This document provides background information on a student named Myles who is transitioning from preschool to kindergarten. It details his medical history, family situation, educational history including various therapies received, strengths, interests and needed supports. The goals are for Myles to improve his classroom participation, compliance with tasks, and peer interaction, as well as to develop age-appropriate communication and motor skills to achieve educational success. His family and support team have worked closely together to provide the best education and care for him.
The document proposes establishing a State Student Advisory Council in Colorado to address the state's high dropout rate by giving students a voice in education policy and decision-making. It discusses the benefits of similar programs in other states and organizations, and outlines a proposed policy and action plan to present the idea to the Colorado State Board of Education. The policy would create a council of 21 students, 3 from each congressional district, who would meet regularly with education officials.
Process applied to software developmentRenan Huanca
This document discusses agile software development processes like XP, Scrum, and Kanban. It provides definitions and principles of each process. For example, it states that XP values feedback, simplicity, and embracing change. It also includes quotes about imagination, wasting time, and evolving rather than revolving. The document was created by Renan Huanca, a Java web developer, to share information about agile processes applied to software development.
Quetico 2013 Artist Residency PresentationJean M. Judd
Enjoy the encore presentation of Jean M. Judd's presentation given on September 1, 2013 at Quetico Provincial Park Pavillion at the Dawson Trail Ranger Station.
Learn about her history as a textile artist, see some of her artworks created over the last 20 plus years. She also includes a visual demonstration on how she rust dyes her artwork.
***NOTE: It is my understanding that n order to hear the audio embedded in the file, the file needs to be downloaded so the presentation plays correctly.
Jean judd textile portfolio 2012 2010 presentationJean M. Judd
Peruse the textile artworks of award winning textile artist Jean M. Judd. This presentation includes artworks from June of 2010 through December of 2012.
This document provides background information on a student named Myles who is transitioning from preschool to kindergarten. It details his medical history, family situation, educational history including various therapies received, strengths, interests and needed supports. The goals are for Myles to improve his classroom participation, compliance with tasks, and peer interaction, as well as to develop age-appropriate communication and motor skills to achieve educational success. His family and support team have worked closely together to provide the best education and care for him.
The document proposes establishing a State Student Advisory Council in Colorado to address the state's high dropout rate by giving students a voice in education policy and decision-making. It discusses the benefits of similar programs in other states and organizations, and outlines a proposed policy and action plan to present the idea to the Colorado State Board of Education. The policy would create a council of 21 students, 3 from each congressional district, who would meet regularly with education officials.
Process applied to software developmentRenan Huanca
This document discusses agile software development processes like XP, Scrum, and Kanban. It provides definitions and principles of each process. For example, it states that XP values feedback, simplicity, and embracing change. It also includes quotes about imagination, wasting time, and evolving rather than revolving. The document was created by Renan Huanca, a Java web developer, to share information about agile processes applied to software development.
Quetico 2013 Artist Residency PresentationJean M. Judd
Enjoy the encore presentation of Jean M. Judd's presentation given on September 1, 2013 at Quetico Provincial Park Pavillion at the Dawson Trail Ranger Station.
Learn about her history as a textile artist, see some of her artworks created over the last 20 plus years. She also includes a visual demonstration on how she rust dyes her artwork.
***NOTE: It is my understanding that n order to hear the audio embedded in the file, the file needs to be downloaded so the presentation plays correctly.
Jean judd textile portfolio 2012 2010 presentationJean M. Judd
Peruse the textile artworks of award winning textile artist Jean M. Judd. This presentation includes artworks from June of 2010 through December of 2012.
This document provides an introduction and overview of the Creative Zen portable media player. It describes the included accessories, supported file formats, features like expandable memory and an FM radio, navigation buttons and menus for music, photos, videos, radio and settings. It also mentions the Creative Media Explorer software for adding, converting and managing media files and personal organizer data on the device.
Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989 at CERN, creating HTML and HTTP to allow universal access to documents. In the late 1990s, a developer named Schnitz created XForms to improve on HTML forms, submitting it to the W3C. In 2001, Schnitz and Claus worked together on an implementation of XForms called DENG, but it lost funding. In 2003, the W3C rejected XForms and Opera proposed an alternative, leading browser vendors to form the WHATWG to develop HTML5 independent of the W3C.
7. La gent li va negar. El rei va demanar vuit dies per poder plorar la seva filla. Un cop passats, el rei la va vestir i la va deixar davant de la cova, a prop del drac.
9. Però de sobte, quan el drac ja anava a menjar-se la princesa d’una sola queixalada, va aparèixer sobre un cavall blanc, amb la seva llança i el seu escut el cavaller St. Jordi, per salvar a la princesa de les urpes d’aquell drac.
13. De cop de la sang del drac en va sortir un roser amb unes roses que brillaven amb el sol. El cavaller St. Jordi en collir una i la va donar a la princesa en senyal d’amor.