Od codziennej higieny do strategicznej refaktoryzacjiMicha? Bartyzel
? W jaki sposób ju? teraz mo?esz upi?kszy? swój kod?
? Jak refaktoryzowa? bez konieczno?ci ukrywania tego w szacowaniach?
? Jak w ci?gu 30 minut wyprostowa? najbardziej zagmatwany algorytm?
? W jaki sposób planowa? du?e strategiczne refaktoryzacje?
? Jak w uporz?dkowany sposób przeprowadza? d?ugotrwa?e refaktoryzacje?
? Jak unikn?? niespójnej architektury w trakcie d?ugotrwa?ej refaktoryzacji?
? Jak negocjowa? czas na refaktoryzacj? z Twoim managerem, PO czy klientem?
A quick overview of two techniques from design thinking that can help us better tailor data visualizations to the needs of our audiences. Personas can be used to identify illustrative audience members who represent large groups within our target audience, and journey maps help us understand how an audience receives, interprets, and acts on information.
The illustrative example presented here is rooted in a real world experience, but is not an actual persona and journey used in that work.
Is your team composed of gamers or former gamers with an experience in playing the Zelda game series ? If so, here is a nice way to plan your goals together.
Administra??o Cientifica | Quest?es CorrigidasDanilo Mota
I. O documento apresenta 10 quest?es sobre Administra??o Científica, abordando conceitos como ênfase nas tarefas, origens da abordagem clássica, princípios de Taylor e outros autores, supervis?o funcional e homo economicus.
II. Inclui também quest?es sobre como a Administra??o Científica defende a fragmenta??o das tarefas e especializa??o dos trabalhadores e baseou suas conclus?es em experiências científicas.
III. O resumo destaca os principais tópicos avaliados nas quest?es sobre a teoria
Dentro de la Psicologia del Bienestar, Se presenta un analisis de los factores de riesgo que perpetuan la pobreza generacional y situacional. Se describe la necesidad de trazar puentes para resolverla, tomando como ejemplo las sociedades que lo han logrado. Se establece la necesidad de un proceso, un compromiso y un guia/maestro de la solucion.
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Od codziennej higieny do strategicznej refaktoryzacjiMicha? Bartyzel
? W jaki sposób ju? teraz mo?esz upi?kszy? swój kod?
? Jak refaktoryzowa? bez konieczno?ci ukrywania tego w szacowaniach?
? Jak w ci?gu 30 minut wyprostowa? najbardziej zagmatwany algorytm?
? W jaki sposób planowa? du?e strategiczne refaktoryzacje?
? Jak w uporz?dkowany sposób przeprowadza? d?ugotrwa?e refaktoryzacje?
? Jak unikn?? niespójnej architektury w trakcie d?ugotrwa?ej refaktoryzacji?
? Jak negocjowa? czas na refaktoryzacj? z Twoim managerem, PO czy klientem?
A quick overview of two techniques from design thinking that can help us better tailor data visualizations to the needs of our audiences. Personas can be used to identify illustrative audience members who represent large groups within our target audience, and journey maps help us understand how an audience receives, interprets, and acts on information.
The illustrative example presented here is rooted in a real world experience, but is not an actual persona and journey used in that work.
Is your team composed of gamers or former gamers with an experience in playing the Zelda game series ? If so, here is a nice way to plan your goals together.
Administra??o Cientifica | Quest?es CorrigidasDanilo Mota
I. O documento apresenta 10 quest?es sobre Administra??o Científica, abordando conceitos como ênfase nas tarefas, origens da abordagem clássica, princípios de Taylor e outros autores, supervis?o funcional e homo economicus.
II. Inclui também quest?es sobre como a Administra??o Científica defende a fragmenta??o das tarefas e especializa??o dos trabalhadores e baseou suas conclus?es em experiências científicas.
III. O resumo destaca os principais tópicos avaliados nas quest?es sobre a teoria
Dentro de la Psicologia del Bienestar, Se presenta un analisis de los factores de riesgo que perpetuan la pobreza generacional y situacional. Se describe la necesidad de trazar puentes para resolverla, tomando como ejemplo las sociedades que lo han logrado. Se establece la necesidad de un proceso, un compromiso y un guia/maestro de la solucion.
Call us now for all your: Road Dedicated,Premium Airfreight
Air Charter, Hand Carry
Whatever your requirements are, we have the solutions to deliver your shipments on time.
Security testing is an important part of any security development
life-cycle (SDLC) and, thus, should be a part of any secure software
development life-cycle. Still, security testing is often understood by
an activity done by security testers in the time between "end of
development" and "offering the product to customers".
Learning from traditional testing that the fixing of bugs is the more
costly the later it is done in development, we believe that security
testing should be integrated into the daily development activities.
Based on the SDLC of a large software vendor, we will present the
benefits of early security testing and discuss what is necessary to
achieve a "security testing as development activity" approach.
Eastrategies société d’accompagnement à l’international spécialiste de l’Europe centrale et ?orientale. Cabinet conseil international, créé en Roumanie en 1992, en Bulgarie en 2000 et Moldavie en 2008, réalise mensuellement une newsletter sur la Roumanie.
De bvba van Staf Coppens heeft opnieuw een goed boekjaar achter de rug.
40 propositions pour moderniser et simplifier le droit de l'environnementAdm Medef
Le droit de l’environnement a considérablement évolué, que ce soit sous l’influence du droit communautaire, des "Grenelle de l’Environnement" ou des conférences annuelles environnementales. En perpétuel construction et marqué par une juxtaposition de textes, le droit de l’environnement est de plus en plus difficile d’accès.
Pour moderniser et simplifier le droit de l’environnement, le MEDEF formule 40 propositions réunies dans un Livre Blanc réalisé par le Comité Droit de l’Environnement du MEDEF ce Livre Blanc a été écrit dans l'intérêt partagé de la protection de l'environnement et de la compétitivité des entreprises.
O documento discute os desafios enfrentados pelas empresas de tecnologia na modera??o de conteúdo. Ele observa que, embora as empresas estejam trabalhando para remover conteúdo prejudicial, elas ainda enfrentam quest?es sobre o equilíbrio entre a liberdade de express?o e o discurso de ódio. O documento conclui que solu??es adicionais s?o necessárias para lidar com esses problemas complexos.
Apache Spark and Object Stores —for London Spark User GroupSteve Loughran
The March 2017 version of the "Apache Spark and Object Stores", includes coverage of the Staging Committer. If you'd been at the talk you'd have seen the projector fail just before the demo. It worked earlier! Honest!
This presentation is based on the IETF draft draft-farrell-lpwan-lora-overview-01 and provides a brief overview of the LoRaWAN architecture. It was presented at the LPWAN WG meeting in IETF 98.
This presentation of which title is "Successful point for the IT Project Management" is for PMI Japan Monthly Seminar in March by Mr.Shinji, Notohara,Director,
IT innovation,inc,Japan.
Hack For Japan Overview for CODE for JAPANTakuya Oikawa
Hack For Japan organized their first hackathon just one week after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami to help those affected. They developed some tools like Beef Tracer and Wind@Fukushima Nuclear Plan, but found issues with sustainability, connecting to those in need, and skillset mismatches. They now focus on open data/government, promoting hacker culture, programming education, and preparing for future disasters.
46. Web Components + JSON-LD
Web Components
カスタマイズした再利用可能なユーザー イ
ンターフェース ウィジェットとその動作を定
Linked DataをJSONを用いてシリアライ
47. Web Components
Shadow DOM
Custom Elements
HTML Imports
HTML Templates
var XComponent = document.registerElement