VIOPS07: OSMと仇尖腎g秤
The OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan
Georepublic Japan G.K.
v 嵶岻
Virtualized Infrastructures Workshop [07]
This document summarizes the development of a public toilet search system using open data and chatbots in Tokyo, Japan. The system allows users to search for the nearest public toilet by sending their location or address to a chatbot on the LINE messaging app. The chatbot searches a Voronoi diagram built using open data on public toilet locations from Tokyo and two cities. Search results include the toilet name and a photo link. While evaluated positively, challenges remain in adding search filters, transportation directions, and internationalizing the system and data.
- The document describes Yoichi Kayama's work extending spatial data functionality to the CKAN open data platform to support the Japanese government's open data and spatial information initiatives.
- Key extensions to CKAN implemented include improving the spatial resource preview function, adding spatial data processing tools using GDAL/OGR, overlay mapping of multiple spatial resources, and enabling purchase of spatial data products from private companies through the system.
- Future plans include public launch of the system in November along with incorporating paid data from private sector vendors.
除定QGISの旋喘宀,_k宀が紗するにつれ謹くのC嬬やアイデアがQGISに鹿eしてきています.WiredIの恍定のOpen Source Rookie Of the Year awardにはQGISの頂貨喘プラグインInaSAFEがx竃されました.10埖21晩にはo創井のGoogle Maps Engineのk燕とともにQGISとのESRIもですがy栽がGoogleからアナウンスされGoogle Maps Engine Connector for QGIS Version 1.0がリリ`スされました.WebやクラウドではI尖できない謹N謹な腎gデ`タ荷恬はQGISにまかせてクラウドとy栽していこういう咾です.レガシ`テクノロジ`であるデスクトップGISがなぜかここにきて重高をあびています.オ`プンデ`タの咾が紗堀晒する嶄で腎gデ`タをQうための互C嬬プラットフォ`ムとしてQGISが廣朕を鹿めているのでしょう.FOSS4G2013_岸嶄の9埖20晩にリリ`スされたQGIS2.0は互い來嬬とN源なC嬬、來をそなえFOSS4Gの仟たな旋喘シ`ンを尋していくソフトウェアとなっています.云k燕ではQGIS2.0のリリ`スまでの^殻とそれを函りく仟たな旋喘h廠について峰べたいです.
1) The document introduces a web site created by Yoichi Kayama to provide public information about a disaster using open source tools and open data.
2) The site included satellite images, oblique photos of damage areas, and results from image analysis displayed on an OSM map. It also included a search function to find related disaster information by address.
3) Using open data, open source software, and cloud computing allowed the site to be created quickly to benefit the public in the aftermath of a major earthquake in Japan.
Introduction of flood evacuation route search system using QGIS,PostGIS,GRASS...Yoichi Kayama
The document describes a flood evacuation route search system that uses QGIS, PostGIS, GRASS and pgRouting. Raster flood area data from LIDAR is converted to vector polygons in GRASS and loaded into PostGIS. PgRouting is then used to search for evacuation routes while avoiding flooded roads using the spatial queries in PostGIS. The results are displayed on maps in QGIS to help identify safe evacuation routes over time as flooding progresses. Open source GIS tools were crucial for building this system to analyze spatial data and flooding scenarios.
Response of OSGeo Japan with other comunities to the Great East Japan EarthquakeYoichi Kayama
This document discusses the response of OSGeo Japan and other communities to the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake using open source geospatial tools and crowdsourced mapping. It describes how aerial and satellite imagery was accessed and georeferenced to assess damage. Web mapping services were set up to share this geospatial data with emergency responders. Students and volunteers contributed to OpenStreetMap to map roads, buildings and evacuation centers. Lessons learned include the importance of open source tools and communities for rapid crisis mapping in future disasters.