The document discusses Robert Scoble's Twitter activity and network growth over time. It notes that Scobleizer began with only 2 followers but through engaging with others on Twitter, developed relationships and saw his follower count and network expand significantly. A key point made is that networks are comprised of people, not the other way around, as people build their own networks through social connections.
The document discusses various aspects of Singaporean culture, including marriage trends, gift-giving etiquette, and business etiquette. Marriage across ethnic borders is uncommon, and families provide financial assistance. As gifts, scissors and knives symbolize severed relationships, while clocks and sandals symbolize death. Singaporeans are non-confrontational and may not directly say no, so their agreement needs to be clearly understood. The document also notes basic facts about Singapore being an island of 1 main island and 63 smaller islands, with the mythical merlion as its national symbol.
Create new folder under All Programs. Where you can keep other files and program or short. Also you organised you Start Menu as per need. This presentation created in Windows 7 32 bit.
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Mother The Only Truth In This World.
Mother give her all to children. Mother love her child more than herself. She can live all thing for her children but we does not understand all this... SO GIVE PROPER RESPECT & LOVE.
Departamento De CirugíA Y TraumatologíA Bucal Y Maxilofacialsusanaencina
Este documento describe los objetivos de aprendizaje para un departamento de cirugía y traumatología bucal y maxilofacial. El 40% de los objetivos son conceptuales y se enfocan en conceptos básicos de semiología, farmacología de anestésicos locales y técnicas de anestesia. El 50% son procedimentales y cubren el manejo de técnicas de anestesia como SPIX y la preparación del paciente. El 10% restante son actitudinales e incluyen la presentación personal, relaciones interpersonales y comunicación con el
The document identifies and describes different physical transmission cables and wireless transmission media. It discusses various cable types including unshielded twisted pair, shielded twisted pair, coaxial, and fiber optic cables. It also discusses wireless transmission media such as infrared and radio waves. The document categorizes transmission media into two broad categories: physical transmission media which uses cables, and wireless transmission media which transmits data via electromagnetic waves without cables.
A carbon neutral event in North Georgia for technologist, marketers and operations folks. Catch up on social technology trends and best practices in the mountains.
11. サンプルコード(JavaScript)
var m = require('mraa'); //require mraa
console.log('MRAA Version: ' + m.getVersion());
var myDigitalPin = new m.Gpio(6);
function periodicActivity() {
var myDigitalValue =;
console.log('Gpio is ' + myDigitalValue);
27. var on = null;
var http = require('http');
setInterval(function () {
var value =;
var options = {
hostname: "",
path: "/messages",
method: "POST"
var data = {};
console.log("Value", value);
if (value > 250) {
if (on == null ?? on == false) {
data = '{"format":"raw","freq":38,"data":?
[6424,3228,873,787,…,8]} ;
on = true;
return true;
} else {
} else {
if (on == null ?? on == true) {
data = { format : raw ,"freq":38,
on = false;
return true;
var req = http.request(options, function(res) {
var body = '';
res.on('data', function(chunk) {
body += chunk;
res.on('end', function() {
}, 3000);