The document discusses visual influences for interpreting William Shakespeare's play "The Tempest" in an industrial setting. It includes photos of factory interiors and exteriors from Nottingham from the late 19th and early 20th centuries that depict the industrial atmosphere sought. Performance styles of Brith Gof that incorporate metal, haze and scaffolding are cited as inspirations. The proposed location is the former Great Northern Goods Warehouse near Nottingham train tracks for its industrial feel.
This document contains the program information for the 3rd International Conference of Plant Molecular Breeding held from September 5-9, 2010 in Beijing, China. It lists the honorary presidents, organizing committees, program committees, and provides an outline of the conference sessions including plenary lectures on topics like molecular breeding in developing countries, rice functional genomics, and transgenic crop technologies. It also describes concurrent sessions on subjects like molecular breeding for abiotic stress tolerance, gene discovery and function, and molecular breeding for biotic stresses.
1. A network of humanitarian organizations emerged to oppose comprehensive economic sanctions due to the humanitarian harm they caused.
2. This network used information and framing to promote a new norm favoring "smart" or targeted sanctions.
3. As evidence mounted that comprehensive sanctions harmed civilians, states increasingly adopted policies consistent with the new norm, even in difficult cases like Iraq and Cuba.
Global Prohibitions Regime: The Evolution of Norms in International Society Emeli Loraine Olan Zu単o
The document discusses the evolution of global prohibition regimes through a discussion of 7 problems: piracy, slavery, fugitives beyond borders, international drug trafficking, prostitution, killing of whales and elephants, and the future of prohibition regimes. It traces the emergence and development of international norms against these issues from the 17th century onward, highlighting moral and political factors. Key developments include the criminalization of piracy, slavery, and privateering, as well as the formation of international treaties and institutions to enforce prohibitions.
This document defines stress and identifies common stressors such as work, health issues, family changes, and financial problems. It describes the body's fight or flight stress response and potential impacts of unmanaged stress like PTSD, depression, and health issues. Symptoms of stress are outlined across physical, behavioral, thought, and emotional categories. The document recommends stress management techniques including healthy lifestyle habits, relaxation, accepting what you can't control, asking for help, and seeking professional assistance if stress persists for over a month or interferes with life.
Economic consequences of obesity in the workplace web readybcampoli
Obesity negatively impacts employers through increased absenteeism, presenteeism, and medical costs. Absenteeism alone costs employers $18 billion per year, while presenteeism accounts for $41 billion in lost productivity. Medical costs for obese employees are significantly higher than for non-obese employees, totaling $147 billion annually for employers. Combined, obesity costs U.S. employers $73.1 billion per year in excess medical costs and absenteeism.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas model pembelajaran berbasis blended learning sebagai knowledge sharing.
2. Blended learning merupakan kombinasi pembelajaran tatap muka dan pembelajaran online menggunakan berbagai teknologi.
3. Knowledge sharing penting untuk meningkatkan interaksi dan komunikasi antara dosen dan mahasiswa.
Template for mapping architecture entrance exam paper pattern with adv arch t...Silica Institute
Silica Institute has introduced Fast Track Coaching Program for NATA, AIEEE and MAH-AR-CAT Exam Batches Starting from April, 2012.
For more Information OR to get seat in this program:
Call 9920432723, 022-24327715/16
1. A network of humanitarian organizations emerged to oppose comprehensive economic sanctions due to the humanitarian harm they caused.
2. This network used information and framing to gain attention for a new norm favoring "smart" or targeted sanctions.
3. As evidence of humanitarian harm from sanctions mounted and key states changed their positions, the UN and others began implementing policies to minimize unintended harm from sanctions, indicating the emerging norm was taking hold.
Economic consequences of obesity in the workplace web readybcampoli
Obesity negatively impacts employers through increased absenteeism, presenteeism, and medical costs. Absenteeism alone costs employers $18 billion per year, while presenteeism accounts for $41 billion in lost productivity. Medical costs for obese employees are significantly higher than for non-obese employees, totaling $147 billion annually for employers. Combined, obesity costs U.S. employers $73.1 billion per year in excess medical costs and absenteeism.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas model pembelajaran berbasis blended learning sebagai knowledge sharing.
2. Blended learning merupakan kombinasi pembelajaran tatap muka dan pembelajaran online menggunakan berbagai teknologi.
3. Knowledge sharing penting untuk meningkatkan interaksi dan komunikasi antara dosen dan mahasiswa.
Template for mapping architecture entrance exam paper pattern with adv arch t...Silica Institute
Silica Institute has introduced Fast Track Coaching Program for NATA, AIEEE and MAH-AR-CAT Exam Batches Starting from April, 2012.
For more Information OR to get seat in this program:
Call 9920432723, 022-24327715/16
1. A network of humanitarian organizations emerged to oppose comprehensive economic sanctions due to the humanitarian harm they caused.
2. This network used information and framing to gain attention for a new norm favoring "smart" or targeted sanctions.
3. As evidence of humanitarian harm from sanctions mounted and key states changed their positions, the UN and others began implementing policies to minimize unintended harm from sanctions, indicating the emerging norm was taking hold.
1. MKFC Stockholms folkh旦gskola
Yttre Kvalitetsm辰tning 2 HT 2012
-genomf旦rdes under veckorna 48-49
-studerande svarade anonymt i en webbenk辰t
2. Antal svarande 119 av 204 (58%) i hela skolan.
Nedan antal svar per kurs.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Desktop Publishing 15(23) 65%
UP termin 2-3 grundsk.niv奪 13
(26) 50%
UP termin 2-4 gymn.niv奪 24(45)
E-Konstskolan Prisma grund 17
(23) 74%
E-Konstskolan Prisma fdj. 7(11)
En and Sust.Dev. term 1 11(19)
Env and Sust.Dev. term 2 6(17)
Turismutbildning term 1 7(9) 78%
Turismutbildning term 2 5(10) 50%
V奪rd och omsorg term 2 9(16)
EGY Projektutb 5(5) 100%
4. 4. Fr奪gor om dina egna m奪l
a. Jag 辰r n旦jd med utbildningen. 3,5
b. Jag f奪r de kunskaper som jag trodde att jag skulle f奪. 3,4
c. Studierna p奪 skolan har varit meningsfulla (bra) f旦r mig. 3,6
d. Studierna har gett mig b辰ttre sj辰lvf旦rtroende. 3,2
e. Jag ser nu nya m旦jligheter i mitt liv. 3,2
f. Jag har 旦kat mina m旦jligheter att studera vidare. 3,1
g. Studierna ger mig b辰ttre m旦jligheter i arbetslivet. 3,1
5. 5. Fr奪gor om kursen
a. Kursens inneh奪ll 辰r tydligt. 3,3
b. Kursen tar tillvara mina egna kunskaper och erfarenheter. 3,3
c. Studieuppgifterna 辰r motiverande. 3,4
d. Kursens inneh奪ll motsvarar mina f旦rv辰ntningar. 3,4
e. Handledarens utv辰rdering av studieuppgifter st旦djer mitt 3,5
f. Studietakten p奪 kursen 辰r bra. 3,4
6. 6. Om e-l辰rande
a. Vi studerande har m旦jlighet att samarbeta. 2,9
b. Det finns tillr辰ckligt material i l辰rplattformen. 3,2
c. Det 辰r l辰tt att hitta det jag s旦ker i l辰rplattform OPIT. 3
d. Handledarens kommunikation med gruppen 辰r bra. 3,4
e. Jag vet hur jag kan framf旦ra min mening i gruppen. 3,3
f. Handledaren 辰r aktivt med i kursen. 3,5
g. Jag har f奪r tillr辰ckligt handledning. 3,5
h. Gruppen har gett mig inspiration i studierna. 2,9
i. Vi kan l旦sa eventuella problem som uppst奪r. 3,2
7. Studerandes kommentarer om e-l辰rande
e-learning gives me the
e-l辰randet fungerar utm辰rkt. opportunity to improve my
Mycket mer 辰n vad jag trodde English knowledge by myself
fr奪n start. Rekommenderas. and feel more confident.
Tycker det 辰r super. Det 辰r verkligen
super n辰r l辰raren 辰r aktiv och det 辰r
tydligt vad som g辰ller p奪 kursen! f旦r f旦rsta g奪ngen 辰r det
faktiskt kul och intressant
l辰ra sig och - - kunna
delta i en grupp fast
man 辰r p奪 helt olika Jag har kommit fram att jag kan
sidor av jorden! jobba sj辰lv n辰r jag avslutar kursen.
Man l辰r p奪 ett s辰tt som 辰r inte s奪 Det enda jag har att klaga p奪 辰r
p奪tvingat samt att man beh奪ller igentligen l辰rplattformen men den
kunskaperna kvar skall ju bytas till n辰sta termin s奪
hoppas det l旦ser sig
8. 8. Om MKFC Stockholms folkh旦gskola
a. Skolans inriktning/profil 辰r tydlig. 3,3
b. P奪 skolan deltar vi i arbetet med att f旦rb辰ttra kursen. 3,1
c. Vi deltagare kan p奪verka v奪ra studier. 3,2
d. Skolan arbetar demokratiskt. 3,4
e. Det 辰r l辰tt att kontakta skolan 3,3
f. Det finns m旦jlighet att f奪 studiev辰gledning fr奪n skolan. 3
g. Det finns information hur jag kan kontakta skolan. 3,5
9. vriga kommentarer fr奪n studerande
Jag 辰r n旦jd med
Handl辰ggarens skolan, och tack
utv辰rdering och vare ert har jag f奪tt
samarbete med ett jobb
deltagare har varit
viktigt under terminen.
r n旦jd med kursen p奪
Hemsidan det stora hela, och har
kunde bli hunnit g奪 igenom fler vad jag f旦rst奪r s奪 辰r utbildningens
b辰ttre saker 辰n vad jag trott syfte att vi skall s旦ka uppgifter
sj辰lvst辰ndigt via internet och det
Ett suver辰nt "tillg辰ngligt" har vi sannerligen f奪tt l辰ra oss.
s辰tt att bedriva Fr奪gan blir d奪, hade jag kunnat
konststudier fr奪n sitt hem l辰ra mig lika mycket genom att
och sin hemma-atelje! sj辰lv s旦ka kunskap p奪 n辰tet eller
har jag l辰rt mig mer d辰rf旦r att jag
fick specifika uppgifter och
tidsgr辰nser f旦r dessa uppgifter