
端端舝Share a Scribd company logo
Alode Road, Eleme, River State.
Phone no: 08034157081, 08185191359. Email: stevez247@yahoo.com.
OBJECTIVE: To work with the existing staff and facilities where technical expertise,
managerial talents and communication skills will be utilized.
PROFILE: Creative professional with extensive project installation and
maintenance experience from concept to development.
Talent Include:
? Installation/maintenance of fuel metering pumps
? Installation/maintenance of industrial sewage plant.
? Installation/maintenance of chemical dosing plant pumps,
Deferent*s type*s industrial valves (ball, gate, pneumatic, Steering
and pressure valves).
? Installation of flow measuring devices- flow meters and pressure
? HDPE pipe ritmo welding machine, manlifting equipment, HTK machine (hydraulic
bolt equipment), Rigid Dicing/threading machine (threading of steel and G.I pipes)
,fabrication and drilling skills, strong presentation skills, quality control, cost
reduction and containment, team builder, multi-site operations, DEDICATED
? Supervised project production effort*s to ensure project were completed to
company standards, on time and within budget constraints.
? Working closely with the workers to ensure stipulated man hour*s/power is met and
component*s met department quality standard.
? Working at height: use of body harness belt, How to handle tools and
communication method when working at height and safety condition of harness belt
? Working in a confined space
? Chemical handling, storing condition*s (MSDS) etc.
? Fire Fighting, Housekeeping and tools handling in site
Organized and powered by Astom Nigera Limited, Afam R/S
Contract Supervisor Sept. 2011 每May., 2014
Proedeco International Ltd. Onne Oil & gas free zone, Rivers State
? Installation and construction of industrial sewage treatment plant
* Application of industrial engineering principle in installation of non-
returned valves, jet blowers, pneumatic valves, air compression and
grander for effective treatment
* Evaluate sound processing engineering practice in conformity with
established safety and hazards control measures for chemical usage and
storage (MSDS)
* Perform preventive maintenance (PM) and corrective maintenance (CM)
* Test Ran, maintenance (1 month) and commissioning
* Installation of electrical dosing pumps, level sensors, flow meters, centrifugal pumps,
skimmers and manifold supply and returns.
* Construction and installation of 2inches galvanized pipe for air and water supply with
caprico air compressor machine and control valves at WAMS new yards workshop
* Collection of daily work progress and man-hour spent by each worker in all the sites
for effective scheduling and planning.
Skilled Mechanic May 10-July 25, 2014
? General Service, Maintenance and repairs of equipments parts
? Rutor services
C 每 inspections of VIGT12 (GT13E2) and C- Inspection of VIGT13 (GT13E2)
(Afam 6 Gas turbine SPDC facility)
Makama Day Secondary School, Bida Niger State
(National Youth Service Corps NYSC)## 2010-2011
Chemistry Teacher SS2 and SS3
Independent National Electoral Commission (AD-HOC STAFF) 2011
* Presiding officer 每 Be incharge of proceedings at the polling unit on the
election days that include sorting out vote*s and election result at the unit.
* Registration officer 每 registration of eligible voters with DDC machine.
(Industrial Attachment)#. 2006
* Fuel pump operation, use of fire extinguishers, Haulaging of fuel trucks and
balancing of daily sales account.
EDUCATION: Institute of Management and Technology
(IMT) Enugu
Chemical Engineering ######## 2009
Institute of Management and Technology
(IMT) Enugu
Chemical Engineering ######## 2006
Federal Technical College (FTC) Ohanso
Trade Test Certificate (TTC)
Plumbing and pipe fittings #####.. 2001
Comprehensive secondary school, ohanku.
West African school certificate (WAEC) ..2003
PERSONAL PROFILE: Date of Birth: 24
November, 1985.
Sex: Male
State of Origin: Abia State
HOBBIES: Reading good books, relating positively with
People, commitment to learning, listening to good
music, and football.
REFEREES: Available on request

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  • 1. KANU CHINAZA STEPHEN Alode Road, Eleme, River State. Phone no: 08034157081, 08185191359. Email: stevez247@yahoo.com. OBJECTIVE: To work with the existing staff and facilities where technical expertise, managerial talents and communication skills will be utilized. PROFILE: Creative professional with extensive project installation and maintenance experience from concept to development. Talent Include: ? Installation/maintenance of fuel metering pumps ? Installation/maintenance of industrial sewage plant. ? Installation/maintenance of chemical dosing plant pumps, Deferent*s type*s industrial valves (ball, gate, pneumatic, Steering and pressure valves). ? Installation of flow measuring devices- flow meters and pressure gauge. HIGHLIGHTS TECHNICAL SKILLS: ? HDPE pipe ritmo welding machine, manlifting equipment, HTK machine (hydraulic bolt equipment), Rigid Dicing/threading machine (threading of steel and G.I pipes) ,fabrication and drilling skills, strong presentation skills, quality control, cost reduction and containment, team builder, multi-site operations, DEDICATED PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND QUALITY CONTROL ? Supervised project production effort*s to ensure project were completed to company standards, on time and within budget constraints. ? Working closely with the workers to ensure stipulated man hour*s/power is met and component*s met department quality standard. TRAINING/COURSES ATTENDED
  • 2. ? Working at height: use of body harness belt, How to handle tools and communication method when working at height and safety condition of harness belt etc. ? Working in a confined space ? Chemical handling, storing condition*s (MSDS) etc. ? Fire Fighting, Housekeeping and tools handling in site Organized and powered by Astom Nigera Limited, Afam R/S EXPERIENCE Contract Supervisor Sept. 2011 每May., 2014 Proedeco International Ltd. Onne Oil & gas free zone, Rivers State ? Installation and construction of industrial sewage treatment plant * Application of industrial engineering principle in installation of non- returned valves, jet blowers, pneumatic valves, air compression and grander for effective treatment * Evaluate sound processing engineering practice in conformity with established safety and hazards control measures for chemical usage and storage (MSDS) * Perform preventive maintenance (PM) and corrective maintenance (CM) task. * Test Ran, maintenance (1 month) and commissioning CONSTRUCTION OF MODERN SWIMMING POOL (VIP QUARTER) * Installation of electrical dosing pumps, level sensors, flow meters, centrifugal pumps, skimmers and manifold supply and returns. WAMS WORKSHOP 1&2 AIR AND WATER SUPPLY * Construction and installation of 2inches galvanized pipe for air and water supply with caprico air compressor machine and control valves at WAMS new yards workshop PLANING DEPARTMENT (MECHANICAL SECTION) * Collection of daily work progress and man-hour spent by each worker in all the sites for effective scheduling and planning. ASTOM NIGERIA LIMITED AFAM OYIGBO RIVERS STATE Skilled Mechanic May 10-July 25, 2014 ? General Service, Maintenance and repairs of equipments parts
  • 3. ? Rutor services C 每 inspections of VIGT12 (GT13E2) and C- Inspection of VIGT13 (GT13E2) (Afam 6 Gas turbine SPDC facility) Makama Day Secondary School, Bida Niger State (National Youth Service Corps NYSC)## 2010-2011 Chemistry Teacher SS2 and SS3 Independent National Electoral Commission (AD-HOC STAFF) 2011 * Presiding officer 每 Be incharge of proceedings at the polling unit on the election days that include sorting out vote*s and election result at the unit. * Registration officer 每 registration of eligible voters with DDC machine. MOBIL SERVICE STATION WATERLINES RIVERS STATE (Industrial Attachment)#. 2006 * Fuel pump operation, use of fire extinguishers, Haulaging of fuel trucks and balancing of daily sales account. EDUCATION: Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) Enugu HIGHER NATIONAL DIPLOMA (HND) Chemical Engineering ######## 2009 Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) Enugu NATIONAL DIPLOMA (ND) Chemical Engineering ######## 2006 Federal Technical College (FTC) Ohanso Trade Test Certificate (TTC) Plumbing and pipe fittings #####.. 2001 Comprehensive secondary school, ohanku. West African school certificate (WAEC) ..2003
  • 4. PERSONAL PROFILE: Date of Birth: 24 th November, 1985. Sex: Male State of Origin: Abia State HOBBIES: Reading good books, relating positively with People, commitment to learning, listening to good music, and football. REFEREES: Available on request