K Awards – Common Pitfalls and UCLA CTSI KL2 Resources
Presented by Elizabeta Nemeth, PhD
Professor of Medicine at UCLA
Director, UCLA Center for Iron Disorders
Co-Director, UCLA CTSI KL2 Program
K Awards – Common Pitfalls and UCLA CTSI KL2 ResourcesUCLA CTSIPresented by Elizabeta Nemeth, PhD
Professor of Medicine at UCLA
Director, UCLA Center for Iron Disorders
Co-Director, UCLA CTSI KL2 Program
UCLA CTSI KL2 Resources - Elizabeta Nemeth, PhD (2022)UCLA CTSIUCLA CTSI K Workshop - July 28, 2022
K Awards: Common Pitfalls and
UCLA CTSI KL2 Resources presented by Dr. Elizabeta Nemeth, PhD (2022)
UCLA CTSI KL2 Resources (2021)UCLA CTSIUCLA CTSI KL2 Resources
Presented by Mitchell D. Wong, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine at UCLA
Executive Co-Director, Specialty Training and Advanced Research (STAR) Program
Director, UCLA CTSI KL2 Program
UCLA CTSI KL2 Award, New NIH Guidelines on Rigor & TransparencyUCLA CTSIThe document provides an overview of resources available through the UCLA CTSI KL2 Program, including KL2 awards that provide up to 3 years of career development support for junior faculty. Eligible candidates must commit 75% effort to their KL2-funded research and career development plan. Application components and timelines are outlined. Additional resources include a successful grants library, K Scholars Society monthly seminars, and grant writing studios with mentorship from experts.
UCLA CTSI KL2 Resources (2020)UCLA CTSIMitchell Wong, M.D. Ph.D.
Professor of Medicine
Executive Vice Chair for Research Training in the Department of Medicine.
Director of the CTSI KL2 Program,
Executive co-Director of the UCLA Specialty Training and Advanced Research (STAR) Program,
Co-Director of the UCLA NRSA Primary Care Fellowship
Writing the NIH K Award (July 25, 2013)UCLA CTSINavigating the NIH K Award Process
Carol Mangione, MD, MSPH
Barbara A. Levey MD & Gerald S. Levey MD Endowed Chair
Professor of Medicine and Public Health at UCLA
Associate Director, UCLA Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Program Leader, Research Education, Training and Career Development Program
“Writing the NIH K Award”UCLA CTSIIsidro Salusky, MD “Writing the NIH K Award”
Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics at UCLA
Chief, Division of Pediatric Nephrology
Director, Clinical Translational Research Center
Associate Dean of Clinical Research
10-2. How to write a grant proposal. Isidro Salusky (eng)KidneyOrgRuThe document provides information on NIH K08 and K23 grant applications for individual career development awards. The K23 supports career development for investigators committed to patient-oriented research, requiring a minimum of 75% effort devoted to the specified research plan over 3-5 years. The K08 supports intensive research training in biomedical and behavioral fields. Both require a primary mentor with a track record of training similar investigators. Applicants must demonstrate their institution's strong commitment to career development and provide protected time to complete the plan. The application includes sections on the candidate's background and career goals, a career development plan with training activities, and a research plan with specific aims and addressing significance, innovation, and approach.
03 salusky ctsi kl2 workshop july 2012UCLA CTSI"NIH Electronic Grant Proposals (SF 424) – K23 and K08 Individual Career Develop Awards"
Isidro Salusky, MD
Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics
Division Chief, Pediatric Nephrology
Director, UCLA CTSI Clinical Translational Research Center
Associate Dean for Clinical Research
Research Week 2014: SSHRC Part One: Opportunities, Timelines, and Writing Str...Wilfrid Laurier UniversityDelivered as part of research week 2014, this workshop walks researchers through SSHRC's opportunities, timelines and offers very useful writing tips and strategies
The CTSI KL2 Award and the Online Grant LibraryUCLA CTSIFebruary 4, 2016 K Workshop
Mitchell D. Wong, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine
Executive Co-Director, Specialty Training and Advanced Research (STAR) Program
Director, UCLA CTSI KL2 Program
Co- Leader, Research Education, Training and Career Development Program
AC24 Elizabeth Halton_Is it worthwhile embedding impact into doctoral trainin...UKCGEIs it worthwhile embedding impact into doctoral training? Elizabeth Halton Director, UCL Doctoral School and ECR Staff.
NIH Electronic Grant Proposals (SF 424)UCLA CTSINIH Electronic Grant Proposals (SF 424)
K 08 - K - 23 Grant Applications
Individual Career Development Awards
Isidro B. Salusky, MD
Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics
Division Chief, Pediatric Nephrology
Director, Clinical Translational Research Center
Associate Dean for Clinical Research
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Community of Practice - Project Specific - Steering Committee 1Embedding EmployabilityThis document provides an agenda and update for a project on embedding employability at DkIT. It discusses the following:
- Conducting pilot focus groups and interviews to inform the development of a survey on employability.
- Creating an embedding employability framework, employability statement, and set of graduate attributes to develop a shared vision of employability.
- Establishing an industry forum to collaborate with key partners on employability.
- The research timeline, with focus groups in March, interviews in March/April, and a survey from April to May, followed by analysis and reporting.
Imperatives for-research-case of private universitySanjeev DeshmukhThis presentation talks about various imperatives for doing research, especially from private university point of view.
Navigating the Evolving Landscape of the DBA: Insights from a New Kid on the ...UKCGEThe document summarizes a presentation on the evolving landscape of Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) programs. It discusses the increasing demand for doctoral education, new models emerging like the DBA, and the experience of launching a new DBA program at Atlantic Technological University. The DBA program aims to encourage "researching professionals" through a blended, cohort-based structure. Benefits are seen for individuals, organizations, universities, and society through knowledge outputs and addressing complex problems. Challenges include financial viability, attracting qualified faculty and candidates, and differentiating programs in a competitive landscape. The future of DBAs is predicted to emphasize practical impact through stronger industry collaboration and customization.
Careers Fairs and Careers InformationChris Willmottݺߣs from a presentation given at the Innovations in Molecular Biology Education conference, Cambridge, December 2012. The presentation describes careers awareness and careers planning interventions in Biological Sciences at the University of Leicester, UK.
UCLA CTSI KL2 Award & Online Grant Library (July 2015)UCLA CTSIMitchell D. Wong, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine at UCLA
Executive Co-Director, Specialty Training and Advanced Research (STAR) Program
Director, UCLA CTSI KL2 Program
Co-Program Leader, Research Education, Training and Career Development Program (CTSI-ED)
GRFP Outreach Presentation NSF AUG 14joshuamontgomery03The document provides information about the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP). The NSF GRFP aims to support outstanding graduate students in science and engineering fields who are in the early stages of their research careers. The fellowship provides three years of support, including a $32,000 annual stipend and $12,000 cost of education allowance to the student's institution. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents pursuing research-based master's or doctoral degrees. The application involves statements of research plans and goals as well as letters of recommendation. Applications are reviewed competitively based on the intellectual merit and broader societal impacts of the proposed graduate research.
AOM NSF Funding PDW 2013kcrowstoThis document outlines funding opportunities and practical insights for scholars from the National Science Foundation (NSF). It discusses the key NSF funding programs, review and decision processes, and advice for developing strong proposals. The document provides an overview of the various NSF directorates and programs, types of funding opportunities, and grants that require no external review. It also discusses resources for finding more information on NSF funding.
Learning Analytics: Seeking new insights from educational dataAndrew Deacon1) Learning analytics seeks new insights from educational data by measuring, collecting, analyzing and reporting data about learners and learning environments to optimize learning.
2) There are three eras of social science research: collecting simple data on important questions; getting the most from little data; and today's "big data" deluge allowing new questions.
3) Educational data can be analyzed through psychometrics, educational data mining, and learning analytics, typically focusing on assessment, learning over time, and wider contexts respectively.
Writing the NIH K Award (SF 424): K08-K23 Applications & Individual CDAsUCLA CTSIThis document provides guidance for applicants seeking a K08 Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The K08 award supports advanced research training for clinicians to foster their development into independent clinical investigators. Applicants must develop a career development plan in consultation with a primary mentor. This includes proposing a mentored research project, obtaining training in responsible conduct of research, and describing the institutional environment and commitment to the applicant's career development. The application involves multiple sections including biographical sketches, statements of support from mentors and consultants, and reference letters. The overall goal is for applicants to demonstrate their potential to develop into independent clinical investigators.
Assessing Transformative Learning Beyond the ClassroomD2LWhen the University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) was choosing a new LMS, they knew it needed to be easy to use—but also flexible enough to support their specific goals. With Brightspace, they’ve been able to develop a new way to track learning activities that happen outside the classroom. It’s called the Student Transformative Learning Record (STLR). Now, their students can share the non-academic learning experiences and skills they've gained with graduate schools and potential employers.
Soil securityprog impact_careerdev_sep_2015Chris CollinsThis document provides information about impact and career support for researchers. It discusses the importance of impact in securing government funding for bioscience research. It defines how research councils view impact and provides examples of impact pathways. The document encourages researchers to consider impact from the beginning of their research and describes various types of support available, including fellowships, networking opportunities, and programs to facilitate commercialization.
UCLA CTSI KL2 Translational Science AwardUCLA CTSIThe UCLA CTSI KL2 Translational Science Award provides career development support for junior faculty through renewable three-year awards of $75k salary plus $25k research support, $4k for tuition, $2k for travel, and $1500 for statistics. Eligible candidates have a doctoral or professional degree, faculty position, and commit 75% effort to interdisciplinary translational research. The program aims to support the candidate's research, education, and path to independence through mentorship and resources. The application process involves letters of intent, six-page research and career plans, mentor and institution letters, and is due February 24th for a July 1st start.
Toolkit for Change: Tenure & PromotionBonner FoundationThese are some of the resources that were shared at the Bonner Foundation's High-Impact Initiative Planning Retreat (March 2014) - "Civic Scholars: Engaged Campuses", held at Allegheny College. Several types of strategies and approaches for ensuring that campus culture, policies, and practices support deep community engagement and public scholarship were shared.
Getting Started in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learningmcjssfs2This document discusses Scholarship in Teaching and Learning (SOTL) and provides guidance on getting started with SOTL projects. It defines SOTL as the systematic and public reflection on teaching and learning. The document outlines why SOTL is important in today's higher education environment, provides examples of SOTL projects, and discusses how to formulate small SOTL projects including identifying topics, methods, collaborators, publications, and funding sources. Attendees are then asked to develop their own 1-page SOTL development plan as an individual exercise.
NIH Grant Proposals (SF 424): K08 - K23 Applications and Individual Career De...UCLA CTSIThe document provides guidance for applicants on the K08 Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award. It outlines the requirements and components for a successful application, including intensive research experience, minimum time commitment, mentoring plans, career development activities, responsible conduct of research training, and description of the research environment and mentors. Applicants must propose a research project and career development plan that will lead to independent research careers in clinical investigation.
Considerations in Applying for a K99 Award: the NIH "Pathway to Independence"...UCLA CTSIPresented by Christopher Evans, PhD
Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at UCLA
Co-Director, UCLA CTSI KL2 Program
Writing the NIH K Award: Research Plan - May 2024UCLA CTSIPresented by Steven D. Mittelman, MD, PhD
Professor of Pediatrics at UCLA
Chief of Pediatric Endocrinology
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03 salusky ctsi kl2 workshop july 2012UCLA CTSI"NIH Electronic Grant Proposals (SF 424) – K23 and K08 Individual Career Develop Awards"
Isidro Salusky, MD
Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics
Division Chief, Pediatric Nephrology
Director, UCLA CTSI Clinical Translational Research Center
Associate Dean for Clinical Research
Research Week 2014: SSHRC Part One: Opportunities, Timelines, and Writing Str...Wilfrid Laurier UniversityDelivered as part of research week 2014, this workshop walks researchers through SSHRC's opportunities, timelines and offers very useful writing tips and strategies
The CTSI KL2 Award and the Online Grant LibraryUCLA CTSIFebruary 4, 2016 K Workshop
Mitchell D. Wong, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine
Executive Co-Director, Specialty Training and Advanced Research (STAR) Program
Director, UCLA CTSI KL2 Program
Co- Leader, Research Education, Training and Career Development Program
AC24 Elizabeth Halton_Is it worthwhile embedding impact into doctoral trainin...UKCGEIs it worthwhile embedding impact into doctoral training? Elizabeth Halton Director, UCL Doctoral School and ECR Staff.
NIH Electronic Grant Proposals (SF 424)UCLA CTSINIH Electronic Grant Proposals (SF 424)
K 08 - K - 23 Grant Applications
Individual Career Development Awards
Isidro B. Salusky, MD
Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics
Division Chief, Pediatric Nephrology
Director, Clinical Translational Research Center
Associate Dean for Clinical Research
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Community of Practice - Project Specific - Steering Committee 1Embedding EmployabilityThis document provides an agenda and update for a project on embedding employability at DkIT. It discusses the following:
- Conducting pilot focus groups and interviews to inform the development of a survey on employability.
- Creating an embedding employability framework, employability statement, and set of graduate attributes to develop a shared vision of employability.
- Establishing an industry forum to collaborate with key partners on employability.
- The research timeline, with focus groups in March, interviews in March/April, and a survey from April to May, followed by analysis and reporting.
Imperatives for-research-case of private universitySanjeev DeshmukhThis presentation talks about various imperatives for doing research, especially from private university point of view.
Navigating the Evolving Landscape of the DBA: Insights from a New Kid on the ...UKCGEThe document summarizes a presentation on the evolving landscape of Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) programs. It discusses the increasing demand for doctoral education, new models emerging like the DBA, and the experience of launching a new DBA program at Atlantic Technological University. The DBA program aims to encourage "researching professionals" through a blended, cohort-based structure. Benefits are seen for individuals, organizations, universities, and society through knowledge outputs and addressing complex problems. Challenges include financial viability, attracting qualified faculty and candidates, and differentiating programs in a competitive landscape. The future of DBAs is predicted to emphasize practical impact through stronger industry collaboration and customization.
Careers Fairs and Careers InformationChris Willmottݺߣs from a presentation given at the Innovations in Molecular Biology Education conference, Cambridge, December 2012. The presentation describes careers awareness and careers planning interventions in Biological Sciences at the University of Leicester, UK.
UCLA CTSI KL2 Award & Online Grant Library (July 2015)UCLA CTSIMitchell D. Wong, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine at UCLA
Executive Co-Director, Specialty Training and Advanced Research (STAR) Program
Director, UCLA CTSI KL2 Program
Co-Program Leader, Research Education, Training and Career Development Program (CTSI-ED)
GRFP Outreach Presentation NSF AUG 14joshuamontgomery03The document provides information about the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP). The NSF GRFP aims to support outstanding graduate students in science and engineering fields who are in the early stages of their research careers. The fellowship provides three years of support, including a $32,000 annual stipend and $12,000 cost of education allowance to the student's institution. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents pursuing research-based master's or doctoral degrees. The application involves statements of research plans and goals as well as letters of recommendation. Applications are reviewed competitively based on the intellectual merit and broader societal impacts of the proposed graduate research.
AOM NSF Funding PDW 2013kcrowstoThis document outlines funding opportunities and practical insights for scholars from the National Science Foundation (NSF). It discusses the key NSF funding programs, review and decision processes, and advice for developing strong proposals. The document provides an overview of the various NSF directorates and programs, types of funding opportunities, and grants that require no external review. It also discusses resources for finding more information on NSF funding.
Learning Analytics: Seeking new insights from educational dataAndrew Deacon1) Learning analytics seeks new insights from educational data by measuring, collecting, analyzing and reporting data about learners and learning environments to optimize learning.
2) There are three eras of social science research: collecting simple data on important questions; getting the most from little data; and today's "big data" deluge allowing new questions.
3) Educational data can be analyzed through psychometrics, educational data mining, and learning analytics, typically focusing on assessment, learning over time, and wider contexts respectively.
Writing the NIH K Award (SF 424): K08-K23 Applications & Individual CDAsUCLA CTSIThis document provides guidance for applicants seeking a K08 Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The K08 award supports advanced research training for clinicians to foster their development into independent clinical investigators. Applicants must develop a career development plan in consultation with a primary mentor. This includes proposing a mentored research project, obtaining training in responsible conduct of research, and describing the institutional environment and commitment to the applicant's career development. The application involves multiple sections including biographical sketches, statements of support from mentors and consultants, and reference letters. The overall goal is for applicants to demonstrate their potential to develop into independent clinical investigators.
Assessing Transformative Learning Beyond the ClassroomD2LWhen the University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) was choosing a new LMS, they knew it needed to be easy to use—but also flexible enough to support their specific goals. With Brightspace, they’ve been able to develop a new way to track learning activities that happen outside the classroom. It’s called the Student Transformative Learning Record (STLR). Now, their students can share the non-academic learning experiences and skills they've gained with graduate schools and potential employers.
Soil securityprog impact_careerdev_sep_2015Chris CollinsThis document provides information about impact and career support for researchers. It discusses the importance of impact in securing government funding for bioscience research. It defines how research councils view impact and provides examples of impact pathways. The document encourages researchers to consider impact from the beginning of their research and describes various types of support available, including fellowships, networking opportunities, and programs to facilitate commercialization.
UCLA CTSI KL2 Translational Science AwardUCLA CTSIThe UCLA CTSI KL2 Translational Science Award provides career development support for junior faculty through renewable three-year awards of $75k salary plus $25k research support, $4k for tuition, $2k for travel, and $1500 for statistics. Eligible candidates have a doctoral or professional degree, faculty position, and commit 75% effort to interdisciplinary translational research. The program aims to support the candidate's research, education, and path to independence through mentorship and resources. The application process involves letters of intent, six-page research and career plans, mentor and institution letters, and is due February 24th for a July 1st start.
Toolkit for Change: Tenure & PromotionBonner FoundationThese are some of the resources that were shared at the Bonner Foundation's High-Impact Initiative Planning Retreat (March 2014) - "Civic Scholars: Engaged Campuses", held at Allegheny College. Several types of strategies and approaches for ensuring that campus culture, policies, and practices support deep community engagement and public scholarship were shared.
Getting Started in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learningmcjssfs2This document discusses Scholarship in Teaching and Learning (SOTL) and provides guidance on getting started with SOTL projects. It defines SOTL as the systematic and public reflection on teaching and learning. The document outlines why SOTL is important in today's higher education environment, provides examples of SOTL projects, and discusses how to formulate small SOTL projects including identifying topics, methods, collaborators, publications, and funding sources. Attendees are then asked to develop their own 1-page SOTL development plan as an individual exercise.
NIH Grant Proposals (SF 424): K08 - K23 Applications and Individual Career De...UCLA CTSIThe document provides guidance for applicants on the K08 Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award. It outlines the requirements and components for a successful application, including intensive research experience, minimum time commitment, mentoring plans, career development activities, responsible conduct of research training, and description of the research environment and mentors. Applicants must propose a research project and career development plan that will lead to independent research careers in clinical investigation.
Considerations in Applying for a K99 Award: the NIH "Pathway to Independence"...UCLA CTSIPresented by Christopher Evans, PhD
Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at UCLA
Co-Director, UCLA CTSI KL2 Program
Writing the NIH K Award: Research Plan - May 2024UCLA CTSIPresented by Steven D. Mittelman, MD, PhD
Professor of Pediatrics at UCLA
Chief of Pediatric Endocrinology
Navigating the NIH K Award Process: Choosing Your Mentorship TeamUCLA CTSIPresented by Carol M. Mangione, MD, MSPH
Barbara A. Levey MD & Gerald S. Levey MD Endowed Chair
Professor of Medicine and Public Health at UCLA
Chief, Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research
Leader, UCLA CTSI Workforce Development
What Next: When You are not Funded on the First Round - 2023UCLA CTSICTSI R Workshop: What Next: When You are not Funded on the First Round.
Scott G. Filler, MD
Professor of Medicine at Lundquist Institute/Harbor-UCLA and UCLA
Leader, CTSI Pilot Translational and Clinical Studies Program
Co-Leader, CTSI KL2 Institutional Development Core
How to Write the “Specific Aims” Section - 2023UCLA CTSICTSI R Workshop: How to Write the “Specific Aims” Section of a Grant Application.
Tannaz Moin, MD, MBA, MSHS
Associate Professor of Medicine at UCLA
AssociateDirector, UCLA Specialty Training and Advanced Research (STAR) Program
How to Structure the “Approach” Section (Basic Science)UCLA CTSICTSI R Workshop: How to Structure the “Approach” Section of a Grant Application
Scott G. Filler, MD
Professor of Medicine at Lundquist Institute/Harbor-UCLA and UCLA
Leader, CTSI Pilot Translational and Clinical Studies Program
Co-Leader, CTSI KL2 Institutional Development Core
How to Craft the "Significance” & "Innovation" [Filler] - 2023UCLA CTSICTSI R Workshop: How to Craft the "Significance” & "Innovation" Sections of a Grant Application.
Scott G. Filler, MD
Professor of Medicine at Lundquist Institute/Harbor-UCLA and UCLA
Leader, CTSI Pilot Translational and Clinical Studies Program
Co-Leader, CTSI KL2 Institutional Development Core
How to Craft the "Significance” & "Innovation" - 2023UCLA CTSIThis document provides guidance on key sections of an NIH R01 grant application, including Significance, Innovation, and review criteria. It discusses that Significance refers to how the project will advance scientific knowledge or improve clinical practice if successful, not just the importance of the disease topic. Reviewers evaluate the rigor of prior research supporting the project and the applicant's plans to address weaknesses. Innovation can involve novel concepts, approaches, technologies, or new applications of existing methods. The simplified NIH review framework focuses on whether the proposed research should be conducted based on Significance and Approach.
A Tactical Approach to Writing Your Grant Application (HSR) - 2023UCLA CTSICTSI R Workshop: A Tactical Approach to Writing Your Grant Application (HSR)
Tannaz Moin, MD, MBA, MSHS
Associate Professor of Medicine at UCLA
Associate Director, UCLA Specialty Training and Advanced Research (STAR) Program
A Tactical Approach to Writing Your Grant Application - 2023UCLA CTSICTSI R Workshop: A Tactical Approach to Writing Your Grant Application
William Parks, PhD
Professor of Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and UCLA
Associate Dean for Graduate Research Education
Scientific Director, Women’s Guild Lung Institute
How to Write the “Specific Aims” Section of a Grant Application (Basic Scienc...UCLA CTSICTSI R Workshop: How to Write the “Specific Aims” Section of a Grant Application (Basic Science
Scott G. Filler, MD
Professor of Medicine at Lundquist Institute/Harbor-UCLA and UCLA
Leader, CTSI Pilot Translational and Clinical Studies Program
Co-Leader, CTSI KL2 Institutional Development Core
How to Anticipate and Plan for an R Grant Application - 2023UCLA CTSICTSI R Workshop: How to Anticipate and Plan for an R Grant Application.
Presented by Carol M. Mangione, MD, MSPH
Barbara A. Levey MD & Gerald S. Levey MD Endowed Chair
Chief, Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research
Professor of Medicine and Public Health at UCLA
Leader, UCLA CTSI Workforce Development
NIH Loan Repayment Program (LRP) Info Session - 9/26/23UCLA CTSIThe UCLA CTSI and DGSOM Office of Physician Scientist Career Development held this webinar to provide information on the NIH Loan Repayment Program (LRP). This funding is designed to recruit and retain highly qualified health professionals into biomedical or biobehavioral research careers. The LRPs counteract financial pressure by repaying up to $50,000 annually of a researcher's qualified educational debt in return for a commitment to engage in NIH mission-relevant research.
Writing the NIH K Award – Research PlanUCLA CTSIWriting the NIH K Award – Research Plan
Presented by
Sumeet S. Chugh, MD
Price Professor and Associate Director, Smidt Heart Institute
Director, Division of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Considerations in Applying for a K99 Award: the NIH "Pathway to Independence"...UCLA CTSIConsiderations in Applying for a K99 Award: the NIH "Pathway to Independence"
Presented by Christopher Evans, PhD
Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at UCLA
Co-Director, UCLA CTSI KL2 Program
Navigating the NIH K Award Process and Choosing Your Mentorship Team (2023)UCLA CTSINavigating the NIH K Award Process and Choosing Your Mentorship Team
Presented by
Carol M. Mangione, MD, MSPH
Barbara A. Levey MD & Gerald S. Levey MD Endowed Chair
Professor of Medicine and Public Health at UCLA
Chief, Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research
Leader, UCLA CTSI Workforce Development
Writing the NIH K Award – Candidate Information and Career Development Plan, ...UCLA CTSIWriting the NIH K Award – Candidate Information and Career Development Plan,
How Reviewers Evaluate K Awards, and Common Critiques from NIH K Study Sections
Presented by O. Kenrik Duru, MD, MSHS
Professor of Medicine at UCLA
Investigator (Disparities), UCLA CTSI Special Populations
How to Anticipate and Plan for an R Grant Application. (2022)UCLA CTSICarol Mangione provides strategies for early career researchers to successfully transition from a K award to an R01 grant. She emphasizes building relationships at NIH, identifying the best fitting funding opportunities, and making the most of preliminary K award research. Researchers should publish findings, present at conferences, and collaborate with senior scientists. When preparing an R01 application, researchers should clearly outline the proposed project based on significant preliminary findings and check that the research aims have not already been funded.
A Tactical Approach to Writing Your Grant Application. (Moin, 2022)UCLA CTSITannaz Moin, MD, MBA, MSHS
Associate Professor of Medicine at UCLA
Assistant Director, UCLA Specialty Training and Advanced Research (STAR) Program
How to Write the “Specific Aims” Section of a Grant Application. (Moin, 2022)UCLA CTSITannaz Moin, MD, MBA, MSHS
Associate Professor of Medicine at UCLA
Assistant Director, UCLA Specialty Training and Advanced Research (STAR) Program
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Rass MELAI : an Internet MELA Quiz Prelims - El Dorado 2025Conquiztadors- the Quiz Society of Sri Venkateswara CollegePrelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
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-Tim Lyons
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team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Master’s degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APM’s People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
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K Awards – Common Pitfalls and UCLA CTSI KL2 Resources (2023)
1. K Workshop June 2023
w ww.ctsi.ucla.edu ▪ b r i n g i n g C T S I i n n o v a t i o n s t o t h e g r e a t e s t h e a l t h n e e d s i n L o s A n g e l e s
Ella Nemeth, PhD
2. K proposal pitfalls and advice
Research plan
Education plan
Candidate’s statement
Biosketch tips
3. Research Plan pitfalls
• Aims are too exploratory or too vague
– should be hypothesis-driven, specific and focused
• Proposal solely based on an idea without preliminary data
• Aims dependent on each other
• Presumptions about aim outcomes (“This aim will demonstrate
that X does Y…”)
• Pitfalls and alternatives section does not confront the most
important pitfalls (focused on small technical issues rather
than fundamental conceptual challenges)
• Vague statistics
4. Finding the right size project
• Number and scope of aims should fit the study timeline
(avoid too limited or too ambitious)
• Are resources adequate to support the project (finances,
expertise, populations, animal models, technology…)
5. Education Plan
• Too complicated
• Rule of 3’s for the Education Plan
– 3 Aims
– 3 Educational objectives
– 3 Mentors
• Tie together aims, education objectives, mentors
6. Example of Education Plan Overview
Activity Details Description
Objective 1: biochemistry (Mentor: James Watson)
Course Biochem 101 glycolytic pathway
Seminar photosyntesis overview of XYZ
Workshop lipid metabolism mechanisms of treatment
Objective 2: statistics (Mentor: James Heckman)
Course Stats 203 survival analysis
Seminar coding in R methods for coding
Workshop data intepretation graphic analysis of results
Objective 3: Social networks (Mentor: Nicholas Christakis)
Course psych 203 social support and impact
Course sociology 404 Social network analysis
Tutorial Network structure Tutorial with Dr. Christakis on network structure, dyad analysis, centrality
Responsible conduct of research
Course biomath 505 Ethics in conduct of research, IRB, …
Career Development
Seminar K Scholars Society Grant writing, mentoring, communication, leadership and team science
8. Candidate’s Statement
• Should not be a summary of educational/training pathway, but
show the pathway of research interests
• Highlight research findings/impact/implications
• Emphasize publication trajectory (if a concern)
• Focus on Career not Project:
– What is the BIG research question you will investigate?
– Excite the reader about your 10-year plan (Link K to R01)
• Describe separation from mentor (if needed)
9. Biosketches
• Include link to full bibliography
• Preferably do not list:
‒ Abstracts
‒ Publications that are not original science
‒ Publications that are not peer-reviewed
10. K Workshop June 2023
w ww.ctsi.ucla.edu ▪ b r i n g i n g C T S I i n n o v a t i o n s t o t h e g r e a t e s t h e a l t h n e e d s i n L o s A n g e l e s
Directors Mitchell Wong, MD, PhD
Ella Nemeth, PhD
Site Directors Chris Evans, PhD Victor Chaban, PhD Scott Filler, MD Denis Magoffin, PhD
UCLA CDU Lundquist Cedars
11. Overview of Resources
• KL2 Awards
• K Scholars Society
• Grant studios
• Grant Writing Bootcamp
• Career studios (proposed)
• CTSI Grants Library
• Virtual office hours
• K and R Workshops
12. KL2 Award Overview
Career development support for junior faculty within the
UCLA CTSI Consortium
Interdisciplinary, translational science (basic, clinical and HSR)
Similar in structure to an NIH K CDA application
13. KL2 Support
• Annual award, renewable for up to 3 years (and contingent
on the UCLA CTSI competitive renewal)
• Support: $130k maximum direct costs per year
– $75k salary
– $53k benefits / research support / tuition&career development /
statistical support
– $2k travel
14. Eligibility
• Doctoral-level degree (MD, PhD, DDS, PharmD)
• Faculty title by the grant start date (July 1)
• Commit 75% of effort to KL2 (50% minimum for some
specialties like surgery)
• U.S. Citizen, non-citizen national or permanent U.S. resident
15. Eligibility (Prior/Pending Grants)
• May have had a small grant (R03, R21)
• May have had prior K12 funding, but total K12 + KL2 funding cannot
exceed 5 years
• Cannot be PI on prior or current for:
– NIH R01 or equivalent grant (direct costs>$100k per year)
– K01/K08/K23 or other NIH K award
– VA Career Development award or R01-equivalent grant
If submitted K to NIH in Cycle Eligible to Apply for KL2 2024
May, June, July 2023 Yes
September, October, November 2023 Yes
January, February, March 2024 No
16. Annual Application Timeline
• Pre-Application deadline: Nov/Dec
• Full Application deadline: late February
• Applicant interviews: May
• Awardees will be notified by late May-early June
• Grant start date July 1st (no exceptions)
18. The Grant Library
• Successful (K, R, U) grants and new format NIH Biosketches
• Secure platform for sharing grants
• Video instructions on how to request access:
– http://ctsi.ucla.edu/funding/pages/sample
• To access:
– http://intranet.ctsi.ucla.edu
21. UCLA CTSI K Scholars Society
• Only for K/CDA awardees within UCLA CTSI institutions
• 2-year curriculum (monthly seminars):
- Training in grant writing, communication, team science, entrepreneurship and
- Work-in-progress presentations
- Mock study sections
- Open discussion sessions based on scholars’ interests and questions
- Pre- and post-grants management
- Equity, diversity and inclusion
• Professional grant writer consultations
• Open office hours with KL2 directors
• Recommend including K Scholars Society in CDA education plan
22. Grant Studios – Individual Scholars
• Longitudinal mentoring for K and R grant writing
• Priority for K Scholar Society and applicants to the KL2 grant program
• Studios:
- 3 Senior scientific/career/statistical studio mentors with expertise in K or R
- Meet 3 times from concept to final product
- Participation in mock study section for final review
23. Grant Writing Bootcamp – groups of scholars
• Longitudinal group seminars, organized jointly by CTSI and DGSOM OPSCD
(Office for Physician-Scientist Career Development)
• K and R bootcamps
• ~4-8 scholars per bootcamp
• Meet bimonthly for ~4 months prior to each NIH cycle:
– Summer (June-Sept) for October deadline
– Fall (Oct-Jan) for Feb deadline
– Spring (Feb-May) for June deadline
• Formal rollout of the bootcamps this summer (announcement will be in
Aug/Sept to start bootcamp in October for the Feb 2024 deadline)
24. Summary of Resources
KL2 Awards
K Scholars Society
Grants Library
Grant studios (individual or group)