God's good and gracious will is for His name to be kept holy, His kingdom to come through correct teaching of His Word and bringing sinners to faith in Christ. The devil, world and our sinful nature oppose God's will. We pray for God's will to be done in our lives even though it will always come to pass, so that His will prevails against opposition and we remain steadfast in faith. God's will is done when He hinders opposing plans, strengthens our faith, and helps us live godly lives until death, working all things for good.
This document provides an overview of Lutheran teachings on prayer based on a study of the Lord's Prayer. It discusses that prayer is a privilege and command for believers, defines prayer as speaking to God, and notes we should pray to God alone. It explains we should pray in Jesus' name, with confidence, according to God's will, and that the Holy Spirit helps believers in prayer. Jesus' Lord's Prayer is given as an example prayer. The document also references Luther's view of prayer as spiritual comfort and defense against evil.
This document contains an explanation of the Lord's Prayer. It discusses each line and petitions, including what they mean and how we can keep God's name holy and pray for His kingdom to come. Key points are:
- The first petition asks that God's name be kept holy when His Word is taught truly and when we live according to it.
- The second petition asks God to give us His Holy Spirit so we believe His Word and live godly lives, bringing others to faith, using us to spread His kingdom, and hastening His final kingdom.
- God guarantees His kingdom comes through the means of grace - His Word.
The document discusses how God provides our daily bread through making the earth fruitful and enabling us to work, and that we should not be greedy or worry about the future but live contentedly. It also discusses that we should share with those unable to work and include them in our prayers. We should not love in words only but with actions by sharing what we have. The document also discusses the meaning of forgiving others in the Lord's Prayer, confessing our sins, asking God for forgiveness, and showing our belief in God's forgiveness of us by forgiving others.
This document provides an overview of Jesus' use of parables. It discusses what parables are, why Jesus used them, and how to properly understand and interpret them. Some key points include:
- Parables are stories used by Jesus to make spiritual points in an engaging way that "slips past defenses."
- Proper interpretation requires analyzing context, hearing it as first-century Jews would, and paying attention to shocking elements.
- Allegorical interpretations that assign deep meaning to minor details can go too far. The parables' main teachings should be the focus.
- Examples like the Lost Sheep parable and a version of the Good Samaritan set in the American South help illustrate
The document discusses the Lord's Prayer given by Jesus. It provides the full text of the prayer and analyzes each line. The prayer establishes a father-child relationship with God and asks for God's name to be hallowed, kingdom to come, daily bread, forgiveness as we forgive others, and deliverance from evil. However, the document notes that many Christians recite the prayer without understanding its meaning and power. True prayer requires faith and conscious thought about what is being asked of God.
The document discusses how to pray according to Jesus' teachings in the Lord's Prayer. It covers avoiding hypocritical and vain prayers, the importance of closet praying, fellowship with God rather than babbling, and that God knows our needs. The key aspects of praying the Jesus Way are being authentic pray-ers, communing with God privately through asking for our needs and His restoration.
The document is a summary of The Lord's Prayer in 3 sentences or less:
The prayer begins by addressing God as Father in Heaven and acknowledging His holiness. It asks for God's kingdom and will to be established on Earth as in heaven. It requests daily provision, forgiveness as we forgive others, and deliverance from temptation and evil while recognizing God's eternal power and glory.
Jesus taught his disciples how to pray using what is known as the Lord's Prayer. He instructed them to pray privately to God as their Father in heaven, focusing on hallowing God's name, desiring God's kingdom and will to be done, asking for daily provision and forgiveness as we forgive others, and requesting deliverance from temptation and evil. Jesus emphasized humble, sincere prayer over repetitive, empty words.
The document provides an overview of Jesus' parables from the Bible. It defines a parable as a short story that teaches a moral or spiritual lesson. Jesus often used parables as a teaching tool to convey important messages about the kingdom of God in an engaging way. The document examines several of Jesus' famous parables, including the parables of the sower, the Good Samaritan, and the workers in the vineyard. It analyzes the key characters, settings, and messages within each parable.
This lesson is a general lesson on one of the teaching processes used by Jesus -- Parables.
This general lesson will seek to provide an overview of the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:3-23) as well as an introduction to parables.
Jesus commonly used parables, which are simple stories that illustrate religious truths, to teach about the kingdom of God. The Synoptic Gospels differ in their portrayal of how people understood Jesus' parables, with Mark suggesting they were confusing without faith, Matthew connecting them to belief in Jesus, and Luke using them to warn, call people to follow, and instruct disciples. While John rarely includes parables, his gospel features dialogues between Jesus and others to clarify Jesus' meaning when his words are misunderstood.
An introduction to a study of Jesus' Parables. Literary tools such as metaphors, similes and allegory are defined and distinguished from a parable itself. Jesus purpose for using parables is also discussed along with a 5 step approach to analyzing a parable.
This document discusses two types of rest: anapauó and katapauó. Anapauó refers to ceasing from work to regain strength and refresh oneself. The document examines biblical passages where Jesus and disciples took anapauó. Katapauó means resting in God and one's work, with a sense of quietness and confidence. It discusses how believers can enter God's supernatural rest through faith. Overall the document provides lessons on the importance of both types of rest for physical and spiritual renewal.
The document discusses mastering the Bible. It covers the Bible's authorship by both divine and human authors over 1600 years across 3 continents and 3 languages. It asserts the Bible's authority comes from its divine authorship as God's revelation of himself. The Bible provides answers to life's biggest questions about identity, purpose, origins, and what happens after death, which science cannot fully address. Understanding the Bible is important to understanding God's instructions for his creation.
The document is a sermon given at the Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church on October 16, 2016. It addresses why people worry and encourages the congregation not to worry about basic necessities like food, drink and clothing, as God will provide for their needs. The sermon uses various examples from the Bible to illustrate its message of having faith in God to relieve worry.
This document outlines a sermon on mastering and being mastered by the Bible. It discusses the authorship and structure of the Bible, describing how it is divided into the Old and New Testaments. It also explains seven ways that the Bible can transform lives as a mirror, sword, fire, hammer, light, seed, and food. The sermon encourages believers to read through the New Testament together in the new year using the P.R.A.Y. method of praying, reading, applying what they learn, and yielding to God.
10 02 being with jesus what do you want mk 10 46-52SSMC
This sermon discusses the biblical story of Bartimaeus, a blind beggar who calls out to Jesus as he is passing through Jericho. It uses Bartimaeus' journey from hopelessness to having his sight restored as an example of what it means to truly be with Jesus. The sermon encourages listeners to reflect on whether they may be spiritually blind and in need of Jesus, just as Bartimaeus was physically blind but came to have faith in Jesus' power to heal him.
God's good and gracious will is for His name to be kept holy, His kingdom to come through correct teaching of His Word and bringing sinners to faith in Christ. The devil, world and our sinful nature oppose God's will. We pray for God's will to be done in our lives even though it will always come to pass, so that His will prevails against opposition and we remain steadfast in faith. God's will is done when He hinders opposing plans, strengthens our faith, and helps us live godly lives until death, working all things for good.
This document provides an overview of Lutheran teachings on prayer based on a study of the Lord's Prayer. It discusses that prayer is a privilege and command for believers, defines prayer as speaking to God, and notes we should pray to God alone. It explains we should pray in Jesus' name, with confidence, according to God's will, and that the Holy Spirit helps believers in prayer. Jesus' Lord's Prayer is given as an example prayer. The document also references Luther's view of prayer as spiritual comfort and defense against evil.
This document contains an explanation of the Lord's Prayer. It discusses each line and petitions, including what they mean and how we can keep God's name holy and pray for His kingdom to come. Key points are:
- The first petition asks that God's name be kept holy when His Word is taught truly and when we live according to it.
- The second petition asks God to give us His Holy Spirit so we believe His Word and live godly lives, bringing others to faith, using us to spread His kingdom, and hastening His final kingdom.
- God guarantees His kingdom comes through the means of grace - His Word.
The document discusses how God provides our daily bread through making the earth fruitful and enabling us to work, and that we should not be greedy or worry about the future but live contentedly. It also discusses that we should share with those unable to work and include them in our prayers. We should not love in words only but with actions by sharing what we have. The document also discusses the meaning of forgiving others in the Lord's Prayer, confessing our sins, asking God for forgiveness, and showing our belief in God's forgiveness of us by forgiving others.
This document provides an overview of Jesus' use of parables. It discusses what parables are, why Jesus used them, and how to properly understand and interpret them. Some key points include:
- Parables are stories used by Jesus to make spiritual points in an engaging way that "slips past defenses."
- Proper interpretation requires analyzing context, hearing it as first-century Jews would, and paying attention to shocking elements.
- Allegorical interpretations that assign deep meaning to minor details can go too far. The parables' main teachings should be the focus.
- Examples like the Lost Sheep parable and a version of the Good Samaritan set in the American South help illustrate
The document discusses the Lord's Prayer given by Jesus. It provides the full text of the prayer and analyzes each line. The prayer establishes a father-child relationship with God and asks for God's name to be hallowed, kingdom to come, daily bread, forgiveness as we forgive others, and deliverance from evil. However, the document notes that many Christians recite the prayer without understanding its meaning and power. True prayer requires faith and conscious thought about what is being asked of God.
The document discusses how to pray according to Jesus' teachings in the Lord's Prayer. It covers avoiding hypocritical and vain prayers, the importance of closet praying, fellowship with God rather than babbling, and that God knows our needs. The key aspects of praying the Jesus Way are being authentic pray-ers, communing with God privately through asking for our needs and His restoration.
The document is a summary of The Lord's Prayer in 3 sentences or less:
The prayer begins by addressing God as Father in Heaven and acknowledging His holiness. It asks for God's kingdom and will to be established on Earth as in heaven. It requests daily provision, forgiveness as we forgive others, and deliverance from temptation and evil while recognizing God's eternal power and glory.
Jesus taught his disciples how to pray using what is known as the Lord's Prayer. He instructed them to pray privately to God as their Father in heaven, focusing on hallowing God's name, desiring God's kingdom and will to be done, asking for daily provision and forgiveness as we forgive others, and requesting deliverance from temptation and evil. Jesus emphasized humble, sincere prayer over repetitive, empty words.
The document provides an overview of Jesus' parables from the Bible. It defines a parable as a short story that teaches a moral or spiritual lesson. Jesus often used parables as a teaching tool to convey important messages about the kingdom of God in an engaging way. The document examines several of Jesus' famous parables, including the parables of the sower, the Good Samaritan, and the workers in the vineyard. It analyzes the key characters, settings, and messages within each parable.
This lesson is a general lesson on one of the teaching processes used by Jesus -- Parables.
This general lesson will seek to provide an overview of the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:3-23) as well as an introduction to parables.
Jesus commonly used parables, which are simple stories that illustrate religious truths, to teach about the kingdom of God. The Synoptic Gospels differ in their portrayal of how people understood Jesus' parables, with Mark suggesting they were confusing without faith, Matthew connecting them to belief in Jesus, and Luke using them to warn, call people to follow, and instruct disciples. While John rarely includes parables, his gospel features dialogues between Jesus and others to clarify Jesus' meaning when his words are misunderstood.
An introduction to a study of Jesus' Parables. Literary tools such as metaphors, similes and allegory are defined and distinguished from a parable itself. Jesus purpose for using parables is also discussed along with a 5 step approach to analyzing a parable.
This document discusses two types of rest: anapauó and katapauó. Anapauó refers to ceasing from work to regain strength and refresh oneself. The document examines biblical passages where Jesus and disciples took anapauó. Katapauó means resting in God and one's work, with a sense of quietness and confidence. It discusses how believers can enter God's supernatural rest through faith. Overall the document provides lessons on the importance of both types of rest for physical and spiritual renewal.
The document discusses mastering the Bible. It covers the Bible's authorship by both divine and human authors over 1600 years across 3 continents and 3 languages. It asserts the Bible's authority comes from its divine authorship as God's revelation of himself. The Bible provides answers to life's biggest questions about identity, purpose, origins, and what happens after death, which science cannot fully address. Understanding the Bible is important to understanding God's instructions for his creation.
The document is a sermon given at the Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church on October 16, 2016. It addresses why people worry and encourages the congregation not to worry about basic necessities like food, drink and clothing, as God will provide for their needs. The sermon uses various examples from the Bible to illustrate its message of having faith in God to relieve worry.
This document outlines a sermon on mastering and being mastered by the Bible. It discusses the authorship and structure of the Bible, describing how it is divided into the Old and New Testaments. It also explains seven ways that the Bible can transform lives as a mirror, sword, fire, hammer, light, seed, and food. The sermon encourages believers to read through the New Testament together in the new year using the P.R.A.Y. method of praying, reading, applying what they learn, and yielding to God.
10 02 being with jesus what do you want mk 10 46-52SSMC
This sermon discusses the biblical story of Bartimaeus, a blind beggar who calls out to Jesus as he is passing through Jericho. It uses Bartimaeus' journey from hopelessness to having his sight restored as an example of what it means to truly be with Jesus. The sermon encourages listeners to reflect on whether they may be spiritually blind and in need of Jesus, just as Bartimaeus was physically blind but came to have faith in Jesus' power to heal him.
The document discusses key aspects of the New Age movement, including its origins in the 1960s counterculture, beliefs about the dawning of the "Age of Aquarius," and tenets related to spirituality, the occult, and social change. It contrasts New Age views of God, reincarnation, salvation, and the identity of Jesus Christ with biblical teachings. While the New Age incorporates some spiritual practices, it differs significantly from Christianity in its central beliefs.
Medical Utopias: The Promise of Emerging TechnologiesAlex Tang
Medical utopias are often about good health, absence of suffering, and even delaying of the aging process. The last two decades have seen a tremendous increase in emerging medical technologies to achieve these utopias. The completion of the sequencing of the human genome sets the stage for the next step of genetic and molecular advances. The increase in computing power, storage capacity, connectivity, and the Internet has opened avenues of new diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. The perfecting of sustaining cell growth in vitro and cell nucleus transfer has opened the way to cloning, stem cell harvesting, and a new field of regenerative medicine. However, these emerging technologies bring with them a large number of bioethical concerns that need to be addressed. These concerns involving tissue engineering, bioelectronics, new genetics, cloning, gene therapy, germ-line genome modifications are only the tip of the iceberg. In this paper I will reflect on three areas of concern. Firstly, the emergence of the digital patient will be considered. This digital patient will be deeply formed and informed by health information technology (IT), the social media, and issues involving privacy, confidentiality and data security. Secondly, the direct to customers (DTC) genetic screening tests will be discussed. The ethical issue of buccal swabs taken at home and be tested for genetic diseases and future prediction of other illnesses which is marketed directly to the consumers will be examined. Finally, the development of new pharmaco-therapeutics will be explored. There have been changes in the way new drugs are tested and these changes do raise some ethical concerns. The examination of these ethical issues will be done in the framework of respect for autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice.
The document is a sermon about the meaning of Christmas and the signs of Immanuel from Isaiah and Matthew. It discusses how Isaiah prophesied that a virgin would conceive and bear a son named Immanuel, meaning "God with us". Matthew's gospel references this prophecy in describing Jesus' birth to Mary, a virgin. The sermon explores the original Hebrew and Greek translations, arguing the virgin birth was intended. It concludes the signs from Isaiah and Matthew signify that through Jesus, God is in control, saves his people, and is with us.
The document discusses lessons that can be learned from Jesus' letter to the church in Smyrna in Revelation 2:8-11. It summarizes that the church in Smyrna faced persecution including economic poverty, imprisonment, slander and potential martyrdom. The key lessons are to remain faithful during times of persecution by keeping one's eyes fixed on Jesus, trusting that God is in control of all circumstances, and that present suffering will lead to future glory.
Job had faith in the midst in his sickness and there are many lessons we can learn from him. Ultimately it is about God’s Grace in the midst of sickness.
Job had faith in the midst in his sickness and there are many lessons we can learn from him. Ultimately it is about God’s Grace in the midst of sickness.
Spiritual friendship involves being a God seeker, reader of the Bible, one who is accountable to others, engages in prayer for others, and provides encouragement. Spiritual friends walk together with God, support one another, and are strengthened through their bond of mutual care, accountability and prayer.
It is the human Jesus (fully divine, fully human) who resisted the temptations of Satan by his lived experience of the Scriptures. This gives us hope that we can resist temptations by (1) knowing ourselves; (2) developing a plan to resist; (3) avoid temptations; (4) resist and pray; and to (5) get the help of theirs.
Growing spiritually is co-partnering with the Holy Spirit to transform us by removing the veil and revealing the glory (Christ) that is within us. Growing deep in faith spiritual involves two components, three dimensions and four principles.
The document summarizes the biblical passage Numbers 13, which describes how God instructed Moses to send spies to explore the land of Canaan. The spies were sent one from each tribe and they surveyed the land and people. When they returned, most of the spies gave a negative report, saying the people were strong and cities large and fortified. They felt like grasshoppers in comparison. However, Caleb encouraged the people to take the land, trusting in God. The document analyzes themes of witness, land, and people, and how God calls believers to witness without fear through lives of faith and friendship.
Barnabas was sent by the church in Jerusalem to investigate the ministry happening in Antioch where Greeks were being preached to. When Barnabas arrived, he saw evidence of God's grace at work and encouraged the believers to remain faithful. Barnabas was described as a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith. The document then provides reflections from Barnabas' life, including that he was open to God's grace, encouraged others, mentored leaders like Paul, was fallible but learned from mistakes, generous, and highly respected.
Barnabas was sent by the church in Jerusalem to investigate the ministry happening in Antioch where Greeks were being preached to. When Barnabas arrived, he saw evidence of God's grace at work and encouraged the believers to remain faithful. Barnabas was described as a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith. He was open to God's grace, encouraged others, mentored leaders like Paul and John Mark, and was generous with his wealth and ministry despite also being fallible at times. Barnabas was highly respected by Paul and other early church leaders.
Barnabas was sent by the church in Jerusalem to encourage believers in Antioch. When he arrived, he saw evidence of God's grace at work and encouraged the believers to remain faithful. Barnabas was described as a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith. The passage reflects on Barnabas' character, including that he was open to God's grace, encouraged others, mentored leaders like Paul and John Mark, though also fallible, and was generous and highly respected.
Why we do not see God’s Presence in our lives? We do not see or perceive God’s Presence is because we don’t always seek God with our whole heart, we don’t purse God with repentant hearts, we are looking for the wrong kind of God, our God is too small or we are looking in the wrong places. Opening our spiritual eyes depends on Lordship of Jesus Christ, understanding and applying the Bible, prayer and spiritual companions.
The way to deal with dis'courage'ment is to take the word 'courage' out and uses it. We overcome discouragement when we realise that (1) nothing happens according to our plans; (2) we need to be realistic in our expectations; (3) avoid dwelling on discouragements alone; (4) controlling our emotions; (5) not to give up; (6) that a closed door may leads to many open doors; and that our God is bigger than all our problems.
The document outlines seven principles for being the world's greatest mom: 1) Don't be self-centered, 2) Speak the languages of love to fuel children's emotional needs through touch, words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, and acts of service, 3) Don't expect instant results and be patient through repetition, setting boundaries, and age-appropriate teaching, 4) Be grateful and teach gratefulness, 5) Learn to let go and cut the umbilical cord, 6) Walk in faith through routines, rituals, and teaching truths, 7) Stay close to God through living in Christ, prayer, Bible study, and prayer. The greatest mom knows her children's love languages and raises them in the faith
In our busy life, especially in difficult times, there is a tendency for us to ignore God and all that God has given us. We need to re-examine ourselves and make sure we are being obedience to God. Then all the good things that God has given us will be meaningful.
2. How to be the World’s
Greatest Parents
Dr Alex Tang
3. Who are Parents? 谁是父母?
Biological Parents
Single parent
People whose role or functions as parents
4. Proverbs 3:1-6
1 My son, do not forget my teaching,
but keep my commands in your heart,
2 for they will prolong your life many years
and bring you prosperity.
3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart.
5. Proverbs 3:1-6
4 Then you will win favor and a good name
in the sight of God and man.
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
7. The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
Oxford English Dictionary 2007
= “fear of losing” 害怕失去
8. 1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
? Kiasuism is self-centeredness
? 怕输是一种自我的心态
Oxford English Dictionary 2007
= “fear of losing” 害怕失去
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
9. 1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
? Kiasuism is self-centeredness
? 怕输是一种自我的心态
? Kiasu parents produce kiasu children
? 怕输的父母就有怕输的孩子
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
10. The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
? Kiasuism is self-centeredness
? 怕输是一种自我的心态
? Kiasu parents produce kiasu children
? 怕输的父母就有怕输的孩子
? Kiasu parents use shame to control their
children 怕输的父母常用羞辱来操从孩子
11. 1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
12. How to fuel their emotional tank with love?
14. The Languages of Love in Children
1. Physical touch
15. 2. Words of Affirmation
? Words of affection and
? Words of praise
? Words of encouragement
? Words of guidance
The Languages of Love in Children
16. The Languages of Love in Children
3. Quality time
? Being together
? Positive eye contact
? Sharing thoughts and
17. 4. Gifts 礼物
? Grace of giving
? Meaningful gift giving
The Languages of Love in Children
? 施予是一种恩典
? 分享有价值的礼物
18. The Languages of Love in Children
? 充满爱的服务
? 只做孩子不能为
5. Acts of service
? Loving service
? Only do for them what
they cannot do
19. The World’s Greatest Parents
Knows Her Children’s Primary
Love Language
20. 1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children
3. Don’t expect instant results
EPH 6:4 Fathers, do not exasperate your
children; instead, bring them up in the
training and instruction of the Lord.
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
21. Don’t expect instant results
? Repeat, repeat, repeat 重复、重复、再重复
? Set appropriate boundaries 把界限划分清楚
? Behavioural modification 行为塑造
?Positive reinforcement 正增強
?Negative reinforcement 負增強
?Punishment 惩罚
? Age appropriate teaching 按照年龄教导
? Teach children to learn 教导孩子学习
22. 1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children
3. Don’t expect instant results 不要急于求成
4. Be and teach gratefulness 有感恩的心
? Be grateful 成为一个感恩的人
? Teach gratefulness 教导孩子感恩
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
23. 1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children
3. Don’t expect instant results 不要急于求成
4. Be and teach gratefulness 有感恩的心
5. Learn to let go 学习放手
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
24. Learn to let go 学习放手
? Be willing to let go 要原意放手
? Develop spiritual and social ‘streetwise’
? Cut the umbilical cord 必须【剪脐带】
Proverb 22: 6
6 Train a child in the way he
should go, and when he is old
he will not turn from it.
25. 1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children
3. Don’t expect instant results 不要急于求成
4. Be and teach gratefulness 有感恩的心
5. Learn to let go 学习放手
6. Walk in the faith 活出信仰
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
26. Walk in the faith 活出信仰
? Our faith is caught rather than taught
? Routine, rituals and telling the truth
? 基督教信仰在乎身教过于言教
? 日常生活、宗教礼仪、教导真理
Deu 11: 19
19 Teach them to your children, talking about them
when you sit at home and when you walk along
the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
27. 1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children
3. Don’t expect instant results 不要急于求成
4. Be and teach gratefulness 有感恩的心
5. Learn to let go 学习放手
6. Walk in the faith 活出信仰
7. Stay close to the Source 亲近上帝
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
28. Stay close to the Source 亲近上帝
? Living a life in Christ
? Prayer
? Bible assimilation
John 15: 7-8
7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask
whatever you wish, and it will be given you. 8 This is to
my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing
yourselves to be my disciples.
29. The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children
3. Don’t expect instant results 不要急于求成
4. Be and teach gratefulness 有感恩的心
5. Learn to let go 学习放手
6. Walk in the faith 活出信仰
7. Stay close to the Source 亲近上帝
30. to the world’s greatest
…yes, YOU!