Nazish Ali Khan is seeking an opportunity in a reputed organization where he can utilize his 8+ years of experience in team management, brand management, inventory management, technical guidance, training, customer service, sales, and partner management. He has worked for companies like Kent Mineral RO Systems, Videocon Industries, Reliance Communications, and DOEACC in various roles related to sales, service, and support. He has an MSc in Computer Science and is proficient in languages like C, C++, Java, and databases like MySQL and DB2.
Ramann Mantha completed requirements for Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED training conducted by the American Red Cross on August 23, 2016. The training was instructed by Louis Wu and is valid for 2 years. Karen DuPont's ID for the training is 0YSV7T.
This document discusses an automotive company that focuses on innovative racing designs and technologies to define the future of vehicles. It references Continuous-ChargeTM Technology and Karnes Dyno-RevTMEngines as examples of their innovative technologies and depicts an Ashmore Supercar concept vehicle that could employ their technologies.
Adolescent Health Education Programme Presentation Session
This slides are meant for parents meeting.Thanks to various photo contributors from internet,to my students who gave me sugessions
La rob¨®tica es una rama de la tecnolog¨ªa que se dedica al dise?o, operaci¨®n y disposici¨®n de los robots con capacidades similares a un ser humano, permiti¨¦ndoles trabajar de manera similar a un hombre.
Lidsk¨¢ pr¨¢va pot?ebuje ka?d? ?lov¨§k k d?stojn¨¦mu ?ivotu. Bez nich nelze rozv¨ªjet lidsk¨¦ vlastnosti, inteligenci, talent ?i duchovnost. OSN pomohla vyjednat v¨ªce ne? 80 lidskopr¨¢vn¨ªch ¨²mluv a deklarac¨ª, kter¨¦ se zab?vaj¨ª pr¨¢vy ?en, d¨§t¨ª, osob s posti?en¨ªm, men?in, p?vodn¨ªch obyvatel a dal?¨ªch zraniteln?ch skupin.
This dissertation examines home-based care for people living with AIDS in rural Nepal. The study had two parts: 1) Analyzing aspects of home-based care through interviews with 125 caregivers of people with AIDS, case studies of 14 people with AIDS, and focus groups/key informant interviews. 2) Implementing an 8-week education intervention program on home-based care and evaluating its impact using pre- and post-testing. The study found that caregivers had low knowledge, high burdens and stress, and the education program significantly improved caregiver outcomes. Overall, the study assessed home-based care challenges and needs in rural Nepal and demonstrated the benefits of education to support people with AIDS and their caregivers.
This document provides an overview and tutorial on PL/SQL. It begins with an introduction that explains PL/SQL is a programming language developed by Oracle Corporation to enhance SQL. The tutorial is designed for software professionals looking to learn PL/SQL. It provides information on setting up a PL/SQL environment, the basic syntax including identifiers and delimiters, data types, variables, constants, operators, conditions, and loops. The tutorial also includes a table of contents to help navigate the different topics.
The document outlines the activities of Career Guidance & Adolescent Counselling Cell in schools. It discusses setting up of Souhrida Clubs to address issues faced by adolescents such as stress, reproductive health, substance abuse, and domestic violence. The key aspects include selecting class and school convenors for Souhrida Clubs, establishing a common center (Souhrida Kendram) for students, conducting health melas and medical camps on adolescent health issues, and providing counseling services on psychological, social and academic problems faced by students. The document also provides an action plan and budget for implementing the Souhrida Club activities.
Los ni?os han tenido una primera semana de escuela muy entretenida y divertida. Han jugado con trenes, plastilina, peces, cocinitas, han pintado y tambi¨¦n han jugado con plastilina, cotxets, construcciones y puzzles, adem¨¢s de jugar con bicicletas.
This document discusses various methods for measuring fluid flow rates. It begins by introducing common measurement devices like Venturi tubes and orifice plates that use the mass and energy balance principle. Venturi tubes and orifice plates create a pressure drop to measure flow velocity via the continuity equation. The document then covers the design, equations, advantages and disadvantages of Venturi tubes and orifice plates in more detail. Finally, it briefly introduces some other flow measurement equipment like thermal mass flow meters before concluding.
EDIH CTU pptx from Czech-Slovak Technology summit in Mikulov 2024David Pe?ek
This is a presentation from Czech - Slovak technology summit Mikulov 2024. I am presenting results of the last year's intensive talks across sectors on possibilities of ML / AI usage within SMEs and public services. Presentation showing current showcases in implementing projects with ML / AI components in Czech Republic. I am also showing some schematic non incorporating the AI components. The presentation is intended for SME and public services sectors.
La rob¨®tica es una rama de la tecnolog¨ªa que se dedica al dise?o, operaci¨®n y disposici¨®n de los robots con capacidades similares a un ser humano, permiti¨¦ndoles trabajar de manera similar a un hombre.
Lidsk¨¢ pr¨¢va pot?ebuje ka?d? ?lov¨§k k d?stojn¨¦mu ?ivotu. Bez nich nelze rozv¨ªjet lidsk¨¦ vlastnosti, inteligenci, talent ?i duchovnost. OSN pomohla vyjednat v¨ªce ne? 80 lidskopr¨¢vn¨ªch ¨²mluv a deklarac¨ª, kter¨¦ se zab?vaj¨ª pr¨¢vy ?en, d¨§t¨ª, osob s posti?en¨ªm, men?in, p?vodn¨ªch obyvatel a dal?¨ªch zraniteln?ch skupin.
This dissertation examines home-based care for people living with AIDS in rural Nepal. The study had two parts: 1) Analyzing aspects of home-based care through interviews with 125 caregivers of people with AIDS, case studies of 14 people with AIDS, and focus groups/key informant interviews. 2) Implementing an 8-week education intervention program on home-based care and evaluating its impact using pre- and post-testing. The study found that caregivers had low knowledge, high burdens and stress, and the education program significantly improved caregiver outcomes. Overall, the study assessed home-based care challenges and needs in rural Nepal and demonstrated the benefits of education to support people with AIDS and their caregivers.
This document provides an overview and tutorial on PL/SQL. It begins with an introduction that explains PL/SQL is a programming language developed by Oracle Corporation to enhance SQL. The tutorial is designed for software professionals looking to learn PL/SQL. It provides information on setting up a PL/SQL environment, the basic syntax including identifiers and delimiters, data types, variables, constants, operators, conditions, and loops. The tutorial also includes a table of contents to help navigate the different topics.
The document outlines the activities of Career Guidance & Adolescent Counselling Cell in schools. It discusses setting up of Souhrida Clubs to address issues faced by adolescents such as stress, reproductive health, substance abuse, and domestic violence. The key aspects include selecting class and school convenors for Souhrida Clubs, establishing a common center (Souhrida Kendram) for students, conducting health melas and medical camps on adolescent health issues, and providing counseling services on psychological, social and academic problems faced by students. The document also provides an action plan and budget for implementing the Souhrida Club activities.
Los ni?os han tenido una primera semana de escuela muy entretenida y divertida. Han jugado con trenes, plastilina, peces, cocinitas, han pintado y tambi¨¦n han jugado con plastilina, cotxets, construcciones y puzzles, adem¨¢s de jugar con bicicletas.
This document discusses various methods for measuring fluid flow rates. It begins by introducing common measurement devices like Venturi tubes and orifice plates that use the mass and energy balance principle. Venturi tubes and orifice plates create a pressure drop to measure flow velocity via the continuity equation. The document then covers the design, equations, advantages and disadvantages of Venturi tubes and orifice plates in more detail. Finally, it briefly introduces some other flow measurement equipment like thermal mass flow meters before concluding.
EDIH CTU pptx from Czech-Slovak Technology summit in Mikulov 2024David Pe?ek
This is a presentation from Czech - Slovak technology summit Mikulov 2024. I am presenting results of the last year's intensive talks across sectors on possibilities of ML / AI usage within SMEs and public services. Presentation showing current showcases in implementing projects with ML / AI components in Czech Republic. I am also showing some schematic non incorporating the AI components. The presentation is intended for SME and public services sectors.
N¨¢stroje pro vizualizaci a anal?zu dat (nejen) ve fyzik¨¢ln¨ª praktiku Michal ?ern?
P?¨ªsp¨§vek p?edstav¨ª alternativy k Originu, nejzn¨¢m¨§j?¨ªmu n¨¢stroji na anal?zu a vizualizaci dat; QtiPlot, LabPlot, gnuplot a dal?¨ª. Zam¨§?¨ªme se (nejen) na tyto aplikace, jejich p?ednosti i nedostatky, a zv¨¢?¨ªme jejich mo?nosti v eduka?n¨ªm procesu.¡°
Prezentace z webin¨¢?e p?edm¨§tu Knihovny 2020 v akademick¨¦m roce 2015/2016, sekce IT a slu?by knihoven, vyu?ovan¨¦ho ve spolupr¨¢ci ?ISK (?stavu informa?n¨ªch studi¨ª a knihovnictv¨ª FF UK) a KISK (Kabinetu informa?n¨ªch studi¨ª FF MUNI) a v¨§novan¨¢ projektu D¨¢me pr¨¢ci a praktick¨¦mu vyu?it¨ª princip? s¨¦mantick¨¦ho webu.
Chemie je zaj¨ªmav¨¢. Nejen ta v Liberci na TUL. A nejen chemie, i ostatn¨ª p?¨ªrodn¨ª v¨§dy. N¨§co m¨¢lo o chemii na Technick¨¦ univerzit¨§ v Liberci (TUL). Chemie je u?ite?n¨¢. Ka?d? ku?¨¢k je chemik, jen stoj¨ª na ?patn¨¦ stran¨§ (cigarety). Princip chemie jako v¨§dy. L¨¢ska je tak¨¦ chemie a koneckonc? pro n¨§koho je chemie l¨¢ska. To je tak asi v?echno, u?ijte si to. Stejn¨§ je v?echno jinak.
1. Integrace ICT do v?ukychemie na TULÕûºÏÐÅÏ¢ºÍͨÐż¼ÊõµÄ»¯Ñ§½ÌÓý¡°TUL¡±Martin Slav¨ªk & Jan Gr¨¦gr
2. Integrace ICT do v?uky chemie na TULMartin Slav¨ªk a Jan Gr¨¦grPrezentov¨¢n je zp?sob integrace informa?n¨ªch a komunika?n¨ªch technologi¨ª (ICT) do vysoko?kolsk¨¦ v?uky chemie na TUL: e-learningov¨¢podpora pro bezpe?nost v chemick¨¦ laborato?i, rich media, materi¨¢ly v soci¨¢ln¨ªch s¨ªt¨ªch, zp?sob zapojen¨ª student?, mo?nosti kompenzace p?etechnizovanosti v?uky a v?sledky ?e?en¨ª.Cesta k e-learningov¨¦mu serveru (FP) TULMartin Slav¨ªk a mnoho jin?chP?¨ªsp¨§vek prezentuje ¨²pravy a sou?asn¨¦ mo?nosti e-learningov¨¦ho serveru a navrhuje kroky pot?ebn¨¦ pro to, aby se stal celouniverzitn¨ªm ?e?en¨ªm v oblasti elektronick¨¦ podpory v?uky. Uvedeny jsou: zm¨§ny t?kaj¨ªc¨ª se ±è?¨ª²õ³Ù³Ü±ènosti, zv??en¨ª informovanosti u?ivatel? a soci¨¢ln¨ªch rys?; mo?nosti propojen¨ª s portfoliem, sd¨ªlen¨ª: zdroj? a rich m¨¦di¨ª z Mediasite serveru i jednotn¨¦ p?ihla?ov¨¢n¨ª u?ivateli mezi servery.