Temps era temps que un drac ferotge atemoria els voltants de Montblanc.
Devor els animals de pastura fins al punt d'amena巽ar la integritat dels pobladors de la vila.
Per tal d'evitar l'atac de la b竪stia es decid鱈 lliurar-li cada dia un montblanqu鱈. Es va fer un sorteig entre la poblaci坦, inclosa la fam鱈lia reial, i la sort volgu辿 que la persona triada fos la filla del rei.
Quan es disposava a ser engolida pel drac aparegu辿 un cavaller i la salv ferint de mort al drac. Era Sant Jordi.
On el drac vess la seva sang hi nasqu辿 un roser amb roses vermelles. Des d'aleshores es mant辿 la tradici坦 catalana per la qual els homes lliuren una rosa a la seva estimada.
The document discusses a study that compares a buy and hold investment strategy to a trading system using technical analysis rules enhanced by artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms on the Tehran Stock Exchange. The study aims to build a new intelligent trading system to reduce dependency on investor experience. Key steps include using genetic algorithms to optimize parameters for technical trading rules, an ELMAN neural network to combine signals from different rules into single signals, and hypothesis testing to evaluate performance against a buy and hold strategy. Results show the developed system improved performance over the simple buy and hold strategy.
K. Alexis, A. Tzes, "Revisited Dos Samara Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: Design and...Kostas Alexis
This document presents the design and modeling of a revisited Dos Samara unmanned aerial vehicle. It describes a convertible UAV concept that can operate in both helicopter and fixed-wing modes with less mechanical complexity than previous designs. The aircraft uses two samara-like blades for lift in helicopter mode and as wings in fixed-wing mode. Control surfaces below the blades provide control authority. The document outlines the aircraft design principles, nonlinear modeling approach, and development of an LQ controller for hovering. Future work will involve experimental analysis of the samara blade properties and actuation challenges.
This document lists the names and locations of 6 schools and preschools across Europe that are participating in a project called "VM Monsters" along with the website and email contact for the project. The schools include ones from Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Portugal, United Kingdom, and Sweden.
The cardiac cycle has three main stages: diastole where the ventricles relax and fill with blood from the atria while the AV valves are open; atrial systole when the atria contract pushing more blood into the ventricles with the AV valves still open; and ventricular systole where the ventricles contract strongly pushing blood out through the semi-lunar valves to the lungs and body while the AV valves are closed.
Jane is an HR director who helps students transition from school to work. She finds that students lack soft skills like communication, teamwork, and accountability. Schools focus too much on hard skills and not enough on preparing students for the professional world. Her company addresses this through mentorship programs, orientations, and internships to develop students' soft skills and understanding of workplace culture. However, schools need to better integrate professional training to ease students' transition to the workforce.
An aerial robotic worker is envisioned as an autonomous drone capable of performing industrial inspections and maintenance tasks. It would not merely fly and perceive its environment, but rather be an intelligent agent that can interpret abstract tasks, identify risks in infrastructure, and collaborate to complete dexterous maintenance work. The document provides examples of how such aerial workers could inspect and maintain wind turbines and power networks.
Este documento presenta una gu鱈a sobre la reducci坦n de t辿rminos semejantes en 叩lgebra. Incluye ejemplos de traducci坦n de oraciones a lenguaje algebraico y ejercicios de reducci坦n de expresiones algebraicas, con sus respectivas respuestas. El objetivo es practicar la habilidad de simplificar t辿rminos algebraicos comunes.
Temps era temps que un drac ferotge atemoria els voltants de Montblanc.
Devor els animals de pastura fins al punt d'amena巽ar la integritat dels pobladors de la vila.
Per tal d'evitar l'atac de la b竪stia es decid鱈 lliurar-li cada dia un montblanqu鱈. Es va fer un sorteig entre la poblaci坦, inclosa la fam鱈lia reial, i la sort volgu辿 que la persona triada fos la filla del rei.
Quan es disposava a ser engolida pel drac aparegu辿 un cavaller i la salv ferint de mort al drac. Era Sant Jordi.
On el drac vess la seva sang hi nasqu辿 un roser amb roses vermelles. Des d'aleshores es mant辿 la tradici坦 catalana per la qual els homes lliuren una rosa a la seva estimada.
The document discusses a study that compares a buy and hold investment strategy to a trading system using technical analysis rules enhanced by artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms on the Tehran Stock Exchange. The study aims to build a new intelligent trading system to reduce dependency on investor experience. Key steps include using genetic algorithms to optimize parameters for technical trading rules, an ELMAN neural network to combine signals from different rules into single signals, and hypothesis testing to evaluate performance against a buy and hold strategy. Results show the developed system improved performance over the simple buy and hold strategy.
K. Alexis, A. Tzes, "Revisited Dos Samara Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: Design and...Kostas Alexis
This document presents the design and modeling of a revisited Dos Samara unmanned aerial vehicle. It describes a convertible UAV concept that can operate in both helicopter and fixed-wing modes with less mechanical complexity than previous designs. The aircraft uses two samara-like blades for lift in helicopter mode and as wings in fixed-wing mode. Control surfaces below the blades provide control authority. The document outlines the aircraft design principles, nonlinear modeling approach, and development of an LQ controller for hovering. Future work will involve experimental analysis of the samara blade properties and actuation challenges.
This document lists the names and locations of 6 schools and preschools across Europe that are participating in a project called "VM Monsters" along with the website and email contact for the project. The schools include ones from Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Portugal, United Kingdom, and Sweden.
The cardiac cycle has three main stages: diastole where the ventricles relax and fill with blood from the atria while the AV valves are open; atrial systole when the atria contract pushing more blood into the ventricles with the AV valves still open; and ventricular systole where the ventricles contract strongly pushing blood out through the semi-lunar valves to the lungs and body while the AV valves are closed.
Jane is an HR director who helps students transition from school to work. She finds that students lack soft skills like communication, teamwork, and accountability. Schools focus too much on hard skills and not enough on preparing students for the professional world. Her company addresses this through mentorship programs, orientations, and internships to develop students' soft skills and understanding of workplace culture. However, schools need to better integrate professional training to ease students' transition to the workforce.
An aerial robotic worker is envisioned as an autonomous drone capable of performing industrial inspections and maintenance tasks. It would not merely fly and perceive its environment, but rather be an intelligent agent that can interpret abstract tasks, identify risks in infrastructure, and collaborate to complete dexterous maintenance work. The document provides examples of how such aerial workers could inspect and maintain wind turbines and power networks.
Este documento presenta una gu鱈a sobre la reducci坦n de t辿rminos semejantes en 叩lgebra. Incluye ejemplos de traducci坦n de oraciones a lenguaje algebraico y ejercicios de reducci坦n de expresiones algebraicas, con sus respectivas respuestas. El objetivo es practicar la habilidad de simplificar t辿rminos algebraicos comunes.
The document discusses how social interactions have changed with the rise of digital communication technologies. It argues that while these technologies allow for instantaneous long-distance communication, they have also lessened intimacy in relationships and led people to hide from one another even when constantly connected. There is a concern that primarily digital friendships can reduce empathy in society and undermine trust between people. The effects of these changes on social norms and new generations remains to be seen over time.
A massive attack was revealed that exploited the Shellshock vulnerability in QNAP NAS devices. The attackers deployed a payload that patched the vulnerability, armed the devices for DDOS attacks, and installed a scanner to search for more vulnerable devices. Over 500 compromised devices were detected. The payload installed a backdoor that could control the armed devices for DDOS attacks through IRC commands.
Personal Development, Health and Personal Education (PDHPE) teaches students the importance of living a healthy, active lifestyle to avoid future health issues and encourages fun ways to exercise and eat nutritious foods. It also aims to raise awareness of personal safety by educating students to recognize threats and dangers in order to create a better world.
Inside TorrentLocker (Cryptolocker) Malware C&C Server Davide Cioccia
CryptoLocker was a ransomware trojan which targeted computers running Microsoft Windows and was first observed by Dell SecureWorks in September 2013. CryptoLocker propagated via infected email attachments, and via an existing botnet; when activated, the malware encrypts certain types of files stored on local and mounted network drives using RSA public-key cryptography, with the private key stored only on the malware's control servers. The malware then displays a message, which offers to decrypt the data if a payment (through either Bitcoin or a pre-paid cash voucher) is made by a stated deadline, and threatened to delete the private key if the deadline passes. If the deadline is not met, the malware offered to decrypt data via an online service provided by the malware's operators, for a significantly higher price in Bitcoin
Explore the new 2014 TorrentLocker and get inside his C&C server
Autonomous Infrastructure Inspection and MaintenanceKostas Alexis
This document discusses using autonomous aerial robots for infrastructure inspection and maintenance. It describes developing algorithms for optimal path planning to fully inspect 3D structures. It also covers using 3D reconstruction of environments for state estimation and mapping. Physical interaction control is discussed for contact-based inspection. The goal is a complete autonomous solution for infrastructure inspection and maintenance through path planning, perception, manipulation and other techniques.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre n炭meros decimales. Explica que un n炭mero decimal consta de una parte entera y una parte decimal separadas por una coma. Detalla c坦mo se leen y representan los n炭meros decimales, as鱈 como c坦mo se ordenan y convierten a fracciones. Adem叩s, cubre c坦mo realizar sumas y restas con n炭meros decimales alineando la coma decimal.
K. Alexis, C. Papachristos, G. Nikolakopoulos, A. Tzes, Model Predictive Quadrotor Indoor Position Control, 19th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, p.1247-1252, June 20-23 2011, Aquis Corfu Holiday Palace, Corfu, Greece
Presentation given during ICRA 2013 to accompany the following paper: C. Papachristos, K. Alexis, A. Tzes Model Predictive Hovering-Translation Control of an Unmanned Tri-TiltRotor, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany
5. La fam del drac no sacabava mai, i
es menjava totes les persones i
animals que arreplegava.
7. Desesperats, els habitants de la
vila van fer una reuni坦 per veure
qu竪 podien fer. Aix鱈, perqu竪 no
sels meng辿s a tots, van decidir
donar-li cada dia un animal.
9. Dia rere dia, van anar
desapareixent ovelles, cabres,
bous, vaques, cavalls,Fins
que no en va quedar ni un!
11. Van fer una assemblea on posaren
una gran olla al mig de la pla巽a on
hi havia uns paperets amb el nom
de totes les persones de la vila.
Llavors treien un paper i el pobre
que tenia la mala sort de ser
lescollit el portaven al drac perqu竪
sel menjs.
14. Un dia, la mala sort va tocar a la
filla del rei.
El rei va convocar el poble i va dir:
- Teniu, preneu tot lor i la plata,
per嘆 per lamor de D辿u, deixeu
viure la meva filla!
- No! (va dir la gent del poble), la
llei ha de ser igual per a tothom.
16. Lendem al mat鱈, tot el poble
va acompanyar la princesa fins
on vivia el drac. Havia arribat el
20. Per嘆 en aquell moment, va
apar竪ixer un cavaller vestit amb
una armadura de plata, dalt
dun cavall blanc i amb una
llan巽a al bra巽!
22. El cavaller Sant Jordi, que aix鱈 li
deien, li va clavar al drac la llan巽a ,
que es va enfonsar fins al mig del
cor i aquest va caure a terra mort!
De la terra xopa amb la sang del
drac, va comen巽ar a brotar un
roser, que va florir a linstant.
Sant Jordi va collir una rosa i la va
donar a la princesa.
24. -Us dono la meva filla i la meitat
del meu regne! (li va proposar el
- Grcies!, per嘆 he de seguir el
meu cam鱈 salvant altres
persones daquests temibles
26. -Visca Sant Jordi! cridava la gent,
mentres ell sallunyava
I a laire daquella vila va quedar
per sempre un perfum de roses.