The handout of the service design course.
Introduce the course.
What's the service design.
The reference of the course.
30 keywords of the service design thinking.
Industrial design/Interaction Design/Experience Design/Service Design
The handout of the service design course.
Introduce the course.
What's the service design.
The reference of the course.
30 keywords of the service design thinking.
Industrial design/Interaction Design/Experience Design/Service Design
面临第四次工业革命让孩子遇见未来 - Preparing Children to Face the 4th Industrial RevolutionAlex Makosz
Presented to parents of Cosco Shipping, July 2017, to help parents think about the future their children will face and how this should affect their preparations around education.
The document provides guidance on leveling up enterprise UX literacy. It begins by having the reader select a character profile to personalize the experience. It then discusses key contexts and definitions for UX. The document asks where in a company a UX role should be placed and what outcomes it can provide. It explores what stakeholders a UX role should cooperate with and possible cooperation frameworks. It concludes by asking the reader to reflect on their interests and responsibilities to determine their path forward.
AI 時代帶著我們的興奮、焦慮、迷茫…滾滾而來,AI 究竟發展到什麼程度?民眾、技術專家、企業眼中的 AI 有何不同?作為科技行業從業者的我們,需要了解什麼、做什麼,如何面對 AI 的浪潮,如何選擇我們自己的發展道路?
AI 究竟會為產品設計帶來怎樣的變化?我們有什麼可以依靠的,有什麼需要突破的,有什麼值得堅守的?我們能怎樣抓住AI的浪潮,實現個人的成長,做出有意義的事業?
產品、體驗設計與 AI 的先行者吳卓浩老師將為大家帶來他的思考和實踐,和大家一起跑步進入 AI 時代,追尋 AI 時代的產品設計之道。
34. 创新设计年会
「According to the family, Mr. Huang was well aware that
Autopilot was not perfect … yet he nonetheless engaged
Autopilot at that location … the only way for this accident to
have occurred is if Mr. Huang was not paying attention …
Tesla is extremely clear that Autopilot requires the driver to
be alert and have hands on the wheel … 」
Tesla Model X Crash (今年3月23日,美國加州101號公路)
35. 创新设计年会
Electrek, 一個有關電動車及自動駕駛的部落格,四天後發表評論:
「An attentive driver would have plenty of time to go back
to the correct lane after the car enters the median … as Tesla
Autopilot improves it seems that some drivers are growing
more confident with the driver assist system and are putting
too much trust in it. 」
49. 创新设计年会
AI 如何進入類社會的體系,值得被信任?
參考:Kuipers, B (2018) How can we trust a robot? Communications of ACM, Vol. 61, No. 3, p.86~95
參考:翁岳暄(2009)Toward the Human–Robot Co-Existence Society: On Safety Intelligence for Next
Generation Robots. International Journal of Social Robots, 2009.1 p. 267–282
Action Intelligence
Open texture risk