Teks ini membahas cara meningkatkan kehandalan peralatan dan efektivitas biaya perawatan. Ia menyarankan untuk melakukan monitoring yang optimal, memilih alat monitoring sesuai, mengetahui mode kegagalan, dan memilih teknik perawatan yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kehandalan. Untuk meningkatkan efektivitas biaya, perlu ada klasifikasi tingkat kritisitas peralatan, prioritas pekerjaan, pengaturan suku cadang, dan perpanjangan umur pak
This document discusses an analysis of used engine oil for 4-stroke motorcycle engines. It examines the properties of used motor oil and how it is affected after repeated use in a motorcycle engine. The document aims to study how engine oil degrades during use and the impacts this has on engine performance and maintenance needs.
Dokumen ini membahas implementasi penggunaan bahan bakar gas (BBG) untuk sektor transportasi di DKI Jakarta berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Nomor 2/2005 tentang Pengendalian Pencemaran Udara. Dokumen ini menguraikan latar belakang perkembangan penggunaan BBG di Indonesia selama 20 tahun terakhir dan masalah yang dihadapi. Dokumen ini juga memberikan rekomendasi skema insentif ekonomi untuk memfasilitasi pemilik kendaraan dalam menduk
Optimized maspi pama april 2009 rev1 pomer pointbocah666
The document discusses condition monitoring of fuel and oil for effective maintenance of heavy equipment in mining. It emphasizes the importance of lubrication and outlines methods for monitoring lubricant condition, including fluid properties analysis, contamination analysis, and wear debris analysis. Regular monitoring can help identify issues early and extend equipment life through predictive and proactive maintenance.
The document summarizes two Indonesia Fuel and Lube Conferences held in 2006 and 2007. It discusses the objectives of promoting the Indonesian downstream oil and gas industries and exchanging ideas on fuel and lubricants. It also outlines increasing environmental regulations globally requiring reduced vehicle emissions and the development of advanced engine technologies. The conferences aimed to discuss improving fuel and lubricant quality standards in Indonesia to meet these growing environmental and fuel economy challenges.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pentingnya strategi pemeliharaan dan keandalan dalam operasi perusahaan. Strategi ini penting untuk memelihara dan meningkatkan ketersediaan peralatan, kualitas produk, persyaratan keamanan, dan efektivitas biaya. Dokumen juga menjelaskan berbagai metode untuk mengukur keandalan sistem seperti MTBF dan availability.
Dokumen tersebut membahas berbagai jenis pemeliharaan mesin, termasuk pemeliharaan berdasarkan kegagalan, pemeliharaan preventif berdasarkan waktu, pemeliharaan prediktif berdasarkan kondisi, dan pemeliharaan proaktif berdasarkan resiko. Dibahas pula manfaat dan kerugian masing-masing jenis pemeliharaan serta kapan jenis manakah yang tepat digunakan. Diuraikan pula konsep OEE untuk
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang preventive maintenance yang merupakan tindakan pemeliharaan terencana untuk mencegah kerusakan mesin. Dibahas pula tujuan, elemen dasar, model, dan keuntungan serta kerugian dari pelaksanaan preventive maintenance secara berkala.
Materi ini menjelaskan tentang analisa kegagalan sistem berupa probabilitas, prediksi dan prediksi waktu maintenance supaya tidak terjadi kegagalan yang lebih besar
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pemeliharaan dan keandalan sistem yang mencakup definisi keandalan sistem, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keandalan sistem, teknik pemeliharaan pencegahan dan kerusakan, serta contoh perhitungan keandalan komponen dan sistem.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang teknik perawatan terencana dan tak terencana. Ia menjelaskan definisi, tujuan, sasaran, dan pembagian berbagai jenis teknik perawatan. Teknik perawatan terencana mencakup preventif dan prediktif, sedangkan tak terencana meliputi korektif dan breakdown. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan manfaat melakukan perawatan yang baik.
Analisis keandalan belt conveyor dengan pendekatan Reliability Centered Maintenance dan Failure Mode and Effect Analysis. Metode ini digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kegagalan komponen conveyor dan menentukan prioritas perawatan.
The American Petroleum Institute (API) is a trade association that represents the oil and gas industry. It establishes standards for engine oils through its Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System program. This voluntary program defines performance requirements for engine oils and licenses the use of API certification marks for oils that meet these standards. The API works with other organizations to continuously update performance standards in order to protect engines and the environment as technology advances.
The document discusses the American Petroleum Institute's (API) engine oil licensing and certification system. It provides background on API, describes the voluntary program that defines and monitors performance of engine oils. The system licenses the use of API marks on oils that meet standards. The document outlines the history of API gasoline and diesel engine oil performance categories and standards. It discusses the API certification marks, current gasoline and diesel standards, and the API aftermarket audit program to ensure licensed products meet standards. The document proposes expanding the program with a new "Motor Oil Matters" campaign to educate consumers on the importance of using high-quality certified engine oils.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pentingnya strategi pemeliharaan dan keandalan dalam operasi perusahaan. Strategi ini penting untuk memelihara dan meningkatkan ketersediaan peralatan, kualitas produk, persyaratan keamanan, dan efektivitas biaya. Dokumen juga menjelaskan berbagai metode untuk mengukur keandalan sistem seperti MTBF dan availability.
Dokumen tersebut membahas berbagai jenis pemeliharaan mesin, termasuk pemeliharaan berdasarkan kegagalan, pemeliharaan preventif berdasarkan waktu, pemeliharaan prediktif berdasarkan kondisi, dan pemeliharaan proaktif berdasarkan resiko. Dibahas pula manfaat dan kerugian masing-masing jenis pemeliharaan serta kapan jenis manakah yang tepat digunakan. Diuraikan pula konsep OEE untuk
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang preventive maintenance yang merupakan tindakan pemeliharaan terencana untuk mencegah kerusakan mesin. Dibahas pula tujuan, elemen dasar, model, dan keuntungan serta kerugian dari pelaksanaan preventive maintenance secara berkala.
Materi ini menjelaskan tentang analisa kegagalan sistem berupa probabilitas, prediksi dan prediksi waktu maintenance supaya tidak terjadi kegagalan yang lebih besar
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pemeliharaan dan keandalan sistem yang mencakup definisi keandalan sistem, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keandalan sistem, teknik pemeliharaan pencegahan dan kerusakan, serta contoh perhitungan keandalan komponen dan sistem.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang teknik perawatan terencana dan tak terencana. Ia menjelaskan definisi, tujuan, sasaran, dan pembagian berbagai jenis teknik perawatan. Teknik perawatan terencana mencakup preventif dan prediktif, sedangkan tak terencana meliputi korektif dan breakdown. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan manfaat melakukan perawatan yang baik.
Analisis keandalan belt conveyor dengan pendekatan Reliability Centered Maintenance dan Failure Mode and Effect Analysis. Metode ini digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kegagalan komponen conveyor dan menentukan prioritas perawatan.
The American Petroleum Institute (API) is a trade association that represents the oil and gas industry. It establishes standards for engine oils through its Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System program. This voluntary program defines performance requirements for engine oils and licenses the use of API certification marks for oils that meet these standards. The API works with other organizations to continuously update performance standards in order to protect engines and the environment as technology advances.
The document discusses the American Petroleum Institute's (API) engine oil licensing and certification system. It provides background on API, describes the voluntary program that defines and monitors performance of engine oils. The system licenses the use of API marks on oils that meet standards. The document outlines the history of API gasoline and diesel engine oil performance categories and standards. It discusses the API certification marks, current gasoline and diesel standards, and the API aftermarket audit program to ensure licensed products meet standards. The document proposes expanding the program with a new "Motor Oil Matters" campaign to educate consumers on the importance of using high-quality certified engine oils.
This document discusses the evolving demands on engine oils in Asia due to changing emissions legislation, increased fuel economy requirements, and more severe operating conditions. Emissions regulations are driving new engine designs and aftertreatment systems. Engine oils must now provide improved fuel economy, meet emissions standards, and ensure durability under harsh conditions. The Asian market for engine oils is highly fragmented with varying fuel qualities, biodiesel usage, operating environments, and vehicle types. As a result, formulations need to be tailored to specific applications and meet diverse performance needs across the region.
1) Indonesia aims to increase biofuel share in transportation to 7.6% bioethanol and 1.9% biodiesel by 2010 according to its national energy policy.
2) The national biofuel program focuses on developing energy self-sufficient villages and enabling each region to develop its biofuel potential to create jobs.
3) The strategy is to fast track biofuel development in the short run through job creation, while promoting long run energy independence at the village level by utilizing local biofuel resources.
Dokumen ini membahas implementasi penggunaan bahan bakar gas (BBG) untuk sektor transportasi di DKI Jakarta berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Nomor 2/2005 tentang Pengendalian Pencemaran Udara. Dokumen ini menguraikan sejarah penggunaan BBG di Indonesia dan berbagai tantangan yang dihadapi. Selanjutnya dokumen ini memberikan rekomendasi skema insentif ekonomi untuk memfasilitasi pemilik kendaraan dalam mengimplementasikan kewajiban pengguna
This document discusses the need for low-viscosity engine oils for low-fuel consumption and zero-emission cars. It provides background on emission regulations and how they are driving engine technology development requirements. Fuel and engine oil specifications must also be developed to meet these new requirements. The document concludes by discussing how low-viscosity oils can help meet environmental and efficiency goals.
This document summarizes Indonesia's progress in developing biofuels. It outlines national targets for biofuel usage, key policies and regulations supporting biofuel development, and challenges. Progress includes biodiesel and bioethanol already being sold in parts of Indonesia, and commitments from investors and initial production facilities coming online. However, challenges remain around land availability, feedstock prices, and achieving cost competitiveness with fossil fuels.
This document discusses the need for low-viscosity engine oils for low-fuel consumption and zero-emission cars. It provides background on emission regulations and how they are driving engine technology development requirements. Fuel and engine oil specifications must also be developed to meet these new standards. The document concludes by discussing how low-viscosity lubricants can help achieve both low fuel consumption and zero emissions from cars.
The document discusses fuel quality requirements for vehicles in Indonesia. It outlines Pertamina's role as Indonesia's state-owned oil and gas company and details the country's fuel specifications to meet Euro emission standards. These include reducing sulfur content in gasoline and diesel. The document also promotes the use of biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel to meet energy security, environmental, and economic goals in Indonesia.
SK Energy introduces Group III base oils as part of its product portfolio. Group III base oils have viscosity indexes over 120, high saturate content over 90%, and low sulfur levels below 0.03%. They provide benefits such as better low-temperature performance, lower oil consumption, and increased thermal and oxidative stability compared to other base oil groups. SK Energy is a leading producer of Group III base oils under the YUBASE brand and aims to expand its global market share.
The document discusses Indonesia's energy policy and targets for 2025. It aims to shift the energy mix towards more sustainable sources like gas, renewables, and biofuels which would account for 30%, 17%, and 5% respectively by 2025. Indonesia is also working to reduce CO2 emissions through promoting renewable energy, energy efficiency, carbon capture technologies, reducing gas flaring, and conserving forests. The country's fuel policy focuses on meeting domestic demand, developing infrastructure, establishing reserves, diversifying fuels, conserving usage, and encouraging cleaner alternative fuels.
03 vice chairman of maspi, nugraha kartasasmitabocah666
Vice Chairman - Indonesian Lube Society discusses key drivers of lubricant quality including technology, environmental, and fuel economy demands. Future lubricants will need to support lower emissions and compatibility with renewable fuels like biodiesel. This will require lubricants with lower viscosity, higher oxidation stability, and compatibility with biofuels to avoid issues like injector fouling, increased wear, and oil degradation from fuel dilution and oxidation.
The document discusses ashless additive technology for new Denison HF-0 hydraulic fluid specifications. It summarizes the impacts of industrialization including higher operating temperatures and pressures. This requires hydraulic fluids with better wear protection, thermal stability, and filterability. Ashless additives are introduced as a metal-free alternative to zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDTP) that provides improved performance and environmental benefits. Test results show ashless formulations extend component life and meet requirements of industry standard pump tests as well as the new Denison HF-0 specification.
The document is the presentation outline for the 1st Indonesia Fuel & Lube Conference held in November 2006 in Jakarta. It provides an introduction to GAIKINDO, the Association of Indonesian Automotive Industries, including its vision, mission, activities and members. It then outlines the influence of government policy on the automobile market and industry development in Indonesia and fuel and lubrication challenges for automobile mobility.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang jenis dan potensi bahan bakar hayati. Bahan bakar hayati yang potensial meliputi biodiesel yang dibuat dari minyak nabati, bioetanol yang dibuat dari nira dan bahan berpati, biogas yang dihasilkan dari proses anaerobik limbah organik, serta biokerosin dan bioavtur yang dapat dihasilkan dari minyak buah pohon Pittosporum. Indonesia memiliki sumber daya alam yang berpotensi menghasilk
The document summarizes a presentation given by Colin Chin of Shell Global Solutions on the future of transportation fuels. It discusses challenges around sustainable mobility and reducing emissions. It then covers developments in conventional fuels like diesel and gasoline, as well as emerging fuels such as biofuels and synthetic fuels produced from natural gas, coal, and biomass. The presentation concludes that low greenhouse gas emissions are the target for the future and advocates using a well-to-wheels approach to assess total energy use and emissions from fuel production to vehicle operation.
This document discusses how hydraulic fluid viscosity impacts hydraulic system performance and efficiency. It presents research on how higher viscosity index (VI) oils can improve efficiency by expanding the fluid's operating temperature window. The document outlines a study comparing the efficiency of different hydraulic fluids in a piston pump test. Fluids with higher VI delivered better efficiency at high pressure and temperature, with efficiencies up to 40% compared to 35% for lower VI fluids. Higher VI fluids maintain viscosity better at high temperatures, reducing leakage and improving volumetric efficiency.
Global emissions standards are driving changes in engine and lubricant technology. Stricter emissions regulations in regions like Europe, North America, and Asia are reducing allowable particulate emissions. This requires new engine designs using technologies like turbocharging and aftertreatment systems. New lubricant specifications now restrict chemical components like sulfur, phosphorus, and ash to better protect aftertreatment devices. Meeting new specifications requires innovative lubricant formulations using components like lower sulfur base oils. The increased complexity is raising the costs of lubricant development and testing.
1. 11/29/2009
Kehandalan Peralatan dan
Efektifitas Biaya Perawatan
Tri Yuswidjajanto Zaenuri
Ahli Tribologi Perawatan & Konversi Energi
Kelompok Keahlian Konversi Energi
Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara
Institut Teknologi Bandung
• Perawatan: kegiatan yang dilakukan berulang-
ulang untuk mengembalikan standar prestasi
dan kehandalan peralatan agar memenuhi
tuntutan operasi saat ini
• Manajemen Perawatan: pengelolaan kegiatan
perawatan yang meliputi perencanaan,
penjadwalan, pelaporan, pengawasan,
perbaikan berkelanjutan & organisasi
pelaksana kegiatan perawatan
• Maintenance Technique: kegiatan
pengawasan dan perbaikan peralatan yang
dilakukan secara berulang-ulang agar prestasi
dan kehandalan peralatan memenuhi
tuntutan operasi saat ini
2. 11/29/2009
Standar Prestasi
• Fungsi Pompa:
mengalirkan air dari tanki X
ke tanki Y
• Standar Prestasi:
800 liter per menit
• Kapasitas Bawaan:
1000 liter/menit
• Desain operasi:
800/1000 x 100% = 80%
Kehandalan (Reliability)
Down Down Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) (a+c+e)/3 1.33
Operasi 1 Operasi 2 Operasi 3
Time 1 Time 2 Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) (b+d)/2 1.00
a b c d e Availability (Ketersediaan) {(a+c+e)/)a+b+c+d+e)} x 100% 66.7%
2 1 1 1 1 Reliability (Kehandalan) sebanding MTBF ∞ 1.33
Down Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) (p+q)/2 2.50
Operasi 1 Operasi 2
Time 1 Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) (q)/1 1.00
p q r Availability (Ketersediaan) {(p+r)/(p+q+r)} x 100% 83.3%
3 1 2 Reliability (Kehandalan) sebanding MTBF ∞ 2.50
• Pasti: Kehandalan ↑ ïƒ Ketersediaan ↑
• Tidak Mungkin: Kehandalan ↓ ïƒ Ketersediaan ↑
• Kehandandalan ïƒ Penentu Produktivitas
3. 11/29/2009
Reliability & Cost Effectiveness
• Melakukan equipment criticality rating
• Menetapkan work priority
• Menetapkan spare parts service level
• Melakukan / mengatur monitoring frequency
• Mengoptimasi monitoring tools
• Menganalisis failure mode (sesuai operasi saat ini)
• Mengoptimasi maintenance technique
Equipment Criticality Rating (ECR)
No ECR Keterangan
Peralatan yang jika terjadi kerusakan padanya akan
1 Vital menyebabkan terancamnya jiwa manusia dan/atau
kerusakan lingkungan serta kerugian produksi besar
Peralatan yang jika terjadi kerusakan padanya akan
2 Essential
menyebabkan kerugian produksi yang besar
Peralatan yang jika terjadi kerusakan padanya akan
3 Support
menyebabkan kerugian produksi yang kecil
Peralatan yang jika terjadi kerusakan padanya tidak
4 Operation
akan menyebabkan kerugian produksi
4. 11/29/2009
Work Priority
No ECR Work Priority Keterangan
Pekerjaan perbaikan harus segera dimulai saat terjadi
1 Vital Emergency kegagalan dan harus dilaksanakan secara terus
menerus sampai kegagalan teratasi
Pekerjaan perbaikan dilakukan dalam jam kerja
normal, dimulai saat terjadi kegagalan dan
2 Essential Critical
dilaksanakan secara terus menerus sampai kegagalan
Pekerjaan perbaikan selambat-lambatnya dimulai 2
minggu setelah terjadi kegagalan dan dilaksanakan
3 Support Urgent
secara terus menerus dalam jam kerja normal sampai
kegagalan teratasi
Pekerjaan perbaikan selambat-lambatnya dimulai 1
bulan setelah terjadi kegagalan dan dilaksanakan
4 Operation Normal
secara terus menerus dalam jam kerja normal sampai
kegagalan teratasi
Spare Parts Service Level
5. 11/29/2009
Potential - Failure
• Potential (P):
saat dimana
failure symptom
mulai dapat
• Failure (F): saat
kegagalan terjadi
Monitoring frequency harus dioptimasi untuk menjamin
tuntutan availability dan cost effectiveness
6. 11/29/2009
Monitoring Tools
P-F Interval pendek:
• Makin sempit waktu
untuk persiapan
tenaga kerja, analisis
dan penyediaan spare
• Kemungkinan terjadi
breakdown makin
• Downtime akan lebih
panjang (kerugian
produksi lebih besar)
Planned Un-Planned
Time based
based Corrective Breakdown
Monitoring &
Monitoring Prediction of
Time Based
Failure Correction after
Condition Failure
Time Based before Failure
7. 11/29/2009
• Longer downtime = higher production loss
• Breakdown = unplanned/unscheduled maintenance activities = higher cost
Risk – Monitoring Tools
probability depend on ability of inspection tools to detect failure symptom
8. 11/29/2009
Infra-Red Thermography
31,0°C Object parameter Value
• Emissivity 0,96
SP01 • Object distance 75,0 m
• Ambient temperature 28,1°C
• Relative humidity 0, 84
20 • LNG Temperature -160 oC
Label Value
• SP01 23,1°C
• AR01 : min 23,1°C
• AR01 : avg 26,1°C
• Infra-Red Thermography
ïƒ melokalisir daerah kritis
• Ultrasonic
ïƒ mengukur ketebalan dinding tanki pada bagian
• Life Assessment
ïƒ menetapkan umur sisa tanki
Failure Mode
→ A=B+F
→ B = wear-out
→ C = fatigue
→ D = random failure
→ E = random failure
→ F = infant mortality
10. 11/29/2009
Maintenance Technique
Failure Mode
Maintenance Technique
Combination of corrective maintenance and optimized
time based preventive maintenance
B Optimized time based preventive maintenance
Time based preventive maintenance refer to instruction
Predictive maintenance (condition based preventive
maintenance) for electrical/instrumentation equipment
Predictive maintenance (condition based preventive
maintenance) for mechanical equipment
F Corrective maintenance
Maintenance Technique
11. 11/29/2009
Gas Engine Failures (4x)
• Exhaust valves
• Intake valve bend
• Piston surface
defect & broken
• Cylinder head
surface defect
• Valves recession
• Valve seats worn
Root Cause Analysis
12. 11/29/2009
Frequently Monitoring
• Quality control:
– Cylinder head assembly
– Lubricant ash content
• On condition monitoring:
– Intake manifold temperature
– Engine vibration / knocking
• Lubricant analysis:
– Oxidation
– Total Base Number
Condemning Limit TBN
TBN Analyzed
Initial 1.00 4.50
Attention 0.65 2.93
Critical 0.40 1.80
14. 11/29/2009
• Kehandalan dapat ditingkatkan jika:
– Dilakukan monitoring yang optimum
– Dipilih alat monitoring yang sesuai
– Diketahui mode kegagalan peralatan
– Dipilih teknik perawatan yang tepat
• Efektifitas biaya perawatan dapat ditingkatkan jika:
– Ada klasifikasi tingkat kekritisan peralatan
– Ada tingkat prioritas pekerjaan
– Penyediaan suku cadang diatur sesuai kebutuhan
– Berani melakukan peningkatan umur pakai
Dr.-Ing. Tri Yuswidjajanto Zaenuri
Email: triyuswid@yahoo.com
HP. 08122040704