The document discusses the various ways an agency relationship can be terminated, including by agreement between the principal and agent, revocation by the principal or agent, completion of the business task, expiry of time as defined in the contract, death or insanity of the principal or agent, insolvency of the principal, destruction of the subject matter, the principal and agent becoming alien enemies due to a change in laws or circumstances, or a change in applicable laws. It also outlines the key rights and duties of both the principal and agent in an agency relationship.
Lunch and Learn - Director's Duties and LiabilitiesMaple Leaf Angels
This document provides an overview of directors' roles, responsibilities, and potential liabilities under corporate law. It discusses the fundamental duties of directors including the duty to manage, fiduciary duties of care and loyalty, and corresponding responsibilities and liabilities. The duties of directors are established under corporate statutes and include managing the business, acting honestly and in good faith, avoiding conflicts of interest, and exercising due care and skill. Maintaining proper governance processes can help directors meet their standard of care.
The document discusses the key aspects of a contract of agency under Indian law. It defines principal and agent, and outlines their duties and rights. It explains the different ways an agency can be created and terminated. It also distinguishes between an agent and other related roles like servant, bailee, independent contractor, and sub-agent. Finally, it discusses when an agency becomes irrevocable, such as when the agent has an interest in the subject matter or has partially performed the agency.
Allowable Remuneration-Salary to Directors of a Company.pptxtaxguruedu
One of the most thought-out and heatedly discussed issues in corporate governance has always been remuneration of Executive and Non-Executive Directors. The topic has become more important as it involves the cash outflow from the company, the calculation of net profits, disclosures to Shareholders, the approval of Directors, Shareholders, and the Remuneration Committee.
The document discusses the role and responsibilities of directors of a company under business law. It defines a director as an officer of the company who is responsible for directing its affairs. Directors must meet certain qualifications like being a natural person and holding requisite shares. They have fiduciary duties to act in good faith and in the best interests of the company. Key responsibilities of directors include managing company affairs, disclosing conflicts of interest, convening shareholder meetings, and approving financial statements. Failure to meet filing obligations can result in directors being prosecuted or disqualified from company management.
This information sheet provides general information for employees of companies in receivership. Employees should also read ASIC’s information sheet INFO 54 Receivership: a guide for creditors. For more info, visit:
This ppt contains the topic related to company management. directors of the company. how the directors are appointed , the directors identification number, legal position of the directors, vacation of the office by directors, removal of directors , powers and duties of the directors, who is an independent director, who is called as an women director how they can be appointed and the key managerial skills which a personnel has to be are clearly explained here.
The document discusses various topics related to contracts of agency and guarantee. It defines an agent as a person employed to do acts for another or represent another in dealings with third parties. The key parties in a contract of agency are the principal and agent. It outlines the duties and rights of both the principal and agent. It also discusses special contracts, classification of agents, and the duties of the principal towards the agent and third parties. The document defines contracts of indemnity and guarantee and compares the differences between the two. It concludes with explanations of lien, lienholder, and the different types of liens.
The document discusses delegation of authority in organizations. It defines key terms like authority, responsibility, and accountability in the context of delegation. Authority refers to the power to allocate resources and make decisions to achieve objectives, and it flows from top to bottom in an organization. Responsibility is the duty to complete assigned tasks, and it flows from bottom to top. Accountability means giving explanations for performance variances and cannot be delegated. Effective delegation involves assigning tasks, granting authority, and creating responsibility and accountability. The roles and responsibilities of a CEO/MD involve managing day-to-day operations, implementing board-approved strategy, and keeping the board informed.
An agent is a person employed to act on behalf of another person called the principal. There are various ways an agency can be created, including express agreement, implied agreement, ratification, and by necessity. An agent has duties to conduct business with reasonable care and diligence according to the principal's instructions. An agent has rights like indemnification and retaining property until paid. A principal is bound by an agent's authorized acts but can also be liable for unauthorized acts under certain conditions. An agency terminates through completion, agreement, expiration, or other events.
The document discusses agency law and how it governs the relationship between principals and agents. It covers the roles and duties of sport agents, how agency relationships are formed, and the authority and liability issues that can arise. The document also examines the various ways in which athlete agents are regulated through state laws, federal laws, and professional sports league unions.
This document provides information on various topics related to company management, including boards of directors, managing directors, managers, and company secretaries.
It begins by defining a board of director and outlining qualifications, disqualifications, appointment processes, rights, duties, powers, meetings, and removal of directors. It then discusses the roles of managing directors and whole-time directors, including their appointment, remuneration, and vacation from office. Finally, it provides a brief overview of the responsibilities of company secretaries.
contract of agency in business legislation for managersvalankrita2904
An agent acts on behalf of a principal under an agency contract. The essential elements of agency include an agreement between the principal and agent, where the agent acts in a representative capacity on behalf of the principal. An agent's duties are to follow the principal's instructions, act with skill and diligence, communicate issues to the principal, and not make secret profits. An agent has rights like remuneration, lien, and indemnity. The agency relationship can terminate by agreement, revocation, completion of the purpose, or death/insanity of the principal or agent.
The document discusses the roles and types of company directors under Indian law. It notes that there are two main types of directors - executive directors who are full-time employees and wield substantial power, and non-executive directors who only receive sitting fees and have little power. The board of directors is collectively responsible for framing company policies, appointing officers, and overseeing company affairs. Key types of directors mentioned include managing directors, whole-time directors, nominee directors, independent directors and government directors. The document also outlines director qualifications, appointment processes, retirement by rotation, and rules around director remuneration.
The document summarizes new requirements for directors and key managerial personnel under the Indian Companies Act of 2013. It states that every company must have a minimum of 1-3 directors depending on the type of company, and the maximum number of directors is 15 without shareholder approval. It introduces requirements for women directors, resident directors, and independent directors. It also outlines duties, restrictions, and penalties for directors regarding conflicts of interest, loans to directors, and disclosure of interests. Key managerial personnel are also defined and restrictions on their roles are presented.
Directors have important roles and responsibilities in a company. They are considered key managerial persons and oversee the management and growth of the company. A director is defined as a member of the board of directors appointed to determine company policy. Directors have duties to act in good faith and in the interests of the company, shareholders, employees, and community. They must exercise independent judgment and avoid conflicts of interest. The Companies Act of 2013 expanded the roles of independent directors to promote transparent governance and protect minority shareholders. Directors can be held personally liable for fraudulent conduct or exceeding their powers.
Rights and duties of agent, Principal and Delegation of authorityRajaKrishnan M
This document discusses the rights and duties of agents and principals under Indian contract law, as well as the concept of delegation of authority. It outlines several key rights of agents, including the right to receive remuneration, retain property, claim compensation, and receive indemnity. It also describes several duties of agents, such as conducting business according to the principal's directions, using skill and diligence, rendering proper accounts, and communicating with the principal. The rights and duties of principals are also summarized, including the duty to indemnify agents and pay remuneration. Delegation of authority is defined as subdividing and allocating powers to subordinates to achieve effective results.
Voluntary administration a guide for creditorsSV Partners
This document provides a summary of the voluntary administration process for unsecured creditors of companies in financial difficulty. Key points include:
- A voluntary administrator takes control of the company to try and resolve its financial issues, typically through a deed of company arrangement or winding up the business.
- Creditors decide the company's future at a second meeting, usually 5 weeks after appointment, where they vote on options recommended by the administrator.
- The administrator investigates the company's affairs and reports to creditors on alternatives like ending administration, approving a deed, or liquidation. This report informs creditors' vote.
- Creditors can participate in meetings to provide direction and replace the administrator if desired. Voting entitlements
This document discusses the definition and taxation of salary under Indian income tax law. It defines salary as remuneration received periodically for services rendered through an express or implied contract. Salary can be received from one or more employers and includes both cash and non-cash remuneration. It discusses the tax treatment of various salary components such as allowances, perquisites, and reimbursements. It also provides details on exemptions available for certain allowances based on the type and amount.
This document discusses the roles and responsibilities of directors and managers in companies under Indian law. Some key points:
- A company must have a minimum of 3 directors for a public company and 2 for a private company. The maximum number is determined by the company's articles of association.
- Directors have fiduciary duties to act with skill, care and honesty. They are responsible for ensuring proper accounting records are kept and assets are safeguarded.
- Remuneration of directors and managers is capped at 11% of net profits and has monthly limits depending on the company's effective capital. Approval processes are specified.
- Board meetings must be held at least once every 3 months, with 4 meetings
This document outlines the key requirements of IND AS-24 regarding related party disclosures. It defines related parties and key management personnel. It requires disclosure of related party relationships, transactions, outstanding balances and commitments. It specifies minimum disclosures such as transaction amounts, terms and conditions, expense recognized for doubtful debts from related parties. Disclosures must be provided separately for different categories of related parties such as parent, subsidiaries, key management.
Lecture 4. Lecture on Vicarious Liability.pptxOmarFarqueTamim
This document discusses the concept of vicarious liability under Indian law. It defines vicarious liability as liability for wrongs committed by another person. It provides several examples of vicarious liability, such as a master being liable for acts of a servant. The document then discusses in detail the various theories and justifications for imposing vicarious liability on masters for acts of servants. It also discusses the concepts of course of employment and exceptions to vicarious liability in the context of employers/independent contractors, principals/agents, and firms/partners.
If a company is in financial difficulty, its shareholde
rs, creditors or the court can put the company into
This information sheet provides general informa
tion for employees of companies in liquidation.
Employees should also read ASIC information sheet INFO 45. for more info, visit:
Final Settlement Calculations in UAE.pdfFiyona Nourin
While calculating EOS, companies should include all the benefits as
mentioned in the UAE Labor law and Employment agreement between the company and the employee
Week 5 The Law of Agency in Travel and TourismWhistling Crow
Intermediaries in travel and tourism industries provide the linking point between suppliers and customers. It is because of their relationship with other service suppliers that they are considered as their representatives to customers. The nature of this business relationship and its outcomes are governed by the law of agency, its different facets and ramifications are captured in this presentation for readers seeking enlightenment in the legal area as basis for risk free agency business in travel and tourism.
This document discusses different types of business entities including sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. It outlines the key characteristics of each type such as limited liability, ease of formation, taxation, and ownership structure. The document also defines micro, small and medium enterprises based on factors like number of employees, annual turnover, and capital investment. It provides examples of common business ventures that fall under micro, small and medium-sized categories.
This ppt contains the topic related to company management. directors of the company. how the directors are appointed , the directors identification number, legal position of the directors, vacation of the office by directors, removal of directors , powers and duties of the directors, who is an independent director, who is called as an women director how they can be appointed and the key managerial skills which a personnel has to be are clearly explained here.
The document discusses various topics related to contracts of agency and guarantee. It defines an agent as a person employed to do acts for another or represent another in dealings with third parties. The key parties in a contract of agency are the principal and agent. It outlines the duties and rights of both the principal and agent. It also discusses special contracts, classification of agents, and the duties of the principal towards the agent and third parties. The document defines contracts of indemnity and guarantee and compares the differences between the two. It concludes with explanations of lien, lienholder, and the different types of liens.
The document discusses delegation of authority in organizations. It defines key terms like authority, responsibility, and accountability in the context of delegation. Authority refers to the power to allocate resources and make decisions to achieve objectives, and it flows from top to bottom in an organization. Responsibility is the duty to complete assigned tasks, and it flows from bottom to top. Accountability means giving explanations for performance variances and cannot be delegated. Effective delegation involves assigning tasks, granting authority, and creating responsibility and accountability. The roles and responsibilities of a CEO/MD involve managing day-to-day operations, implementing board-approved strategy, and keeping the board informed.
An agent is a person employed to act on behalf of another person called the principal. There are various ways an agency can be created, including express agreement, implied agreement, ratification, and by necessity. An agent has duties to conduct business with reasonable care and diligence according to the principal's instructions. An agent has rights like indemnification and retaining property until paid. A principal is bound by an agent's authorized acts but can also be liable for unauthorized acts under certain conditions. An agency terminates through completion, agreement, expiration, or other events.
The document discusses agency law and how it governs the relationship between principals and agents. It covers the roles and duties of sport agents, how agency relationships are formed, and the authority and liability issues that can arise. The document also examines the various ways in which athlete agents are regulated through state laws, federal laws, and professional sports league unions.
This document provides information on various topics related to company management, including boards of directors, managing directors, managers, and company secretaries.
It begins by defining a board of director and outlining qualifications, disqualifications, appointment processes, rights, duties, powers, meetings, and removal of directors. It then discusses the roles of managing directors and whole-time directors, including their appointment, remuneration, and vacation from office. Finally, it provides a brief overview of the responsibilities of company secretaries.
contract of agency in business legislation for managersvalankrita2904
An agent acts on behalf of a principal under an agency contract. The essential elements of agency include an agreement between the principal and agent, where the agent acts in a representative capacity on behalf of the principal. An agent's duties are to follow the principal's instructions, act with skill and diligence, communicate issues to the principal, and not make secret profits. An agent has rights like remuneration, lien, and indemnity. The agency relationship can terminate by agreement, revocation, completion of the purpose, or death/insanity of the principal or agent.
The document discusses the roles and types of company directors under Indian law. It notes that there are two main types of directors - executive directors who are full-time employees and wield substantial power, and non-executive directors who only receive sitting fees and have little power. The board of directors is collectively responsible for framing company policies, appointing officers, and overseeing company affairs. Key types of directors mentioned include managing directors, whole-time directors, nominee directors, independent directors and government directors. The document also outlines director qualifications, appointment processes, retirement by rotation, and rules around director remuneration.
The document summarizes new requirements for directors and key managerial personnel under the Indian Companies Act of 2013. It states that every company must have a minimum of 1-3 directors depending on the type of company, and the maximum number of directors is 15 without shareholder approval. It introduces requirements for women directors, resident directors, and independent directors. It also outlines duties, restrictions, and penalties for directors regarding conflicts of interest, loans to directors, and disclosure of interests. Key managerial personnel are also defined and restrictions on their roles are presented.
Directors have important roles and responsibilities in a company. They are considered key managerial persons and oversee the management and growth of the company. A director is defined as a member of the board of directors appointed to determine company policy. Directors have duties to act in good faith and in the interests of the company, shareholders, employees, and community. They must exercise independent judgment and avoid conflicts of interest. The Companies Act of 2013 expanded the roles of independent directors to promote transparent governance and protect minority shareholders. Directors can be held personally liable for fraudulent conduct or exceeding their powers.
Rights and duties of agent, Principal and Delegation of authorityRajaKrishnan M
This document discusses the rights and duties of agents and principals under Indian contract law, as well as the concept of delegation of authority. It outlines several key rights of agents, including the right to receive remuneration, retain property, claim compensation, and receive indemnity. It also describes several duties of agents, such as conducting business according to the principal's directions, using skill and diligence, rendering proper accounts, and communicating with the principal. The rights and duties of principals are also summarized, including the duty to indemnify agents and pay remuneration. Delegation of authority is defined as subdividing and allocating powers to subordinates to achieve effective results.
Voluntary administration a guide for creditorsSV Partners
This document provides a summary of the voluntary administration process for unsecured creditors of companies in financial difficulty. Key points include:
- A voluntary administrator takes control of the company to try and resolve its financial issues, typically through a deed of company arrangement or winding up the business.
- Creditors decide the company's future at a second meeting, usually 5 weeks after appointment, where they vote on options recommended by the administrator.
- The administrator investigates the company's affairs and reports to creditors on alternatives like ending administration, approving a deed, or liquidation. This report informs creditors' vote.
- Creditors can participate in meetings to provide direction and replace the administrator if desired. Voting entitlements
This document discusses the definition and taxation of salary under Indian income tax law. It defines salary as remuneration received periodically for services rendered through an express or implied contract. Salary can be received from one or more employers and includes both cash and non-cash remuneration. It discusses the tax treatment of various salary components such as allowances, perquisites, and reimbursements. It also provides details on exemptions available for certain allowances based on the type and amount.
This document discusses the roles and responsibilities of directors and managers in companies under Indian law. Some key points:
- A company must have a minimum of 3 directors for a public company and 2 for a private company. The maximum number is determined by the company's articles of association.
- Directors have fiduciary duties to act with skill, care and honesty. They are responsible for ensuring proper accounting records are kept and assets are safeguarded.
- Remuneration of directors and managers is capped at 11% of net profits and has monthly limits depending on the company's effective capital. Approval processes are specified.
- Board meetings must be held at least once every 3 months, with 4 meetings
This document outlines the key requirements of IND AS-24 regarding related party disclosures. It defines related parties and key management personnel. It requires disclosure of related party relationships, transactions, outstanding balances and commitments. It specifies minimum disclosures such as transaction amounts, terms and conditions, expense recognized for doubtful debts from related parties. Disclosures must be provided separately for different categories of related parties such as parent, subsidiaries, key management.
Lecture 4. Lecture on Vicarious Liability.pptxOmarFarqueTamim
This document discusses the concept of vicarious liability under Indian law. It defines vicarious liability as liability for wrongs committed by another person. It provides several examples of vicarious liability, such as a master being liable for acts of a servant. The document then discusses in detail the various theories and justifications for imposing vicarious liability on masters for acts of servants. It also discusses the concepts of course of employment and exceptions to vicarious liability in the context of employers/independent contractors, principals/agents, and firms/partners.
If a company is in financial difficulty, its shareholde
rs, creditors or the court can put the company into
This information sheet provides general informa
tion for employees of companies in liquidation.
Employees should also read ASIC information sheet INFO 45. for more info, visit:
Final Settlement Calculations in UAE.pdfFiyona Nourin
While calculating EOS, companies should include all the benefits as
mentioned in the UAE Labor law and Employment agreement between the company and the employee
Week 5 The Law of Agency in Travel and TourismWhistling Crow
Intermediaries in travel and tourism industries provide the linking point between suppliers and customers. It is because of their relationship with other service suppliers that they are considered as their representatives to customers. The nature of this business relationship and its outcomes are governed by the law of agency, its different facets and ramifications are captured in this presentation for readers seeking enlightenment in the legal area as basis for risk free agency business in travel and tourism.
This document discusses different types of business entities including sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. It outlines the key characteristics of each type such as limited liability, ease of formation, taxation, and ownership structure. The document also defines micro, small and medium enterprises based on factors like number of employees, annual turnover, and capital investment. It provides examples of common business ventures that fall under micro, small and medium-sized categories.
K2_Curriculum Construction and Development.pptAhmadMukhsin2
Curriculum is the organized plan for what will be taught in schools and provides guidance for teachers. It outlines the content, rubrics, and worksheets that should be used. Curriculum development is the process of formally preparing these teaching guides, which are then made mandatory by educational authorities. While teachers have flexibility in how they teach the material, the official curriculum still influences the topics that are actually emphasized in the classroom.
1. The document defines curriculum as a plan for achieving desired goals or ends, including strategies for selecting learning experiences.
2. It discusses different types of curriculums and characteristics such as being planned, balanced, relevant, and dynamic.
3. The curriculum development process involves situation analysis, setting aims/objectives, selecting and organizing content, choosing learning activities, and evaluation.
Teks tersebut membahas tentang pengertian dan penentuan kuasa ujian statistik, termasuk definisi kuasa ujian, kesalahan tipe I dan II, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kuasa ujian, dan teknik-teknik penentuan ukuran sampel seperti menggunakan jadual Krejcie dan Morgan, rumus Cochran, dan perangkat lunak GPower dengan mempertimbangkan ukuran efek dan kuasa ujian.
This document discusses curriculum evaluation and related concepts. It begins by defining key terms like curriculum, evaluation, assessment, and measurement. It then examines different definitions and components of curriculum. The document outlines theories and models of curriculum evaluation, discussing how evaluation can occur at various stages of curriculum design and implementation. Evaluation is distinguished from assessment and measurement, with evaluation focusing on analyzing entire systems, programs, and processes rather than just student achievement. Overall, the document provides an overview of curriculum evaluation, exploring its purpose and assessing curriculum elements against guiding principles and values.
This document discusses population and sampling concepts, including:
- The difference between a population and sample, with a population being the whole group and a sample being a subset.
- Various sampling methods like simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and clustered sampling.
- Factors to consider when determining sample size like confidence level, margin of error, and effect size based on past studies.
- Tables and formulas that can be used to calculate appropriate sample sizes based on the population size.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, we’ll discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo ºÝºÝߣsCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nation’s legal framework.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Master’s degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APM’s People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwal
This PPT is showing the effect of social changes in human life and it is very understandable to the students with easy this contents are Itroduction, definition,Factors affecting social changes ,Main technological factors, Social change and stress , what is eustress and how social changes give impact of the human's life.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of software’s, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Mukhsin's Law Presentation untuk tujuan pembelajaran.pptx
1. Discuss the duties of a principal
to his agent. Cite relevant
2. • These duties may be summarized as
follows :
– To pay the agent the commission or other
remuneration(upah) agreed, unless the agency
relationship is gratuitous
– Not to wilfully(dgn krs hati) prevent or
hinder(sekat/halang) the agent from earning
his commission
– To indemnify(beri jaminan ganti rugi) the agent
for acts done in the exercise of his authority
3. • The right to be indemnified entitles the
agent to recover not only his commission
or remuneration but also money which
he paid on the principal’s behalf and all
losses suffered by him in carrying out the
directions of his principal.
• However, the agent losses his right to be
indemnified if he acts beyond his duty or
if he has performed his duty negligently.