This classified ad document contains listings for various motorcycles, RVs, boats, pets, household goods, sporting goods, and miscellaneous items for sale. The listings include details like the item name, price, contact information, and sometimes a brief description. There are ads for items like a 2003 40 foot Breckenridge Park model RV for $32,000, a 2012 Crestliner fishing boat for $17,690, various dog and puppy breeds ranging in price from $200 to $1,700, and more miscellaneous items such as furniture and electronics priced between $100-1,300.
Este resumen describe un cuento creado por alumnos de 1er grado sobre un grupo de 8 mujeres que van de campamento al bosque y son atacadas por un hechicero. Dos de las mujeres, Vanesa y Rocio, son hechizadas por el hombre pero luego son despertadas por un lobo. El mismo lobo encuentra y mata al hechicero, salvando as鱈 a las amigas.
1) O documento discute a 叩rvore de Natal da Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas no Rio de Janeiro, que atrai muitos visitantes mas tamb辿m causa engarrafamentos devido ao estacionamento irregular.
2) Fala sobre um show do m炭sico Geraldinho Carneiro e sua habilidade de conectar diferentes gera巽探es e culturas.
3) Menciona alega巽探es de que o ministro Fernando Pimentel teria recebido R$1 milh達o por palestras sem precisar dar as palestras.
Mohammad Salim has over 10 years of experience in merchandising for the RMG sector and 1 year of experience in computer sales and assembly. He is seeking a managerial position where he can utilize his knowledge, experience, and skills. His educational background includes a M.Sc. in Computer Science and a B.Sc. in Math, Statistics and Geography.
Paul Smith has over 10 years of experience in supply chain management and procurement roles within the FMCG industry. He holds a 2:1 BSc in Retail, Marketing, and Management from Loughborough University and has worked at Kraft Foods since 2012, currently as a Procurement Innovation Manager. Prior to this, he held roles as a Production Planner at Cadbury and Materials Planner intern at Kraft Foods. He has a broad skillset including supply planning, category management, and relationship building.
Steven Succar took a final exam in foundations of mobile app development and received a score of 99% with one incorrect answer. He answered 99 questions correctly in 21 minutes and 9 seconds, earning a distinction result. The report provides a summary of his exam performance including his correct and incorrect answers.
Ler aprender e partilhar cartaz divulga巽達o dos premiados 1尊 per鱈odo (1)Biblioteca Escolar Aeob
Este documento descreve um projeto para promover a leitura de obras liter叩rias entre alunos do 2o ciclo atrav辿s de convites publicados digitalmente. O projeto ser叩 implementado ao longo do ano letivo pelas professoras de portugu棚s e o departamento de apoio educativo e ir叩 premiar os melhores convites de leitura feitos pelos alunos. Seis obras liter叩rias ser達o utilizadas.
Este documento descreve um concurso de poesia chamado "Elos de N坦s" que ocorrer叩 durante a Semana da Poesia de 14 a 21 de mar巽o de 2016. O concurso visa promover a express達o de sentimentos e valores atrav辿s da poesia e os poemas ser達o julgados por sua qualidade e criatividade. Os tr棚s melhores poemas em cada categoria (p炭blico-alvo) ser達o premiados.
This document provides a grammar guide on using linkers to connect sentences and ideas. It covers positive and negative addition linkers like "and", contrast linkers like "although" and "but", and linkers indicating examples, reasons, results, purpose, conditions, exceptions, time, and relatives. The document also lists common transition words for structuring writing by indicating the start, continuation, conclusion, or summary of ideas.
The document discusses strategic intent and the balanced scorecard approach to strategic management. It defines strategic intent as the purpose and direction an organization aims to achieve. Key elements of strategic intent include vision, mission, goals, and objectives. These elements form a hierarchy with the vision at the top as the long-term goal, followed by the mission which articulates how the vision will be achieved, then specific goals and objectives with metrics to evaluate performance. The balanced scorecard framework translates strategic intent into objectives and measures across financial, customer, internal process, and learning/growth perspectives.
The document provides an overview of the Apple Corporation, including its founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, its incorporation in 1977, and some of its iconic products like the Apple II. It also discusses Apple's branding strategy focusing on emotions, lifestyle, simplicity, and ease of use to build trust, safety, loyalty and love among customers. The document notes Apple's emphasis on people over money and its strong control over products as well as the importance of Steve Jobs to the company's success and stock price.
Recensione del libro Pastoralia di George Saunders a cura di Nicoletta Daminato, partecipante del Master in Risorse Umane e Organizzazione di ISTUD nell'ambito del Project Work in cui i partecipanti hanno recensito alcuni libri di management, organizzazione e narrativa.
Mohammad Salim has over 10 years of experience in merchandising for the RMG sector and 1 year of experience in computer sales and assembly. He is seeking a managerial position where he can utilize his knowledge, experience, and skills. His educational background includes a M.Sc. in Computer Science and a B.Sc. in Math, Statistics and Geography.
Paul Smith has over 10 years of experience in supply chain management and procurement roles within the FMCG industry. He holds a 2:1 BSc in Retail, Marketing, and Management from Loughborough University and has worked at Kraft Foods since 2012, currently as a Procurement Innovation Manager. Prior to this, he held roles as a Production Planner at Cadbury and Materials Planner intern at Kraft Foods. He has a broad skillset including supply planning, category management, and relationship building.
Steven Succar took a final exam in foundations of mobile app development and received a score of 99% with one incorrect answer. He answered 99 questions correctly in 21 minutes and 9 seconds, earning a distinction result. The report provides a summary of his exam performance including his correct and incorrect answers.
Ler aprender e partilhar cartaz divulga巽達o dos premiados 1尊 per鱈odo (1)Biblioteca Escolar Aeob
Este documento descreve um projeto para promover a leitura de obras liter叩rias entre alunos do 2o ciclo atrav辿s de convites publicados digitalmente. O projeto ser叩 implementado ao longo do ano letivo pelas professoras de portugu棚s e o departamento de apoio educativo e ir叩 premiar os melhores convites de leitura feitos pelos alunos. Seis obras liter叩rias ser達o utilizadas.
Este documento descreve um concurso de poesia chamado "Elos de N坦s" que ocorrer叩 durante a Semana da Poesia de 14 a 21 de mar巽o de 2016. O concurso visa promover a express達o de sentimentos e valores atrav辿s da poesia e os poemas ser達o julgados por sua qualidade e criatividade. Os tr棚s melhores poemas em cada categoria (p炭blico-alvo) ser達o premiados.
This document provides a grammar guide on using linkers to connect sentences and ideas. It covers positive and negative addition linkers like "and", contrast linkers like "although" and "but", and linkers indicating examples, reasons, results, purpose, conditions, exceptions, time, and relatives. The document also lists common transition words for structuring writing by indicating the start, continuation, conclusion, or summary of ideas.
The document discusses strategic intent and the balanced scorecard approach to strategic management. It defines strategic intent as the purpose and direction an organization aims to achieve. Key elements of strategic intent include vision, mission, goals, and objectives. These elements form a hierarchy with the vision at the top as the long-term goal, followed by the mission which articulates how the vision will be achieved, then specific goals and objectives with metrics to evaluate performance. The balanced scorecard framework translates strategic intent into objectives and measures across financial, customer, internal process, and learning/growth perspectives.
The document provides an overview of the Apple Corporation, including its founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, its incorporation in 1977, and some of its iconic products like the Apple II. It also discusses Apple's branding strategy focusing on emotions, lifestyle, simplicity, and ease of use to build trust, safety, loyalty and love among customers. The document notes Apple's emphasis on people over money and its strong control over products as well as the importance of Steve Jobs to the company's success and stock price.
Recensione del libro Pastoralia di George Saunders a cura di Nicoletta Daminato, partecipante del Master in Risorse Umane e Organizzazione di ISTUD nell'ambito del Project Work in cui i partecipanti hanno recensito alcuni libri di management, organizzazione e narrativa.
Con il termine costruttivismo si indica un orientamento, condiviso da diverse discipline, secondo il quale la realt non pu嘆 essere considerata come un qualcosa di oggettivo, indipendente dal soggetto che la esperisce, perch辿 竪 il soggetto stesso che crea, costruisce, inventa ci嘆 che crede che esista.
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2. Secondo l'approccio fenomenologico la realt sociale 竪 il prodotto dell'interazione dialettica tra INDIVIDUO e SOCIETA'. La societ 竪 prodotto dell'attivit umana, non esiste senza l'uomo. L'uomo acquisisce la propria identit all'interno della societ, senza la quale dunque non pu嘆 esistere. Uomo e societ si CO-PRODUCONO. Questo processo dialettico consiste di tre momenti che vanno considerati congiuntamente: ESTERIORIZZAZIONE OGGETTIVAZIONE INTERIORIZZAZIONE
3. Per Esteriorizzazione , intendiamo quel processo mediante il quale, l'uomo per necessit antropologica, in quanto privo di un mondo adatto a s竪, si riversa nel mondo costruendo la realt pi湛 adatta alla propria esistenza, sia tramite attivit fisiche che attivit mentali. Frutto di questa attivit di costruzione del cosiddetto mondo-uomo 竪 la cultura. ESTERIORIZZAZIONE
4. OGGETTIVAZIONE Con il termine oggettivazione intendiamo quel processo attraverso cui, la cultura, la realt costruita attraverso l'attivit umana, acquisisce un'esistenza al di l dell'uomo; una volta realizzata, tale realt, si pone di fronte ai suoi produttori come un dato esterno, oggettivo. Tale oggettivit, chiaramente, non riguarda unicamente gli elementi materiali ma anche quelli non materiali, come le idee o le ideologie.