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How to be the World’s
Greatest Parents
Dr Alex Tang
Who are Parents? 谁是父母?
Biological Parents
Single parent
People whose role or functions as parents
Proverbs 3:1-6
1 My son, do not forget my teaching,
but keep my commands in your heart,
2 for they will prolong your life many years
and bring you prosperity.
3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart.
Proverbs 3:1-6
4 Then you will win favor and a good name
in the sight of God and man.
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
Oxford English Dictionary 2007
= “fear of losing” 害怕失去
1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
? Kiasuism is self-centeredness
? 怕输是一种自我的心态
Oxford English Dictionary 2007
= “fear of losing” 害怕失去
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
? Kiasuism is self-centeredness
? 怕输是一种自我的心态
? Kiasu parents produce kiasu children
? 怕输的父母就有怕输的孩子
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
? Kiasuism is self-centeredness
? 怕输是一种自我的心态
? Kiasu parents produce kiasu children
? 怕输的父母就有怕输的孩子
? Kiasu parents use shame to control their
children 怕输的父母常用羞辱来操从孩子
1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
How to fuel their emotional tank with love?
How to be the world's greatest parents.
The Languages of Love in Children
1. Physical touch
2. Words of Affirmation
? Words of affection and
? Words of praise
? Words of encouragement
? Words of guidance
The Languages of Love in Children
The Languages of Love in Children
3. Quality time
? Being together
? Positive eye contact
? Sharing thoughts and
4. Gifts 礼物
? Grace of giving
? Meaningful gift giving
The Languages of Love in Children
? 施予是一种恩典
? 分享有价值的礼物
The Languages of Love in Children
? 充满爱的服务
? 只做孩子不能为
5. Acts of service
? Loving service
? Only do for them what
they cannot do
The World’s Greatest Parents
Knows Her Children’s Primary
Love Language
1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children
3. Don’t expect instant results
EPH 6:4 Fathers, do not exasperate your
children; instead, bring them up in the
training and instruction of the Lord.
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
Don’t expect instant results
? Repeat, repeat, repeat 重复、重复、再重复
? Set appropriate boundaries 把界限划分清楚
? Behavioural modification 行为塑造
?Positive reinforcement 正增強
?Negative reinforcement 負增強
?Punishment 惩罚
? Age appropriate teaching 按照年龄教导
? Teach children to learn 教导孩子学习
1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children
3. Don’t expect instant results 不要急于求成
4. Be and teach gratefulness 有感恩的心
? Be grateful 成为一个感恩的人
? Teach gratefulness 教导孩子感恩
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children
3. Don’t expect instant results 不要急于求成
4. Be and teach gratefulness 有感恩的心
5. Learn to let go 学习放手
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
Learn to let go 学习放手
? Be willing to let go 要原意放手
? Develop spiritual and social ‘streetwise’
? Cut the umbilical cord 必须【剪脐带】
Proverb 22: 6
6 Train a child in the way he
should go, and when he is old
he will not turn from it.
1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children
3. Don’t expect instant results 不要急于求成
4. Be and teach gratefulness 有感恩的心
5. Learn to let go 学习放手
6. Walk in the faith 活出信仰
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
Walk in the faith 活出信仰
? Our faith is caught rather than taught
? Routine, rituals and telling the truth
? 基督教信仰在乎身教过于言教
? 日常生活、宗教礼仪、教导真理
Deu 11: 19
19 Teach them to your children, talking about them
when you sit at home and when you walk along
the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children
3. Don’t expect instant results 不要急于求成
4. Be and teach gratefulness 有感恩的心
5. Learn to let go 学习放手
6. Walk in the faith 活出信仰
7. Stay close to the Source 亲近上帝
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
Stay close to the Source 亲近上帝
? Living a life in Christ
? Prayer
? Bible assimilation
John 15: 7-8
7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask
whatever you wish, and it will be given you. 8 This is to
my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing
yourselves to be my disciples.
The Seven Principles To Be
The World’s Greatest Parents
1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人
2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children
3. Don’t expect instant results 不要急于求成
4. Be and teach gratefulness 有感恩的心
5. Learn to let go 学习放手
6. Walk in the faith 活出信仰
7. Stay close to the Source 亲近上帝
to the world’s greatest
…yes, YOU!
Dr Alex Tang
more sermons at

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How to be the world's greatest parents.

  • 1. 祝每一位父母亲 TO ALL FATHERS & MOTHERS U n i t y P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h
  • 2. How to be the World’s Greatest Parents 如何成为世上最伟大的父母 Dr Alex Tang
  • 3. Who are Parents? 谁是父母? Biological Parents Adopter Step-parents Guardian God-parents Grand-parents Single parent People whose role or functions as parents 原生父母 领养 继父/母 监督人 干爹/妈 公公婆婆 单亲父母
  • 4. Proverbs 3:1-6 1 My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, 2 for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity. 3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. 我儿,不要忘记我的法则.你心要谨守我的诫命 因为他必将长久的日子,生命的年数,与平安, 加给你. 不可使慈爱诚实离开你.要系在你颈项上, 刻在你心版上.
  • 5. Proverbs 3:1-6 4 Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. 这样,你必在神和世人眼前蒙恩宠,有聪明. 你要专心仰赖耶和华,不可倚靠自己的聪明. 在你一切所行的事上,都要认定他,他必指引 你的路.
  • 6. The Seven Principles To Be The World’s Greatest Parents 成为世上最伟大的父母之七大原则
  • 7. The Seven Principles To Be The World’s Greatest Parents 世上最伟大的父母之七大原则 1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人 Oxford English Dictionary 2007 = “fear of losing” 害怕失去
  • 8. 1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人 ? Kiasuism is self-centeredness ? 怕输是一种自我的心态 Oxford English Dictionary 2007 = “fear of losing” 害怕失去 The Seven Principles To Be The World’s Greatest Parents 世上最伟大的父母之七大原则
  • 9. 1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人 ? Kiasuism is self-centeredness ? 怕输是一种自我的心态 ? Kiasu parents produce kiasu children ? 怕输的父母就有怕输的孩子 The Seven Principles To Be The World’s Greatest Parents 世上最伟大的父母之七大原则
  • 10. The Seven Principles To Be The World’s Greatest Parents 世上最伟大的父母之七大原则 1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人 ? Kiasuism is self-centeredness ? 怕输是一种自我的心态 ? Kiasu parents produce kiasu children ? 怕输的父母就有怕输的孩子 ? Kiasu parents use shame to control their children 怕输的父母常用羞辱来操从孩子
  • 11. 1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人 2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children 常用儿童《爱的语言》与他们沟通 The Seven Principles To Be The World’s Greatest Parents 世上最伟大的父母之七大原则
  • 12. How to fuel their emotional tank with love? 如何充满他们情感的爱箱
  • 14. The Languages of Love in Children 儿童的五种《爱之语》 1. Physical touch 身体的接触
  • 15. 2. Words of Affirmation 肯定的言词 ? Words of affection and endearment ? Words of praise ? Words of encouragement ? Words of guidance The Languages of Love in Children 儿童的五种《爱之语》 欣赏、赞美、 鼓励、引导
  • 16. The Languages of Love in Children 儿童的五种《爱之语》 一起做些事情 给予肯定的眼神 分享意见/感受 3. Quality time 精心的时刻 ? Being together ? Positive eye contact ? Sharing thoughts and feelings
  • 17. 4. Gifts 礼物 ? Grace of giving ? Meaningful gift giving The Languages of Love in Children 儿童的五种《爱之语》 ? 施予是一种恩典 ? 分享有价值的礼物
  • 18. The Languages of Love in Children 儿童的五种《爱之语》 ? 充满爱的服务 ? 只做孩子不能为 自己做的事情 5. Acts of service 服务的行动 ? Loving service ? Only do for them what they cannot do themselves
  • 19. The World’s Greatest Parents Knows Her Children’s Primary Love Language 世上最伟大的父母 知道他们孩子的 【爱的语言】
  • 20. 1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人 2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children 常用儿童《爱的语言》与他们沟通 3. Don’t expect instant results 不要急于求成 EPH 6:4 Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. The Seven Principles To Be The World’s Greatest Parents 世上最伟大的父母之七大原则
  • 21. Don’t expect instant results 不要急于求成 ? Repeat, repeat, repeat 重复、重复、再重复 ? Set appropriate boundaries 把界限划分清楚 ? Behavioural modification 行为塑造 ?Positive reinforcement 正增強 ?Negative reinforcement 負增強 ?Punishment 惩罚 ? Age appropriate teaching 按照年龄教导 ? Teach children to learn 教导孩子学习
  • 22. 1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人 2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children 常用儿童《爱的语言》与他们沟通 3. Don’t expect instant results 不要急于求成 4. Be and teach gratefulness 有感恩的心 ? Be grateful 成为一个感恩的人 ? Teach gratefulness 教导孩子感恩 The Seven Principles To Be The World’s Greatest Parents 世上最伟大的父母之七大原则
  • 23. 1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人 2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children 常用儿童《爱的语言》与他们沟通 3. Don’t expect instant results 不要急于求成 4. Be and teach gratefulness 有感恩的心 5. Learn to let go 学习放手 The Seven Principles To Be The World’s Greatest Parents 世上最伟大的父母之七大原则
  • 24. Learn to let go 学习放手 ? Be willing to let go 要原意放手 ? Develop spiritual and social ‘streetwise’ 栽培属灵成长及生活的生存能力 ? Cut the umbilical cord 必须【剪脐带】 Proverb 22: 6 6 Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. 教养孩童,使他走当行的道, 就是到老他也不偏离.
  • 25. 1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人 2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children 常用儿童《爱的语言》与他们沟通 3. Don’t expect instant results 不要急于求成 4. Be and teach gratefulness 有感恩的心 5. Learn to let go 学习放手 6. Walk in the faith 活出信仰 The Seven Principles To Be The World’s Greatest Parents 世上最伟大的父母之七大原则
  • 26. Walk in the faith 活出信仰 ? Our faith is caught rather than taught ? Routine, rituals and telling the truth ? 基督教信仰在乎身教过于言教 ? 日常生活、宗教礼仪、教导真理 Deu 11: 19 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 也要教训你们的儿女,无论坐在家里, 行在路上,躺下,起来,都要谈论.
  • 27. 1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人 2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children 常用儿童《爱的语言》与他们沟通 3. Don’t expect instant results 不要急于求成 4. Be and teach gratefulness 有感恩的心 5. Learn to let go 学习放手 6. Walk in the faith 活出信仰 7. Stay close to the Source 亲近上帝 The Seven Principles To Be The World’s Greatest Parents 世上最伟大的父母之七大原则
  • 28. Stay close to the Source 亲近上帝 ? Living a life in Christ ? Prayer ? Bible assimilation John 15: 7-8 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. 8 This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. 你们若常在我里面,我的话也常在你们里面,凡 你们所愿意的,祈求就给你们成就.你们多结果 子,我父就因此得荣耀,你们也就是我的门徒了 ?常活在基督里 ?祷告 ?对圣经融会贯通
  • 29. The Seven Principles To Be The World’s Greatest Parents 世上最伟大的父母之七大原则 1. Don’t be a kiasu person 不要成为怕输的人 2. Speak the ‘languages of love’ of children 常用儿童《爱的语言》与他们沟通 3. Don’t expect instant results 不要急于求成 4. Be and teach gratefulness 有感恩的心 5. Learn to let go 学习放手 6. Walk in the faith 活出信仰 7. Stay close to the Source 亲近上帝
  • 30. to the world’s greatest parents …yes, YOU! 给每一位世上最伟大 的父母 。。。就是你!
  • 31. Dr Alex Tang alex.tang@kairos2.com www.alextang.org more sermons at www.kairos2.com/sermon