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whats the brain got to do with it?

                                      g端巽l端 脹ld脹z md
you can not control the operation of your liver,
your heart

you cannot control process your brain either
if we could have control

we would not be sick
thoughts often develop in your brain

and do not ask you what to eat
just advice to 'eat sweet'

and we say I desire to eat sweet'

who controls that pneumatic that we consider I?
did we really desire to eat the dessert

or our brains habits did it?
scientific facts say that

before deciding on a topic

the brain has already decided it (6 seconds ago)
the brain just inform us its decision

and we say we desire to eat sweet

supposedly with our free will
other similar scientific finding is

first the action afterward the decision occurs in
the brain
it is called brain automation system (BAS)
after realizing this truth

I propose to say 'free brain' rather than 'free will'
brain produces a spontaneous thought

source of the brain is its hard disk

records in the hard disk start from a childhood

continue until dead
the data come to hard disk with 5 senses

(sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch)

'everything' is recorded without your conscience
new and subsequent data is compared to the old-
permanent records

as a result, value judgments and emotions are
the real problem is not the records

but the ownership of these records

a child learns the degree of the ownership from the
community in which he grows
the owned old and permanent records are referred to
as identity and ego

frequently, resistance to new data occurs due to
protecting old records
because ego has made a decision on a topic

it does not allow a reconsideration of the subject
for example, I can not convince the hospital's
cook and my colleagues to believe that the garlic
is an enemy of the brain
please review your truths which you accept without

when you notice that even your life goals do not
belong to you

do not be surprised
permanent records of the hard disk trigger value

classic value judgments are
   sin-reward       and so on
values, however, creates feelings

the results of feelings, wrap your whole body and
hard disk records

                         value judgments

 mercy disregard susceptibility desire love jubilation at
someone else's harm boredom emptiness enthusiasm horror
insensitivity hostility envy proud resentment  gladness self-
complacency frustration marvel enthusiasm rage  satisfaction
 dissatisfaction  peace pain indignation disgust anxiety
self-pity condemnation  jealousy anger fear embarrassment
melancholy compassion gratitude happiness courtesy hate
longing panic comfort discomfort ownership sympathy joy
distress guiltiness loneliness astonishment lust kindness
violence hope hopelessness shame shyness sadness
ferocity remorse
for example: when you were a child, you were told that
a country was enemy

thus, it was recorded in the hard disk as an enemy
the old record of 'enemy country determines the
value judgments

the value judgment for the enemy country shall be
several years go by and you hear on the TV
news that the country is in economic crisis

even if you are not aware of at that moment, the
hard disk is working
suddenly you feel happy about yourself

the hard disk responded the bad situation

into which "the enemy" has fallen, with happiness
after a year, hearing that country won 4 gold medals
at the olympics

your hard disk can cause a short-term unhappiness
on you
this example is given for the feelings which emerge
while unaware

even if you are aware of the emotional moments, the
situation is the same

most of the people live in this way, unwittingly
in short,

your brain (brain automation system-BAS)
manages you in the light of information stored on
the hard disk
or the life evaluated is automatically from the
perspective generated by the records on the hard disk
anything you see and hear, is a data

and where are you when this data is processed
in the hard disk?

are you alert, attentive and aware of?
if the answer is yes, it is alright

if the answer is no, 'get well soon'

most of the answers are no
the contents of thoughts generated by the hard
disk, are the past experiences and its predictions
about the future in the light of these experiences
so, thoughts either keep you in the past or in the

do not let you live the moment

because the moment is not yet recorded
only the people who are aware of, live the

awareness can partially control the emergence of
the hard disk records when it is applied first
the main event is to experience the feelings
being aware of enactment them

new records made with awareness

weaken the effectiveness of old records

and the hard disk data starts to be under your
thus, the production of BAS will be free of value
judgments and feelings

this is the most beautiful thing that can happen to

reason 1;
people who want to get rid of unwanted feelings
such as irritability, sadness, anxiety, incline
toward material or situation that gives pleasure
 nicotine            shopping
   alcohol             feeding
   refined sugar       sex
   social success      cocaine, drugs etc
   caffeine            money
   sleep               everyting exiting
most of the people's life come and go between being
emotional and seeking pleasure while unaware
the first stop of seeking pleasure is habit, and its
tragic end is addiction

awareness, makes being emotional, and thus
seeking pleasure unnecessary
because 2;

    emotions trigger body control system1

this situation is an automation, which are growing up
during the day in any case where being emotional is
experienced, beyond the control of most people
emotionality development is a sign of the
reaction and resistance to life

and the main reason, which initiates diseases or
prepares-facilitates the environment for its
the body control system interacting with being

can significantly increase the potential energy
   increases in blood glucose levels
   increases blood pressure
    increases cholesterol and fatty acids
calcium released into the blood from bone

increases thyroid hormones

increases stress hormones, adrenaline and

blood vessels of internal organs are shrinking

blood vessels to the muscles are loosened
when this potential energy is not transformed into
kinetic energy, the tissues are damaged
this situation repeated several times a day

ten thousand times over the years, effects the
genetic in the cell nucleus
in order to treat disease

prevent its development and protect the healthy

being emotional should be avoided
nonvolatile data-hard disk limbic system

          value judgments

          emotions amygdala

  body control system hypothalamus

  abnormal working order allostasis

     tissue damage pathophysiology

if the hard disk records are nonvolatile, value
judgments and feelings shall develop
spontaneously due to BAS

it is impossible to avoid it

the only thing we can do is to turn the nonvolatile
term to volatile
our first priority should be to get rid of spontaneous
thoughts, which are the imposition of hard disk and
thus the ego
it is my manifesto;

I do not accept the output, which is generated
according to the data recorded in the hard disk
once upon a time beyond my control while
unaware, as identity
so what should I do?
remain in the moment, not complying with the
hard disk

be aware-alert any moment
welcome any person including mother, father,
wife, husband, sister, you see free of your past
experiences as if you see them for the first time
read or listen all the information as if you have no
prior knowledge and free of your past

even if the subject is in your field of expertise
thus, born to life again any moment

any moment see new and first perceptions as a natural
course of your life, do not force
the moment you become aware, thoughts

if you think, you are not in the moment
start remaining in the moment exercises by
observing yourself

when you say what am i thinking right now, you
are in the moment

you can write what am i thinking right now
reading anywhere at your home ad place of work
people who are not in the moment, judge and
label any situation, event or person under the
influence of hard disk data, in a manner
dependent on previous experiences

and feelings are activated
the name of the hard disk structure, which
reveals the feelings is amygdala (A)

A, which activated with the first judgment of the
day, starts to operate like a device, which is
plugged in socket and ready in 'stand-by' mode
the A, which is in stand by mode, waits for an
opportunity to pass to on mod

frequently, it gets suddenly excited with an
emotion like anger, resentment, guiltiness
this situation push people to seek pleasure

people who find out what they seek, get A to
pass to stand by mode for a short or long period
of time
however, frequently A shall have an opportunity
during the day, and gets excited again in on

sleep, sometimes can get A in off mode

once passing to on mode, A has managed to
finish its job for the day
every morning after waking up, life must start in
the moment and remain in the moment as
much as possible

when being emotional becomes active, how
being emotional has occurred must be
'Damn i am not able to remain in the moment
thought, as the name implies, is a thought and
the expression of damn already involves being

thus, the event should not be turned into a war, it
should be persistently continued from where it
as time passes, the brain will learn the exercises
of remaining in moment and awareness

how much time it will take exercise, is all about

in short, let's say, a whole life or your new
the goal is not to get rid of the records of the hard

the goal is to prevent the developing of the
unidirectional value judgment by creating a
multidirectional perspective with new records related
to the already saved records
the fastest form of a new data entry is to realize that
we are missing

and experience inquiry, research, cognitive
thus, the level of comprehension resulting from
the new knowledge

creates an extraordinary state of pleasure

which can not be given to you by any external

this is indicative of the rising consciousness
this is the situation of the real pleasure to be
taken, the actual habit to be created;
   to addict to new
   and learning
30 years ago, he was said that he would have 3
year more life span

he preferred the outstanding return of
awareness instead of showing the emotional
response to disease, which his genes deemed
him worthy of
now he can move only his eyes

and awareness

his brain is free, even if his body not

his high-consciousness illuminates humanity
a man can partially evaluate a presence with only his 5-

thus, the more the hard disk assessing the 5-sense date
includes questioned information', the higher the quality
of the evaluation is
questioning, the conscious information coming
into to the hard disk through detailed thinking

is an important value raising consciousness
consciousness is the essence of being

consciousness can be risen in man

as the consciousness rises, the brain gets free

consciousness of dependent man is stable
man can question to the extent of his consciousness

knowledge which creates perception, raise

as the consciousness rises, its capacity of the
interpretation of the existence increases
real science, is the result of higher

real scientists, are the result of rising

what else is stephen hawking, except for
who is sick, is the body

man would not be sick

man is a magnificent consciousness

if he can raise it
every man has a magnificent consciousness in a

without cocoon, man can not develop

when the time comes, he can not bore his cocoon
and raise his consciousness
thus, formations such as ego, identity, which can
be called as cocoon, are required, and must be
abandoned when the time comes

otherwise, health will be lost in a vicious cycle of
pleasure or emotion
if nonvolatile knowledge, judgment values and
feelings are disabled, resistance to life does not
develop, good and bad, right and wrong does not

everything noticed is as it should be
when the sovereignty of ego is eliminated, there
is no you-I, they-we, people are equal

the problem, is whether the brain is free
in life there is no problem

what creates problem is the perspective of life

replace it, get beautiful so that you can make

life is your masterpiece
on the left an 'empty' skull, on the right a normal 'full'
the owner of the skull on the left is 42-year-old french
man, with two children and a job

he went to the doctor because of foot pain, and he is
going back home with the diagnosis of an empty
according to the medicine, it can not be possible staying
alive with that brain

but it is real and happening


because the medicine assesses within its knowledge

because there is not such a record in the medical hard
medicine, does not question such an information

because it is afraid of losing an understanding
which it possesses

this is the diagnosis
I've met with an image of empty skull before

in the brain MR image of a 20-year-old young man, a
piece of the brain was dangling from the skull dome

when I had this experience 15 years ago, I ignored
this case due to the nature of my medical classical
medicine does not confirm the holographic theory

the hologram says that, every thing in a structure
is in every piece of the structure
a brain cell, includes the all of the information,
which the brain includes

even a brain cell make the job of billions of brain
there is an interpretation that also the universe is in
a holographic structure, and all the universal
knowledge is in each person with the exact form
with this in mind, it is concluded that all beings
are the holographic imaginary of a one single
as the masterpiece of high-consciousness
describes the reality in this way, can the ostrich
continue its actions (syndrome) being insensitive
to new information?
today, when the information is easily reached

I think that making the best of being a man can be
done with the effort to raise consciousness values
for your questions & arguments


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  • 1. whats the brain got to do with it? g端巽l端 脹ld脹z md
  • 2. you can not control the operation of your liver, your heart you cannot control process your brain either
  • 3. if we could have control we would not be sick
  • 4. thoughts often develop in your brain spontaneously and do not ask you what to eat
  • 5. just advice to 'eat sweet' and we say I desire to eat sweet' who controls that pneumatic that we consider I?
  • 6. did we really desire to eat the dessert or our brains habits did it?
  • 7. scientific facts say that before deciding on a topic the brain has already decided it (6 seconds ago)
  • 8. the brain just inform us its decision and we say we desire to eat sweet supposedly with our free will
  • 9. other similar scientific finding is first the action afterward the decision occurs in the brain
  • 10. it is called brain automation system (BAS)
  • 11. after realizing this truth I propose to say 'free brain' rather than 'free will'
  • 12. brain produces a spontaneous thought source of the brain is its hard disk records in the hard disk start from a childhood continue until dead
  • 13. the data come to hard disk with 5 senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) 'everything' is recorded without your conscience
  • 14. new and subsequent data is compared to the old- permanent records as a result, value judgments and emotions are determined
  • 15. the real problem is not the records but the ownership of these records a child learns the degree of the ownership from the community in which he grows
  • 16. the owned old and permanent records are referred to as identity and ego frequently, resistance to new data occurs due to protecting old records
  • 17. because ego has made a decision on a topic it does not allow a reconsideration of the subject
  • 18. for example, I can not convince the hospital's cook and my colleagues to believe that the garlic is an enemy of the brain
  • 19. please review your truths which you accept without question when you notice that even your life goals do not belong to you do not be surprised
  • 20. permanent records of the hard disk trigger value judgments classic value judgments are good-bad beautiful-ugly right-wrong sin-reward and so on
  • 21. values, however, creates feelings the results of feelings, wrap your whole body and identity
  • 22. hard disk records value judgments emotions mercy disregard susceptibility desire love jubilation at someone else's harm boredom emptiness enthusiasm horror insensitivity hostility envy proud resentment gladness self- complacency frustration marvel enthusiasm rage satisfaction dissatisfaction peace pain indignation disgust anxiety self-pity condemnation jealousy anger fear embarrassment melancholy compassion gratitude happiness courtesy hate longing panic comfort discomfort ownership sympathy joy distress guiltiness loneliness astonishment lust kindness violence hope hopelessness shame shyness sadness ferocity remorse
  • 23. for example: when you were a child, you were told that a country was enemy thus, it was recorded in the hard disk as an enemy country
  • 24. the old record of 'enemy country determines the value judgments the value judgment for the enemy country shall be "bad"
  • 25. several years go by and you hear on the TV news that the country is in economic crisis even if you are not aware of at that moment, the hard disk is working
  • 26. suddenly you feel happy about yourself the hard disk responded the bad situation into which "the enemy" has fallen, with happiness
  • 27. after a year, hearing that country won 4 gold medals at the olympics your hard disk can cause a short-term unhappiness on you
  • 28. this example is given for the feelings which emerge while unaware even if you are aware of the emotional moments, the situation is the same most of the people live in this way, unwittingly
  • 29. in short, your brain (brain automation system-BAS) manages you in the light of information stored on the hard disk
  • 30. or the life evaluated is automatically from the perspective generated by the records on the hard disk
  • 31. anything you see and hear, is a data and where are you when this data is processed in the hard disk? are you alert, attentive and aware of?
  • 32. if the answer is yes, it is alright if the answer is no, 'get well soon' most of the answers are no
  • 33. the contents of thoughts generated by the hard disk, are the past experiences and its predictions about the future in the light of these experiences
  • 34. so, thoughts either keep you in the past or in the future do not let you live the moment because the moment is not yet recorded
  • 35. only the people who are aware of, live the moment awareness can partially control the emergence of the hard disk records when it is applied first
  • 36. the main event is to experience the feelings being aware of enactment them new records made with awareness weaken the effectiveness of old records and the hard disk data starts to be under your control
  • 37. thus, the production of BAS will be free of value judgments and feelings this is the most beautiful thing that can happen to people reason 1;
  • 38. people who want to get rid of unwanted feelings such as irritability, sadness, anxiety, incline toward material or situation that gives pleasure
  • 39. nicotine shopping alcohol feeding refined sugar sex social success cocaine, drugs etc caffeine money sleep everyting exiting
  • 40. most of the people's life come and go between being emotional and seeking pleasure while unaware
  • 41. the first stop of seeking pleasure is habit, and its tragic end is addiction awareness, makes being emotional, and thus seeking pleasure unnecessary
  • 42. because 2; emotions trigger body control system1 1hypothalamus
  • 43. this situation is an automation, which are growing up during the day in any case where being emotional is experienced, beyond the control of most people
  • 44. emotionality development is a sign of the reaction and resistance to life and the main reason, which initiates diseases or prepares-facilitates the environment for its development
  • 45. the body control system interacting with being emotional can significantly increase the potential energy increases in blood glucose levels increases blood pressure increases cholesterol and fatty acids
  • 46. calcium released into the blood from bone increases thyroid hormones increases stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisone blood vessels of internal organs are shrinking blood vessels to the muscles are loosened
  • 47. when this potential energy is not transformed into kinetic energy, the tissues are damaged
  • 48. this situation repeated several times a day ten thousand times over the years, effects the genetic in the cell nucleus
  • 49. in order to treat disease prevent its development and protect the healthy situation being emotional should be avoided
  • 50. nonvolatile data-hard disk limbic system value judgments emotions amygdala body control system hypothalamus abnormal working order allostasis tissue damage pathophysiology disease
  • 51. if the hard disk records are nonvolatile, value judgments and feelings shall develop spontaneously due to BAS it is impossible to avoid it the only thing we can do is to turn the nonvolatile term to volatile
  • 52. our first priority should be to get rid of spontaneous thoughts, which are the imposition of hard disk and thus the ego
  • 53. it is my manifesto; I do not accept the output, which is generated according to the data recorded in the hard disk once upon a time beyond my control while unaware, as identity
  • 54. so what should I do?
  • 55. remain in the moment, not complying with the hard disk be aware-alert any moment
  • 56. welcome any person including mother, father, wife, husband, sister, you see free of your past experiences as if you see them for the first time
  • 57. read or listen all the information as if you have no prior knowledge and free of your past experiences even if the subject is in your field of expertise
  • 58. thus, born to life again any moment any moment see new and first perceptions as a natural course of your life, do not force
  • 59. the moment you become aware, thoughts disappear if you think, you are not in the moment
  • 60. start remaining in the moment exercises by observing yourself when you say what am i thinking right now, you are in the moment you can write what am i thinking right now reading anywhere at your home ad place of work
  • 61. people who are not in the moment, judge and label any situation, event or person under the influence of hard disk data, in a manner dependent on previous experiences and feelings are activated
  • 62. the name of the hard disk structure, which reveals the feelings is amygdala (A) A, which activated with the first judgment of the day, starts to operate like a device, which is plugged in socket and ready in 'stand-by' mode
  • 63. the A, which is in stand by mode, waits for an opportunity to pass to on mod frequently, it gets suddenly excited with an emotion like anger, resentment, guiltiness feelings
  • 64. this situation push people to seek pleasure people who find out what they seek, get A to pass to stand by mode for a short or long period of time
  • 65. however, frequently A shall have an opportunity during the day, and gets excited again in on mode sleep, sometimes can get A in off mode once passing to on mode, A has managed to finish its job for the day
  • 66. every morning after waking up, life must start in the moment and remain in the moment as much as possible when being emotional becomes active, how being emotional has occurred must be recognized
  • 67. 'Damn i am not able to remain in the moment thought, as the name implies, is a thought and the expression of damn already involves being emotional thus, the event should not be turned into a war, it should be persistently continued from where it stopped
  • 68. as time passes, the brain will learn the exercises of remaining in moment and awareness how much time it will take exercise, is all about you in short, let's say, a whole life or your new lifestyle
  • 69. the goal is not to get rid of the records of the hard disk the goal is to prevent the developing of the unidirectional value judgment by creating a multidirectional perspective with new records related to the already saved records
  • 70. the fastest form of a new data entry is to realize that we are missing and experience inquiry, research, cognitive development
  • 71. thus, the level of comprehension resulting from the new knowledge creates an extraordinary state of pleasure which can not be given to you by any external stimulus this is indicative of the rising consciousness
  • 72. this is the situation of the real pleasure to be taken, the actual habit to be created; to addict to new questioning and learning
  • 73. 30 years ago, he was said that he would have 3 year more life span he preferred the outstanding return of awareness instead of showing the emotional response to disease, which his genes deemed him worthy of
  • 74. now he can move only his eyes and awareness his brain is free, even if his body not his high-consciousness illuminates humanity
  • 75. a man can partially evaluate a presence with only his 5- senses thus, the more the hard disk assessing the 5-sense date includes questioned information', the higher the quality of the evaluation is
  • 77. questioning, the conscious information coming into to the hard disk through detailed thinking is an important value raising consciousness
  • 78. consciousness is the essence of being consciousness can be risen in man as the consciousness rises, the brain gets free consciousness of dependent man is stable
  • 79. man can question to the extent of his consciousness knowledge which creates perception, raise consciousness as the consciousness rises, its capacity of the interpretation of the existence increases
  • 80. real science, is the result of higher consciousness real scientists, are the result of rising consciousness what else is stephen hawking, except for consciousness?
  • 81. who is sick, is the body man would not be sick man is a magnificent consciousness if he can raise it
  • 82. every man has a magnificent consciousness in a cocoon without cocoon, man can not develop when the time comes, he can not bore his cocoon and raise his consciousness
  • 83. thus, formations such as ego, identity, which can be called as cocoon, are required, and must be abandoned when the time comes otherwise, health will be lost in a vicious cycle of pleasure or emotion
  • 84. if nonvolatile knowledge, judgment values and feelings are disabled, resistance to life does not develop, good and bad, right and wrong does not arise everything noticed is as it should be
  • 85. when the sovereignty of ego is eliminated, there is no you-I, they-we, people are equal the problem, is whether the brain is free
  • 86. in life there is no problem what creates problem is the perspective of life replace it, get beautiful so that you can make beautiful life is your masterpiece
  • 87. on the left an 'empty' skull, on the right a normal 'full' skull
  • 88. the owner of the skull on the left is 42-year-old french man, with two children and a job he went to the doctor because of foot pain, and he is going back home with the diagnosis of an empty brain
  • 89. according to the medicine, it can not be possible staying alive with that brain but it is real and happening why? because the medicine assesses within its knowledge because there is not such a record in the medical hard disk
  • 90. medicine, does not question such an information because it is afraid of losing an understanding which it possesses this is the diagnosis
  • 91. I've met with an image of empty skull before in the brain MR image of a 20-year-old young man, a piece of the brain was dangling from the skull dome when I had this experience 15 years ago, I ignored this case due to the nature of my medical classical conditioning
  • 92. medicine does not confirm the holographic theory the hologram says that, every thing in a structure is in every piece of the structure
  • 93. a brain cell, includes the all of the information, which the brain includes even a brain cell make the job of billions of brain cells
  • 94. there is an interpretation that also the universe is in a holographic structure, and all the universal knowledge is in each person with the exact form
  • 95. with this in mind, it is concluded that all beings are the holographic imaginary of a one single structure
  • 96. as the masterpiece of high-consciousness describes the reality in this way, can the ostrich continue its actions (syndrome) being insensitive to new information?
  • 97. today, when the information is easily reached I think that making the best of being a man can be done with the effort to raise consciousness values
  • 98. for your questions & arguments gucluildiz@me.com