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Parijataban Hsg. Soc. B-4, Sudarshannagar, Chinchwad-Pune, 411033
Mobile: +91 9823030862, L. Line: 020-27453369, Email: hrishi3320kulkarni@gmail.com
Career Summary:
 More than 8 years of experience in various facets of procuring material from
domestic and international market.
 Experienced in inviting quotations and negotiation.
 Experienced in developing local vendors and cost reduction in material
 Successfully implemented vendor development programs including various
 Experienced with implementing systems of inventory management avoiding over
stocking or wastage.
 Functional expert in ERP systems like SAP, Info, QAD.
Key Skills:
For Purchase Management:
 Set up the weekly, monthly and quarterly procurement plan.
 Procurement of material from domestic and international market.
 Development alternative local sources which help in cost saving and reduction in
an inventory carrying cost.
 Planning and budgeting involving cost estimation and contract negotiations.
 Liaison with production department to maintain optimum inventory.
 Implementing systems to avoid over stocking or stock out situations which
causes production and financial losses.
 Liaison with finance department for timely payment of bills.
For Vendor Development:
 Effective management of vendor data base.
 ABC classification of vendors on the basis of criteria like cost, quality and timely
delivery, etc.
 Conducting vendor trainings to educate them about companys requirements
and to improve their performance.
 Evaluating vendors, price negotiations, delivery schedules, terms and conditions
with them.
 Timely clearance of vendor payments and queries.
 Developing various reports to improve vendor performance.
For Stores Management:
 Monthly and quarterly stock verification to avoid variance in physical and system
 Implementing warehouse management system with necessary documentation.
 Rewarded by senior management of TML for reducing rejection by over 5%.
 Rewarded by CCPL with a promotion for achieving cost saving turning to over 2
crores a month.
 Recognized by CCPL for successful implementation of MRP through SAP MM
 Implemented standardized process for direct and indirect purchase at CCPL.
 Recognized by YTEI senior management for reducing material shortage from over
15% to less than 2%.
 Recognition received from YTEI management as an employee of the year.
Work Experience:
Minda Corporation Ltd. (Ashok Minda Group) - Pune, India
Group Leader Purchase
Sept2014 - Till date
Current CTC: 6.77 Lakhs per annum
 Purchasing and procurement of components worth 150 crores per annum.
 Responsible for material planning and scheduling through MRP in SAP system.
 Responsible for warehouse management system.
 Responsible for vendor delivery rating.
 Responsible for inventory planning on periodic basis.
 Vendor development for localizing/ cost reduction of existing and new products.
 Manage procurement of indirect materials.
 Vendor materials, payment, c-form, etc. reconciliation.
York Transport Equipment India (A TATA Enterprise) - Pune, India
Engineer Purchase
Apr2013  Sept2014
 Procurement of components worth 180 crores per annum.
 Responsible for material planning, scheduling and follow up accordingly.
 Responsible for vendor delivery rating.
 Vendor development for localizing/ cost reduction of existing and new products.
 Vendor payment, c-form, etc. reconciliation.
 Manage AMC for capital equipment maintenance.
 Manage procurement of indirect materials & other consumable parts.
Cooper Corporation Pvt. Ltd. - Satara, India
Purchase Executive
Mar2012  Apr2013
 Purchasing and procurement of foundry raw materials, consumables, packaging,
toolings worth over 200 crores per annum.
 Responsible for material planning, scheduling through MRP in SAP system.
 Plan and implement cost saving drive resulting in savings of over 2 crores a
 On time material management through continuous follow up.
 Periodic benchmarking for cost and vendor performance.
 Plan and drive strategic sourcing initiatives.
 Vendor material, payment, c-form, etc. reconciliation.
 Drive 5S initiatives in the department.
 Mange team of five buyers.
Poona Shims Pvt. Ltd. - Pune, India
Vendor Development Engineer
Feb2010  Mar2012
 Prepare production plan to produce regular and development components.
 Manage negotiations for purchase of direct and indirect material, capital
equipment and periodic maintenance.
 Plan supplier and operator training drives.
 Manage and maintain material/ dies planning for all components.
 Initiate supplier development initiatives and implement action plan on
performance improvement.
Sunrise Tooling- Pune, India
Sales Engineer
Jan2009- Jan2010
 Business development for machine tools and aggregates.
 Manage field trials with various customers for endurance.
 Prepare and manage quotes, customer purchase orders and dispatch schedules.
 Manage payment reconciliation with customers finance teams.
TATA Motors Ltd. (PCBU)- Pune, India
Senior Associate
Dec2007  Dec2008
 Part of the team that assembled first transaxle of TATA Nano.
 Responsible for maintaining the availability of all calibrated gauges, instruments.
 Installation and commissioning of MSNRs at the new engine assembly area in
car plant.
 Manage rejection and scrap through safe disposal procedures.
 Responsible for material handling, quality check of all components.
 Undertake noise testing of gears and engine dressing for final dispatch.
 5S responsibilities in transaxle assembly area.
TATA Motors Ltd. (CVBU)- Pune, India
Trainee Engineer
Apr2007  Nov2007
 Ensure quality conformance on trim line before final dispatch of vehicles.
 Ensure quality conformance on welding and post paint activities.
 Improved inline quality of the components through value and process
 Plan and carry out 5S activities within department.
MSBTE, Mumbai
Diploma in Automobile Engineering
Other Information:
D.O.B.: 26th
Oct. 1982
Marital Status: Married
Communicable Languages: English, Marathi, Hindi.
Education in Pursue: P.G.D.M (through Welingkars Institute)
Additional Information:
 Well versed with MS- Office.
 Working knowledge of Six Sigma.
 Certified Internal Quality Auditor.
 State level Kabbadi Player.
 Keen adventure enthusiast.

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  • 1. HRISHIKESH M. KULKARNI Parijataban Hsg. Soc. B-4, Sudarshannagar, Chinchwad-Pune, 411033 Mobile: +91 9823030862, L. Line: 020-27453369, Email: hrishi3320kulkarni@gmail.com Career Summary: More than 8 years of experience in various facets of procuring material from domestic and international market. Experienced in inviting quotations and negotiation. Experienced in developing local vendors and cost reduction in material procurement. Successfully implemented vendor development programs including various trainings. Experienced with implementing systems of inventory management avoiding over stocking or wastage. Functional expert in ERP systems like SAP, Info, QAD. Key Skills: For Purchase Management: Set up the weekly, monthly and quarterly procurement plan. Procurement of material from domestic and international market. Development alternative local sources which help in cost saving and reduction in an inventory carrying cost. Planning and budgeting involving cost estimation and contract negotiations. Liaison with production department to maintain optimum inventory. Implementing systems to avoid over stocking or stock out situations which causes production and financial losses. Liaison with finance department for timely payment of bills. For Vendor Development: Effective management of vendor data base. ABC classification of vendors on the basis of criteria like cost, quality and timely delivery, etc. Conducting vendor trainings to educate them about companys requirements and to improve their performance. Evaluating vendors, price negotiations, delivery schedules, terms and conditions with them. Timely clearance of vendor payments and queries. Developing various reports to improve vendor performance. For Stores Management: Monthly and quarterly stock verification to avoid variance in physical and system stock. Implementing warehouse management system with necessary documentation. Achievements: Rewarded by senior management of TML for reducing rejection by over 5%. Rewarded by CCPL with a promotion for achieving cost saving turning to over 2 crores a month. Recognized by CCPL for successful implementation of MRP through SAP MM module.
  • 2. Implemented standardized process for direct and indirect purchase at CCPL. Recognized by YTEI senior management for reducing material shortage from over 15% to less than 2%. Recognition received from YTEI management as an employee of the year. Work Experience: Minda Corporation Ltd. (Ashok Minda Group) - Pune, India Group Leader Purchase Sept2014 - Till date Current CTC: 6.77 Lakhs per annum Purchasing and procurement of components worth 150 crores per annum. Responsible for material planning and scheduling through MRP in SAP system. Responsible for warehouse management system. Responsible for vendor delivery rating. Responsible for inventory planning on periodic basis. Vendor development for localizing/ cost reduction of existing and new products. Manage procurement of indirect materials. Vendor materials, payment, c-form, etc. reconciliation. York Transport Equipment India (A TATA Enterprise) - Pune, India Engineer Purchase Apr2013 Sept2014 Procurement of components worth 180 crores per annum. Responsible for material planning, scheduling and follow up accordingly. Responsible for vendor delivery rating. Vendor development for localizing/ cost reduction of existing and new products. Vendor payment, c-form, etc. reconciliation. Manage AMC for capital equipment maintenance. Manage procurement of indirect materials & other consumable parts. Cooper Corporation Pvt. Ltd. - Satara, India Purchase Executive Mar2012 Apr2013 Purchasing and procurement of foundry raw materials, consumables, packaging, toolings worth over 200 crores per annum. Responsible for material planning, scheduling through MRP in SAP system. Plan and implement cost saving drive resulting in savings of over 2 crores a month. On time material management through continuous follow up. Periodic benchmarking for cost and vendor performance. Plan and drive strategic sourcing initiatives. Vendor material, payment, c-form, etc. reconciliation. Drive 5S initiatives in the department. Mange team of five buyers.
  • 3. Poona Shims Pvt. Ltd. - Pune, India Vendor Development Engineer Feb2010 Mar2012 Prepare production plan to produce regular and development components. Manage negotiations for purchase of direct and indirect material, capital equipment and periodic maintenance. Plan supplier and operator training drives. Manage and maintain material/ dies planning for all components. Initiate supplier development initiatives and implement action plan on performance improvement. Sunrise Tooling- Pune, India Sales Engineer Jan2009- Jan2010 Business development for machine tools and aggregates. Manage field trials with various customers for endurance. Prepare and manage quotes, customer purchase orders and dispatch schedules. Manage payment reconciliation with customers finance teams. TATA Motors Ltd. (PCBU)- Pune, India Senior Associate Dec2007 Dec2008 Part of the team that assembled first transaxle of TATA Nano. Responsible for maintaining the availability of all calibrated gauges, instruments. Installation and commissioning of MSNRs at the new engine assembly area in car plant. Manage rejection and scrap through safe disposal procedures. Responsible for material handling, quality check of all components. Undertake noise testing of gears and engine dressing for final dispatch. 5S responsibilities in transaxle assembly area. TATA Motors Ltd. (CVBU)- Pune, India Trainee Engineer Apr2007 Nov2007 Ensure quality conformance on trim line before final dispatch of vehicles. Ensure quality conformance on welding and post paint activities. Improved inline quality of the components through value and process engineering. Plan and carry out 5S activities within department.
  • 4. Education: MSBTE, Mumbai 2001-2005 Diploma in Automobile Engineering Other Information: D.O.B.: 26th Oct. 1982 Marital Status: Married Communicable Languages: English, Marathi, Hindi. Education in Pursue: P.G.D.M (through Welingkars Institute) Additional Information: Well versed with MS- Office. Working knowledge of Six Sigma. Certified Internal Quality Auditor. State level Kabbadi Player. Keen adventure enthusiast.