The patient is a 54-year-old man who presented with dizziness. Upon examination, he was found to have left beating nystagmus that changed to right beating nystagmus. While peripheral vestibular signs were initially observed, central vestibular signs emerged later. Based on the history and examination findings, the possibility of either peripheral vestibular neuritis or central stroke was considered. Three physical exam findings - direction-changing nystagmus, skew deviation, and head impulse test - can help distinguish between peripheral and central causes of acute vestibular syndrome with high sensitivity and specificity.
Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rare, rapidly progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by autonomic dysfunction, parkinsonism, and cerebellar ataxia. MSA is pathologically classified into MSA-P and MSA-C subtypes based on predominant symptoms. Diagnostic criteria require autonomic dysfunction with either parkinsonism or cerebellar ataxia, along with supportive MRI or neuroimaging findings. Compared to Parkinson's disease, MSA has a poorer prognosis with average survival of 7-9 years after onset.
The document describes a case of a 79-year-old female patient who fell down the stairs after suddenly losing consciousness. She has a history of diabetes and hypertension. Upon examination, her left radial pulse was weak and there was a 20 mmHg difference in blood pressure between the left and right arms, suggesting subclavian steal syndrome. Further tests such as CT angiography would be needed to confirm.
This document discusses immunoglobulin free light chains (FLC) and the κ/λ ratio. It contains the following key points:
1) FLC are produced in excess of heavy chains by plasma cells and any unbound light chains are known as free light chains.
2) An abnormal κ/λ ratio can indicate a clonal plasma cell disorder like multiple myeloma where either κ or λ chains are predominantly increased.
3) Measurement of FLC and the κ/λ ratio can aid in early diagnosis and monitoring of multiple myeloma and monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance. It provides better sensitivity than traditional M-protein detection methods.
Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rare, rapidly progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by autonomic dysfunction, parkinsonism, and cerebellar ataxia. MSA is pathologically classified into MSA-P and MSA-C subtypes based on predominant symptoms. Diagnostic criteria require autonomic dysfunction with either parkinsonism or cerebellar ataxia, along with supportive MRI or neuroimaging findings. Compared to Parkinson's disease, MSA has a poorer prognosis with average survival of 7-9 years after onset.
The document describes a case of a 79-year-old female patient who fell down the stairs after suddenly losing consciousness. She has a history of diabetes and hypertension. Upon examination, her left radial pulse was weak and there was a 20 mmHg difference in blood pressure between the left and right arms, suggesting subclavian steal syndrome. Further tests such as CT angiography would be needed to confirm.
This document discusses immunoglobulin free light chains (FLC) and the κ/λ ratio. It contains the following key points:
1) FLC are produced in excess of heavy chains by plasma cells and any unbound light chains are known as free light chains.
2) An abnormal κ/λ ratio can indicate a clonal plasma cell disorder like multiple myeloma where either κ or λ chains are predominantly increased.
3) Measurement of FLC and the κ/λ ratio can aid in early diagnosis and monitoring of multiple myeloma and monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance. It provides better sensitivity than traditional M-protein detection methods.
15. B) MSAの燕F侏は謹科である
SAOAsporadic adultConset
ataxia of unknown etiology
弌來\喨д{のみ Giordano I, et al. Neurology.
PAF pure autonomic
徭舵舞U嬾墾のみ Coon EA, et al Neurology.
掲灸侏議MSA Non-motor MSA 互業徭舵舞U嬾墾融隼棒 Riku Y et al. J Neurol 2017
MSA-CBS 寄討|児久宰屏昨蛤 Stankovic I, Mov Disord.
FTLD-synuclein FTLDを格し徭舵舞U嬾墾
Aoki N et al.
Acta Neuropathol 2015
MSA-D/MCI J岑屏MCIを栽 Stankovic I, et al. Mov
Disord. 2014
娼舞屏彜栽MSA うつアパシ`床三横d^
Ceponiene R et al. Cogent
Psychology 2016
16. B) MSAの燕F侏は謹科である
SAOAsporadic adultConset
ataxia of unknown etiology
弌來\喨д{のみ Giordano I, et al. Neurology.
PAF pure autonomic
徭舵舞U嬾墾のみ Coon EA, et al Neurology.
掲灸侏議MSA Non-motor MSA 互業徭舵舞U嬾墾融隼棒 Riku Y et al. J Neurol 2017
MSA-CBS 寄討|児久宰屏昨蛤 Stankovic I, Mov Disord.
FTLD-synuclein FTLDを格し徭舵舞U嬾墾
Aoki N et al.
Acta Neuropathol 2015
MSA-D/MCI J岑屏MCIを栽 Stankovic I, et al. Mov
Disord. 2014
娼舞屏彜栽MSA うつアパシ`床三横d^
Ceponiene R et al. Cogent
Psychology 2016
k屏定h?U^ 飛定k屏MSA
Batle A, et al. Mov Disord.
互hk屏MSA MSA-Pが謹い嚠瘁音措 Sakushima K, et al.
Cerebellum. 2015
Long duration-MSA 15定參貧の郛押豚g Jellinger K.
Neuropathology. 2012
23. Poujois, et al. Clin Res Hepatol
Gastroenterol. 42:512-20, 2018.
bright claustrum sign
Panda AK. BMJ Case Rep.
63. ? 及2狹R寛Y┘襯鵐疋戰奪
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AMULET study
A Study of Lu AF82422 in Participants With Multiple System Atrophy
64. 押兜豚パ`キンソン押にする2つの
N Engl J Med 2022; 387:408-420: N Engl J Med 2022; 387:421-432
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