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eStudent Services: A Look at
Lorain County Community College
Amy Calapa 息 2015
Overview of eStudent Services
 What are eStudent Services?
 Resources and/or support systems that are fully online.
 Who do they serve?
 Any student, whether the student is taking online or in-person
 How are they structured?
 Clear information on the website
 may utilize various technologies and software (chat, email,
videos, video chat, collaborative function, social media, LMSs,
 May be asynchronous or synchronous
Purpose of eStudent Services
 To provide easily accessible information, support and
engagement with the learning experience to promote
student success
 To remove potential barriers to the success of
learners (i.e. difficulties with navigating the
educational system, access to academic
 Allows learners to access help when they need it;
even if the traditional methods of receiving
assistance are not available (i.e. at night or from a
Types of eStudent Services
 Enrollment Management services (Admissions,
Registrars, Bursars, Financial Aid)
 Example: ability to chat with an Admissions Counselor live
 Advising services (academic/career advising,
 Example: Skype appointments with an academic advisor
 Academic services (tutoring, library resources,
 Example: Online on-demand tutoring, or video based
 Student Affairs services (orientation, engagement)
 Example: creating engagement experiences through social
Lorain County Community College (LCCC)
A community college located in Lorain, Ohio that
offers an array of associate degree and certificate
programs, University partnerships, and MyUniversity
for high school students.
To learn more watch this video introducing you to
LCCC and its community impact.
LCCC eStudent Services (slide 1 of 3)
 Admissions & Transfer: Live chat and
online application, and information
 Advising & Counseling: Live chat &
email, academic withdrawal brochure,
Academic requirements & My Planner
interactive tools
 Distance Learning Team/Resources:
Live Chat function and other resources
LCCC eStudent Services (slide 2 of 3)
 Academic Support Center: Online tutoring, math
worksheets, links to outside resources (i.e. Noodle
Tools, Khan Academy)
 Career Services: My Plan (career assessments,
etc.), Career Coach, career workshop materials
 Financial Aid: FAFSA resources, instructions and
 Financial literacy: planning resources
LCCC eStudent Services (slide 3 of 3)
 LMS: Canvas
 24 hour support, online student guides
 My Campus: student portal overview and tutorials
Orientation: New Student Online Orientation
 Student Success presentation
 Library Services: online access to
books, journals etc., Ask a Librarian
function, Distance Learning Library
Services, books delivered to your
Ease of Use
 More than one office has at least a small focus on
eStudent Services (i.e. Admission, Advising,
Financial Aid, Bookstore, Library).
 Website has a lot of good, useful information on the
site with contact information for the various offices
 Many offices of live chat, or even text services
 The tutorials seem comprehensive for those having
problems with Canvas or the My Campus portal
 Orientation program includes various short videos
which makes the orientation engaging and shares
actual people to connect with and see during the
online experience
The LCCC website is:
 Text-heavy. Each student services related website had a
lot of text, which is hard to read through and is not
appropriate for the fast paced, short attention span
 The design is archaic and outdated. There design is
difficult to navigate and unpleasing to the eye. A more
updated design with easily navigable links and content
based menus would make the information for accessible.
The eStudent Services are scattered in various
 Users must dig through the website. There is not one
place users can go to access all the available online
student services.
 Update the technology of the website to a more modern
feel using less text on each page, easily navigable
menus organized by content/subject.
 Utilize more videos tutorials/explanations in place of
website text or text heavy documents
 Consider using virtual communication systems like Skype
or other software for advising meetings & other forms of
 Create a link easily accessible on the main page, or the
distance learning website on all available 100% online
students services
 All workshops advertised were in person. Resources
from workshops were published online. Consider webinar
workshops for distance learners.
 Lorain County Community College. (2015).
Homepage. Retrieved from http://www.lorainccc.edu/
 Thackaberry, S. (n.d.). Virtual student support
services. [curated content]. Retrieved from

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eStudent Services.pptx

  • 1. eStudent Services: A Look at Lorain County Community College Amy Calapa 息 2015
  • 2. Overview of eStudent Services What are eStudent Services? Resources and/or support systems that are fully online. Who do they serve? Any student, whether the student is taking online or in-person courses. How are they structured? Clear information on the website may utilize various technologies and software (chat, email, videos, video chat, collaborative function, social media, LMSs, etc). May be asynchronous or synchronous
  • 3. Purpose of eStudent Services To provide easily accessible information, support and engagement with the learning experience to promote student success To remove potential barriers to the success of learners (i.e. difficulties with navigating the educational system, access to academic information/support) Allows learners to access help when they need it; even if the traditional methods of receiving assistance are not available (i.e. at night or from a distance)
  • 4. Types of eStudent Services Enrollment Management services (Admissions, Registrars, Bursars, Financial Aid) Example: ability to chat with an Admissions Counselor live Advising services (academic/career advising, counseling) Example: Skype appointments with an academic advisor Academic services (tutoring, library resources, bookstore) Example: Online on-demand tutoring, or video based instruction Student Affairs services (orientation, engagement) Example: creating engagement experiences through social media
  • 5. Lorain County Community College (LCCC) A community college located in Lorain, Ohio that offers an array of associate degree and certificate programs, University partnerships, and MyUniversity for high school students. To learn more watch this video introducing you to LCCC and its community impact.
  • 6. LCCC eStudent Services (slide 1 of 3) Admissions & Transfer: Live chat and online application, and information Advising & Counseling: Live chat & email, academic withdrawal brochure, Academic requirements & My Planner interactive tools Distance Learning Team/Resources: Live Chat function and other resources
  • 7. LCCC eStudent Services (slide 2 of 3) Academic Support Center: Online tutoring, math worksheets, links to outside resources (i.e. Noodle Tools, Khan Academy) Career Services: My Plan (career assessments, etc.), Career Coach, career workshop materials Financial Aid: FAFSA resources, instructions and tools Financial literacy: planning resources
  • 8. LCCC eStudent Services (slide 3 of 3) LMS: Canvas 24 hour support, online student guides My Campus: student portal overview and tutorials Orientation: New Student Online Orientation Student Success presentation Library Services: online access to books, journals etc., Ask a Librarian function, Distance Learning Library Services, books delivered to your home
  • 9. Ease of Use More than one office has at least a small focus on eStudent Services (i.e. Admission, Advising, Financial Aid, Bookstore, Library). Website has a lot of good, useful information on the site with contact information for the various offices Many offices of live chat, or even text services (Library) The tutorials seem comprehensive for those having problems with Canvas or the My Campus portal Orientation program includes various short videos which makes the orientation engaging and shares actual people to connect with and see during the online experience
  • 10. Concerns The LCCC website is: Text-heavy. Each student services related website had a lot of text, which is hard to read through and is not appropriate for the fast paced, short attention span generation The design is archaic and outdated. There design is difficult to navigate and unpleasing to the eye. A more updated design with easily navigable links and content based menus would make the information for accessible. The eStudent Services are scattered in various locations: Users must dig through the website. There is not one place users can go to access all the available online student services.
  • 11. Recommendations Update the technology of the website to a more modern feel using less text on each page, easily navigable menus organized by content/subject. Utilize more videos tutorials/explanations in place of website text or text heavy documents Consider using virtual communication systems like Skype or other software for advising meetings & other forms of communication Create a link easily accessible on the main page, or the distance learning website on all available 100% online students services All workshops advertised were in person. Resources from workshops were published online. Consider webinar workshops for distance learners.
  • 12. References Lorain County Community College. (2015). Homepage. Retrieved from http://www.lorainccc.edu/ Thackaberry, S. (n.d.). Virtual student support services. [curated content]. Retrieved from http://learni.st/users/sashatberr/boards/85611-virtual- student-support-services