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Fostering Youth
Leadership in Rural

First International Seminar
on Leadership and
Development  Leading for
Positive Change

Anna McKeon
Khouth Sochampawatd
Young leaders

                A leader for me brings
                me to a bright place.
                They have good
                communication with other

                The young people is a
                person who will build the
                             Chhunly, aged 20
The scope of the work cited in this
project covers young people between
         the ages of 5 and 20.
Youth leadership national context

National goal:

To enable youth to share their perspectives, opinions,
and decisions in their community and in the broader
national development context.

o Create an enabling environment for full participation
  by young people within local communities and
o Promote formal mechanisms for effective participation
  by youth within civil society .
Context of study

 Kralanh district is located 57km west of Siem Reap town. Chanleas
 Dai commune is 7km north of Kralanh district town center.
 Table 1.1 Social statistics for Chanleas Dai, Kralanh and Siem Reap 2010

                                            Chanleas Dai   Kralanh      Siem
 No of families                                    1,766    13,269    178,792

 Total population                                  8,959    68,368    946,656

 % population growth                                9.6%       4%           3%

 % families whose primary occupation is           98.9%     91.2%      81.1%
 % young people who do not attend high              60%       40%           30%
Migration to Thailand for casual labor prevents long-
   term economic development of impoverished
communities and Cambodian employers struggle to
                  recruit workforce.
Lack of quality
education in rural
areas contributes
 to attrition rates
  and few young
   people finish
     grade 12.
Young people who complete grade 12 often
 lack key life skills. Young people lack the
   confidence to pursue scholarship and
        employment opportunities.
Access to ideas and services is limited in
 rural areas. Young people struggle to take
advantage of services offered in cities such
    as job fairs and leadership projects.
Introducing Child Clubs
Methodology  the six steps

Six step approach:

1  Understanding the problem
Fostering youth leadership in rural cambodia
Methodology  the six steps

Six step approach:

1  Understanding the problem
2  Finding out more
Fostering youth leadership in rural cambodia
Methodology  the six steps

Six step approach:

1  Understanding the problem
2  Finding out more
3  Discussing findings and planning action
Fostering youth leadership in rural cambodia
Methodology  the six steps

Six step approach:

1  Understanding the problem
2  Finding out more
3  Discussing findings and planning action
4 Taking action
Fostering youth leadership in rural cambodia
Methodology  the six steps

Six step approach:

1  Understanding the problem
2  Finding out more
3  Discussing findings and planning action
4 Taking action
5  Evaluating
Child Clubs  active learning
Methodology  the six steps

Six step approach:

1  Understanding the problem
2  Finding out more
3  Discussing findings and planning action
4 Taking action
5  Evaluating
6  Improving
Methodology  participation
Fostering youth leadership in rural cambodia
Methodology  active learning

o   Drama
o   Work groups
o   Games-based learning
o   Creative writing

 - to build critical thinking, problem solving and build
confidence and self-efficacy.
Fostering youth leadership in rural cambodia
Fluctuating attendance  Access  Location -
Skill of facilitators  Commitment of children
Clean environment
           Oral health
Math and Khmer and peer learning
Fostering youth leadership in rural cambodia
Fostering youth leadership in rural cambodia
Fostering youth leadership in rural cambodia
Fostering youth leadership in rural cambodia
Fostering youth leadership in rural cambodia
Case studies

Chhunly  Child Club participant for 4 years

The two most important topics that I learnt about in Child
Clubs were clean water and clean environment. Good health
comes from drinking clear water. If people drink clean water
they do not get sick a lot.

I learnt about water filters and how to get clean water. My
family buy the water filter and I use it every day until now. I did
a show to the villages about the water and they came to
watch. They learnt and they asked questions. 90% of my
village started using water filters.
Case study

Girls can change the world, they can change the country
Students who go to clubs are more
  confident at expressing their ideas 
especially when working in groups. Its
  easier for teachers to see when they
    dont understand as these students
  express themselves  they dont just
                           keep quiet

Vanna, former teacher at Chanleas Dai
                       primary school
Unexpected impact - VCD

Volunteer for Community Development (VCD) started in

Creating opportunity for youth creates a brighter
future for all

o   English tuition
o   Clean environment
o   Agriculture
o   Performing arts
Fostering youth leadership in rural cambodia
Unexpected impact - VCD

PEPY and the Child Clubs are not staying forever,
so we want a local NGO to develop our village and
ourselves. We saw that the children in our village
cannot speak English like the children in the city. We
want to help them. We ourselves take extra classes
to learn but that is not action. Its not only about
English, is about leadership as well. We want to see
our community change and improve. We want to
make good communication with children from one
village to another.
Unexpected impact  Youth Clubs

Vision and mission
devised by Run Youth
Club members:

Vision: That older
generations will see the
potential of young

Mission: To encourage
and promote thinking
and leadership skills in
young people
Lessons learned

 Freedom for initiative and ideas
 Encourage young people to identify their passions
 Emphasis on investing in people
 Allow young people to fail
 Connect young people with information and
  opportunities to gain new skills
 Create role models
 Give young people opportunities to lead
Future challenges

 Inter-generational communication
 Rigidity of project structure
 Pressure for immediate, large scale change
I know that the
  world is too big for
 me to say that I can
 change it, but I still
strongly believe that
   I can. I know I can
 start off small, with
Fostering youth leadership in rural cambodia

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Fostering youth leadership in rural cambodia

  • 1. Fostering Youth Leadership in Rural Cambodia First International Seminar on Leadership and Development Leading for Positive Change Anna McKeon Khouth Sochampawatd
  • 2. Young leaders A leader for me brings me to a bright place. They have good communication with other people. The young people is a person who will build the country Chhunly, aged 20
  • 3. The scope of the work cited in this project covers young people between the ages of 5 and 20.
  • 4. Youth leadership national context National goal: To enable youth to share their perspectives, opinions, and decisions in their community and in the broader national development context. Strategies: o Create an enabling environment for full participation by young people within local communities and agencies o Promote formal mechanisms for effective participation by youth within civil society .
  • 5. Context of study Kralanh district is located 57km west of Siem Reap town. Chanleas Dai commune is 7km north of Kralanh district town center. Table 1.1 Social statistics for Chanleas Dai, Kralanh and Siem Reap 2010 Chanleas Dai Kralanh Siem Reap No of families 1,766 13,269 178,792 Total population 8,959 68,368 946,656 % population growth 9.6% 4% 3% % families whose primary occupation is 98.9% 91.2% 81.1% agriculture % young people who do not attend high 60% 40% 30% school
  • 6. Migration to Thailand for casual labor prevents long- term economic development of impoverished communities and Cambodian employers struggle to recruit workforce.
  • 7. Lack of quality education in rural areas contributes to attrition rates and few young people finish grade 12.
  • 8. Young people who complete grade 12 often lack key life skills. Young people lack the confidence to pursue scholarship and employment opportunities.
  • 9. Access to ideas and services is limited in rural areas. Young people struggle to take advantage of services offered in cities such as job fairs and leadership projects.
  • 11. Methodology the six steps Six step approach: 1 Understanding the problem
  • 13. Methodology the six steps Six step approach: 1 Understanding the problem 2 Finding out more
  • 15. Methodology the six steps Six step approach: 1 Understanding the problem 2 Finding out more 3 Discussing findings and planning action
  • 17. Methodology the six steps Six step approach: 1 Understanding the problem 2 Finding out more 3 Discussing findings and planning action 4 Taking action
  • 19. Methodology the six steps Six step approach: 1 Understanding the problem 2 Finding out more 3 Discussing findings and planning action 4 Taking action 5 Evaluating
  • 20. Child Clubs active learning
  • 21. Methodology the six steps Six step approach: 1 Understanding the problem 2 Finding out more 3 Discussing findings and planning action 4 Taking action 5 Evaluating 6 Improving
  • 24. Methodology active learning o Drama o Work groups o Games-based learning o Creative writing - to build critical thinking, problem solving and build confidence and self-efficacy.
  • 26. Fluctuating attendance Access Location - Skill of facilitators Commitment of children
  • 27. Clean environment Oral health Hand-washing Math and Khmer and peer learning
  • 33. Case studies Chhunly Child Club participant for 4 years The two most important topics that I learnt about in Child Clubs were clean water and clean environment. Good health comes from drinking clear water. If people drink clean water they do not get sick a lot. I learnt about water filters and how to get clean water. My family buy the water filter and I use it every day until now. I did a show to the villages about the water and they came to watch. They learnt and they asked questions. 90% of my village started using water filters.
  • 34. Case study Girls can change the world, they can change the country
  • 35. Students who go to clubs are more confident at expressing their ideas especially when working in groups. Its easier for teachers to see when they dont understand as these students express themselves they dont just keep quiet Vanna, former teacher at Chanleas Dai primary school
  • 36. Unexpected impact - VCD Volunteer for Community Development (VCD) started in 2010. Creating opportunity for youth creates a brighter future for all o English tuition o Clean environment o Agriculture o Performing arts
  • 38. Unexpected impact - VCD PEPY and the Child Clubs are not staying forever, so we want a local NGO to develop our village and ourselves. We saw that the children in our village cannot speak English like the children in the city. We want to help them. We ourselves take extra classes to learn but that is not action. Its not only about English, is about leadership as well. We want to see our community change and improve. We want to make good communication with children from one village to another.
  • 39. Unexpected impact Youth Clubs Vision and mission devised by Run Youth Club members: Vision: That older generations will see the potential of young people Mission: To encourage and promote thinking and leadership skills in young people
  • 40. Lessons learned Freedom for initiative and ideas Encourage young people to identify their passions Emphasis on investing in people Allow young people to fail Connect young people with information and opportunities to gain new skills Create role models Give young people opportunities to lead
  • 41. Future challenges Inter-generational communication Rigidity of project structure Pressure for immediate, large scale change
  • 42. I know that the world is too big for me to say that I can change it, but I still strongly believe that I can. I know I can start off small, with myself. Chor