This document provides documentation on the python-graph-lovestory library for working with graph databases in Python. It includes an overview of the Blueprints API, which allows using different graph databases with the same API, and examples of creating a graph and modeling a wiki with pages and revisions. It also demonstrates how to create vertices, edges, indexes and navigate the graph.
This document contains a collection of UNIX/Linux commands and tools for retrieving system information such as the operating system version, hardware details, running processes, network configuration, storage usage and more. It provides concise explanations and examples of commands for gathering key system data through examining files, running utilities and viewing process information.
The document introduces a semantic wiki that aims to reduce the steep learning curve of developing and deploying semantic web applications. The semantic wiki allows for easy publishing and smart data propagation for end users, as well as fast prototyping in the browser and lightweight concept modeling for developers. It integrates semantic technologies like RDF, OWL, and SPARQL to enable knowledge management, data organization, data sharing, personalization, privacy protection, and provenance tracking within wikis. Challenges addressed include ontology modeling, relational modeling with rules, semantic querying across multiple wikis, and annotation extensions.
The document discusses extending Shannon's information theory to incorporate semantics. It proposes a three-level model of communication including physical, technical, and semantic layers. It explores how semantics can reduce source redundancy through shared background knowledge, and defines notions of semantic noise and channel capacity. Future work is outlined on topics like lossy semantic compression, semantic mismatches, and applications to knowledge representation languages.
This document outlines a theory of semantic communication that extends Shannon's information theory to account for semantics. It proposes a general model of semantic communication and discusses measuring semantic information, semantic data compression through lossless and lossy source coding, and semantic channel coding to achieve reliable communication. The goal is to develop and validate approaches that leverage semantics to improve data compression and communication reliability compared to non-semantic algorithms.
Expressive Query Answering For Semantic Wikis (20min)Jie Bao
The document discusses extending the expressivity of Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) to allow for more complex modeling and querying capabilities. It proposes adding features from OWL Prime such as inverse properties, transitive properties, and cardinality restrictions to the SMW modeling language. For queries, it suggests adding support for negation, counting, and qualified cardinality restrictions. A formalization using datalog is described to translate SMW into descriptive logic rules to leverage mature reasoning tools. Implementation details and examples demonstrating scalability are also provided.
Naeem Zafar is an experienced entrepreneur and professor who has started and advised many companies. He shares that one obvious lesson for startup success is to have passion for your idea. However, a less obvious but equally important lesson is having a supportive spouse or partner who understands the demanding lifestyle of an entrepreneur, which can play a vital role in an entrepreneur's success. Understanding from family is critical given the irrational amounts of time and energy entrepreneurship requires.
This document provides a quick reference guide for OWL 2 Web Ontology Language. It defines common prefixes used in OWL, such as owl:, rdf:, rdfs:, and xsd:. It also defines notation for OWL components like classes, properties, individuals, and data ranges. Tables are provided describing syntax for object property expressions, data property expressions, individuals and literals, and data range expressions.
The document describes a project at the ISWC 2010 conference to create semantic web data and applications using data from the conference website and other sources like ArnetMiner and Geonames. This data was published as 0.1 million triples and supported various visualization and browsing applications to demonstrate semantic web dogfooding.
Expressive Query Answering For Semantic WikisJie Bao
This document discusses extending the expressivity of the Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) system through formalizing SMW's modeling and query languages using datalog. It proposes (1) extending SMW's modeling language to support additional OWL constructs like domains, ranges, and property characteristics, (2) extending SMW's query language with features like negation and counting, (3) implementing reasoning using logic programming solvers, and (4) evaluating scalability through experiments on real datasets. The goal is to improve SMW's capabilities while retaining its simplicity and wiki-based approach.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the qualifications and experience of Dr. Jie Bao. He is currently a research associate at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, a research affiliate at MIT, and a visiting scientist at Raytheon BBN Technologies. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from Iowa State University in 2007. His research focuses on areas including semantic web, linked data, description logics, and ontology engineering. He has over 50 publications and has served on numerous conference committees.
This document lists 19 ways to explore data about ISWC 2010, including through human-readable HTML pages on the ISWC homepage and mobile site, machine-readable RDFa extracts, SPARQL queries, triplestores like AllegroGraph, semantic web browsers like Disco and Graphite, faceted browsing in the ISWC Conference Facet Browser, keyword search in, and JSON representations in Triplr. It encourages adding additional methods of exploring the ISWC 2010 data.
Semantic Web: In Quest for the Next Generation Killer AppsJie Bao
The document discusses the potential for killer apps on the Semantic Web. It outlines key Semantic Web standards like RDF, SPARQL, and OWL that add meaning to data on the web. Examples are given of semantic data from sites like BestBuy, Facebook, LinkedIn, and IMDB. Current Semantic Web applications are presented in areas like finance, mapping, email, and data visualization. The document argues that as more data becomes linked and understandable by machines, new and useful applications can be imagined in domains like social media, transportation, and entertainment. The vision is that as the Semantic Web continues to grow, it will unlock new possibilities limited only by our imaginations.
Representing financial reports on the semantic web a faithful translation f...Jie Bao
Jie Bao, Graham Rong, Xian Li, and Li Ding (2010). Representing Financial Reports on the Semantic Web - A Faithful Translation from XBRL to OWL. In The 4th International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML).
Development of a Controlled Natural Language Interface for Semantic MediaWikiJie Bao
The document describes the development of a controlled natural language interface for Semantic MediaWiki. The system, called WikiOnt-CNL, allows users to edit ontologies in Semantic MediaWiki using controlled natural languages like Rabbit. Semantic templates are used to provide ontology verbalizations in the controlled natural language. This allows non-experts to collaboratively create, edit and understand semantically enriched ontological content without knowledge of formal logic or ontology languages.
Digital image self-adaptive acquisition in medical x-ray imagingJie Bao
The document describes a method for digital self-adaptive image acquisition in medical x-ray imaging. It discusses x-ray fluoroscopy systems and the challenges of digital acquisition. The method uses digital subtraction to remove background signals, recognizes the valid imaging region, and analyzes the region's histogram to automatically set acquisition parameters like black level, white level, gain and offset for optimal image quality. An experiment validated that this approach improves image quality over traditional methods.
Privacy-Preserving Reasoning on the Semantic Web (Poster)Jie Bao
The document discusses strategies for privacy-preserving reasoning on the semantic web by hiding private knowledge as if it is incomplete knowledge under the open world assumption. It presents an approach where queries are answered with "unknown" for both incomplete knowledge and hidden knowledge, so the querying agent cannot distinguish between them. The hidden knowledge is protected as if it is incomplete knowledge. It ensures the answers to queries will not provide knowledge beyond the critical visible knowledge.
Privacy-Preserving Reasoning on the Semantic WebJie Bao
The document proposes a framework for privacy-preserving reasoning on the semantic web. It explores how to share knowledge selectively without compromising privacy by exploiting the indistinguishability of hidden knowledge from incomplete knowledge under the open world assumption. It presents practical reasoning algorithms for hierarchies and description logics that balance informativeness with privacy, including a strongly safe reasoner for hierarchical ontologies and a weakly safe reasoner for SHIQ.
61. 商业模式 各种可能的替代方案
付费 vs. 免费 固定成本 vs. 可变成本 分布式 vs. 集中式 从内到外 vs.从外到内 广告 vs. 销售
私人服务 vs. 自动化用服单一客户群 vs. 多个客户群 实体的 vs. 虚拟的 版权限制 vs. 版权开放
开放 vs. 封闭 范围 vs.规模 产物 vs. 服务 一次性交易收费 vs. 经常性收入
直销 vs. 渠道 蓝海 vs. 红海 人资敏感 vs. 智力资产 利基市场 vs. 大众市场定制化 vs. 规模化
? 同样的技术,产物或服务可以有多种多样的商业模式
? 尝试通过回答上面各种问题勾勒出替代性的商业模式