Penyebaran berita proklamasi (dodo & devon)Bernardus PurnawanWilayah Indonesia yang luas dengan komunikasi dan transportasi terbatas serta larangan menyebarkan proklamasi oleh pasukan Jepang menyebabkan informasi proklamasi kemerdekaan sulit tersebar.
Tesa - CiciBernardus PurnawanDokumen ini menjelaskan bagaimana Soekarno dan Hatta dibawa ke Rengasdengklok oleh pemuda untuk diamankan dari Jepang pada tanggal 16 Agustus 1945. Ahmad Subardjo kemudian membujuk mereka untuk segera dibawa kembali ke Jakarta agar proklamasi kemerdekaan segera dilaksanakan.
Kezia - JevonBernardus PurnawanDokumen ini berisi daftar naskah tulisan Ir. Soekarno yang diketik oleh Sayoeti Melik untuk Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia tanggal 17 Agustus 1945. Naskah tersebut berisi judul Proklamasi, beberapa hal lain, waktu, tempat Djakarta, dan ditandatangani atas nama bangsa Indonesia oleh Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta.
Kennisdeling via social bookmarking voor slideshareHANNHOEKennisdeling via social bookmarking, presentatie voor de communitysite Online Education van de HAN.
Grammar bookForrestBThis document provides an overview of Spanish grammar concepts including:
- Preterite verb conjugations and irregular verbs
- Imperfect tense conjugations
- Differences between preterite and imperfect tenses
- Ser vs estar
- Verbs like gustar
- Comparatives and superlatives
- Transition words
- Future tense conjugations and irregular verbs
- Uses of por and para prepositions
Philippine Mission Trip Dec 2010John659870The document summarizes a Philippine mission trip from December 2-5, 2010. It describes activities like gathering at the airport, taking a flight, arriving at the hotel, driving through local areas including squatter communities, visiting a medical clinic where doctors consulted with patients and a pharmacy dispensed medicines. It also mentions sharing the gospel with children, holding worship concerts and Sunday services attended by hundreds, enjoying local foods, and seeing scenic views. It reflects on blessings like education, medical care, and basic needs that locals lack and calls for continuing to pray, share the good news, and train local leaders to serve the community.
Elisabeths consultancieselisabethruthElisabeth Henderson has extensive experience providing consultancy services to public and private sector organizations in Europe and the United States. Some of her past roles include establishing privatization departments in Poland, creating an agency to promote foreign investment in Poland, restructuring information services at BASF Corporation, and developing leadership programs for various organizations. More recently, her consultancy work has focused on change management, leadership development, and resolving conflicts within healthcare organizations in the United Kingdom.
Putri jevon tesa ppkn..Bernardus PurnawanDokumen tersebut membahas pentingnya kemerdekaan mengemukakan pendapat secara bebas dan bertanggung jawab agar tercipta ketertiban dan keamanan di masyarakat. Terdapat beberapa bentuk penyampaian pendapat seperti unjuk rasa, rapat umum, dan mimbar bebas yang dapat dilakukan di tempat umum tertentu dengan pemberitahuan tertulis kepada polisi terlebih dahulu. Pelanggaran atas ketentuan ini dapat diken
Themes in ulysses power pointTanya MatveiUlysses by James Joyce follows Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus as they wander through Dublin on June 16th, 1904. The novel explores themes of heroism, travel, nationality, remorse, and religion. Joyce intended to include many puzzles and enigmas to keep scholars debating the meaning and symbolism for centuries to come.
Priskila dhinaBernardus PurnawanDokumen ini membahas tentang kekalahan Jepang dalam Perang Pasifik melawan Sekutu. Perang ini berlangsung dari tahun 1937 hingga 1945 antara Jepang melawan Tiongkok, Amerika Serikat, Britania Raya, dan sekutu lainnya. Pada tahun 1945, posisi Jepang semakin terjepit karena serangan balik Sekutu yang merebut kembali pulau demi pulau di Pasifik hingga akhirnya Jepang menyerah pada 15 Agustus 1945.
Chapter 3 grand strategyLAXMI VIDYAPEETHGrand strategies are long-term plans that guide organizations towards their strategic goals. They involve choices like expansion, innovation, or retrenchment. Growth strategies aim to increase profits, sales, or market share through approaches like concentric expansion into related businesses, vertical integration along the value chain, or diversification. Stability strategies maintain the status quo with incremental improvements. Organizations may choose stability when their market is stable or changing the environment presents risks.
eHealth in der Praxis. Cybersanté dans la pratiqueHealthetia
Using flash on the server sideHoward MarksThis document discusses using solid state drives (SSDs) for server-side flash caching to improve performance. It covers SSD form factors for servers, the components of an SSD, deployment models for server-side flash including direct storage and pooled/replicated storage, use cases for server flash caching like databases and virtualization, and considerations for write-through versus write-back caching and live migration support. It also lists several vendors that provide server-side flash caching software.
22471070 mutual-fund-pptLAXMI VIDYAPEETHThis document provides an overview of mutual funds, including:
- Mutual funds pool money from investors and invest it in stocks, bonds, etc. on their behalf.
- Investors prefer mutual funds over directly investing in stocks because it reduces the time spent researching companies and allows for a more diversified, lower risk portfolio.
- Asset management companies (AMCs) professionally manage the investors' money in mutual funds and charge fees for their services.
- Mutual funds can be invested in either through a lump sum payment or systematic investment plan (SIP) which invests a fixed amount each month.
- The main types of mutual funds are open-ended and closed-ended funds, which differ based on whether
RockyprojectAlex NeskinI. The document outlines the problem of pets being bored and barking. II. The proposed solution is a video robot for pets to keep them company. III. The robot will have two modes ("Public" and "Private") and be easy to use by connecting it to WiFi. IV. The target market is US pet owners, using a subscription-based business model. V. The founding team is described. VI. The goal is to create an affordable robot that can be placed in different interiors and interact with pets in various ways.
Deploying ssd in the data center 2014Howard MarksThis document discusses various options for deploying solid state drives (SSDs) in the data center to address storage performance issues. It describes all-flash arrays that use only SSDs, hybrid arrays that combine SSDs and hard disk drives, and server-side flash caching. Key points covered include the performance benefits of SSDs over HDDs, different types of SSDs, form factors, deployment architectures like all-flash arrays from vendors, hybrid arrays, server-side caching software, virtual storage appliances, and hyperconverged infrastructure systems. Choosing the best solution depends on factors like performance needs, capacity, data services required, and budget.
Postmodernism featuresTanya MatveiThe document discusses key themes and devices of postmodern literature, comparing it to modernism. Postmodern literature continues modernism's tendencies of alienation, discontinuity, and social individualism. It focuses on fragmentation, pastiche, and presenting unordered universes. Postmodernist critics like Jacques Lacan and Michel Foucault were academically trained in philosophy including Nietzsche, Marx, and Heidegger. The term "postmodernism" began being used in literature in the 1960s to describe styles like "black humor" and "fabulism".
2015 deploying flash in the data centerHoward MarksThis document discusses deploying flash storage in the data center to improve storage performance. It begins with an overview of the performance gap between processors and disks. It then discusses all-flash arrays, hybrid arrays, server-side flash caching, and converged architectures as solutions. It provides details on flash memory types, form factors, and considerations for choosing a flash solution.
Chapter 1 conceptual framework for strategic management (2)LAXMI VIDYAPEETHThis document provides definitions and explanations of key concepts in strategic management, including:
1. Strategy, policy, tactics, strategic management, programs, procedures, and key stakeholders are defined. The differences between strategy and policy are explained.
2. The strategic management process and its importance for organizational success are overviewed. Strategic intent and how organizational vision, mission, goals, and objectives are formulated is also discussed.
3. Key terms are further explained, including strategic business units (SBUs), environment threat and opportunity profile (ETOP), and examples are provided. The advantages and disadvantages of strategic management and SBUs are summarized.
02[1].international monetary systemLAXMI VIDYAPEETHThis chapter introduces students to the international monetary system and how it has evolved over time. It discusses key historical exchange rate regimes like bimetallism, the classical gold standard, and Bretton Woods system. It also examines recent currency crises in Mexico, Asia, and Argentina. Fixed regimes aim for stability but lack flexibility, while flexible rates create uncertainty for trade.
Philippine Mission Trip Dec 2010John659870The document summarizes a Philippine mission trip from December 2-5, 2010. It describes activities like gathering at the airport, taking a flight, arriving at the hotel, driving through local areas including squatter communities, visiting a medical clinic where doctors consulted with patients and a pharmacy dispensed medicines. It also mentions sharing the gospel with children, holding worship concerts and Sunday services attended by hundreds, enjoying local foods, and seeing scenic views. It reflects on blessings like education, medical care, and basic needs that locals lack and calls for continuing to pray, share the good news, and train local leaders to serve the community.
Elisabeths consultancieselisabethruthElisabeth Henderson has extensive experience providing consultancy services to public and private sector organizations in Europe and the United States. Some of her past roles include establishing privatization departments in Poland, creating an agency to promote foreign investment in Poland, restructuring information services at BASF Corporation, and developing leadership programs for various organizations. More recently, her consultancy work has focused on change management, leadership development, and resolving conflicts within healthcare organizations in the United Kingdom.
Putri jevon tesa ppkn..Bernardus PurnawanDokumen tersebut membahas pentingnya kemerdekaan mengemukakan pendapat secara bebas dan bertanggung jawab agar tercipta ketertiban dan keamanan di masyarakat. Terdapat beberapa bentuk penyampaian pendapat seperti unjuk rasa, rapat umum, dan mimbar bebas yang dapat dilakukan di tempat umum tertentu dengan pemberitahuan tertulis kepada polisi terlebih dahulu. Pelanggaran atas ketentuan ini dapat diken
Themes in ulysses power pointTanya MatveiUlysses by James Joyce follows Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus as they wander through Dublin on June 16th, 1904. The novel explores themes of heroism, travel, nationality, remorse, and religion. Joyce intended to include many puzzles and enigmas to keep scholars debating the meaning and symbolism for centuries to come.
Priskila dhinaBernardus PurnawanDokumen ini membahas tentang kekalahan Jepang dalam Perang Pasifik melawan Sekutu. Perang ini berlangsung dari tahun 1937 hingga 1945 antara Jepang melawan Tiongkok, Amerika Serikat, Britania Raya, dan sekutu lainnya. Pada tahun 1945, posisi Jepang semakin terjepit karena serangan balik Sekutu yang merebut kembali pulau demi pulau di Pasifik hingga akhirnya Jepang menyerah pada 15 Agustus 1945.
Chapter 3 grand strategyLAXMI VIDYAPEETHGrand strategies are long-term plans that guide organizations towards their strategic goals. They involve choices like expansion, innovation, or retrenchment. Growth strategies aim to increase profits, sales, or market share through approaches like concentric expansion into related businesses, vertical integration along the value chain, or diversification. Stability strategies maintain the status quo with incremental improvements. Organizations may choose stability when their market is stable or changing the environment presents risks.
eHealth in der Praxis. Cybersanté dans la pratiqueHealthetia
Using flash on the server sideHoward MarksThis document discusses using solid state drives (SSDs) for server-side flash caching to improve performance. It covers SSD form factors for servers, the components of an SSD, deployment models for server-side flash including direct storage and pooled/replicated storage, use cases for server flash caching like databases and virtualization, and considerations for write-through versus write-back caching and live migration support. It also lists several vendors that provide server-side flash caching software.
22471070 mutual-fund-pptLAXMI VIDYAPEETHThis document provides an overview of mutual funds, including:
- Mutual funds pool money from investors and invest it in stocks, bonds, etc. on their behalf.
- Investors prefer mutual funds over directly investing in stocks because it reduces the time spent researching companies and allows for a more diversified, lower risk portfolio.
- Asset management companies (AMCs) professionally manage the investors' money in mutual funds and charge fees for their services.
- Mutual funds can be invested in either through a lump sum payment or systematic investment plan (SIP) which invests a fixed amount each month.
- The main types of mutual funds are open-ended and closed-ended funds, which differ based on whether
RockyprojectAlex NeskinI. The document outlines the problem of pets being bored and barking. II. The proposed solution is a video robot for pets to keep them company. III. The robot will have two modes ("Public" and "Private") and be easy to use by connecting it to WiFi. IV. The target market is US pet owners, using a subscription-based business model. V. The founding team is described. VI. The goal is to create an affordable robot that can be placed in different interiors and interact with pets in various ways.
Deploying ssd in the data center 2014Howard MarksThis document discusses various options for deploying solid state drives (SSDs) in the data center to address storage performance issues. It describes all-flash arrays that use only SSDs, hybrid arrays that combine SSDs and hard disk drives, and server-side flash caching. Key points covered include the performance benefits of SSDs over HDDs, different types of SSDs, form factors, deployment architectures like all-flash arrays from vendors, hybrid arrays, server-side caching software, virtual storage appliances, and hyperconverged infrastructure systems. Choosing the best solution depends on factors like performance needs, capacity, data services required, and budget.
Postmodernism featuresTanya MatveiThe document discusses key themes and devices of postmodern literature, comparing it to modernism. Postmodern literature continues modernism's tendencies of alienation, discontinuity, and social individualism. It focuses on fragmentation, pastiche, and presenting unordered universes. Postmodernist critics like Jacques Lacan and Michel Foucault were academically trained in philosophy including Nietzsche, Marx, and Heidegger. The term "postmodernism" began being used in literature in the 1960s to describe styles like "black humor" and "fabulism".
2015 deploying flash in the data centerHoward MarksThis document discusses deploying flash storage in the data center to improve storage performance. It begins with an overview of the performance gap between processors and disks. It then discusses all-flash arrays, hybrid arrays, server-side flash caching, and converged architectures as solutions. It provides details on flash memory types, form factors, and considerations for choosing a flash solution.
Chapter 1 conceptual framework for strategic management (2)LAXMI VIDYAPEETHThis document provides definitions and explanations of key concepts in strategic management, including:
1. Strategy, policy, tactics, strategic management, programs, procedures, and key stakeholders are defined. The differences between strategy and policy are explained.
2. The strategic management process and its importance for organizational success are overviewed. Strategic intent and how organizational vision, mission, goals, and objectives are formulated is also discussed.
3. Key terms are further explained, including strategic business units (SBUs), environment threat and opportunity profile (ETOP), and examples are provided. The advantages and disadvantages of strategic management and SBUs are summarized.
02[1].international monetary systemLAXMI VIDYAPEETHThis chapter introduces students to the international monetary system and how it has evolved over time. It discusses key historical exchange rate regimes like bimetallism, the classical gold standard, and Bretton Woods system. It also examines recent currency crises in Mexico, Asia, and Argentina. Fixed regimes aim for stability but lack flexibility, while flexible rates create uncertainty for trade.
2. IZOLANTA1.Crud, destinul ne desparte,De azijucam un singurrol!Nu cel de sot pina la moarte,Nu cel de inimifarador.2.Jucam un joc de viataplin,Tusingurmergi in drumul tau…De teamacruduluidestinCe-n visdoarvrea, dar nu mereu3.Cu dor, cu lacrimi , debutez….In vastalume de faiantaAjungseninsavenerezA noastralunga , greadistanta.4.Zacind umil ,pepatulveriiVorbesc in dorurimaimereuAs vrea un dar, in toiulserii…-Cununasufletuluitau.
4. Semnpearipiaveam un semnpearipiil tot tineamtacutdar el doreasastiecum estepepamantasa am dat de oamenim-aidat un chip simainisuntsasemiliardede oamenisi de cainiazi nu maizboaranimeniesenta e latratula cefolosnebunii???mai bun e necuratune risipimsitrecemmarunti ,tot in genunchiodata am fostingeriin forma de triunghi
7. EXIREViataeste un cimitr, iarnoi- oamenii vii- sintemcadavreleei. Principiulvietiisacreapeleaza la serviciulfunerar,care asfixiat de dor, ne fixeazazileleIn inima ne e ingropatCintecul de leagan, familia, neamul.Moarte! Existent a negarii!Teribilapasiune s-a sfirsitGhearaactoruluibatrin se retrageCortina spectacoluluicade…Spectatorul e incrustat in vid.S-a sfirsit – aici, oriundeClaxonind la semaforulvietiiVedemmoartea cum apuca- unulcite unulOmul.