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Najia Nadine Remichi
15 Davidson Road, Aurora - Ontario L4C 2S6
416 779 1429 Aurora, Ontario 905 770 9340
Objective: To obtain a position as Bilingual Customer Service Representative where I can
share my knowledge to excel and add value to your company. With my bilingual asset -
French and English, I wish to be part of a talented team of people that continuously strives for
excellent service
Summary of Qualifications
Languages: Fluent in French, Dutch, English ; both written and communication
● 10 years’ experience,capablysupportingcompaniesin various office and clerical functions
● 7 years of experience deliveringqualitycustomerservice in telephone environments
● More than 5 years of translating English/Frenchdocumentexperience
● Extremelyhighlylevel offluencyin French,Dutch as well as command of English
● Superior knowledge ofcomputerapplications and to navigate multiple computer software
● Abilityto negotiationwith customers eveninany difficultsituationand strong problemsolving
● Highly organized;able to prioritize work,and committedto completingtasks assignedon time
● Abilityto followinstructionsand pay attention to details,dealingwithambiguity
● Able to Listening,understandingand responding,and have sense of urgency
● Self-motivatedindividual,passionate abouthelpingothersand providingqualityservice
● Hardworking and reliable;entrustedbyand handle payments,credit card transaction
● Highly organized;able to prioritize work,and committedto completingtasks assignedon time
● Abilityto work ina busy team environmentand able to meettime work effectively
● Superb command of idiomatic French and English language and grammar
● SuccessfullyachievedEngagingin “up-sell”activityand meetingperiodictargets
● Provide language/linguisticskillstoconvert highlytechnical product descriptionsfromEnglish to
French withtranslations that successfullyachievedto planningand to coordinate multiple
● Facilitatingloyalty-buildingstrategies
● Renderedand translated businessdocumentsinEnglishto Frenchand vice versa
● Successfullyachievedmonthlytarget for companiesand payments plan
Nadine Remichi 416 779 1429
Customer Service Representative
Pizza Nova Aurora (part-time) 2009-Present
● Deliveredqualitycustomerservice and processederror- free creditcard transactions and
● Responsible fororder and quality and provide excellentcustomerinquirieswritten&
● Hands-on experience inacceptingpaymentsfrom customersand give change and receipts
● Highly skilledinusingscanners, cash registers,and calculators to calculate the price of items
that customersbuy
● Able to maximize the recoveryby effectivelynegotiatingrepaymentscheduleswithclient
● Able for handlinga portfolioof outstandingclientdebt pertainingto various lendingproducts
● Reviewedcustomer'soverdue balancesand processederror- free credit card transaction
● Resolvedcustomerbillingdisputesand dealingwithambiguity and information
● Report with area Supervisorand consultwith and provide informationto clients
Bilingual Tax customer Service Representative
Turbotax.ca (seasonal) 2015
● Handled and answering 0-100% of inbound calls all incoming calls in a responsive and
professional manner
● Conducted more than 60 inbound and outbound calls on the dialler across Canada
● Responsible for order and quality and provide excellent customer inquiries written &
communication both in French and English
● Replying in a responsive and professional manner to 0-100% by email inquiries
● Handled 0-100% of helpqueue requestsand enterqueue requestson the conferencing bridge
● Engaging in “up-sell” activity and meeting periodic targets
● Managing the ongoing retention of existing customers and obtaining referrals
● Resolved complaints and providing solutions and logging trouble tickets
● Negotiated with clients even in any difficult situation and strong problem solving skills
● Operated complex switchboard equipment, placing overseas and conference calls
● Rendered and translated business documents from English to French and vise-versa
● Handled all incoming calls in busy office, in a responsive and professional manner
Nadine Remichi 416 779 1429
Bilingual customer ServiceRepresentative
Innovative Vision 2014
● Handled and answering0-100% ofinbound calls all incoming callsin a responsive and
professional manner
● Conductedmore than 60 inbound and outboundcalls on the dialleracross Canada and Europe
● ResolvingComplaintsand providingsolutionsand logging trouble tickets
● Troubleshootingtechnical issuesrelatedto our services
● Negotiatedwithpeople in difficultsituationand appliedstrong problemsolvingskills
● Made between65 and 100 inbound and outboundcalls per shiftin French and English
● Handleda portfolioof outstandingclientdebt pertainingto various lendingproducts
● Able to work understressful conditionsand to meet deadlines
● Educating Userson products and services
● Maintainingprofessional relationshipwithotherdepartments.
● Resolvedcustomer billingdispute
● Translated businessdocumentsfrom Englishto French and vise-versa
FrenchTutor 2013-Present
(Home based)
● Created lesson plans for all classes taught, including Conversational French, Grammar, and
● Evaluated the progress of students and conference with parents about how their kids were
designated progress of students and conference with parents about need
● Instructed students by presenting lessons and answering questions
● Implementedpre-made lessonplans,helpingstudentsunderstandthe concept using a variety
● Evaluated the progress of students and conferenced with parents demand and challenges
● Helped students with homework and other activities that needed to be completed
● Teaching ingeneral and intimate familiaritywith French culturesand extensive knowledge of
Nadine Remichi 416 779 1429
Bilingual Receptionist&Office Support 2009 - 2012
SPA Salon Richmond Hill
● Daily receptionwork involvinggreetingand meetingall clients,suppliersand visitorsin a
professional and welcomingmanner
● Maintainingswitchboard operationsand directingincomingcalls appropriately
● Directingall incomingand outgoingmail as well as courierdeliveries
● Schedulingthe use ofBoardrooms and MeetingRooms for internal clients
● Caring and highlyskilledAdministrative Professional ona full time basi
● Reservingconferencesthat require operator assistance
● Renderedand translated business documentsfrom Englishto French
● Operatedcomplexswitchboard equipment,placingoverseasand conference calls
● Excellenttyping,numerical and data entry skills;proficientinMS Office software
● Successfullyachieveddaily,weeklyand monthlycosmetic’ssalesand target
Bilingual Officer Collector
AIC Allied International Credit 2010 – 2011
● Collected Telecoms Debt’s across Canada both in French and English.
● Able to navigate through multiples computer software for telecoms programs.
● Conduct more than 100-130 inbound and outbound calls on the dialler across Canada.
● Ensure all accounts with overdue payments for multiples companies.
● Deliveredqualitycustomer service and processed error- free credit card transactions, orders.
● Assign delinquent files to collection agencies.
● Resolved customer billing disputes and escalates to supervisor as required.
● Successfully achieved monthly target for companies, credit card transactions, payments plan.
● Update and resolve debtor’s overdue account balance across Canada.
● Able to exercise judgment, keeping a balance between quality customer care and risk/loss.
● Responsible for order and quality and provide excellent customer inquiries written &
communication both in French and English.
● Engaging in “up-sell” activity and meeting periodic targets.
● Maintaining professional relationship with other departments
Education and Training
Computer proficiency Windows 2000 MS Office, Word, Internet Explorer
Microsoft Outlook, MS Excel Accurate Typing of 40 wpm
AGHI AIC University Officer Collector Certificate Newmarket
Business and InternationalLanguages Formation, Anvers, Belgium
Brussels College Institut Saint Vincent de Paul, Brussels, Belgium
References Available Upon Request
NadinebilingualCSRResume (4)

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NadinebilingualCSRResume (4)

  • 1. Najia Nadine Remichi 15 Davidson Road, Aurora - Ontario L4C 2S6 416 779 1429 Aurora, Ontario 905 770 9340 NajiaRemichi@gmail.com Objective: To obtain a position as Bilingual Customer Service Representative where I can share my knowledge to excel and add value to your company. With my bilingual asset - French and English, I wish to be part of a talented team of people that continuously strives for excellent service Summary of Qualifications Languages: Fluent in French, Dutch, English ; both written and communication ● 10 years’ experience,capablysupportingcompaniesin various office and clerical functions ● 7 years of experience deliveringqualitycustomerservice in telephone environments ● More than 5 years of translating English/Frenchdocumentexperience ● Extremelyhighlylevel offluencyin French,Dutch as well as command of English ● Superior knowledge ofcomputerapplications and to navigate multiple computer software programs ● Abilityto negotiationwith customers eveninany difficultsituationand strong problemsolving skills ● Highly organized;able to prioritize work,and committedto completingtasks assignedon time ● Abilityto followinstructionsand pay attention to details,dealingwithambiguity ● Able to Listening,understandingand responding,and have sense of urgency ● Self-motivatedindividual,passionate abouthelpingothersand providingqualityservice ● Hardworking and reliable;entrustedbyand handle payments,credit card transaction ● Highly organized;able to prioritize work,and committedto completingtasks assignedon time ● Abilityto work ina busy team environmentand able to meettime work effectively ● Superb command of idiomatic French and English language and grammar Achievements ● SuccessfullyachievedEngagingin “up-sell”activityand meetingperiodictargets ● Provide language/linguisticskillstoconvert highlytechnical product descriptionsfromEnglish to French withtranslations that successfullyachievedto planningand to coordinate multiple project ● Facilitatingloyalty-buildingstrategies ● Renderedand translated businessdocumentsinEnglishto Frenchand vice versa
  • 2. ● Successfullyachievedmonthlytarget for companiesand payments plan Nadine Remichi 416 779 1429 Experience Customer Service Representative Pizza Nova Aurora (part-time) 2009-Present ● Deliveredqualitycustomerservice and processederror- free creditcard transactions and orders ● Responsible fororder and quality and provide excellentcustomerinquirieswritten& communication ● Hands-on experience inacceptingpaymentsfrom customersand give change and receipts ● Highly skilledinusingscanners, cash registers,and calculators to calculate the price of items that customersbuy ● Able to maximize the recoveryby effectivelynegotiatingrepaymentscheduleswithclient ● Able for handlinga portfolioof outstandingclientdebt pertainingto various lendingproducts ● Reviewedcustomer'soverdue balancesand processederror- free credit card transaction ● Resolvedcustomerbillingdisputesand dealingwithambiguity and information ● Report with area Supervisorand consultwith and provide informationto clients Bilingual Tax customer Service Representative Turbotax.ca (seasonal) 2015 ● Handled and answering 0-100% of inbound calls all incoming calls in a responsive and professional manner ● Conducted more than 60 inbound and outbound calls on the dialler across Canada ● Responsible for order and quality and provide excellent customer inquiries written & communication both in French and English ● Replying in a responsive and professional manner to 0-100% by email inquiries ● Handled 0-100% of helpqueue requestsand enterqueue requestson the conferencing bridge ● Engaging in “up-sell” activity and meeting periodic targets ● Managing the ongoing retention of existing customers and obtaining referrals ● Resolved complaints and providing solutions and logging trouble tickets ● Negotiated with clients even in any difficult situation and strong problem solving skills ● Operated complex switchboard equipment, placing overseas and conference calls ● Rendered and translated business documents from English to French and vise-versa ● Handled all incoming calls in busy office, in a responsive and professional manner
  • 3. Nadine Remichi 416 779 1429 Bilingual customer ServiceRepresentative Innovative Vision 2014 ● Handled and answering0-100% ofinbound calls all incoming callsin a responsive and professional manner ● Conductedmore than 60 inbound and outboundcalls on the dialleracross Canada and Europe ● ResolvingComplaintsand providingsolutionsand logging trouble tickets ● Troubleshootingtechnical issuesrelatedto our services ● Negotiatedwithpeople in difficultsituationand appliedstrong problemsolvingskills ● Made between65 and 100 inbound and outboundcalls per shiftin French and English ● Handleda portfolioof outstandingclientdebt pertainingto various lendingproducts ● Able to work understressful conditionsand to meet deadlines ● Educating Userson products and services ● Maintainingprofessional relationshipwithotherdepartments. ● Resolvedcustomer billingdispute ● Translated businessdocumentsfrom Englishto French and vise-versa FrenchTutor 2013-Present (Home based) ● Created lesson plans for all classes taught, including Conversational French, Grammar, and Vocabulary ● Evaluated the progress of students and conference with parents about how their kids were designated progress of students and conference with parents about need ● Instructed students by presenting lessons and answering questions ● Implementedpre-made lessonplans,helpingstudentsunderstandthe concept using a variety ● Evaluated the progress of students and conferenced with parents demand and challenges ● Helped students with homework and other activities that needed to be completed ● Teaching ingeneral and intimate familiaritywith French culturesand extensive knowledge of vocabulary Nadine Remichi 416 779 1429
  • 4. Bilingual Receptionist&Office Support 2009 - 2012 SPA Salon Richmond Hill ● Daily receptionwork involvinggreetingand meetingall clients,suppliersand visitorsin a professional and welcomingmanner ● Maintainingswitchboard operationsand directingincomingcalls appropriately ● Directingall incomingand outgoingmail as well as courierdeliveries ● Schedulingthe use ofBoardrooms and MeetingRooms for internal clients ● Caring and highlyskilledAdministrative Professional ona full time basi ● Reservingconferencesthat require operator assistance ● Renderedand translated business documentsfrom Englishto French ● Operatedcomplexswitchboard equipment,placingoverseasand conference calls ● Excellenttyping,numerical and data entry skills;proficientinMS Office software ● Successfullyachieveddaily,weeklyand monthlycosmetic’ssalesand target Bilingual Officer Collector AIC Allied International Credit 2010 – 2011 ● Collected Telecoms Debt’s across Canada both in French and English. ● Able to navigate through multiples computer software for telecoms programs. ● Conduct more than 100-130 inbound and outbound calls on the dialler across Canada. ● Ensure all accounts with overdue payments for multiples companies. ● Deliveredqualitycustomer service and processed error- free credit card transactions, orders. ● Assign delinquent files to collection agencies. ● Resolved customer billing disputes and escalates to supervisor as required. ● Successfully achieved monthly target for companies, credit card transactions, payments plan. ● Update and resolve debtor’s overdue account balance across Canada. ● Able to exercise judgment, keeping a balance between quality customer care and risk/loss. ● Responsible for order and quality and provide excellent customer inquiries written & communication both in French and English. ● Engaging in “up-sell” activity and meeting periodic targets. ● Maintaining professional relationship with other departments Education and Training Computer proficiency Windows 2000 MS Office, Word, Internet Explorer Microsoft Outlook, MS Excel Accurate Typing of 40 wpm AGHI AIC University Officer Collector Certificate Newmarket Business and InternationalLanguages Formation, Anvers, Belgium Brussels College Institut Saint Vincent de Paul, Brussels, Belgium References Available Upon Request