The Cauchy Riemann (CR) conditions provide a necessary and sufficient condition for a function f(z) = u(x, y) + iv(x, y) to be analytic in a region. The CR conditions require that the partial derivatives of u and v satisfy u/x = v/y and u/y = -v/x. If a function satisfies these conditions at all points in a region, then it is analytic in that region. The document proves this using cases where y = 0 and x = 0, showing the derivatives must be equal. Examples are provided to demonstrate checking functions for analytic
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1. NPTEL Physics Mathematical Physics - 1
Lecture 33
Cauchy Riemann (CR) conditions
CR conditions state that a necessary and a sufficient condition that a
() defined as,
() = (, ) + (, )
be analytic in a region provides the following conditions (called CR conditions) on the
partial derivatives of are met,
in . Additionally it is assumed that the partial derivatives are continuous in .
To arrive at the proof of the above equations, let us look at the necessary conditions. For
a function () to be analytic, it should be differentiable in a region , that is
= ()
( + , + ) + ( + , + ) (, ) + (, )
must exist and should be independent of the manner in approaches zero. Two
possibilities are apparent for that to happen.
Case A
= 0, 0
For which () is defined as,
() = モ0
瑞 ( + , ) (, )
+ [
( + , )(, )
= +
Assuming that the partial derivatives exist.
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Case B
0, = 0
In this case,
() = 0
瑞 (, + ) (, )
(, + ) (, )
Of course, these two cases will have to yield identical results. Thus
Or, =
and =
Next we look at the sufficiency conditions. Since and
are assumed to be
continuous, we have
= ( + , + ) (, )
= [( + , + ) (, + )] + [(, + ) (, )]
Where the second and third terms are subtracted and added.
Hence =
Similarly =
Thus = + = ( + ) + (
+ )
Changing the second bracket using CR conditions
= ( + ) + ( + )
= ( + ) ( + )
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= ( + )
= () =
proving that the derivative exists and so () is analytic . Examples
1. () = 2 = 2 2 + 2ヰ
() = 2
To verify CR condition,
(, ) = 2 2
(, ) = 2ヰ
= 2 = p , = 2 = p
() = 2 + 2 = 2
(where the suffix refers to the derivative taken with respect to that variable).
2. () = ||2, (, ) = 2 + 2, (, ) = 0
If the CR conditions hold at a point (, ) then the point would be,
2 = 0, 2 = 0 (, ) = (0,0).
So () does not exist at a non-zero point.
Check for the analyticity of the following functions.
() = ||3
|| = 2 + 2 ||3 = (2 + 2)2
() = (2 + 2)2
(, ) = 0, (, ) = (2 + 2)2
It is a purely complex function. Its differentiable only at the origin and hence not an
analytic function.
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4. Joint initiative of IITs and IISc Funded by MHRD Page 15 of 66
NPTEL Physics Mathematical Physics - 1
Second Theorem
Sufficient condition for differentiability Let the function
() = (, ) + (, )
be defined throughout some neighborhood of a point 0 = 0 + 0 and suppose that
the first-order partial derivatives of the functions and with respect to and
everywhere in that neighborhood. If those partial derivatives are continuous at (0,
and satisfy CR conditions, then
= p, = p at (0, 0) then (0, 0) (= f (0)) exists.
= p, p = should necessarily be satisfied if () has a derivative at a point z.
Thus it is the necessary and sufficient condition that must hold if () is differentiable. If
they hold, then () exists and is given by,
() = (, ) + p(, )
() = (, ) + p(, )