Dokumen tersebut membahas pentingnya tidak melarang anak bermain karena bermain merupakan kebutuhan alami anak untuk berkembang dan memperoleh pengalaman baru. Bermain membantu anak belajar tanpa tekanan dan memberikan kesenangan.
Guru menghadapi masalah di mana murid-murid tidak mahu mengikuti pengajaran dan pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani, sebaliknya lebih suka bermain sendiri. Ini disebabkan oleh amalan terdahulu di mana guru membenarkan murid bermain sendiri tanpa bimbingan. Guru berhasrat meningkatkan minat murid dengan aktiviti menarik dan menyeluruh serta mengawal kelas dengan rapi untuk mengatasi masalah ini.
This document discusses various topics related to internet marketing. It begins by defining internet marketing and outlining some common types, including display advertising, search engine marketing, email marketing, and social media marketing. It then discusses advantages like low cost and ability to easily measure effectiveness. Limitations include lack of physical interaction and potential for deception. The document concludes by addressing security concerns for both businesses and consumers regarding privacy and reliability of online transactions.
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n a la revista "FLAMA: Liberaci坦n y Petr坦leo". La revista tiene como objetivo fomentar la conciencia revolucionaria sobre la importancia estrat辿gica de los recursos naturales de Venezuela, especialmente el petr坦leo. Incluye art鱈culos sobre la pol鱈tica petrolera del pasado y presente, as鱈 como sobre el futuro del sector petrolero en Venezuela.
Este documento presenta una propuesta de una pedagog鱈a del comprendimiento para una Escuela Superior de Formaci坦n de Maestros y Maestras en Bolivia. La propuesta incluye 8 secciones: introducci坦n, antecedentes educativos en Bolivia, marco te坦rico, experiencias educativas previas, propuesta de una nueva pedagog鱈a del comprendimiento, conclusiones y bibliograf鱈a. El objetivo es desarrollar un nuevo enfoque educativo comunitario y descolonizador que valore la identidad cultural boliviana y proporcione oportunidades equitativ
Prot. 0578 14 pl obriga a instala巽達o de gps, alerta de emerg棚ncia (bot達o de...ramonpeyroton
O projeto de lei obriga as empresas de 担nibus a instalarem GPS e bot探es de p但nico nos ve鱈culos para permitir o monitoramento da localiza巽達o em tempo real e o envio de alertas de emerg棚ncia, com multas di叩rias para quem n達o cumprir, visando aumentar a seguran巽a de motoristas, cobradores e passageiros.
El documento describe la introducci坦n y desarrollo de las Inteligencias M炭ltiples en el Colegio Montserrat entre 1998 y 2005, incluyendo talleres para padres, experiencias en el aula, visitas a otras escuelas y la incorporaci坦n de las IM en el marco curricular.
Entrevista a Ignacio Pi, director general de MediapostMediapost Group
Mar Heras P辿rez, socia directora de Mar Heras Consultor鱈a (, entrevista a Ignacio Pi, director general de Mediapost, la primera compa単鱈a en Espa単a que ofrece servicios de marketing relacional en una 炭nica estructura y en todo el territorio nacional.
Este documento presenta la programaci坦n de actividades culturales y art鱈sticas que tendr叩n lugar durante varios d鱈as en dos auditorios. Incluye presentaciones de libros, obras de teatro, conversatorios, conferencias y talleres sobre una variedad de temas como literatura, pol鱈tica y salud. Los eventos son organizados por diversas instituciones como editoriales, embajadas y universidades.
Companion issue to the all-time classic SYM-Zonia-- BIRTHER. In this POSTER CHILD issue the strange & magical portrait of LADY LIBERTY is delivered of another IDEA -- you could call it a sort of TWIN concept to the Riddle of Rational Phi. But like Esau and Jacob, these two ideas struggle for dominance, and the latter takes hold of the former's heel: though this Second TWIN Idea is born later, it will surpass its brother in strength! And be known throughout he civilized world as a great leader!! Find out how !!
And here's a hint; Andrew Wiles' supposed proof of Fermat's Last Theorem suffered from a few of its own birth defects. These are known well-enough. Congenital defects you might call them -- unlike our TWIN IDEAS. In addition, although Fermat had suggested that his (lost) proof would be short enough to approximate "the margins of this book," Wiles' proof was hundreds of pages long -- even after it was "corrected." Wiles' work also depended heavily on developments in the field of mathematics that were unknown during Fermat's lifetime: so how would Wile's efforts correspond to Fermat's actual proof? Remotely. But did the mathematical community complain or challenge or even doubt the result?
Now, in SYM-Zonia POSTER CHILD, Michael Goldengate delivers the goods: Riddle's Last Digit Theorem (from 1996) provides a simple, foolproof demonstration of Fermat's Last Theorem, using simple algebra and multiplication, over the course of about three pages of work. Riddle takes Fermat's shortcut, by proving his theorem to be true for only the FINAL DIGITS of any number. And guess what? Every number has a final digit .....gosh. Think of the implications ....
Now what, Sir Andrew?
Este documento presenta los resultados de una encuesta realizada por el IESE Business School sobre el uso de medios sociales por parte de empresas espa単olas. La encuesta fue respondida por 681 ejecutivos y muestra que las empresas tienen un gran inter辿s en los medios sociales como herramienta de marketing y comunicaci坦n, aunque su uso actual es a炭n incipiente. Los resultados proveen informaci坦n sobre el n炭mero de usuarios, actividades realizadas en medios sociales y percepciones de los ejecutivos.
2011 06 01 (uned) emadrid smartin uned m2learn framework for development of m...eMadrid network
The document presents M2Learn, an open source framework for developing mobile and ubiquitous learning applications. It aims to simplify and facilitate the development of context-aware mobile apps connected to e-learning platforms. Key features of M2Learn include sensor management, context awareness, interoperability with external services, and centralization of student data in e-learning platforms through standards like LOM and IMS-QTI. The framework was evaluated through a mobile programming course pilot that demonstrated educational applications for loading learning objects and mobile microblogging.
Do Women Earn Less Even as Social Entrepreneurs皆掘酷或檎凘
Based upon unique survey data collected using respondent driven sampling methods, we
investigate whether there is a gender pay gap among social entrepreneurs in the UK. We find
that women as social entrepreneurs earn 29% less than their male colleagues, above the
average UK gender pay gap of 19%. We estimate the adjusted pay gap to be about 23%
after controlling for a range of demographic, human capital and job characteristics, as well as
personal preferences and values. These differences are hard to explain by discrimination
since these CEOs set their own pay. Income may not be the only aim in an entrepreneurial
career, so we also look at job satisfaction to proxy for non-monetary returns. We find female
social entrepreneurs to be more satisfied with their job as a CEO of a social enterprise than
their male counterparts. This result holds even when we control for the salary generated
through the social enterprise. Our results extend research in labour economics on the gender
pay gap as well as entrepreneurship research on womens entrepreneurship to the novel
context of social enterprise. It provides the first evidence for a contented female social
entrepreneur paradox.
1. O documento apresenta um tutorial sobre o uso do software livre GNU Octave, que 辿 uma ferramenta de c叩lculo num辿rico e cient鱈fico similar ao Matlab.
2. O tutorial explica conceitos b叩sicos como opera巽探es matem叩ticas, definir vari叩veis, formatar n炭meros, criar gr叩ficos e definir fun巽探es.
3. O documento tamb辿m fornece exemplos de c坦digo do Octave para ilustrar cada t坦pico abordado.
LA NONA - Roberto Cossa. Propuesta de Teatro C坦mic-Futuristadido emmett
En esta propuesta de la obra de teatro, La NONA, la producci坦n apunta hacia un producto conceptual, logrando varios objetivos importantes.
Como se logra vender un producto conceptual?
En este caso, por medio de signos evidentes, que transmitan al espectador una atm坦sfera no convencional, enfocando una idea hist坦rico pol鱈tico-social que a medida del paso del tiempo no deja de existir, subestimando las reacciones humanas por lo tanto demostrando ser un ciclo, para reforzar la idea en un tema c坦mic-futurista.
This document is a portfolio and resume for Genius Muparadzi, a graphic designer from Zimbabwe. It summarizes his experience and skills in graphic design across various mediums including stationery, printing, signage, and design. It provides examples of logo designs, advertisements, and other projects he has worked on for companies in Zimbabwe. Contact information is provided at the top for potential employers to learn more about his graphic design services.
HP Presentation on Customer Communities StrategySteve Norall
Cynthia Hester, Worldwide Customer Referencing Lead for HP Software, gave this presentation on building customer communities at the Customer Reference Forum 2010 in Santa Clara, CA. It outlines HP social media strategy with respect to customer engagement and discuss usage of a new tool TechValidate
Sistemas operativos para dispositivos m坦vilesnatidela
El documento define el sistema operativo m坦vil como un conjunto de programas que permiten el funcionamiento del hardware y proveen servicios a las aplicaciones. Explica que un sistema operativo m坦vil consta de un kernel, middleware, entorno de ejecuci坦n de aplicaciones e interfaz de usuario. Adem叩s, proporciona detalles sobre las capas principales como el kernel y middleware, y sobre los sistemas operativos m坦viles m叩s populares como Android, iOS y Windows Phone.
Math Investigation "Be There or Be Square"Michael Chan
This document summarizes a math investigation conducted by four students. They used the RUCSAC method to solve the problem, which involved reading the question, understanding it, choosing a method (thinking), solving it by looking at the question and thinking, and answering it by taking the odd factors out of the provided numbers. They checked each other's work and listed the odd factors from 1 to 25 as the answer.
Este documento presenta una gu鱈a did叩ctica para la asignatura de Estad鱈stica I dirigida a estudiantes del quinto semestre del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Oaxaca. La gu鱈a contiene cuatro bloques tem叩ticos que cubren aspectos como la recolecci坦n de datos, la representaci坦n de datos, medidas de tendencia central y variabilidad, y an叩lisis de datos de dos variables. Cada bloque incluye actividades de aprendizaje y anexos con material te坦rico y metodol坦gico para apoyar la comprens
Este documento presenta diversas pr叩cticas y modelos relacionados con la felicidad y el bienestar en el trabajo. Describe el modelo PERMA de felicidad, las creencias pro-felicidad, y las cr鱈ticas esc辿pticas a la felicidad organizacional. Tambi辿n explica modelos como el de Losada, HERO y de liderazgo, e identifica pr叩cticas para fomentar la positividad, las relaciones, el desarrollo personal y el compromiso de los trabajadores. El objetivo es promover ambientes laborales saludables que mejoren
The document discusses network redundancy and spanning tree protocols. It explains that redundant links between devices provide backup paths in case of failure, but can also cause loops. Spanning tree protocols select the best path and block redundant paths to prevent loops. They dynamically unblock backup paths if the primary path fails to maintain connectivity while avoiding loops.
The document provides a project report on marketing research and customer satisfaction conducted for Ceratizit India Pvt. Ltd. in Kolkata, which examines the company's profile, products, organizational hierarchy, and future plans through surveys and analysis to understand customer needs and feedback to improve marketing strategies and service quality.
The document outlines an agenda for an email deliverability masterclass event. The agenda includes:
- A registration period from 8:30-9:00am
- Welcome and introduction from 9:00-9:15am
- A presentation on research findings from 9:15-9:45am
- A Pizza Express case study from 9:45-10:10am
- A panel discussion from 10:10-10:25am
- Closing comments from 10:25am
The document provides details on the sessions including the speakers for the research findings presentation and case study. It also includes tags related to the event organizer, the DMA.
Este documento presenta la programaci坦n de actividades culturales y art鱈sticas que tendr叩n lugar durante varios d鱈as en dos auditorios. Incluye presentaciones de libros, obras de teatro, conversatorios, conferencias y talleres sobre una variedad de temas como literatura, pol鱈tica y salud. Los eventos son organizados por diversas instituciones como editoriales, embajadas y universidades.
Companion issue to the all-time classic SYM-Zonia-- BIRTHER. In this POSTER CHILD issue the strange & magical portrait of LADY LIBERTY is delivered of another IDEA -- you could call it a sort of TWIN concept to the Riddle of Rational Phi. But like Esau and Jacob, these two ideas struggle for dominance, and the latter takes hold of the former's heel: though this Second TWIN Idea is born later, it will surpass its brother in strength! And be known throughout he civilized world as a great leader!! Find out how !!
And here's a hint; Andrew Wiles' supposed proof of Fermat's Last Theorem suffered from a few of its own birth defects. These are known well-enough. Congenital defects you might call them -- unlike our TWIN IDEAS. In addition, although Fermat had suggested that his (lost) proof would be short enough to approximate "the margins of this book," Wiles' proof was hundreds of pages long -- even after it was "corrected." Wiles' work also depended heavily on developments in the field of mathematics that were unknown during Fermat's lifetime: so how would Wile's efforts correspond to Fermat's actual proof? Remotely. But did the mathematical community complain or challenge or even doubt the result?
Now, in SYM-Zonia POSTER CHILD, Michael Goldengate delivers the goods: Riddle's Last Digit Theorem (from 1996) provides a simple, foolproof demonstration of Fermat's Last Theorem, using simple algebra and multiplication, over the course of about three pages of work. Riddle takes Fermat's shortcut, by proving his theorem to be true for only the FINAL DIGITS of any number. And guess what? Every number has a final digit .....gosh. Think of the implications ....
Now what, Sir Andrew?
Este documento presenta los resultados de una encuesta realizada por el IESE Business School sobre el uso de medios sociales por parte de empresas espa単olas. La encuesta fue respondida por 681 ejecutivos y muestra que las empresas tienen un gran inter辿s en los medios sociales como herramienta de marketing y comunicaci坦n, aunque su uso actual es a炭n incipiente. Los resultados proveen informaci坦n sobre el n炭mero de usuarios, actividades realizadas en medios sociales y percepciones de los ejecutivos.
2011 06 01 (uned) emadrid smartin uned m2learn framework for development of m...eMadrid network
The document presents M2Learn, an open source framework for developing mobile and ubiquitous learning applications. It aims to simplify and facilitate the development of context-aware mobile apps connected to e-learning platforms. Key features of M2Learn include sensor management, context awareness, interoperability with external services, and centralization of student data in e-learning platforms through standards like LOM and IMS-QTI. The framework was evaluated through a mobile programming course pilot that demonstrated educational applications for loading learning objects and mobile microblogging.
Do Women Earn Less Even as Social Entrepreneurs皆掘酷或檎凘
Based upon unique survey data collected using respondent driven sampling methods, we
investigate whether there is a gender pay gap among social entrepreneurs in the UK. We find
that women as social entrepreneurs earn 29% less than their male colleagues, above the
average UK gender pay gap of 19%. We estimate the adjusted pay gap to be about 23%
after controlling for a range of demographic, human capital and job characteristics, as well as
personal preferences and values. These differences are hard to explain by discrimination
since these CEOs set their own pay. Income may not be the only aim in an entrepreneurial
career, so we also look at job satisfaction to proxy for non-monetary returns. We find female
social entrepreneurs to be more satisfied with their job as a CEO of a social enterprise than
their male counterparts. This result holds even when we control for the salary generated
through the social enterprise. Our results extend research in labour economics on the gender
pay gap as well as entrepreneurship research on womens entrepreneurship to the novel
context of social enterprise. It provides the first evidence for a contented female social
entrepreneur paradox.
1. O documento apresenta um tutorial sobre o uso do software livre GNU Octave, que 辿 uma ferramenta de c叩lculo num辿rico e cient鱈fico similar ao Matlab.
2. O tutorial explica conceitos b叩sicos como opera巽探es matem叩ticas, definir vari叩veis, formatar n炭meros, criar gr叩ficos e definir fun巽探es.
3. O documento tamb辿m fornece exemplos de c坦digo do Octave para ilustrar cada t坦pico abordado.
LA NONA - Roberto Cossa. Propuesta de Teatro C坦mic-Futuristadido emmett
En esta propuesta de la obra de teatro, La NONA, la producci坦n apunta hacia un producto conceptual, logrando varios objetivos importantes.
Como se logra vender un producto conceptual?
En este caso, por medio de signos evidentes, que transmitan al espectador una atm坦sfera no convencional, enfocando una idea hist坦rico pol鱈tico-social que a medida del paso del tiempo no deja de existir, subestimando las reacciones humanas por lo tanto demostrando ser un ciclo, para reforzar la idea en un tema c坦mic-futurista.
This document is a portfolio and resume for Genius Muparadzi, a graphic designer from Zimbabwe. It summarizes his experience and skills in graphic design across various mediums including stationery, printing, signage, and design. It provides examples of logo designs, advertisements, and other projects he has worked on for companies in Zimbabwe. Contact information is provided at the top for potential employers to learn more about his graphic design services.
HP Presentation on Customer Communities StrategySteve Norall
Cynthia Hester, Worldwide Customer Referencing Lead for HP Software, gave this presentation on building customer communities at the Customer Reference Forum 2010 in Santa Clara, CA. It outlines HP social media strategy with respect to customer engagement and discuss usage of a new tool TechValidate
Sistemas operativos para dispositivos m坦vilesnatidela
El documento define el sistema operativo m坦vil como un conjunto de programas que permiten el funcionamiento del hardware y proveen servicios a las aplicaciones. Explica que un sistema operativo m坦vil consta de un kernel, middleware, entorno de ejecuci坦n de aplicaciones e interfaz de usuario. Adem叩s, proporciona detalles sobre las capas principales como el kernel y middleware, y sobre los sistemas operativos m坦viles m叩s populares como Android, iOS y Windows Phone.
Math Investigation "Be There or Be Square"Michael Chan
This document summarizes a math investigation conducted by four students. They used the RUCSAC method to solve the problem, which involved reading the question, understanding it, choosing a method (thinking), solving it by looking at the question and thinking, and answering it by taking the odd factors out of the provided numbers. They checked each other's work and listed the odd factors from 1 to 25 as the answer.
Este documento presenta una gu鱈a did叩ctica para la asignatura de Estad鱈stica I dirigida a estudiantes del quinto semestre del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Oaxaca. La gu鱈a contiene cuatro bloques tem叩ticos que cubren aspectos como la recolecci坦n de datos, la representaci坦n de datos, medidas de tendencia central y variabilidad, y an叩lisis de datos de dos variables. Cada bloque incluye actividades de aprendizaje y anexos con material te坦rico y metodol坦gico para apoyar la comprens
Este documento presenta diversas pr叩cticas y modelos relacionados con la felicidad y el bienestar en el trabajo. Describe el modelo PERMA de felicidad, las creencias pro-felicidad, y las cr鱈ticas esc辿pticas a la felicidad organizacional. Tambi辿n explica modelos como el de Losada, HERO y de liderazgo, e identifica pr叩cticas para fomentar la positividad, las relaciones, el desarrollo personal y el compromiso de los trabajadores. El objetivo es promover ambientes laborales saludables que mejoren
The document discusses network redundancy and spanning tree protocols. It explains that redundant links between devices provide backup paths in case of failure, but can also cause loops. Spanning tree protocols select the best path and block redundant paths to prevent loops. They dynamically unblock backup paths if the primary path fails to maintain connectivity while avoiding loops.
The document provides a project report on marketing research and customer satisfaction conducted for Ceratizit India Pvt. Ltd. in Kolkata, which examines the company's profile, products, organizational hierarchy, and future plans through surveys and analysis to understand customer needs and feedback to improve marketing strategies and service quality.
The document outlines an agenda for an email deliverability masterclass event. The agenda includes:
- A registration period from 8:30-9:00am
- Welcome and introduction from 9:00-9:15am
- A presentation on research findings from 9:15-9:45am
- A Pizza Express case study from 9:45-10:10am
- A panel discussion from 10:10-10:25am
- Closing comments from 10:25am
The document provides details on the sessions including the speakers for the research findings presentation and case study. It also includes tags related to the event organizer, the DMA.
Repositori Elib Perpustakaan Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir (BAPETEN)Murad Maulana
PPT ini dipresentasikan dalam acara Diseminasi repositori perpustakaan BAPETEN yang diselenggarakan oleh Kepala Pusat Pengkajian Sistem dan Teknologi
Pengawasan Instalasi dan Bahan Nuklir (P2STPIBN) pada tanggal 25 Februari 2025
Tutorial ini menjelaskan langkah-langkah lengkap dalam membuat halaman website menggunakan Divi Builder, sebuah visual builder yang memungkinkan pengguna membangun website tanpa perlu coding.
Proses dimulai dari instalasi & aktivasi Divi, pembuatan halaman baru, hingga pemilihan layout yang sesuai. Selanjutnya, tutorial ini membahas cara menambahkan section, row, dan module, serta menyesuaikan tampilan dengan tab Design untuk mengatur warna, font, margin, animasi, dan lainnya.
Optimalisasi tampilan website juga menjadi fokus, termasuk pengaturan agar responsif di berbagai perangkat, penyimpanan halaman, serta penetapan sebagai homepage. Penggunaan Global Elements & Reusable Templates turut dibahas untuk mempercepat proses desain.
Hasil akhirnya, halaman website tampak profesional dan menarik tanpa harus coding.
1. Nama : Widya
Nim : 1142113016
Kelas : Reg-A PGPAUD
2. pendahuluan
Pembahasan Kesimpulan
Bermain pada dasarnya aktivitas kesukaan
anak yang menjadi kebutuhan anak,
apapun kegiatan yang dilakukan anak
selama itu membuat dirinya dapat
berkembang dikategorikan sebagai
Oleh sebab itu sebaiknya kita sebagai
orang tua atau guru PAUD hendaknya
tidak melarang anak untuk bermain, karena
memlalui bermain anak dapat memperoleh
pengalaman-pengalaman serta
rangsangan dan pengetahuan baru
3. pendahuluan
Pembahasan Kesimpulan
Tinjauan pustaka
Hughes (1999) harus ada lima unsure
dalam bermain yaitu
Tujuan bermain adalah permainan itu
sendiri dan si pelaku mendapat
kepuasan karena melakukanya tanpa
Dipilih secara bebas. Permainan dipilih
sendri , dilakukan atas kehendak sendiri
dan tidak ada yang menyuruh ataupun
Menyenangkan dan dinikmati.
Adanya unsure khayalan dalam
4. pendahuluan
Pembahasan Kesimpulan
Bermain adalah kebutuhan anak yang
sangat dia sukai dan sering dia lakukan
tanpa unsur paksaan yang dilakukan
baik menggunakan alat ataupun tidak
menggunakan alat dan tidak
mementingkan hasil akhir tetapi lebih
mementingkan proses didalam
permainan tersebut sebagai suatu
pengalaman pembelajaran anak.
Selain itu bermain merupakan
pendekatan dalam melaksanakan
kegiatan pembelajaran pada anak
5. pendahuluan
Pembahasan Kesimpulan
Usia dini adalah usia 0-6 tahun.
usia ini anak sangat senang
bermain dan tanpa unsur
paksaan, bermain sudah seperti
kebutuhannya yang dapat
merangsang anak dan bermain
tidak dapat dipisahkan dari
kebiasaannya setiap hari. Maka
dari itu jangan larang anak