Spleis – fra hypotesetesting til folkefinansering - Bjørn Kjetil Hellestræ og...YggdrasilkonferansenForedrag på Yggdrasil 2017 i Sandefjord, 4. april 2017
Universell utforming FTW! Redesign av blindeforbundet.noJoakim BordingDu får unik innsikt fra et web-prosjekt hvor den primære målgruppen er blinde og svaksynte. Foredraget vil ta for seg hvordan arbeidet med universell utforming bidro til innovasjon i nye metoder og løsninger.
Foredraget ble holdt på Yggdrasil konferansen i Sandefjord 14. april 2015. Av Joakim Bording og Nikolai Krister Strandskogen fra Netlife Research
ElephantThe Lower SchoolElephants are the largest land animals, weighing up to 16,500 pounds. They live in forests, bushes, grasslands, and warm climates like the Sahara desert. Elephants use their trunks to eat, drink up to 53 gallons of water per day, and spray enemies. They are herbivores that use their tusks and six sets of molars to consume trees, grass, bushes, and leaves.
Pwerpoint Resumebasilio dullerThis document contains a summary of an individual's personal and educational background. It includes information about the individual such as their name, age, education history including the schools attended and degrees obtained. It also lists some seminars and trainings completed. Finally it provides two character references from professors at the educational institutions attended.
Le Ann And TanaLeAnn StahlThe document provides demographic information about the 111th United States Congress such as the number of members by age, gender, marital status, religion, ethnicity, and party. It also lists the most common occupational backgrounds of members which include serving in state or territorial legislatures, public service/politics, and law. The document concludes with some facts about the 111th Congress such as the total number of members and representatives from Texas.
ChimpanzeeThe Lower SchoolThe document describes a primate species that lives in tropical rain forests and wooded savannah lands. It has a bald face, long arms and short legs, stands 3 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet tall and weighs around 90 pounds. The species communicates using hand motions and mates with multiple males while carrying its baby on its back as it grows larger. Its diet consists mostly of plants with some small mammals and eggs occasionally.
1st RTBn Delta Co. Platoon 1958doubleb1This document summarizes the journey of Platoon 1058 from recruits to Marines. It follows their training from the beginning of their journey at the recruit depot to graduating as Marines. It introduces each member of the platoon and documents their experiences through photos during training, which included obstacles courses, rifle training, and completing their final exercise called "The Crucible". It concludes with photos from their graduation ceremony where they earned the title of United States Marines.
LionThe Lower SchoolLions are large carnivorous cats that live in prides in the savanna and southern Sahara. They have manes, can be over 10 feet long, and have excellent eyesight. Lions hunt buffalo and other medium sized animals, and live in territories between 6 to 60 square miles. Their roars can be heard from over 5 miles away.
Defining Terms Of The Lymphatic & Immune Systemguestff1b67Immunology is the study of the immune system and its functions in health and disease, including issues like hypersensitivities, transplant rejection, and autoimmune disorders. The immune system can become compromised, as seen in immunodeficiency disorders like HIV/AIDS where the virus attacks the immune system. Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's own healthy cells, often affecting organs like the lungs and kidneys. While not curable, autoimmune diseases are typically treated with immunosuppressant drugs that decrease the immune response.
PE_eLearning Presentation 2009prueyThe eLearning project involves developing a global training framework using a blended learning approach that combines online and offline learning. This will include creating an online learning portal with training materials, webinars, and a community forum. The project aims to support trainers globally and provide a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution. Key considerations for implementation include customization for different cultures, change management strategies, and focusing on supports, reflection opportunities, and building an intercultural community. The design is influenced by social constructivist principles and aims to use authentic tasks to promote active, self-directed learning.
Danmarks Naturfredningsforenings høringssvar testmøller øSterild 091019is goneIndsigelse mod Nationalt Testcenter for hav-vindmøller på land i Østerild og Hjardemål Klitplantage / DANMARKS NATURFREDNINGSFORENING
HippoThe Lower SchoolHippopotamuses are large, plump animals that live in herds along rivers and lakes in sub-Saharan Africa. They can grow up to 16 feet long and weigh several thousand pounds. Despite their size, hippos are agile in water and spend most days submerged to keep cool and avoid predators. At night, they emerge onto land to graze on grass and other plant matter. Hippos live together in tight-knit family groups and give birth to pink calves that remain closely bonded to their mothers.
ChimpanzeeThe Lower SchoolChimpanzees are strong, hairy apes that live in the forests of Africa. They have long arms, opposable thumbs, and bald faces, hands and feet. Chimpanzees stand 3 to 5 feet tall, weigh up to 90 pounds, and live in groups on the forest floor and in trees. They eat fruits, seeds, leaves, roots, eggs and small animals. Chimpanzees are one of the smartest animals, can use tools, and have many human-like qualities.
Hippopotamus The Lower SchoolThe hippopotamus is the third largest land animal that lives in rivers and lakes in sub-Saharan Africa. It can weigh up to nearly 10,000 pounds, has sensitive skin that is blackish-gray in color, and feeds mainly on grass while living in groups and caring for its young. Though not endangered, the hippopotamus has a lifespan of 20-40 years in the wild and up to 50 years in captivity.
Complaintshandling Finaleuweben011) The document discusses best practices in complaints handling within public organizations. Effective complaints handling provides benefits to both the organization and the public it serves.
2) For a complaints system to operate effectively, people must be able to easily access it and have confidence in the system. Organizations should address any barriers to access and reassure people they will not face retaliation for complaining.
3) Proper management practices are needed for complaints handling within each organization, and oversight is required from a system-wide perspective to ensure lessons are shared. Risk assessment, clear roles and responsibilities, and support for staff are important.
GiraffeThe Lower SchoolGiraffes are the tallest animals on Earth, with adults growing up to 18 feet tall. They have long necks and legs and live in parts of Africa. Giraffes eat leaves and branches from trees, using their long tongues to feed. They can be found singly or in small groups and have a variety of predators to watch out for, especially when young. Their unusual scientific name is camelopardalis.
Tourd Australieguest660c53This document provides a list of locations visited across Australia, including natural landmarks in Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales, Queensland, and the Northern Territory. Some of the highlights mentioned are the Pinnacles in Western Australia, the Twelve Apostles in Victoria, Cradle Mountain in Tasmania, Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, Uluru in the Northern Territory, and Kakadu National Park. The list concludes with locations in several different Australian states and territories.
Fra idé til brukertestet prototype på 5 dagerKarl Philip LundVi har studert hvordan verdens beste utvikler og tester ideer raskere enn noen andre. I dette seminaret presenterer vi prosessen. ݺߣr fra seminar avholdt hos Agera på Madserud Gård.
ElephantThe Lower SchoolElephants are the largest land animals, weighing up to 16,500 pounds. They live in forests, bushes, grasslands, and warm climates like the Sahara desert. Elephants use their trunks to eat, drink up to 53 gallons of water per day, and spray enemies. They are herbivores that use their tusks and six sets of molars to consume trees, grass, bushes, and leaves.
Pwerpoint Resumebasilio dullerThis document contains a summary of an individual's personal and educational background. It includes information about the individual such as their name, age, education history including the schools attended and degrees obtained. It also lists some seminars and trainings completed. Finally it provides two character references from professors at the educational institutions attended.
Le Ann And TanaLeAnn StahlThe document provides demographic information about the 111th United States Congress such as the number of members by age, gender, marital status, religion, ethnicity, and party. It also lists the most common occupational backgrounds of members which include serving in state or territorial legislatures, public service/politics, and law. The document concludes with some facts about the 111th Congress such as the total number of members and representatives from Texas.
ChimpanzeeThe Lower SchoolThe document describes a primate species that lives in tropical rain forests and wooded savannah lands. It has a bald face, long arms and short legs, stands 3 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet tall and weighs around 90 pounds. The species communicates using hand motions and mates with multiple males while carrying its baby on its back as it grows larger. Its diet consists mostly of plants with some small mammals and eggs occasionally.
1st RTBn Delta Co. Platoon 1958doubleb1This document summarizes the journey of Platoon 1058 from recruits to Marines. It follows their training from the beginning of their journey at the recruit depot to graduating as Marines. It introduces each member of the platoon and documents their experiences through photos during training, which included obstacles courses, rifle training, and completing their final exercise called "The Crucible". It concludes with photos from their graduation ceremony where they earned the title of United States Marines.
LionThe Lower SchoolLions are large carnivorous cats that live in prides in the savanna and southern Sahara. They have manes, can be over 10 feet long, and have excellent eyesight. Lions hunt buffalo and other medium sized animals, and live in territories between 6 to 60 square miles. Their roars can be heard from over 5 miles away.
Defining Terms Of The Lymphatic & Immune Systemguestff1b67Immunology is the study of the immune system and its functions in health and disease, including issues like hypersensitivities, transplant rejection, and autoimmune disorders. The immune system can become compromised, as seen in immunodeficiency disorders like HIV/AIDS where the virus attacks the immune system. Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's own healthy cells, often affecting organs like the lungs and kidneys. While not curable, autoimmune diseases are typically treated with immunosuppressant drugs that decrease the immune response.
PE_eLearning Presentation 2009prueyThe eLearning project involves developing a global training framework using a blended learning approach that combines online and offline learning. This will include creating an online learning portal with training materials, webinars, and a community forum. The project aims to support trainers globally and provide a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution. Key considerations for implementation include customization for different cultures, change management strategies, and focusing on supports, reflection opportunities, and building an intercultural community. The design is influenced by social constructivist principles and aims to use authentic tasks to promote active, self-directed learning.
Danmarks Naturfredningsforenings høringssvar testmøller øSterild 091019is goneIndsigelse mod Nationalt Testcenter for hav-vindmøller på land i Østerild og Hjardemål Klitplantage / DANMARKS NATURFREDNINGSFORENING
HippoThe Lower SchoolHippopotamuses are large, plump animals that live in herds along rivers and lakes in sub-Saharan Africa. They can grow up to 16 feet long and weigh several thousand pounds. Despite their size, hippos are agile in water and spend most days submerged to keep cool and avoid predators. At night, they emerge onto land to graze on grass and other plant matter. Hippos live together in tight-knit family groups and give birth to pink calves that remain closely bonded to their mothers.
ChimpanzeeThe Lower SchoolChimpanzees are strong, hairy apes that live in the forests of Africa. They have long arms, opposable thumbs, and bald faces, hands and feet. Chimpanzees stand 3 to 5 feet tall, weigh up to 90 pounds, and live in groups on the forest floor and in trees. They eat fruits, seeds, leaves, roots, eggs and small animals. Chimpanzees are one of the smartest animals, can use tools, and have many human-like qualities.
Hippopotamus The Lower SchoolThe hippopotamus is the third largest land animal that lives in rivers and lakes in sub-Saharan Africa. It can weigh up to nearly 10,000 pounds, has sensitive skin that is blackish-gray in color, and feeds mainly on grass while living in groups and caring for its young. Though not endangered, the hippopotamus has a lifespan of 20-40 years in the wild and up to 50 years in captivity.
Complaintshandling Finaleuweben011) The document discusses best practices in complaints handling within public organizations. Effective complaints handling provides benefits to both the organization and the public it serves.
2) For a complaints system to operate effectively, people must be able to easily access it and have confidence in the system. Organizations should address any barriers to access and reassure people they will not face retaliation for complaining.
3) Proper management practices are needed for complaints handling within each organization, and oversight is required from a system-wide perspective to ensure lessons are shared. Risk assessment, clear roles and responsibilities, and support for staff are important.
GiraffeThe Lower SchoolGiraffes are the tallest animals on Earth, with adults growing up to 18 feet tall. They have long necks and legs and live in parts of Africa. Giraffes eat leaves and branches from trees, using their long tongues to feed. They can be found singly or in small groups and have a variety of predators to watch out for, especially when young. Their unusual scientific name is camelopardalis.
Tourd Australieguest660c53This document provides a list of locations visited across Australia, including natural landmarks in Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales, Queensland, and the Northern Territory. Some of the highlights mentioned are the Pinnacles in Western Australia, the Twelve Apostles in Victoria, Cradle Mountain in Tasmania, Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, Uluru in the Northern Territory, and Kakadu National Park. The list concludes with locations in several different Australian states and territories.
Fra idé til brukertestet prototype på 5 dagerKarl Philip LundVi har studert hvordan verdens beste utvikler og tester ideer raskere enn noen andre. I dette seminaret presenterer vi prosessen. ݺߣr fra seminar avholdt hos Agera på Madserud Gård.
Rune Øien: Powercouples - fra festtaler til actionOslo Business RegionNorsentio og Rune Øien etablerte under Oslo Innovation Week et nytt tilskudd til innovasjonsfloraen i Oslo - gjennom HIT. (Hub for Innvation in Telecom). HIT skal være en arena for å koble innovative startups med store telekomselskaper - og dette skal skje i Oslo.
Rune vil dra oss gjennom sine erfaringer som gründer i denne industrien i Norge og hvilke lærdommer man har trukket rundt hvordan det jobbes med Powercouples og Corporate accelerators her til lands, samt fra innovasjonsmiljøene i London og Silicon Valley.
Endringsmodenhet 09 06 09 DNDInnovation NorwayEndringsmotstand i IT-prosjekter
Mange prosjekter møter betydelig motstand i møte med linjeorganisasjonen. En del motstand er berettiget. Noe kunne antakelig vært unngått.
Hvordan kan prosjektet håndtere endringsmotstand og lære av skeptikerne?
Bruk av sosiale medier i prosjekterChristian KamhaugInnlegg om bruk av sosiale medier i prosjekter for PMI Chapter Norway's årskonferanse i Oslo 23. september 2014
IBM Software Day 2010 - Copenhagen 121010 Christian Brosstad SpareBank 1Christian BrosstadDownload my presentation from IBM SoftwareDay in Copenhagen, 12th of October 2010.
Yggdrasil 2016: 13 raske veier til bedre brukerinnsikt (workshop)Veronica Heltne- Får brukerne løst oppgavene sine på nettstedet ditt?
- Hvor er det de gir opp og hvorfor gjør de det?
- Forstår de egentlig innholdet – og hvilke følelser skaper tonen din?
På denne workshopen lærer du metoder som hjelper deg med å forstå brukerne dine og deres behov, slik at du smidig og effektivt kan kvalitetssikre og forbedre nettstedet, intranettet eller appen din, uten at det koster skjorta.
Du lærer:
- å planlegge for systematisk brukerinnsikt
- hvordan du bør jobbe for å utnytte brukerinnsikten best mulig, uavhengig hvor du jobber
- 13 konkrete metoder du kan ta i bruk når du kommer hjem
Workshop: 13 raske veier til bedre brukerinnsikt - Målfrid Jordet Ågotnes og ...YggdrasilkonferansenMålfrid Jordet Ågotnes og Veronica Heltnes presentasjon fra workshop på Yggdrasil 2016.
Walter Benjamin and The StorytellerAud HakestadThis document discusses the changing role of storytelling over time. It contrasts how storytelling was traditionally used to share experiences and pass down wisdom between generations, versus today where experiences have lost their value and meaning from one generation to the next, providing nothing to tell and no moral guidance. It also briefly touches on the writing of J.M. Coetzee and themes around conscience in his works.
Conrad exam 200511Aud HakestadMy thesis for this presentation was how Joseph Conrad's depiction of Africa in this novella could be problematized from a post-colonial view. I looked into the text from the perspective of Michel Foucault's heterotopia and Chinua Achebe's view on racism in the novella. It was therefore important to analyse how places were represented; regarding the setting and the place as metonymy and metaphor. Finally I considered how this depiction influenced the thematised dichotomy light and darkness
1. Fra idé til handling
Personalseminar 30. januar 2014
2. Dagsorden
09.00 – 09.45 Å takle forandring – å være i flytsonen
Innledning v/ Aud Jorunn og plenumssamtale
09.45 – 10.00 Pause
10.00 - 10.30 The Lean Startup – en metode som tar oss fra idé til handling
Innledning v/ Aud Jorunn
10.30 – 12.00 Gruppearbeid
12.00 – 13.00 Lunsj og prisutdeling
13.00 – 13.45 Framlegging fra gruppene
(ca. 15 min. hver)
13.45 - 14.00 Oppsummering
14.00 – 15.00 Ledelsen informerer
3. Gruppeinndeling
Drift og prosjekt Møteplassen
Det digitale
det fysiske biblioteket
Helene Ellen Marie Unn
Marianne Jemima Silje Ada
Elisabeth Kari Sebastian
Hege Lillian F Trude
Anita Karen Lillian Ø
Aud Jorunn (går litt til og fra)
Kirsten Øivind
5. Hva er flyt?
• Målet er tydelig
• Umiddelbar tilbakemelding
• Balanse mellom ferdigheter og utfordringer
• Konsentrasjon
• Er i nået
• Har kontroll
• Tiden går fort/ glemmer tid
• Glemmer seg selv
En aktivitet har verdi i seg selv hvis du kommer i flyt.
12. Formelen for antall relasjoner
n x (n-1)
Internt: 19 ansatte har 171 relasjoner
Den virale relasjonen i sosiale media: Et menneske på facebook har gj.sn. 216
venner. 658 likes på Facebook x 216 = 142.128
Reell relasjon: kvadratroten: 377 personer i vårt digitale fb-nettverk
13. Utfordringer
• Endringer i samfunnet
• Endringer i lovverket
• Kommuneøkonomien
• Krav fra brukerne
• Bedre arbeidsmiljø
• Ønske om faglig utvikling
• Pålegges flere oppgaver
18. Entreprenørskap
«Ordet entreprenør brukes i dagligspråket også om en som setter igang
prosjekter eller tiltak og dermed nokså likt bruken av ordet gründer.»
«En person som er nyskapende under visse samfunnsmessige betingelser,
gjerne i den forstand at gamle grenser brytes ned eller at nye spilleregler
innføres i samfunnet.
En entreprenør kan f.eks. være den første som begynner å dyrke for salg i en
landsby som hittil utelukkende har drevet med selvforsyning. Denne
betydningen av ordet har også kommet inn i norsk og betegner person som
starter opp ny virksomhet.» www.snl.no
Entreprenørskap kan også defineres som å gjøre noe nytt, eller å gjøre kjente
ting på nye måter.
Entreprenør: Personene som iverksetter de nye kombinasjonene.
Kilde: Olav R. Spilling (red) Entreprenørskap på norsk 1998
19. Entreprenørskap
1. Entreprenører fins overalt
2. Entreprenørskap krever ledelse
3. Læring på bakgrunn av fakta, ikke synsing
4. Utvikle nye redskaper for å måle
5. Bygg – mål - lær
20. Hvordan starte? (The Lean Startup)
• Alt er usikkert
•Må starte med en visjon
• Strategier, modeller, kart, kundeanalyse,
konkurrentanalyse, definere målgruppa,
24. MVP
Fortest mulig gjennom læringsprosessen:
… på en skala fra 1-10, hvor bra er denne endringen for prosjektet/målet/
… hvorfor, hvorfor, hvorfor, hvorfor …
… hvem er berørt?
… stans arbeidet for å få fart på arbeidet
… stable i overkommelige stabler
… kunne velge når en skal snu eller gå videre
Gruppe 1: Tema: Drift og prosjekt – er det motsetninger eller
fungerer det sammen?
Motto: «Det vi vil gjøre, bør gjøres straks, for dette vil er flyktig, og svekkes like
ofte som det møter en hånd, en tunge, en tilfeldighet.» William Shakespeare
Gruppe 2: Tema: Møteplassen – hvordan skal biblioteket bli den
foretrukne møteplassen for folk i Sandnes?
Motto: «I det lange løp treffer man bare det man sikter på. Derfor er det like bra å
sikte høyt, selv om du bommer i første forsøk.» Henry David Thoreau
Gruppe 3: Tema: Det digitale vs. det fysiske biblioteket
Motto: «Bibliotekene er stort sett stengt, mens Internett er åpent hele døgnet.»
Jon Bing
27. Gruppene
• Velg referent og den som skal legge fram
• Drøft hvilke metoder som er mest anvendelig
• Finn tre idéer som dere vil følge i tre faser –
• Bruk teorien MVP – Minimum Viable Product på
en av idéne og lag en plan for hvordan idéen
kan bygges, måles og læres noe av.
• Ta utgangspunkt i temaet: Biblioteket som
møteplass og arena for debatt
#15: Status quo – stillstand – alt fungerer utmerket, som det alltid har gjort
#16: Endring – på offensiven – kreves mer samhandling og mer kreativitet – systemet må være bevegbart, fleksibelt
#20: Vi slutta forrige del med å snakke om at behovet for samhandling og kreativitet blir større når vi skal gå offensivt ut (i angrep).
#21: Startup:
En gruppe mennesker som går sammen for å skape noe nytt eller endre noe under svært usikre betingelser
Virkeliggjøre en visjon – må ha en retning
Visjon – strategi – modell – kart – en mening om hvem som er i målgruppa og hvem som er konkurrentene – definere målgruppa – lage produktet
Verdien er alltid det som er til det beste for kunden
NB! Det er ikke kunden som bestemmer hva som skal lages
En syntese mellom hva som er vår visjon og det som kunden vil akseptere.