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Lisa Purcell
17 Cornerstone Drive
Allamuchy, NJ 07840
Over 25 years of professional experience in Distribution Center Management, Office Management and
IT project Management. Responsibilities included payroll, scheduling, quality assurance, book
keeping, management of employees and independent contractors, IT project management, training and
regular evaluations of employees and distribution staff, hiring and dismissing, daily customer contact
and problem resolution with an emphasis on building relationships.
Weichert Realtors  Sales Representative, April 2011 to current
Assist clients with property sales and development. Preparation of legal documents including listings
and sales contracts. Hold open house previews and instruct clients on best practices for selling success.
Work with renters/owners and prospective buyers for property purchase or rental. Provide economic
and market advice to prospective clients. Liaise with lenders, home inspectors and pest controllers
prior to contract negotiations. Ensuring terms and conditions of agreements are met. Maintaining
strong relationships and building trust with clients to encourage returning business. Analyze market
trends to determine competitive market prices. Go above and beyond to ensure that the transaction
stays in tack and makes it to the closing table.
Medco Health Solutions/Express Scripts Inc.  Project Manager, May 2009 to December 2014
Responsible for tracking the progress, milestones and deliverables of all projects assigned to a
department of Information Technology professionals. Provide written and verbal status reports at both
team level and a Senior Management level, as well as, other communications necessary to keep
stakeholders informed about application installs. Perform ongoing reviews of project status; and
identify possible project risks. Analyze the work load of each programmer and report to upper
management to ensure projects are evenly distributed.
Newark Star Ledger  District Manager, July 2002 to November 2008
Responsible for the overall management of the Star Ledgers Fairfield/Essex County depot. Actively
managed daily operations to ensure quality service to customers. Management of employees to ensure
compliance with company policy and procedures. Overall management of staffing including recruiting
and training of new employees. Oversaw training for employees in all phases of the distribution
services operation. Conducted and supervised regular evaluations for distribution staff. Reviewed
and approved all employee compensation, payroll ledgers, and expense statements. Created the work
schedule for all full and part time employees. Identified problematic operational issues before they
reach crisis stage. Ensured subscriber complaints were resolved quickly and satisfactorily. Reviewed
independent contractor performance to ensure timely delivery and customer satisfaction. Analyzed
layout of all geographic territories serviced from the distribution center and periodically audited routes
for efficiency.
Newark Star Ledger  Zone Supervisor, May 1993 to June 2002
Managed the daily operation of the distribution center/depot. Oversaw the printing, review and
distribution of daily mail in advance of operations. Supervised the unloading of delivery trucks,
ensuring receipt of the proper quantities of all newspapers and other products such as supplies and
promotional materials. Oversaw the accurate distribution of copies to independent contract carriers.
Managed the communication of complaints or delivery requests to independent contract carriers on a
daily basis (including a daily review of the previous days complaints). Recruited, interviewed, hired
and trained the distribution center support staff.
Newark Star Ledger  Assistant Supervisor, July 1988 to April 1993
Actively participated in the daily operations under the direction of management. Produced reports and
assisted to complete route maintenance such as sequencing of delivery lists and routing of subscriber
accounts to insure the most efficient order and timeliness of delivery. Assisted in maintaining a daily
record of contracted routes serviced, truck and contracted carrier arrival times, systems problems, and
answers to customers complaints.
Warren County Community College  Real estate
Barringer High School  Newark New Jersey
ABR  Accredited Buyers Representative
Weichert Million Dollar Club 2013

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  • 1. Lisa Purcell 17 Cornerstone Drive Allamuchy, NJ 07840 (973)699-5579 Summary: Over 25 years of professional experience in Distribution Center Management, Office Management and IT project Management. Responsibilities included payroll, scheduling, quality assurance, book keeping, management of employees and independent contractors, IT project management, training and regular evaluations of employees and distribution staff, hiring and dismissing, daily customer contact and problem resolution with an emphasis on building relationships. EXPERIENCE: Weichert Realtors Sales Representative, April 2011 to current Assist clients with property sales and development. Preparation of legal documents including listings and sales contracts. Hold open house previews and instruct clients on best practices for selling success. Work with renters/owners and prospective buyers for property purchase or rental. Provide economic and market advice to prospective clients. Liaise with lenders, home inspectors and pest controllers prior to contract negotiations. Ensuring terms and conditions of agreements are met. Maintaining strong relationships and building trust with clients to encourage returning business. Analyze market trends to determine competitive market prices. Go above and beyond to ensure that the transaction stays in tack and makes it to the closing table. Medco Health Solutions/Express Scripts Inc. Project Manager, May 2009 to December 2014 Responsible for tracking the progress, milestones and deliverables of all projects assigned to a department of Information Technology professionals. Provide written and verbal status reports at both team level and a Senior Management level, as well as, other communications necessary to keep stakeholders informed about application installs. Perform ongoing reviews of project status; and identify possible project risks. Analyze the work load of each programmer and report to upper management to ensure projects are evenly distributed. Newark Star Ledger District Manager, July 2002 to November 2008 Responsible for the overall management of the Star Ledgers Fairfield/Essex County depot. Actively managed daily operations to ensure quality service to customers. Management of employees to ensure compliance with company policy and procedures. Overall management of staffing including recruiting and training of new employees. Oversaw training for employees in all phases of the distribution services operation. Conducted and supervised regular evaluations for distribution staff. Reviewed and approved all employee compensation, payroll ledgers, and expense statements. Created the work schedule for all full and part time employees. Identified problematic operational issues before they reach crisis stage. Ensured subscriber complaints were resolved quickly and satisfactorily. Reviewed independent contractor performance to ensure timely delivery and customer satisfaction. Analyzed layout of all geographic territories serviced from the distribution center and periodically audited routes for efficiency. Newark Star Ledger Zone Supervisor, May 1993 to June 2002 Managed the daily operation of the distribution center/depot. Oversaw the printing, review and
  • 2. distribution of daily mail in advance of operations. Supervised the unloading of delivery trucks, ensuring receipt of the proper quantities of all newspapers and other products such as supplies and promotional materials. Oversaw the accurate distribution of copies to independent contract carriers. Managed the communication of complaints or delivery requests to independent contract carriers on a daily basis (including a daily review of the previous days complaints). Recruited, interviewed, hired and trained the distribution center support staff. Newark Star Ledger Assistant Supervisor, July 1988 to April 1993 Actively participated in the daily operations under the direction of management. Produced reports and assisted to complete route maintenance such as sequencing of delivery lists and routing of subscriber accounts to insure the most efficient order and timeliness of delivery. Assisted in maintaining a daily record of contracted routes serviced, truck and contracted carrier arrival times, systems problems, and answers to customers complaints. EDUCATION: Warren County Community College Real estate Barringer High School Newark New Jersey DESIGNATIONS: ABR Accredited Buyers Representative Weichert Million Dollar Club 2013