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¡°The Brand of the Rose¡±

Olimara has a very clear concept: to offer exclusive designs inspired by the needs
of every woman, of any size and age, with the most original designs and
exclusive cuts.

The firm has achieved, through the efforts of the professional team behind it, a good
position in the market, high prestige and visibility.

                     ¡°Olimara offers you outfits that best fit you"
Misi¨®n y Visi¨®n

Offering exclusive designs at affordable prices, and ensure integrity
and quality service.

Continue to grow and strengthen in the market, developing the full
potential of the business.

Expansion Plan

Olimara continues its international expansion through sales agents present in
Portugal, Italy, Ireland and UK market, where the company has recently landed
and where is having an excellent reception.

The multibrand boutiques continue to rely on the expertise of Olimara. The firm gets
success with their collections every Season and offers its customers the best quality
service. Besides, Olimara gets the loyalty of their customers with excellent post-
sales service. There are nearly five hundred multibrand boutiques that have
chosen the brand of the rose.

In addition, the firm is going to open new stores in various cities of Andalusia, which
will soon be added to their other nine stores.

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  • 2. ¡°The Brand of the Rose¡± Olimara has a very clear concept: to offer exclusive designs inspired by the needs of every woman, of any size and age, with the most original designs and exclusive cuts. The firm has achieved, through the efforts of the professional team behind it, a good position in the market, high prestige and visibility. ¡°Olimara offers you outfits that best fit you"
  • 3. Misi¨®n y Visi¨®n Mission Offering exclusive designs at affordable prices, and ensure integrity and quality service. Vision Continue to grow and strengthen in the market, developing the full potential of the business.
  • 4. Stores Agents
  • 5. Expansion Plan Olimara continues its international expansion through sales agents present in Portugal, Italy, Ireland and UK market, where the company has recently landed and where is having an excellent reception. The multibrand boutiques continue to rely on the expertise of Olimara. The firm gets success with their collections every Season and offers its customers the best quality service. Besides, Olimara gets the loyalty of their customers with excellent post- sales service. There are nearly five hundred multibrand boutiques that have chosen the brand of the rose. In addition, the firm is going to open new stores in various cities of Andalusia, which will soon be added to their other nine stores.