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1Gregory D. SilvermanIf I cant run, Ill walk, if I cant walk, Ill crawl but so help me God, Ill keep moving forwardProfessional PortfolioJanuary 20, 2010
2Table of ContentsProfile
Personal Goals
Fun Facts
Community Involvement
Leadership Experience
Professional Goals
Key Take-A-Ways3ProfileFull Name:		Gregory David SilvermanBirthday:			July 15, 1987Hometown:		Mason, OhioCurrent Address:		19 North Congress			Athens, Ohio 45701Major(s):			MIS & MarketingOrganizations:		Director of Coach & Candidate Program 				within The Sales Centre at Ohio University
4BiographyGreg Silverman originates from a suburb about 20 miles north of Cincinnati, Ohio. He has witnessed Mason become one of the fastest growing suburbs in the state during the first decade of the 21st century. Mason, Ohio has been an instrumental part in Gregs life because it has given him the chance to receive a top public education, compete in athletics at a high level and grow up in a family environment. Greg is the youngest of three boys, his two twin brothers, Eric and Michael are 26 years old and both have successful careers in Cincinnati.  From a young age, Gregs parents, Cathy and Stan have taught him that hard work and honesty are two traits that will carry a person a long way through life. The success of their three boys is a direct tribute to the household they were raised in and the values they were taught. Family, faith, and academics were all held to the highest of standards and expected to be practiced to the best of their abilities. In high school, Greg played football all four years for the Mason Comets. He is an avid sports fan and loves competition. Even while juggling school work and extracurricular activities, Greg still was encouraged to begin his professional career. During Gregs sophomore year in high school, he began as a Retail Associate for Munoz Athletics. The retail industry enabled him to grow both personally and professionally.  After excelling in that position for two years, he was promoted to Retail Store Manager where he held the position for two more years before moving on in his professional career.  Throughout his  life, Greg has looked up to his older brothers. And so it was that Greg decided to follow them to Ohio University in the fall of 2006. Looking to make his own mark, he joined the Ralph and Lucy Schey Sales Centre known widely as the countrys #1 Sales Program. There Greg is the Director of the Coach & Candidate program where he helps the 20 senior candidates work with their professional advisory board coaches to land job offers before they graduate. His goal is to see 100% of the candidates in the program earn job offers before graduation day! As Gregs college career rapidly approaches the finish line, he is very confident his abilities will carry him to success within the workplace. From childhood, to Mason High School and now Ohio University, Greg has many people to attribute his successes too and plans to continue building upon these relationships in the years to come!
5ValuesWith the help of my former high school football coach, Gary Popovich, I have developed this value system that spells FAITH. Each one of these words represents an integral part in my life and I truly try and live my life each day with these in mind. Family:Without my family I would not be the person I am today. They are the rock in my life. Each one of my four family members is unique in their own talents, interests, and personality traits. No matter what I need, I can always go to at least one of them for guidance because they all have different areas of expertise.   Attitude: I am a firm believer that many things in life happen because of your mental state of mind. Attitude is so important in everything you do and can be why a person has or doesnt have success. I would argue that my attitude toward life is glass half full. I believe everyone has the capacity to do what they want, if they believe in the cause, themselves and outcome. Integrity: I consider myself a very loyal person who has integrity in every phase of life. I am a very reliable person and try to model myself after my parents who hold their integrity at the forefront of their value system. Trust: I have learned that if someone can not trust me, nothing else matters. I have made it a priority in my life to be a trustworthy young adult by not only telling the truth, but by making sure that whatever I say can be proved by my actions. Honor: Those who commit good deeds should be rewarded for their actions. I make it a point in my life to honor those that assist me in any phase of my life and try and go out of my way to praise them.

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Gregory D. Silvermans Portfolio

  • 1. 1Gregory D. SilvermanIf I cant run, Ill walk, if I cant walk, Ill crawl but so help me God, Ill keep moving forwardProfessional PortfolioJanuary 20, 2010
  • 12. Key Take-A-Ways3ProfileFull Name: Gregory David SilvermanBirthday: July 15, 1987Hometown: Mason, OhioCurrent Address: 19 North Congress Athens, Ohio 45701Major(s): MIS & MarketingOrganizations: Director of Coach & Candidate Program within The Sales Centre at Ohio University
  • 13. 4BiographyGreg Silverman originates from a suburb about 20 miles north of Cincinnati, Ohio. He has witnessed Mason become one of the fastest growing suburbs in the state during the first decade of the 21st century. Mason, Ohio has been an instrumental part in Gregs life because it has given him the chance to receive a top public education, compete in athletics at a high level and grow up in a family environment. Greg is the youngest of three boys, his two twin brothers, Eric and Michael are 26 years old and both have successful careers in Cincinnati. From a young age, Gregs parents, Cathy and Stan have taught him that hard work and honesty are two traits that will carry a person a long way through life. The success of their three boys is a direct tribute to the household they were raised in and the values they were taught. Family, faith, and academics were all held to the highest of standards and expected to be practiced to the best of their abilities. In high school, Greg played football all four years for the Mason Comets. He is an avid sports fan and loves competition. Even while juggling school work and extracurricular activities, Greg still was encouraged to begin his professional career. During Gregs sophomore year in high school, he began as a Retail Associate for Munoz Athletics. The retail industry enabled him to grow both personally and professionally. After excelling in that position for two years, he was promoted to Retail Store Manager where he held the position for two more years before moving on in his professional career. Throughout his life, Greg has looked up to his older brothers. And so it was that Greg decided to follow them to Ohio University in the fall of 2006. Looking to make his own mark, he joined the Ralph and Lucy Schey Sales Centre known widely as the countrys #1 Sales Program. There Greg is the Director of the Coach & Candidate program where he helps the 20 senior candidates work with their professional advisory board coaches to land job offers before they graduate. His goal is to see 100% of the candidates in the program earn job offers before graduation day! As Gregs college career rapidly approaches the finish line, he is very confident his abilities will carry him to success within the workplace. From childhood, to Mason High School and now Ohio University, Greg has many people to attribute his successes too and plans to continue building upon these relationships in the years to come!
  • 14. 5ValuesWith the help of my former high school football coach, Gary Popovich, I have developed this value system that spells FAITH. Each one of these words represents an integral part in my life and I truly try and live my life each day with these in mind. Family:Without my family I would not be the person I am today. They are the rock in my life. Each one of my four family members is unique in their own talents, interests, and personality traits. No matter what I need, I can always go to at least one of them for guidance because they all have different areas of expertise. Attitude: I am a firm believer that many things in life happen because of your mental state of mind. Attitude is so important in everything you do and can be why a person has or doesnt have success. I would argue that my attitude toward life is glass half full. I believe everyone has the capacity to do what they want, if they believe in the cause, themselves and outcome. Integrity: I consider myself a very loyal person who has integrity in every phase of life. I am a very reliable person and try to model myself after my parents who hold their integrity at the forefront of their value system. Trust: I have learned that if someone can not trust me, nothing else matters. I have made it a priority in my life to be a trustworthy young adult by not only telling the truth, but by making sure that whatever I say can be proved by my actions. Honor: Those who commit good deeds should be rewarded for their actions. I make it a point in my life to honor those that assist me in any phase of my life and try and go out of my way to praise them.
  • 17. 8Community OutreachDuring the summer of 2009, I had the unique opportunity to travel abroad through the Ohio University College of Business Global Competitiveness Program (GCP). My group and I completed a consulting project for the Ronald McDonald House of Leipzig, Germany and it really opened my eyes as to what the organization is all about and how it assist families with sick children. We not only completed a comprehensive business plan for the non-profit organization, but also were able to communicate on a personal level with some of the customers and get a feel of the house culture. Since arriving back in the states, I have taken it upon my self to get involved with the organization and try and help those in need. Upon graduation I look forward to getting more involved with the Cincinnati chapter and help many families in need! Pictured Left is our group of five members, (3 OU Students, 2 German Students) and the RMD House Leipzig Operator.
  • 18. 9EducationDegree: Bachelors of Business AdministrationMajor(s): MIS & MarketingCertificate: Professional Sales CertificateAccumulative GPA: 3.23/4.00Expected Graduation: June 2010
  • 19. 10A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. John C MaxwellLeadership Experience
  • 22. 13What can Greg do for you? The real question you are looking to answer is what can Greg do for you and your company? Leader: I have held numerous leadership positions both in the work place and in organizations. I know how to get the best out of people and in return enable the company to see success.Teammate: I have been involved with many teams, athletically, academically and professionally. I know how to interact with people and communicate efficiently to work together in order to achieve a common goal. Professional: I have had the experience of interacting with business professionals for over four years now through The Sales Centre and within my internship at Fifth Third Bancorp. I know what the real world expects from its employees and I know how to exceed those expectations.Creative: I will challenge myself and those around me to think outside the box, to analyze all alternatives and never be content with being average. Success: We all fail on occasion, its how you overcome failure and learn from it that matters. I have always found a way to succeed. While I may experience setbacks here and there, I can guarantee that nothing will stand in my way of finding success in the end. When I come work for you, you can be sure it will be the best investment you have ever made because I will do whatever it takes to be successful!
  • 23. 14ReflectictionCompleting this Portfolio has been a rewarding experience in more ways than I could imagine. I have been able to establish where I currently stand in my personal and professional life, identify the true vision of where I want to be in the future and also reflect upon all of the relationships that have helped me get to the point I am today. I understand that each one of those relationships will be vital in helping me achieve my goals and I look forward to reaching for them in the coming years. I also realize that this will continue to be a living document that I will be able to update, change and add to as I evolve both personally and professionally!