The document provides guidance on leveling up enterprise UX literacy. It begins by having the reader select a character profile to personalize the experience. It then discusses key contexts and definitions for UX. The document asks where in a company a UX role should be placed and what outcomes it can provide. It explores what stakeholders a UX role should cooperate with and possible cooperation frameworks. It concludes by asking the reader to reflect on their interests and responsibilities to determine their path forward.
AI 時代帶著我們的興奮、焦慮、迷茫…滾滾而來,AI 究竟發展到什麼程度?民眾、技術專家、企業眼中的 AI 有何不同?作為科技行業從業者的我們,需要了解什麼、做什麼,如何面對 AI 的浪潮,如何選擇我們自己的發展道路?
AI 究竟會為產品設計帶來怎樣的變化?我們有什麼可以依靠的,有什麼需要突破的,有什麼值得堅守的?我們能怎樣抓住AI的浪潮,實現個人的成長,做出有意義的事業?
產品、體驗設計與 AI 的先行者吳卓浩老師將為大家帶來他的思考和實踐,和大家一起跑步進入 AI 時代,追尋 AI 時代的產品設計之道。
Kyle Hsiao is a Taiwanese designer who is fluent in English. He has worked as a design director for BMW Designworks and other companies. Some of his past experiences include leading mobile phone and notebook design for Asus and setting up an international design center for them in Shanghai. He focuses on user research and new material development to improve product design and the user experience.
This document summarizes Tina Tuan's presentation on design-led innovations at global enterprises. It discusses how SAP has scaled design thinking across its organization over time, establishing design centers called AppHaus to co-innovate with customers. Examples are provided of how collaborating with SAP has helped customers like AMG, China Grand Auto, and MediaTek drive business growth and improve processes through design-led solutions. The presentation encourages organizations to become more design-competent and treat design as a driver of business strategy and innovation culture.
AI 時代帶著我們的興奮、焦慮、迷茫…滾滾而來,AI 究竟發展到什麼程度?民眾、技術專家、企業眼中的 AI 有何不同?作為科技行業從業者的我們,需要了解什麼、做什麼,如何面對 AI 的浪潮,如何選擇我們自己的發展道路?
AI 究竟會為產品設計帶來怎樣的變化?我們有什麼可以依靠的,有什麼需要突破的,有什麼值得堅守的?我們能怎樣抓住AI的浪潮,實現個人的成長,做出有意義的事業?
產品、體驗設計與 AI 的先行者吳卓浩老師將為大家帶來他的思考和實踐,和大家一起跑步進入 AI 時代,追尋 AI 時代的產品設計之道。
Kyle Hsiao is a Taiwanese designer who is fluent in English. He has worked as a design director for BMW Designworks and other companies. Some of his past experiences include leading mobile phone and notebook design for Asus and setting up an international design center for them in Shanghai. He focuses on user research and new material development to improve product design and the user experience.
This document summarizes Tina Tuan's presentation on design-led innovations at global enterprises. It discusses how SAP has scaled design thinking across its organization over time, establishing design centers called AppHaus to co-innovate with customers. Examples are provided of how collaborating with SAP has helped customers like AMG, China Grand Auto, and MediaTek drive business growth and improve processes through design-led solutions. The presentation encourages organizations to become more design-competent and treat design as a driver of business strategy and innovation culture.
28. Understanding Whole Systems
Ideas and Integrities 思想與整合
No More Secondhand God 信仰?日常的神
The Honeywell Edition of Fuller's World Map 漢威版富勒勒世界地圖
The Un?nished Epic of Industrialization ?工業化的未完史詩
Cosmic View 宇宙全像
Full Earth 地球全貌
Earth Photographs 地球全貌圖像集
The World From Above 俯瞰世界
Surface Anatomy 表?面解剖
Geology Illustrated 地理理圖像
Sensitive Chaos 易易感的混亂
General Systems Yearbook 通?用系統年年鑑
On Growth and Form ?生長與姿態
Tantra Art 密宗的藝術
Psychological Re?ections ?心理理學的反思
The Human Use of Human Beings ?人類的?人性?用途:模控學與社會
The Ghost in the Machine 機器中的幽靈 (攻殼機動隊)
The Year 2000 ?西元2000
The Futurist 未來來主義者
29. Shelter and Land Use
The Dymaxion World of Buckminster Fuller 巴克敏斯特.富勒勒的放?大投影世界
Space Structures 空間結構學
Tensile Structures, Volume One 延展結構.第?一冊:氣動結構
Dome Cookbook 打造穹頂教學?手冊
Good News 好消息
Architectural Design 建築設計雜誌
The Japanese House ?日本之家:當代建築
Audel Guides ?日常?工具操作 系列列指南
Alaskan Mill 阿拉斯加?人碎?木機
Village Technology Handbook 農村科技應?用?手冊
Village Technology Center Catalog 農村科技應?用?目錄
The Indian Tipi 印地安帳篷——從歷史到建造使?用
Tipis 帳篷選購
Aladdin Kerosene Lamps 阿拉丁煤油燈
Man's Role in Changing the Face of the Earth ?人類對地球的影響和未來來
The Mushroom Hunter's Field Guide 蘑菇採集?田野指南
The Savory Wild Mushroom 美味野菇
How to Grow Vegetables and Fruits by the Organic Method 栽種有機蔬果指南
ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture 蜜蜂?文化解碼
Universal Mill 普世磨坊牌研磨機
30. Community
The Modern Utopian 當代烏托邦:追尋烏托邦的?人
The Realist 現實主義家
Green Revolution 綠?色?革命
Kibbutz: Venture in Utopia 吉布茨:前往烏托邦
Dune 沙丘魔堡
Groups Under Stress 潛?水伕壓?力力研究
The Merck Manual 梅?克診療?手冊
Land for Sale 代售?土地型錄
Consumer Reports 消費者報告
Government Publications 各類政府刊物
The Armchair Shopper's Guide 輕鬆買全球郵購指南
How to Get 20% to 90% o? on Everything You Buy 爭取最佳折扣的談判術
31. Industry and Craft
The Way Things Work 運作?方法:技術百科全書
Introduction to Engineering Design ?工程設計入?門
The Measure of Man ?人體度量量
Thomas Register of American Manufacturers 托?馬斯註冊:美國製造商
New Scientist 新科學家
Scienti?c American 科學?人
Industrial Design ?工業設計
Product Engineering ?工程產品雙週刊
Clearinghouse 美國政府研發檔案?大公開
Science and Civilization in China, Volume IV,
Part 2
Silvo Catalog 席爾瓦?工具型錄
Brookstone Tools 布魯魯史東居家?用品型錄
Jensen Tools 詹森五?金金?工具型錄
Miners Catalog 礦?工挖掘型錄
Blasters' Handbook 爆裂物製造?工具書
Direct Use of the Sun's Energy 第?一次?用太陽能就上?手
Structure, Form and Movement 結構、型態與運動?方式
Van Waters & Rogers 化?工實驗器材型錄
Bookmaking 設計書:圖書設計教科書
Zone System Manual 攝影曝光值指南
A Sculptor's Manual 雕刻家?手冊
Creative Glass Blowing 吹出創意玻璃
Buckskin 鹿?皮製品
Cut Beads 埃利利奧特.格林林牌 串串珠產品
Melrose Yarns 梅?爾羅斯牌 紗線
32. Communication?
Human Biocomputer ?人類?生理理計算機
The Mind of the Dolphin 海?豚的?心智
Information 1966年年9?月號科學?人雜誌:內容資訊
9100A Computer 9100A電腦
Cybernetics 模控學:關於在動物和機器中控制和通訊
的科學Eye and Brain 眼和腦
Design for a Brain ?大腦構造:適應?行行為的起源
Education Automation ?自動化教育
Intelligent Life in the Universe 宇宙的智慧?生命
The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Space 麥格羅-希爾宇宙百科全書
Lafayette Catalogs 拉法葉無線電型錄
Allied Catalogs 聯聯盟電訊器材型錄
Heathkit 電器採購DIY型錄
Modern Business Forms 當代商業商品型錄
American Cinematographer 美國攝影師雜誌
American Cinematographer Manual 美國攝影師?手冊
The Technique of Documentary Film
The Technique of Television of
Auto Repair Manual 汽?車車?自動維修?手冊
Books 最新出版書訊
Subject Guide to Books in Print 美國出版年年鑑
Art Prints 世界名畫型錄
33. Nomadics
Innovator 創新者
The Retreater's Bibliography 遁世?人的索引
The Book of Survival 求?生教戰?手冊
The Survival Book 軍事叢林林?生存法則
Survival Arts of the Primitive Paiutes 原始部落落的?生存藝術
Camping and Woodcraft 露營與?木作聖經
Light Weight Camping Equipment and How to Make It 輕便便露營DIY
Backpacking 出發吧!背包上肩
L.L. Bean LL Bean獵鴨靴型錄
Recreational Equipment ?戶外休閒?用品推薦
Gerry Outdoor Equipment 蓋瑞?戶外?用品
Kaibab Boots Kaibab靴?子型錄
Hot Springs 世界溫泉地圖
The Explorers Trademark Log 探險家?日誌
National Geographic 國家地理理雜誌
Sierra Club ?山巒雜誌
The Narrow Road to the Deep North 奧之細道
Trout Fishing In America 在美國釣鱒?魚
34. Learning
Toward a Theory of Instruction 親近指導理理論
The Black Box ?木盒?子益智遊戲
THIS Magazine is about Schools 學校
Cuisenaire Rods Cuisenaire數學運算練習?木棍
LIFE Science Library ?生活科學圖書館
Kaiser Aluminum News 凱撒主題誌
700 Science Experiments for
Edmund Scienti?c 艾德蒙科學產品型錄
WFF 'N PROOF 邏輯遊戲超好玩
Dr. Nim 尼姆遊戲機
We Built Our Own Computers ?自?己打造計算機
American Boys Handy Book 美國男孩必做的?一百件事
Pioneer Posters 先鋒海?報?目錄
Sense Relaxation 練習放鬆你的感官
Zen Flesh, Zen Bones 禪:禪宗與禪宗作品集
Meditation Cushions and Mats 瞑想專?用墊
Self Hypnotism ?自我催眠:?日常應?用技巧
Psycho-Cybernetics ?心理理控制論
A Yaqui Way of Knowledge 巫?士唐望的教誨
Fundamentals of Yoga 瑜珈基礎:理理論,實踐和應?用?手冊
The Act of Creation 創作?方法論
The I Ching 易易經
45. The A?airs 002
Come together
Here come old ?at top, he come grooving
up slowly / He got joo joo eye-ball, he
one holy roller / He got hair down to his
knees got to be a joker / He just do what
he please // he wear no shoe-shine / He
got toe jam football he got monkey
?nger, / He shoot coca cola he say I
know you, you know me / One thing I
can tell you is you got to be free // Come
together, right now, over me.
( 亞歷塞維奇 )