Watershed Management and Rain-water Harvesting is an essential need for drought-prone area of Afghanistan which are suffering from extreme dry-spell in the last couple of years. Due to less rainfall and its distribution during the entire year, the act watershed management should be practice and extended to all drought affected area of Afghanistan.
Advance in Agronomyglxogxgtiigigiiggkg .pptxShafiqullah42
This document discusses factors that affect plant density and crop productivity, including genetic factors like plant size and elasticity, and environmental factors like rainfall, fertilizer application, and seed rate. It also describes different planting geometries like square, rectangular, triangular, and paired row planting and how they influence crop yield through light interception, rooting patterns, and moisture extraction. Plant distribution in a population can take random, uniform, or clumped patterns depending on environmental conditions and interactions among individuals. The optimal plant density maximizes crop yield per unit area by balancing competition between plants and efficient use of resources.
The document discusses the relationship between soil, water, and plants. It describes how water is essential for plant growth and physiological processes. Water is necessary for photosynthesis, cell structure, nutrient transport, and more. The document outlines how water moves through soil and is absorbed by plant roots, either through passive uptake driven by transpiration or active absorption requiring energy. Adequate soil water is required for soil functioning and plant health.
This document discusses various methods for controlling weeds in burley tobacco, including cultivation, herbicides, and rolling cultivators. It provides details on the ideal properties of herbicides for tobacco and evaluates several common herbicide options. Prowl, Command, and Spartan are described in terms of their weed control spectrum, application rates and methods, mode of action, and persistence. The document also covers diagnosing and identifying potential causes of chemical damage in tobacco crops.
Agricultural machinery and equipment are important for allowing efficient large-scale production of crops and livestock to meet the needs of a growing population. Key pieces of machinery used in crop production include tractors for tillage and pulling implements, planters and drills for seeding, sprayers for applying fertilizers and pesticides, and combines and balers for harvesting. New technologies like GPS and GIS help farmers precisely manage variable field conditions to optimize yields.
Shafiq Ullah has over 8 years of experience as both a contract base teacher and permanent teacher in Afghanistan. He has taught courses in agronomy, including industrial and cereal crops, pulses, botany, experimental design, weed science, irrigation principles, fertilizers, and plant breeding. His teaching experience provides him with a strong background in agricultural sciences and the ability to convey complex concepts to students effectively.
Advance in Agronomyglxogxgtiigigiiggkg .pptxShafiqullah42
This document discusses factors that affect plant density and crop productivity, including genetic factors like plant size and elasticity, and environmental factors like rainfall, fertilizer application, and seed rate. It also describes different planting geometries like square, rectangular, triangular, and paired row planting and how they influence crop yield through light interception, rooting patterns, and moisture extraction. Plant distribution in a population can take random, uniform, or clumped patterns depending on environmental conditions and interactions among individuals. The optimal plant density maximizes crop yield per unit area by balancing competition between plants and efficient use of resources.
The document discusses the relationship between soil, water, and plants. It describes how water is essential for plant growth and physiological processes. Water is necessary for photosynthesis, cell structure, nutrient transport, and more. The document outlines how water moves through soil and is absorbed by plant roots, either through passive uptake driven by transpiration or active absorption requiring energy. Adequate soil water is required for soil functioning and plant health.
This document discusses various methods for controlling weeds in burley tobacco, including cultivation, herbicides, and rolling cultivators. It provides details on the ideal properties of herbicides for tobacco and evaluates several common herbicide options. Prowl, Command, and Spartan are described in terms of their weed control spectrum, application rates and methods, mode of action, and persistence. The document also covers diagnosing and identifying potential causes of chemical damage in tobacco crops.
Agricultural machinery and equipment are important for allowing efficient large-scale production of crops and livestock to meet the needs of a growing population. Key pieces of machinery used in crop production include tractors for tillage and pulling implements, planters and drills for seeding, sprayers for applying fertilizers and pesticides, and combines and balers for harvesting. New technologies like GPS and GIS help farmers precisely manage variable field conditions to optimize yields.
Shafiq Ullah has over 8 years of experience as both a contract base teacher and permanent teacher in Afghanistan. He has taught courses in agronomy, including industrial and cereal crops, pulses, botany, experimental design, weed science, irrigation principles, fertilizers, and plant breeding. His teaching experience provides him with a strong background in agricultural sciences and the ability to convey complex concepts to students effectively.
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Water logging
Causes of water logging
Effects of water logging
Measures for preventing water logging
Signs of bad drainage
Drainage system
Inadequacies of canal irrigation management
Objective and criteria of good canal irrigation management
Methods of improving canal irrigation management
Farmers participation in irrigation management
Operation & maintenance of canal irrigation system
Evaluation of performance of canal irrigation system
Water users organization
The following aspects should be considered to
improve the canal irrigation management:
1. Channel capacity
2. Canal lining
3. Canal outlets
4. Cropping pattern
5. Conjunctive use
6. Regulators & escapes
7. Irrigation scheduling
8. Irrigation methods
9. Use of wastewater
10. Controlling water logging
udging the performance of canal
irrigation systems are:
1. Farmers operation performance:
Adequacy of crop production techniques
supply of fertilizers, certified seeds,
pesticides etc.
Adequacy of irrigation methods.
Soil management.
Erosion control.
On farm water use efficiency.
2. Delivery operational performance:
Overall project water use efficiency.
Water use efficiency in distribution.
Water losses.
Canal seepage.
Deep percolation.
Spillage from canals.
Water operational losses.
Energy use.
3. rainage operational performance:
Drainage requirement of area.
Water table fluctuations.
Changes in water quality.
Changes in soil salinity.
4. Maintenance of individual
Maintenance of canals, drains, hydraulic
buildings, roads, etc.
Maintenance of equipment like pumps,
earthmovers, trucks, loaders, gates.
Water users organization (WUO) or Water users
association (WUA) is a co-operative, non-profit
organization of individual water users who wish to
undertake water related activities at the level of the
tertiary canal for their mutual benefit.
It is group of farmers all served by a common source
water and join together to allocate distribute and
manage water.
To enable people within a community to pool their
resources to more effectively carry out water
management related activities.
To better manage water resources by promoting
in distribution, efficient use of water.
To address local needs and priorities.
To carry out operation and maintenance activities.
WUA has helped in improving the performance of the
irrigation system.
Significant improvements in efficiency and rational
water use.
Equitable water distribution among farmers.
More reliable water supply.
Quick dispute resolution at the local level.
High quality control of infrastructure.
Well maintained canals.
Decrease in pollution caused by dumping waste in
unlined canals.
Less water stealing.
Fund constraints
Water availability
Support from government
Poor attendance of members
Unsolved conflicts