Stage 4 of the demographic transition model is the most sustainable population stage because birth rates are low and death rates are low, leading to a stable population size. Stage 5 is less sustainable as low birth rates coupled with slightly higher death rates could cause the population to decline over time. The document discusses using case studies of China and Kerala, India to analyze population policies and their consequences through adding details to spider diagrams and classroom discussion before practicing exam questions.
2. Starter - Recap population pyramids
3. Making populations sustainable. A sustainable population is one that. Stage 4 of the DTM is the most sustainable - WHY? Stage 5 Not very sustainable - low births slightly higher deaths what would happen?
4. Case Study 1. China Silent debate! No talking Move around the classroom Add ideas to the Spider diagrams Now watch the Video - Video 2 add more details to the diagrams
5. Case Study 2 Kerala - India Silent debate! No talking Move around the classroom Add ideas to the Spider diagrams Now watch the Video 1 Video add more details to the diagrams
6. Exam practice Level 3 Answer. Work in pairs to plan answer.. Explain, with reference to a case study, the consequences of a population policy. 8 Marks 10 Minutes PLAN FACTS DETAIL WRITE