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Omer Mahmood
E-mail: omer.mahmood20126@gmail.com
Contact: +971 55 327 1784
Passport no: K7474781
Present : Employment Visa
UAE valid DrivingLicense
Seeking for a challengingposition in Transport/Logistics with a reputed organization, where I would be able to
implement my skills, experience and knowledge, where it can be utilize fully for both organization and
personal growth.
1. Al Rebat Cargo Transport by Heavy Trucks
Dubai,UAE Jan 2016 to Till Date
 More than eight years experience in Transportand Logistics.
 Responsiblefor getting the right products in the right quantities,to the rightlocations all atthe righttime.
 In charge of the day to day operations of the transportdepartment.
 In charge of full transportdeportment and maintain smooth work schedule
 Efficiently managinga team of drivers and vehicles.
 Monitor more than 20 Trailers and arrangingtheir loadingand offloadingschedules.
 Responsiblefor all of the dispatching,routing,and trackingof delivery heavy vehicles.
 Dispatchingcomplex and oversized goods to national and international destinations.
 Monitoringand keep track vehicles on onlinetrackingsystem and maintain report
 Thorough knowledge of container loading/offload and UAE rules and regulations related to full transport
 Managing,monitoringand developing a team of drivers and update details to Owners
 Involved in strategic development and strategy making.
 Being the firstpointof contact for all drivers aswell as clients.
 Makingsure that all transportfleetvehicles areproperly maintained and serviced.
 Arrangingfor the induction and trainingoff all new staff.
 Regularly liaisingwith the delivery manager to ensure a smooth running of both departments.
 Developing and nurturing customer relationships.
 Organizingvehiclechecks every week and manage to send for maintenance.
 Identifyingoperational issues,potential problems and opportunities.
 Resolvingand managingqueries and complaints courteously and efficiently.
 Appraisingstaff performanceand also takingdisciplinary measures when required.
 Ensuringall siteand customer objectives are achieved.
 Excellent work history and attendance record.
2. TOP OILFIELD INDUSTRIES May 2008  to- 31st Aug 2013
Sharjah,Hamriyah Free Zone
Logistic/Transport Supervisor
 Responsible for leading and facilitating the procurement, sourcing, transporting & expedition of Oil & Gas
equipment, materials, goods and services that arise as per the company requirement.

 Work profileincludes all aspects of the Logistics and Transport cycle from the material requisition, procurement,
managing the bid process and transporting, ensuring timely turn-around on internal and external approvals,
timely delivery of vendor data & deliverability, performance, quality, service, technical improvements, safety &
other activities which may be unique or specific to a given project.
 In-charge of the day to day operations of the transport, Logistic department, efficiently managing a team of
drivers and vehicles.
 Being the firstpointof contactfor all drivers,makingsurethat all transport fleet vehicles are properly maintained
and serviced, managing monitoring and developing a team of drivers and line managers.
 Adept at Vendor Management, Procurement, Project Co-ordination, Logistics and Export / Import. Effective Man-
Management & Communication skills with strong Analytical /Problem Solving abilities.
 Work within a project team environment, potentially on multiple projects, procurement documentation, work
flows, quality standards, safety and loss control, inspection coordination, and scope of works
 Handling importing of goods, custom clearance procedure, establishing Letter of credit, wire transfer payments
and various negotiable instruments
 Follow up the suppliers for Purchase Orders and ensure the delivery of parts /shipments as per the schedule and
 Monitor and prepare all free-zone custom documents like export/ import/ transfer owner-ship/ import for re-
export and free-zone bill of entry
 Monitor shipments, prepare weekly reports for shipments which are arriving/Purchase Orders status
report/export shipments report and distribute to each department.
 Monitor and check stock records of warehouse, maintain files and submits to management on time.
 Monitor each shipment, check if all shipment counted properly, if any OS&D inform to supplier and follow up for
replacement materials.
 Supervise warehouse team and arrange parts requisition as per work shop requirement. responsible for getting
right products in the right quantities, to the right location all at the right time.
Dubai Cargo Village
Sep 2006  to- April 2008 Ocean FreightCo-ordinator
 Received document from shipping/Air line, check and confirm if all documents are in order to clear shipment and
match to the client requirement.
 Maintain record in AS400 software and excel files records and prepared documents for customs clearance.
 Handled customer's inquiries and resolved customer's complain, and processed customer's orders and monitored
the order process.
 Release all shipping documents and delivery order to client upon shipment arrival, collect the delivery order fee
and upload data in Dubai trade.
 Documentation and filingof quotation and LPOs for future reference.
 Workingas Team member Assistingdepartments, co-workers at all levels to meet the goals.
 Responsiblefor complete Expediting, Followingups,Monitoring,as well as on time deliverability of Land Rig
Project  TDR -1500 HP Rig
 Handleall parts and equipments to import and export and responsiblefor to ship the complete Rig to Saudi
Arabia Project LM 770 Rig.
 Participated in sustainable tree plantation at school level
 Raised funds for Cancer Aid Society and Help-Age India
 Organized a few blood donation camps for NGO's and also a regular donor.
 B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) from Osmania University in March 2004
 Diploma in MS Officeand Out Look.
 Diploma in Computer Application
 Willingto learn new software/technology
 10+ yearsexperience in Transport, Logistics & Warehousein UAE with a reputed organizations.
 Management multiplepriorities,Man-Management & performs under pressurein a
fast-paced and rapidly changingenvironment.
 Analyzingproblems and solutions,Ableto meet Deadlines,Implement Decisions
and forcingpolicies,Providecustomers services,Team player,Ability to build relationship.
 Ability to put in extra efforts when called for.
 Punctuality& responsibility,Dedicated, sincere& organized
Date of Birth : 11 July 1978
Nationality : Indian
Languages Known : English,Hindi,Urdu,and manageableArabic
PassportNo : K7474781
Date of expiry : 02/09/2022
DrivingLicense : UAE valid D/L
Contact : +971 55 327 1784
Presently : Employment Visa
I Mohammed Omer hereby declares that the details mentioned above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
+971 55 327 1784

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OmerMahmood-Resume 15

  • 1. Omer Mahmood E-mail: omer.mahmood20126@gmail.com Contact: +971 55 327 1784 Passport no: K7474781 Present : Employment Visa UAE valid DrivingLicense CAREER OBJECTIVE Seeking for a challengingposition in Transport/Logistics with a reputed organization, where I would be able to implement my skills, experience and knowledge, where it can be utilize fully for both organization and personal growth. CAREER SUMMARY 1. Al Rebat Cargo Transport by Heavy Trucks Dubai,UAE Jan 2016 to Till Date More than eight years experience in Transportand Logistics. Responsiblefor getting the right products in the right quantities,to the rightlocations all atthe righttime. In charge of the day to day operations of the transportdepartment. In charge of full transportdeportment and maintain smooth work schedule Efficiently managinga team of drivers and vehicles. Monitor more than 20 Trailers and arrangingtheir loadingand offloadingschedules. Responsiblefor all of the dispatching,routing,and trackingof delivery heavy vehicles. Dispatchingcomplex and oversized goods to national and international destinations. Monitoringand keep track vehicles on onlinetrackingsystem and maintain report Thorough knowledge of container loading/offload and UAE rules and regulations related to full transport system. Managing,monitoringand developing a team of drivers and update details to Owners Involved in strategic development and strategy making. Being the firstpointof contact for all drivers aswell as clients. Makingsure that all transportfleetvehicles areproperly maintained and serviced. Arrangingfor the induction and trainingoff all new staff. Regularly liaisingwith the delivery manager to ensure a smooth running of both departments. Developing and nurturing customer relationships. Maintainingaccurateadministrativerecords. Organizingvehiclechecks every week and manage to send for maintenance. Identifyingoperational issues,potential problems and opportunities. Resolvingand managingqueries and complaints courteously and efficiently. Appraisingstaff performanceand also takingdisciplinary measures when required. Ensuringall siteand customer objectives are achieved. Excellent work history and attendance record. 2. TOP OILFIELD INDUSTRIES May 2008 to- 31st Aug 2013 Sharjah,Hamriyah Free Zone Logistic/Transport Supervisor Responsible for leading and facilitating the procurement, sourcing, transporting & expedition of Oil & Gas
  • 2. equipment, materials, goods and services that arise as per the company requirement. Work profileincludes all aspects of the Logistics and Transport cycle from the material requisition, procurement, managing the bid process and transporting, ensuring timely turn-around on internal and external approvals, timely delivery of vendor data & deliverability, performance, quality, service, technical improvements, safety & other activities which may be unique or specific to a given project. In-charge of the day to day operations of the transport, Logistic department, efficiently managing a team of drivers and vehicles. Being the firstpointof contactfor all drivers,makingsurethat all transport fleet vehicles are properly maintained and serviced, managing monitoring and developing a team of drivers and line managers. Adept at Vendor Management, Procurement, Project Co-ordination, Logistics and Export / Import. Effective Man- Management & Communication skills with strong Analytical /Problem Solving abilities. Work within a project team environment, potentially on multiple projects, procurement documentation, work flows, quality standards, safety and loss control, inspection coordination, and scope of works Handling importing of goods, custom clearance procedure, establishing Letter of credit, wire transfer payments and various negotiable instruments Follow up the suppliers for Purchase Orders and ensure the delivery of parts /shipments as per the schedule and quotation. Monitor and prepare all free-zone custom documents like export/ import/ transfer owner-ship/ import for re- export and free-zone bill of entry Monitor shipments, prepare weekly reports for shipments which are arriving/Purchase Orders status report/export shipments report and distribute to each department. Monitor and check stock records of warehouse, maintain files and submits to management on time. Monitor each shipment, check if all shipment counted properly, if any OS&D inform to supplier and follow up for replacement materials. Supervise warehouse team and arrange parts requisition as per work shop requirement. responsible for getting right products in the right quantities, to the right location all at the right time. 3. NABOODAH CARGO CENTRE Dubai Cargo Village Sep 2006 to- April 2008 Ocean FreightCo-ordinator Received document from shipping/Air line, check and confirm if all documents are in order to clear shipment and match to the client requirement. Maintain record in AS400 software and excel files records and prepared documents for customs clearance. Handled customer's inquiries and resolved customer's complain, and processed customer's orders and monitored the order process. Release all shipping documents and delivery order to client upon shipment arrival, collect the delivery order fee and upload data in Dubai trade. Documentation and filingof quotation and LPOs for future reference. Workingas Team member Assistingdepartments, co-workers at all levels to meet the goals.
  • 3. TRAINING AND PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN Responsiblefor complete Expediting, Followingups,Monitoring,as well as on time deliverability of Land Rig Project TDR -1500 HP Rig Handleall parts and equipments to import and export and responsiblefor to ship the complete Rig to Saudi Arabia Project LM 770 Rig. CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Participated in sustainable tree plantation at school level Raised funds for Cancer Aid Society and Help-Age India Organized a few blood donation camps for NGO's and also a regular donor. ACADEMIC-QUALIFICATIONS B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) from Osmania University in March 2004 COMPUTER SKILLS Diploma in MS Officeand Out Look. Diploma in Computer Application Willingto learn new software/technology SKILLS 10+ yearsexperience in Transport, Logistics & Warehousein UAE with a reputed organizations. Management multiplepriorities,Man-Management & performs under pressurein a fast-paced and rapidly changingenvironment. Analyzingproblems and solutions,Ableto meet Deadlines,Implement Decisions and forcingpolicies,Providecustomers services,Team player,Ability to build relationship. Ability to put in extra efforts when called for. Punctuality& responsibility,Dedicated, sincere& organized PERSONAL DETAILS Date of Birth : 11 July 1978 Nationality : Indian Languages Known : English,Hindi,Urdu,and manageableArabic PassportNo : K7474781 Date of expiry : 02/09/2022 DrivingLicense : UAE valid D/L Contact : +971 55 327 1784 Presently : Employment Visa I Mohammed Omer hereby declares that the details mentioned above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. MohammedOmer +971 55 327 1784