3.1 Sistemas OperativosMeztli Valeriano OrozcoEste documento describe la herramienta Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA), la cual puede escanear sistemas para identificar vulnerabilidades de seguridad como contraseñas débiles, actualizaciones de seguridad faltantes, y configuraciones de seguridad incorrectas. MBSA puede escanear sistemas Windows y producir informes con recomendaciones para corregir cualquier problema detectado. El documento también explica cómo descargar, instalar y ejecutar MBSA para escanear un sistema individual y verificar el estado de las contraseñas.
The layers of the earthNMMPThe document outlines the three main layers that make up Earth's spheres - the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere. It describes the atmosphere as a gaseous layer made mostly of nitrogen and oxygen that is divided into three layers: the troposphere containing weather, the stratosphere containing the ozone layer, and the ionosphere which reflects radio waves. The geosphere is described as the solid part of Earth consisting of three layers - the crust made of rock, the mantle of liquid rock, and the core made mostly of iron. The hydrosphere is defined as all the water on Earth existing as liquid in oceans, seas and lakes, solid as snow and ice, and gas as water vapor.
Consrtuction bondsvigyanashramStretcher bond is the most common brick laying pattern where bricks are offset by half with the long edge exposed. English bond produces a solid, one brick thick wall that is the strongest through alternating headers and stretchers. Flemish bond is considered the most decorative through alternating stretchers and headers in each row for a symmetrical pattern.
Qualcomm Life Connect 2013 - Rick Valencia WelcomeQualcomm LifeRick Valencia, VP of Qualcomm Life, welcomed attendees to the #CONNECT2013 conference. The document summarized that 300 million people in North America and Europe have at least one chronic disease, with costs related to chronic conditions accounting for 84% of health spending. Telehealth/remote patient monitoring was shown to reduce mortality rates by 45% and hospital readmissions by 30%. Qualcomm Life was described as having over 270 customers and technology partners worldwide across various sectors of healthcare. The conference looked to discuss shifting care outside of hospitals and into homes and communities through team-based care and connectivity between various healthcare stakeholders.
Live voteEder HolguinLive Vote is a global sentiment and analytics platform that gathers consumer sentiment in an agile environment and delivers actionable data to publishers and advertisers, while allowing consumers to “Live Vote” and voice their opinions about topics they are passionate about.
Heineken - Urban Market Manager John RomanoThe agenda for July 19th includes a discussion of the Jr. Olympic Skills Program in the morning sessions, followed by an afternoon discussion on personal and professional development touching on the importance of failure. The Jr. Olympic Skills Program is a national multi-sport program for youth ages 8 to 13 focused on promoting healthy lifestyles. On average, local competitions see around 25 kid participants.
Behind the Berlin Wall in 1982Richard KelleyIn this week's edition of Saturday Briefing, I honored our Veterans and shared with readers some fascinating moments and photos taken when my wife Linda and I went behind the Berlin Wall in 1982. Enjoy!
Indianapolis Home Inspectors Advice. How to keep a home inspection from killi...Rob RehmThe document provides tips for real estate agents to help buyers manage their emotions during the home inspection process to avoid the deal falling through. It suggests (1) preparing buyers that inspections uncover issues and not all homes are perfect, (2) selecting an inspector with a good personality and communication skills to match the buyers, and (3) educating buyers about any deficiencies found to reduce fear and keep the process positive.
The world at work: Jobs, pay and skills for 3,5 billion people. From McKinsey...Benjamin CrucqThe world at work: Jobs, pay and skills for 3,5 billion people. From McKinsey Global Institute. June 2012.
How To Bring In Work as a Blogging Lawyer - ݺߣs from LexBlog's WebinarLexBlog, Inc.The document discusses strategies for lawyers to bring in work through blogging. It provides examples from several successful law firm blogs and their tactics, which include getting leadership support, maintaining a niche focus, highlighting individuals, promoting blog networks, engaging audiences, and demonstrating genuine interaction. The document also outlines the services provided by LexBlog to help law firms establish professional blogs.
LIFE ElderCare Fall 2011 NewsletterLIFE ElderCareLIFE ElderCare provides direct services like meals, transportation, and exercise programs to help frail and homebound seniors in Fremont, Newark, and Union City stay healthy and independent. The organization relies heavily on volunteers, who in the past year donated over 30,000 hours through programs like Meals on Wheels, friendly visiting, and medical transportation. LIFE ElderCare's fall prevention program works with nursing students and helps over 350 seniors reduce their risk of falling through customized in-home exercise plans. The organization aims to support aging in place by addressing seniors' needs through a network of volunteers, community partnerships, and fundraising to supplement the Meals on Wheels program.
Vicarious Systems at Singularity Summit 2011Scott Brown A makes more sense than B. Using a shirt to dry one's feet after getting them wet is a common and sensible thing to do, while using glasses to dry one's feet does not really make logical sense and would not be an effective way to dry one's feet.
Car Vip Protection presentationriskisThe document describes a vehicle-mounted jamming system for blocking remote-controlled improvised explosive devices. It has 1530 watts of output power across multiple frequency bands from 20 MHz to 3000 MHz. The system uses modular components and antennas to provide 360-degree protection. It can operate in sweep, GSM, or open communication window modes and is designed for VIP protection and convoy security applications.
Ppt class lesson 2Danny ThomasThis document provides instructions for adding Facebook content such as images and videos to a PowerPoint presentation. It outlines the steps to copy an image from Facebook, paste it into PowerPoint, and crop/resize it. It also describes how to save a Facebook video by changing the URL and then inserting it into a PowerPoint slide. The document aims to teach how to incorporate Facebook media into presentations.
KPCB Internet Trends 2012Benjamin CrucqMary Meeker presented an overview of internet trends at the 2012 Stanford Internet Trends conference. Some key points from the document include:
- Global internet users reached 2.4 billion in 2012 with 8% year-over-year growth, driven largely by emerging markets.
- Smartphone subscribers surpassed 1.1 billion globally in Q4 2012, with 42% year-over-year growth, though smartphones still only account for 17% of total mobile subscribers.
- Tablet and mobile adoption is growing rapidly, surpassing desktop computers. iOS and Android combined captured 45% of the personal computing market in 2012, compared to 35% for Windows.
Cholesterol[1]sunfresh98Cholesterol is a type of fat made by the liver and found in animal foods. There are two types - HDL (good cholesterol) and LDL (bad cholesterol). High LDL levels can increase risks of heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, and kidney failure by forming fatty plaques that restrict blood flow. Main causes of high cholesterol are eating saturated fats, being overweight, and lack of exercise. Ways to lower cholesterol include eating more fruits/veggies, oily fish, and fiber-rich foods and less fried foods, high-fat dairy, and saturated fats. Exercise and lifestyle changes like quitting smoking can also help lower cholesterol.
Presant identicariskisThe document describes an SMS (Smart Simulator) system that provides simulated firearms training for military and security forces using a laser, camera, projector, and software. The SMS system allows up to 4 trainees to conduct motion, technical, tactical, and video drills on a projected firing range from 1-20 meters without live ammunition for training purposes under friendly control and monitoring of operations and data.
Introduction to plumbing Part 3 vigyanashramThis document provides instructions for basic plumbing tasks like concreting, soldering, and hammering. It explains that concreting involves mixing cement, sand and aggregate in a 1:2:4 ratio. Proper preparation of the ground is important for concreting, such as removing loose earth and cutting tree roots. Soldering requires using a soldering iron and blow lamp. Hammering should be done carefully by holding one object firmly while slowly hammering in another with the other hand. Videos are linked to demonstrate concreting techniques.
Liene Bērziņa – “Ko mūsu mīlētākie zīmoli vēsta par mums?”nacionalaidentitateDiskusija „Identitāte, zīmoli un patērniecība – vai mēs esam tas, ko mēs lietojam?”
Inta Priedola – “Zīmolu izvēle latviešu un cittautiešu auditorijās”nacionalaidentitateDiskusija „Identitāte, zīmoli un patērniecība – vai mēs esam tas, ko mēs lietojam?”
Live voteEder HolguinLive Vote is a global sentiment and analytics platform that gathers consumer sentiment in an agile environment and delivers actionable data to publishers and advertisers, while allowing consumers to “Live Vote” and voice their opinions about topics they are passionate about.
Heineken - Urban Market Manager John RomanoThe agenda for July 19th includes a discussion of the Jr. Olympic Skills Program in the morning sessions, followed by an afternoon discussion on personal and professional development touching on the importance of failure. The Jr. Olympic Skills Program is a national multi-sport program for youth ages 8 to 13 focused on promoting healthy lifestyles. On average, local competitions see around 25 kid participants.
Behind the Berlin Wall in 1982Richard KelleyIn this week's edition of Saturday Briefing, I honored our Veterans and shared with readers some fascinating moments and photos taken when my wife Linda and I went behind the Berlin Wall in 1982. Enjoy!
Indianapolis Home Inspectors Advice. How to keep a home inspection from killi...Rob RehmThe document provides tips for real estate agents to help buyers manage their emotions during the home inspection process to avoid the deal falling through. It suggests (1) preparing buyers that inspections uncover issues and not all homes are perfect, (2) selecting an inspector with a good personality and communication skills to match the buyers, and (3) educating buyers about any deficiencies found to reduce fear and keep the process positive.
The world at work: Jobs, pay and skills for 3,5 billion people. From McKinsey...Benjamin CrucqThe world at work: Jobs, pay and skills for 3,5 billion people. From McKinsey Global Institute. June 2012.
How To Bring In Work as a Blogging Lawyer - ݺߣs from LexBlog's WebinarLexBlog, Inc.The document discusses strategies for lawyers to bring in work through blogging. It provides examples from several successful law firm blogs and their tactics, which include getting leadership support, maintaining a niche focus, highlighting individuals, promoting blog networks, engaging audiences, and demonstrating genuine interaction. The document also outlines the services provided by LexBlog to help law firms establish professional blogs.
LIFE ElderCare Fall 2011 NewsletterLIFE ElderCareLIFE ElderCare provides direct services like meals, transportation, and exercise programs to help frail and homebound seniors in Fremont, Newark, and Union City stay healthy and independent. The organization relies heavily on volunteers, who in the past year donated over 30,000 hours through programs like Meals on Wheels, friendly visiting, and medical transportation. LIFE ElderCare's fall prevention program works with nursing students and helps over 350 seniors reduce their risk of falling through customized in-home exercise plans. The organization aims to support aging in place by addressing seniors' needs through a network of volunteers, community partnerships, and fundraising to supplement the Meals on Wheels program.
Vicarious Systems at Singularity Summit 2011Scott Brown A makes more sense than B. Using a shirt to dry one's feet after getting them wet is a common and sensible thing to do, while using glasses to dry one's feet does not really make logical sense and would not be an effective way to dry one's feet.
Car Vip Protection presentationriskisThe document describes a vehicle-mounted jamming system for blocking remote-controlled improvised explosive devices. It has 1530 watts of output power across multiple frequency bands from 20 MHz to 3000 MHz. The system uses modular components and antennas to provide 360-degree protection. It can operate in sweep, GSM, or open communication window modes and is designed for VIP protection and convoy security applications.
Ppt class lesson 2Danny ThomasThis document provides instructions for adding Facebook content such as images and videos to a PowerPoint presentation. It outlines the steps to copy an image from Facebook, paste it into PowerPoint, and crop/resize it. It also describes how to save a Facebook video by changing the URL and then inserting it into a PowerPoint slide. The document aims to teach how to incorporate Facebook media into presentations.
KPCB Internet Trends 2012Benjamin CrucqMary Meeker presented an overview of internet trends at the 2012 Stanford Internet Trends conference. Some key points from the document include:
- Global internet users reached 2.4 billion in 2012 with 8% year-over-year growth, driven largely by emerging markets.
- Smartphone subscribers surpassed 1.1 billion globally in Q4 2012, with 42% year-over-year growth, though smartphones still only account for 17% of total mobile subscribers.
- Tablet and mobile adoption is growing rapidly, surpassing desktop computers. iOS and Android combined captured 45% of the personal computing market in 2012, compared to 35% for Windows.
Cholesterol[1]sunfresh98Cholesterol is a type of fat made by the liver and found in animal foods. There are two types - HDL (good cholesterol) and LDL (bad cholesterol). High LDL levels can increase risks of heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, and kidney failure by forming fatty plaques that restrict blood flow. Main causes of high cholesterol are eating saturated fats, being overweight, and lack of exercise. Ways to lower cholesterol include eating more fruits/veggies, oily fish, and fiber-rich foods and less fried foods, high-fat dairy, and saturated fats. Exercise and lifestyle changes like quitting smoking can also help lower cholesterol.
Presant identicariskisThe document describes an SMS (Smart Simulator) system that provides simulated firearms training for military and security forces using a laser, camera, projector, and software. The SMS system allows up to 4 trainees to conduct motion, technical, tactical, and video drills on a projected firing range from 1-20 meters without live ammunition for training purposes under friendly control and monitoring of operations and data.
Introduction to plumbing Part 3 vigyanashramThis document provides instructions for basic plumbing tasks like concreting, soldering, and hammering. It explains that concreting involves mixing cement, sand and aggregate in a 1:2:4 ratio. Proper preparation of the ground is important for concreting, such as removing loose earth and cutting tree roots. Soldering requires using a soldering iron and blow lamp. Hammering should be done carefully by holding one object firmly while slowly hammering in another with the other hand. Videos are linked to demonstrate concreting techniques.
Liene Bērziņa – “Ko mūsu mīlētākie zīmoli vēsta par mums?”nacionalaidentitateDiskusija „Identitāte, zīmoli un patērniecība – vai mēs esam tas, ko mēs lietojam?”
Inta Priedola – “Zīmolu izvēle latviešu un cittautiešu auditorijās”nacionalaidentitateDiskusija „Identitāte, zīmoli un patērniecība – vai mēs esam tas, ko mēs lietojam?”
Semantics in Visual Perception: Methodological Remarks, Issues and Perspecti...nacionalaidentitateThe document discusses methodological issues in researching the interaction between visual perception and semantics. It provides an outline of key topics including: (1) the role of psychophysics in visual perception, (2) how semantics arises from visual grouping, shape assignment, and meaning assignment processes, and (3) the role of invariants, affordances, events, and experience in visual perception and the emergence of meaning. The author argues that visual perception involves hierarchical processing from low-level stimuli to higher-level semantics and that experience holistically influences how meaning arises from visual information.
Nacionālās identitātes izpausmes populārajā kultūrā: "Prāta Vētras" konstrukc...nacionalaidentitate
Sociālās drošības pasākumi krīzes laikā sociālās stabilitātes nodrošināšanai
1. Sociālās drošības
pasākumi krīzes laikā
sociālās stabilitātes nodrošināšanai
BA.filol. Evija Kūla
2011.gada 25.oktobrī
2. Mērķis
Vai un kā krīzes laikā īstenotie
pasākumi ir veicinājuši sociālo
stabilitāti valstī?
Kāda ir šīs īstenotās politikas radītā
ietekme uz nabadzību valstī šodien un
3. Saturs
1. Statistika par nabadzību.
2. Valsts politika līdz 2011.gada
31.decembrim un vīzija no 2012.gada.
3. Iedzīvotāju viedoklis par nabadzību
2009/07 līdz 2010/10.
4. Nākotnes risks.
4. NABADZĪBA Eiropas kontekstā
NABADZĪBA - materiālo resursu trūkums, kā
rezultātā cilvēks nevar nodrošināt dzīvei
nepieciešamās pamatvajadzības*. Nabadzības
riskam pakļautie iedzīvotāji ir personas, kuru
ikmēneša ienākumi ir zemāki par 60 % no rīcībā
esošo ienākumu mediānas pārrēķinātas uz
ekvivalento patērētāju.
*Eiropas Komisijas Kopējais sociālās iekļaušanas ziņojums, 2004
5. Nabadzība Latvijas kontekstā - TRŪCĪGAS un
Trūcīga ģimene (persona)*- vidējie ienākumi
katram ģimenes loceklim mēnesī pēdējo triju
mēnešu laikā nepārsniedz 90 Ls mēnesī + 4
papildus nosacījumi atbilstoši MKN
(reglamentē valsts)
Maznodrošināta** persona - ienākumi un
materiālais stāvoklis nepārsniedz attiecīgās
pašvaldības domes noteikto līmeni, un tas
nav zemāks par trūcīgas personas ienākumu
un materiālā stāvokļa līmeni (reglamentē
*Saskaņā ar 21.11.2010. grozījumiem 2010.gada 30.marta MK noteikumos Nr.
299 „Noteikumi par ģimenes vai atsevišķi dzīvojošas personas atzīšanu par
trūcīgu” (MKN Nr.1140).
** Saskaņā ar likuma “Par palīdzību dzīvokļa jautājuma risināšanā” 14.panta
6. Trūcīgas personas Latvijā 2007-2010
Kopējais trūcīgo personu skaits
Latvijā, 2007. - 2010.gads
282 107
300 000
176 138
200 000
103 022 120 314
100 000
2007 2008 2009 2010
Trūcīgo personu īpatsvars % no
iedzīvotājiem valstī kopumā
5 4,52 5,3
2007 2008 2009 2010
7. Kādi iedzīvotāji Latvijā ir trūcīgi?
Trūcīgo personu sadalījums pa iedzīvotāju grupām 2010.gadā
janvāris februāris marts aprīlis maijs jūnijs jūlijs augusts septembris oktobris novembris decembris
pensijas vecuma personas 5715 6586 7718 8355 8214 7739 7328 8095 8698 8562 8413 8594
pilngadīgas personas ar invaliditāti 5368 6288 6975 7726 8352 8490 8614 9323 10175 10251 10238 10504
personas bērna kopšanas atvaļinājumā 3200 3392 3907 4187 4484 4599 4575 4969 5318 5268 5074 5144
pilngadīgas darbspējīgas nestrādājošas personas 37681 48002 56415 61888 63462 64253 63420 70003 75250 72399 68905 68369
pilngadīgas strādājošas personas 11646 14336 16932 17979 17577 16218 15579 16722 18339 18543 18288 19607
bērni 39483 46416 51640 53911 53544 52297 51826 58107 62997 62427 60378 60637
16. Galvenās iedzīvotāju grupas, kuras ir
1. Bezdarbnieki jeb nestrādājošie.
2. Bērni.
3. Strādājošie.
17. Valsts politika krīzes radītās negatīvās
sociālās ietekmes mazināšanai
(MK 08.09.2009.)
Paredz nodrošināt:
garantēto minimālo ienākumu (GMI) trūcīgajām
personām un dzīvokļa pabalstu (LM);
pirmsskolas izglītības pieejamību (IZM);
veselības aprūpes pamata pakalpojumu un pamata
medikamentu pieejamību personām ar zemiem
ienākumiem (VM);
darba praksi pašvaldībās jeb 100 Ls programma (LM);
transporta pakalpojumus izglītības sistēmā un
sabiedriskā transporta pakalpojumus pasažieru
kategorijām ar braukšanas maksas atvieglojumiem (SM).
19. Ko domā iedzīvotāji par nabadzību valstī?
EK pētījums (2009/jūl, 2009/dec/,2010/mar, 2010/mai,
2010/okt = 5 aptaujas), lai apzinātu ES iedzīvotāju viedokli
saistībā ar globālās ekonomikas krīzes radīto sociālo
ietekmi. Mērķi:
noskaidrot sabiedrības viedokli par valstī pastāvošo nabadzību un
iegūt informāciju par mājsaimniecību finanšu grūtību pakāpi šobrīd
un turpmāko 12 mēnešu laikā;
izmērīt veselības un sociālās aprūpes pakalpojumu pieejamības
pārmaiņas pēdējā pusgada laikā;
noskaidrot, ko iedzīvotāji domā par savas nākotnes pensiju un to
bažām par saviem ienākumiem, sasniedzot pensijas vecumu.
Pētījumā tika noskaidrots arī par:
mājsaimniecību finansiālo situāciju;
risku nespēt veikt dažādus maksājumus;
spēju atļauties esošo dzīvesvietu;
iespējamību saglabāt darbu.
20. Galvenie secinājumi no Eirobarometra - 1
2009/jūl 51 % LV respondentu uzskata, ka nabadzība valstī ir ļoti
palielinājusies (1.vieta ES-27), 2010/okt - 33 % (10.v. ES27);
48 % LV respondentu uzskata, valstī katrs trešais jeb 30 % ir nabadzīgi
( 4.v. ES27);
50% LV respondentu nespēj samaksāt par mājsaimniecības rēķiniem
un kredītu maksājumiem vai tiek galā, bet pastāvīgi ir jāpiepūlas (2.v.
34 % pēdējo 12 mēnešu laikā ir trūkusi nauda, lai samaksātu par
ikdienišķiem rēķiniem, nopirktu pārtiku vai iegādātos citas ikdienas
patēriņa preces (3.v. ES27);
2009/jūl 64 % pēdējo 6 mēnešu laikā ir bijis ļoti grūti vai grūtāk atļauties
veselības aprūpi sev vai tuviniekiem (1.vieta ES27), 2010/okt – 50% (3.v.
32 % pēdējo 6 mēnešu laikā ir bijis ļoti grūti vai grūtāk atļauties bērnu
aprūpes pakalpojumus (9.v. ES27);
49 % pēdējo 6 mēnešu laikā ir bijis ļoti grūti vai grūtāk atļauties
ilgtermiņa aprūpes pakalpojumus (6.v. ES27);
21. Galvenie secinājumi no Eirobarometra - 2
2009/jūl 65 % LV respondentu uzskata, ka nākamajos 12 mēnešos
situācija pasliktināsies (1.v. ES27), 2010/okt - 26 % (14.v. ES27);
62 % uzskata, ka noteikti nespēs segt neparedzētus izdevumus 700 latu
apmērā (1.v. ES27);
2009/jūl 23 % uzskata, ka nespēs norēķināties par ikmēneša rēķiniem,
pārtiku un patēriņa precēm (1.vieta ES-27), 2010/okt – 10 % (4.v. ES27);
2009/jūl 29 % un 2010/okt – 14 % uzskata, ka noteikti nespēs
norēķināties par īri vai hipotekārā kredīta maksājumiem (1.v. ES27);
2009/jūl 19 % uzskata, ka noteikti nespēs samaksāt līzingu (4.v. ES27),
2010.gada oktobrī – 8 % (12.v. ES27);
2009/jūl 20 % uzskata, ka viņiem būs jāpamet esošā dzīvesvieta, jo
vairs to nevarēs atļauties, 2010/okt – 13 % (1.v. ES27)
2009/jūl 19 % uzskata, ka nav pārliecināti, vai saglabās savu darba vietu
turpmākos 12 mēn. (1.v. ES27), 2010/okt. – 8 % (4.v. ES27);
60 % netic vai maz tic, ka atlaišanas gadījumā varētu atrast darbu 6
mēn. laikā (5.v. ES27)
2009/jūl 43 % ir ļoti uztraukti par to, vai ienākumi pensijas vecumā būs
cilvēka cienīgi (1.v. ES27), 2010/okt. – 37 % (9.v. ES27).