This document provides information and policies for an intramural team handball managers meeting at Northeastern University. It outlines the most important IM policies including rules around game times, roster management, and rescheduling. It also details player eligibility requirements, how to add players to rosters, and the captain's role in communicating with officials. Sport-specific rules for intramural wallyball are also provided regarding locations, game lengths, player equipment, and goalie rules.
2. The Five
IM Policies
Game time is forfeit time please ensure you
have enough rostered players present prior to
the start of your scheduled contest.
Only a teams captain may confer with the
All players must present their valid Northeastern
University issued Husky Card in order to play.
All roster management is done via the
IMLeagues platform.
After the seasons schedule is published,
regular season games will not be rescheduled
at a teams request.
3. Roles
Duties of
Be responsible for your actions and the
actions of all your teammates.
Understand all the relevant intramural
policies and rules as found in the
Intramural Managers Handbook.
Communicate all necessary policies and
rules to your teammates.
Inform any ejected players that they
need to leave the facility and how they
can apply for reinstatement.
4. Player Eligibility
All registered students are eligible to play
Undergraduate, graduate, part-time and law
students are all eligible.
Unless otherwise noted, alumni and faculty/staff
cannot participate in intramural sports.
Players may only play on one team per
league per sport per season:
One open and one co-rec team per season.
There may be multiple seasons in each semester.
Club Sport Rules:
Only three club sport players may be on a single
team roster for the related sport.
All registrations and roster
management is done through
the IMLeagues platform.
Ex-Varsity Athletes:
Are required to sit out a year (of any related sport) and each team can
only have one such student on their roster
5. Roster
All roster additions must be done online via the
IMLeagues platform.
May be completed at any time including up
until the start of a game!
Managers can drop players by emailing
Please note that you may not drop a player
who has already played a game for your
Players must complete a short online quiz prior
to being eligible to play.
All rosters are found online on IMLeagues.
6. The
Only the captain may clarify calls with the
If players or other team members have
questions, issues or concerns they need to
direct them through the Captain to the
Each Captain may respectfully question rule
interpretations, but not judgment calls.
Judgement calls are at the sole discretion of
the presiding match officials.
Players who are not the Captain, and who
argue with the officials, will receive an
unsportsmanlike penalty.
7. The Intramural Managers
Can be found online on the Campus
Recreation website and on IMLeagues.
Managers must know all relevant policies and
communicate them to their team.
Especially important are the policies regarding
sportsmanship expectations and ejections.
Note that 3 unsportsmanlike penalties will end
a contest in forfeit.
Found online at:
Fighting/taunting or specific violations of the code of conduct will
also result in a forfeit.
8. Team
It is the responsibility of the team manager to
submit an appropriate team name at the time of
A student panel will review questionably
inappropriate team names, where majority will
rule regarding if the team name will be removed.
The team name will be changed until the captain
resubmits a new team name that is deemed
The full team name policy can be found on page
# 3 of the Intramural Managers Handbook.
9. Jewelry Policy
Jewelry is not allowed to be worn by any intramural sports participants during a contest.
This includes watches, wristbands, rings, hair ties, piercings, and all necklaces.
Taping of earrings and other jewelry is NOT PERMITTED.
If a player is found to be wearing jewelry during a game, they will be given an
unsportsmanlike penalty as it is a safety risk.
There are two exceptions to this rule: spiritual/religious objects and medical items.
Exceptions for spiritual and religious items must be approved by the Center for Spirituality,
Dialogue, and Service and by the Office of Intramural Sports at least 5 days prior to the
scheduled contest.
10. The
The number of regular season games will
vary by sport due to facility availability and
the number of registered teams.
For most sports, team managers will be able
to select their schedule preferences for the
season. Whenever possible the IM office will
try - but cannot guarantee - to accommodate
these preferences.
Team managers should email the Intramural
Sports office with all other scheduling
requests prior to the close of registration.
After the schedule is published regular
season games will not be rescheduled by
team request.
11. Defaulting an IM Game
After the schedule is published regular season games
will not be rescheduled by team request.
However, teams that know that they cannot attend a
scheduled contest can submit a Default online.
Defaults count as a loss but there is no penalty to the
teams forfeit bond.
Defaults must be submitted the day prior to a
scheduled contest. This allows us time to contact the
opposing team.
The link to the online Default Form will be in your
registration email.
Also online at:
12. Playoffs
At the conclusion of each intramural sports
season a single elimination playoff
tournament will be held.
The number of teams taken into the playoffs
will be determined by facility availability and
the number of registered teams in each
Playoff Tie-Breaker Procedures:
If two teams are tied in the standings the
following will be used to determine who will
Forfeited games
Defaulted games
Head-to-head record
Point differential
If there is still a tie, which ever team
registered first will advance.
13. Forfeits
All teams in league play and some special
events must pay a $20 forfeit bond via the
provided link at the conclusion of
Teams will lose $10 for every forfeit.
A team that forfeits will be removed from
the league and loss their entire bond.
Unused bonds will be refunded 2-3 weeks
after the conclusion of the season.
Game time is forfeit time.
It is recommended that teams show up 15
minutes before game time to avoid a forfeit.
14. Intramural
Code of
All participants in the Intramural Sports
program must adhere to the Intramural Sports
Code of Conduct.
Including the following policies:
3 unsportsmanlike penalties on one team in
a game will result in the termination of the
game as a forfeit against that team.
Ejected players must leave the facility within
five minutes or their team will forfeit the
Players who have been ejected must meet
with an administrator of the intramural sports
program before they may participate in
further intramural competitions.
15. Review:
The Five
IM Policies
Game time is forfeit time please ensure you
have enough rostered players present prior to
the start of your scheduled contest.
Only a teams captain may confer with the
All players must present their valid Northeastern
University issued Husky Card in order to play.
All roster management is done via the
IMLeagues platform.
After the seasons schedule is published regular
season games will not be rescheduled at a
teams request.
18. General
Game Length: The game will consist of two (2)
20-minute periods with one (1) 2-minute halftime
(running time). The game may be shortened at the
discretion of the Supervisor if necessary.
All ties at the end of regulation will be ties. During
the playoffs, ties will be decided by a 5-minute
golden goal period in which the first team to score
will win.
Mercy Rule: All games with a 10-goal differential at
any time in the 2nd half will be ended.
19. General
Handball will be played 5v5 and teams must have
at least four (4) players at gametime to avoid a
All Gender Leagues: A team must have at
least two (2) players who identify as a different
gender than two (2) other players on the court
at all times.
Players must wear athletic clothing and
appropriate footwear. No open toed shoes will be
allowed. Jeans, cargo pants and khakis are not
allowed to be worn by any player. Players must be
in athletic attire. Exchanging equipment is only
permitted on the sidelines. Players lacking proper
equipment will not be allowed to participate.
20. Player Rules
Players may sub at any time. These
substitutions must be an even switch on the
sideline. In the last 2 minutes, if a team is down
by two (2) or less goals, the goalie may be
pulled, but this player loses all rights of the
goalie. If the goalie is pulled, they may not sub.
Players may not intentionally slide. Players that in
the official's judgment slide will be assessed a
warning and the opposing team will be granted a
penalty shot. Players that slide a 2nd time will be
ejected from the contest and the opposing team
will be granted a penalty shot.
21. Player Rules
Passive Play: It is illegal to keep the ball in a
team's possession without making a recognizable
attempt to attack and to try to score. A free throw
will be awarded to the other team.
Players are allowed to run with the ball for 3 steps,
hold the ball for 3 seconds, and unlimited dribble
with 3 steps allowed before and after dribbling (no
double dribble).
Free-throws are awarded for all infractions, unless
noted in the rules above. For a minor foul or
violation, a free-throw is awarded to the opponent at
the exact spot it took place. If the foul or violation
occurs within 2 yards of the goal area line, the throw
is taken from the nearest spot 2 yards away from the
goal area line.
22. Goalies
Only the goalkeeper is allowed in the goal area.
The shooting player may fly into the goal area to
shoot the ball but may not touch the shooting line
before the ball is released. Once the shooter comes
down in the goal area, they must make an
immediate attempt to exit the area:
If the offensive player enters the area, the
goalie takes possession of the ball and throws
the ball back into play.
If a defensive player enters the goal area a
penalty shot is awarded to the offensive team.
23. Goalies
When the goalie throws, rolls or kicks the ball, it must hit
another player before crossing the half-line. If the ball
crosses the half-line, the opposing team must be the first
to gain possession and control of the ball. Otherwise, the
play will be called dead and the ball given to the
opposing team's goalie. Goal-throw is awarded when the
ball rebounds off the goalkeeper over the endline or the
ball is thrown over the endline by the attacking team.
Goalies are not allowed to cross over the half line.
Goalies may only sub in between periods unless the
goalie is ejected or suffers an injury.
Goal-Throw: The goalie takes the throw inside the goal
area and is not restricted by the 3-step/3-second rule.
When putting the ball back in play goalies cannot carry the
ball outside of their goal box. The goalie must pass the
ball to put it back into play.
24. Throw In
A throw-in is awarded when the ball goes out of
bounds on the sideline or when the ball is last
touched by a defensive player (excluding the
goalie) and goes out of bounds over the endline.
The throw-in is taken from the spot where the
ball crossed the sideline, or if it crossed the
endline, from the nearest corner. The thrower
must place one foot on the sideline to execute
the throw. All opposing players must stay 3
meters away from the ball.
25. Shooting
Field players may not enter the shooting arc (3
point line) unless their momentum carries them
into the area. If this happens, they must
immediately leave the shooting arc once their
momentum has stopped.
Players may score off any type of throw as long
as they do not enter the shooting arc.
When shooting, the ball must be released before
touching the ground and the offensive player
must immediately leave the arc if the shot is
missed and play resumes.
If a rebound is gained by the offensive team and
is scored while an offensive player is within the
goal crease, the goal is disallowed.
26. Defending
If there are any defenders in the goal area at any
time, the offensive team will receive a penalty
All fouls will result in a restart (free-throw)
granted at the site of the infraction.
There is NO diving, sliding, holding, pushing or
roughing during Intramural Team Handball.
These will result in a penalty and/or a UC.
27. Unsportsmanlike
A player receiving a yellow card receives an automatic
2minute penalty, with no replacement, which may be
increased up to five minutes by the official or supervisor
depending on the severity of the foul. When a goal is
scored against his/her team during a 2minute penalty,
the player may come back into the game.
Yellow card fouls include, but are not limited to the following:
Entering or leaving the field of play without the permission
of an official
Objecting by word of mouth or action to any decision of an
official (dissent)
Delay of game (including refusing to yield 3 yards on a free
Holding a shirt, shorts, etc.
Deliberate tactical foul
Other general unsportsmanlike conduct
28. Unsportsmanlike
A player receiving a red card is disqualified, and the
team must play shorthanded for the remainder of the
Red card fouls include, but are not limited to the
A second yellow card
Exhibiting violent conduct
Spitting at another person
Using insulting, offensive or abusive language
Leaving the bench area to enter the field during a
fight or altercation
29. Fouls
Fouls will be called if a player:
Endangers an opponent with the ball
Uses outstretched arms or legs to obstruct,
push, hold, trip, or hit an opponent
Pulls, hits, or punches the ball out of the hands
of an opponent
Contacts the ball below the knee
Dives on the floor for a rolling or stationary ball
A defender pushes or jumps into an attacker
An attacker charges through a defender with an
established position
30. Now Take the Quiz!
Thank you for your interest in the Intramural Sports
program have a great season!