feedback from their target audience helped them refine their magazine to be more engaging and appealing to readers.
This document discusses communities of practice and learning. It addresses key dimensions and processes of communities of practice including sponsorship, meaning, domain, identity, participation, learning together, and boundaries. It also outlines different learning activities that can take place within a community of practice such as exchanges, building shared understanding, and joint projects. Leadership roles in communities are discussed including coordinators, subgroup leaders, and subject matter experts. The lifecycle and evolution of a learning partnership within a community of practice is also addressed.
The document summarizes the agenda and goals of the Virginia Economic Bridge (VEB) Regional Board of Directors meeting. VEB is a nonprofit organization that promotes economic development in Virginia through partnerships between different regions. Its mission is to advocate for shared economic development visions and partnerships between Southwest Virginia, Northern Virginia, and other regions. The meeting agenda discusses VEB messaging, public-private partnerships and programs, and board recruitment. It provides an overview of VEB's activities, including strategic research, information technology, marketing, and initiatives focused on research, recruitment and retention to create jobs and economic development.
All things came to be when "In the beginning, God created" everything in six days, with man and woman as the crown of His creation. God constantly watches over you and sends his angels to protect you. God causes all plants to grow and provides food for every living creature, demonstrating his ongoing care for his creation.
The document discusses the need for public service renewal and innovation to better serve Canadians. It notes that the status quo is not an option and new approaches are needed. The document suggests that by coming together, learning from each other, and challenging conventions, progress can be made on building a renewed public service through open dialogue and collaborative leadership across organizational boundaries.
The student created a print music magazine targeted towards Christian teens aged 16-25. To make the magazine appealing to its niche audience, it followed conventions of real magazines, such as using celebrities on the cover and colorful layouts, while adding some unique elements. The student used various technologies like InDesign, Photoshop and social media to construct and gather feedback on the magazine. The final product showed improvements over preliminary versions through more polished editing and layouts.
This document provides recommendations for a Telecom Equipment Manufacturing Policy in India. It notes that telecom infrastructure is critical for socioeconomic development but India currently imports a major share of its telecom equipment. The document aims to develop a policy framework to promote domestic manufacturing in order to capture more of the economic benefits of telecom growth for India. It outlines the rapid growth India has experienced in telecom connections and estimates that connections will exceed 5 billion by 2020. This will drive significant investment in networks and require vast amounts of telecom equipment. The document recommends measures to promote both domestic manufacturing of full products and component manufacturing to make India more self-reliant in telecom infrastructure and capture more value locally from the country's telecom growth
The first reason Jesus became both God and man in one person was to be our substitute. As true God, he had the power to save us. As true man, he could take our place under the law and suffer for our sins.
Information Preserving Color Transformation for Protanopia and Deuteranopia (...Jia-Bin Huang
This document proposes a new method for recoloring images to make them more comprehensible for those with protanopia and deuteranopia, two types of color blindness. The method aims to preserve color information in the original images while maintaining natural-looking recolored images. It introduces two error functions to measure information preservation and naturalness, which are combined into an objective function using Lagrange multipliers. This function is minimized to obtain optimal color transformation settings. Experimental results show the method can generate more understandable images for those with color deficiencies while keeping recolored images natural-looking for those with normal vision.
Some slides to support my talk to Carleton's Institute of Health;Science, Technology and Policy Knowledge Mobilization masters students. August 6, 2015.
Este documento presenta varios productos de artesanÃa y alimentos chilenos que representan la identidad cultural de Chile. Incluye descripciones breves de cesterÃa mapuche, alfombras tejidas a mano, juegos de greda para sushi, especias y aceites de oliva mapuches, miel chilena de diversos árboles nativos, aceite de canola, nueces tostadas nativas y dulce de leche de cabra. Todos estos artÃculos resaltan tradiciones y productos únicos de Chile.
The document summarizes a student's media studies foundation portfolio project to create a print music magazine targeted at Christian teens aged 16-25. The student followed conventions of real magazines in their product, such as using a catchy title, cover image, and contents page. They aimed to innovate by focusing on a niche Christian music genre. Feedback from their target audience helped them refine their magazine to be more engaging and appealing to readers.
This document discusses communities of practice and learning. It addresses key dimensions and processes of communities of practice including sponsorship, meaning, domain, identity, participation, learning together, and boundaries. It also outlines different learning activities that can take place within a community of practice such as exchanges, building shared understanding, and joint projects. Leadership roles in communities are discussed including coordinators, subgroup leaders, and subject matter experts. The lifecycle and evolution of a learning partnership within a community of practice is also addressed.
The document summarizes the agenda and goals of the Virginia Economic Bridge (VEB) Regional Board of Directors meeting. VEB is a nonprofit organization that promotes economic development in Virginia through partnerships between different regions. Its mission is to advocate for shared economic development visions and partnerships between Southwest Virginia, Northern Virginia, and other regions. The meeting agenda discusses VEB messaging, public-private partnerships and programs, and board recruitment. It provides an overview of VEB's activities, including strategic research, information technology, marketing, and initiatives focused on research, recruitment and retention to create jobs and economic development.