FLTK Summer Course - Part VII - Seventh ImpactMichel Alves
FLTK (pronounced "fulltick") is a cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit for UNIX?/Linux? (X11), Microsoft? Windows?, and MacOS? X. FLTK provides modern GUI functionality without the bloat and supports 3D graphics via OpenGL? and its built-in GLUT emulation. FLTK is designed to be small and modular enough to be statically linked, but works fine as a shared library. FLTK also includes an excellent UI builder called FLUID that can be used to create applications in minutes. FLTK is provided under the terms of the GNU Library Public License, Version 2 with exceptions that allow for static linking. More informations in http://www.fltk.org.
Se invita a alguien a una celebraci¨®n que se llevar¨¢ a cabo el 31 de octubre a las 7 pm en el sal¨®n junto a la empresa, esperando que la persona invitada asista.
Este documento presenta una introducci¨®n a la obra "La filosof¨ªa de House. Todos mienten" escrita por Henry Jacoby y William Irwin. En la introducci¨®n, Henry Jacoby elogia al personaje Gregory House de la serie de televisi¨®n y argumenta que a pesar de su actitud c¨ªnica y grosera, House plantea preguntas filos¨®ficas interesantes sobre temas como el sentido de la vida, la ¨¦tica m¨¦dica y la virtud. Jacoby tambi¨¦n presenta brevemente a los colaboradores del libro y los temas filos¨®ficos que cub
El documento describe las tres membranas (meninges) que recubren el sistema nervioso central: la duramadre externa, la aracnoides intermedia y la piamadre interna. Tambi¨¦n describe el sistema ventricular que contiene cavidades en el interior del sistema nervioso central donde se produce y circula el l¨ªquido cefalorraqu¨ªdeo. Finalmente, explica el sistema de irrigaci¨®n y drenaje venoso del cerebro, incluyendo los senos venosos que drenan la sangre hacia las venas yugulares internas.
Este documento presenta el programa anual de la asignatura Computaci¨®n III para el cuatrimestre 4 del a?o 2011. El programa contiene dos unidades principales: la Unidad 1 cubre el uso b¨¢sico de hojas de c¨¢lculo, incluyendo la edici¨®n y formato de celdas, f¨®rmulas, impresi¨®n y gr¨¢ficos. La Unidad 2 se enfoca en funciones, incluyendo su sintaxis, anidamiento y asistentes, as¨ª como la creaci¨®n de gr¨¢ficos y el uso b¨¢sico de bases de datos, incluyendo filtros y ordenamiento.
The Arch of Peace is located in Milan, Italy in Piaza Sempione in front of Sforza Castle. Napoleon originally commissioned it in the early 1800s to celebrate his victories, but after his defeat it sat unfinished until 1826 when Francis I of Austria had it completed to commemorate European peace. The arch represents Italy's independence, as the inscriptions were changed in 1859 after Italy gained independence to honor this event.
New developers and teams are now polyglot :
- they use multiple programming languages (Java, Javascript, Ruby, ...)
- they use multiple persistence store (RDBMS, NoSQL, Hadoop)
In this talk you will learn about the benefits if being polyglot: use the good language or framework for the good cause, select the good persistence for specific constraints.
This presentation will show how developer could mix the Java platform with other technologies such as NodeJS and AngularJS to build application in a more productive way. This is also the opportunity to talk about the new Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern to allow developers to be more effective and deliver the proper application to the user quicker.
This presentation was delivered during Devfest Nantes 2014
This document discusses using mobile technology to help veterinary students better engage with work-based learning experiences. It describes how students were perceived to not record or organize their experiences well, but may actually need more structure and support. A mobile learning diary called "myPad" was introduced to help students record, share, search, organize, and reflect on their work experiences and get feedback, with the goal of better connecting classroom theory to practical applications. An evaluation found key factors that affected student engagement, and next steps were proposed to further enhance the mobile learning experience.
Este documento presenta las expectativas y objetivos de un sitio web llamado "Amazon Pez". Se espera que el sitio sea el principal proveedor de peces y productos de acuario de alta calidad, y demostrar que los peces son buenas mascotas para espacios peque?os como apartamentos. Tambi¨¦n busca crear conciencia sobre la importancia de cuidar los recursos h¨ªdricos para preservar la vida acu¨¢tica. Los objetivos incluyen llegar a familias sin espacio para mascotas, familias con hijos ¨²nicos, y empresas que buscan respons
Auto evaluacion 2 periodo santiago antonio arbelaez lopezIE Simona Duque
Santiago Antonio aprendi¨® a manejar computadores y crear archivos y blogs, y a usar sliders y SharePoint. Reconoce que debe mejorar su disciplina y manejo de herramientas tecnol¨®gicas. Sugiri¨® que los profesores pasen m¨¢s tiempo con los alumnos, que los monitores ayuden a todos por igual y que no haya insultos entre compa?eros.
The document is a schedule for the Cedar Creek summer concert series in Cedarburg, Wisconsin from June to August. It lists the musical performers for each date and thanks the city of Cedarburg and various sponsors. The website for more information and a list of headline, presenting, and sunset sponsors is also provided.
Les tendances des reformes universitaires en Amerique LatineClaudio Rama
Port au Prince, 17 ¨C 19 de junio, 2009
Este documento describe el reci¨¦n creado Observatorio de Medios de la Facultad de Comunicaci¨®n Social para la Paz de la Universidad Santo Tom¨¢s. El observatorio busca promover la investigaci¨®n de los estudiantes, la proyecci¨®n social de la universidad y la construcci¨®n de ciudadan¨ªas activas a trav¨¦s del an¨¢lisis cr¨ªtico del discurso en los medios. El observatorio ofrece oportunidades para desarrollar procesos acad¨¦micos que tengan un alto impacto social de acuerdo con los principios humanistas de la universidad.
This document provides guidance on academic writing, including constructing an opening paragraph, using references within the text, quoting, paraphrasing, and formatting the bibliography. It discusses including the author's name and publication date in parentheses after a paraphrase or quote. Quotes longer than three lines should be indented. The bibliography should be alphabetized and include author name, date, title, publisher for books or journal articles, and page numbers if referring to a specific chapter. Electronic references should include the author, date, title marked as online, URL, and access date.
The job ad is for an assistant position at the PFF Program located at the Biggio Center at Auburn University. The PFF Program provides services for students with disabilities to help them succeed academically and develop important life skills. Responsibilities include assisting students with disabilities by providing support in their classes, maintaining documentation of student progress, and coordinating services between the student and other university departments.
This document discusses the development of a best practice guide for the CITIES network. It outlines what should be included in the guide such as a summary of what was learned from the partnership, advice for municipalities on supporting creative industries, and a focus on converting traditional spaces. The guide's format would be an online wiki and printed copies, featuring case studies with photos and statistics. The document also discusses determining what qualifies as best practices and setting principles for the guide, as well as proposing a structure that includes an introduction, partner quotes, themes to cover, case studies divided by theme, and conclusions.
The Arch of Peace is located in Milan, Italy in Piaza Sempione in front of Sforza Castle. Napoleon originally commissioned it in the early 1800s to celebrate his victories, but after his defeat it sat unfinished until 1826 when Francis I of Austria had it completed to commemorate European peace. The arch represents Italy's independence, as the inscriptions were changed in 1859 after Italy gained independence to honor this event.
New developers and teams are now polyglot :
- they use multiple programming languages (Java, Javascript, Ruby, ...)
- they use multiple persistence store (RDBMS, NoSQL, Hadoop)
In this talk you will learn about the benefits if being polyglot: use the good language or framework for the good cause, select the good persistence for specific constraints.
This presentation will show how developer could mix the Java platform with other technologies such as NodeJS and AngularJS to build application in a more productive way. This is also the opportunity to talk about the new Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern to allow developers to be more effective and deliver the proper application to the user quicker.
This presentation was delivered during Devfest Nantes 2014
This document discusses using mobile technology to help veterinary students better engage with work-based learning experiences. It describes how students were perceived to not record or organize their experiences well, but may actually need more structure and support. A mobile learning diary called "myPad" was introduced to help students record, share, search, organize, and reflect on their work experiences and get feedback, with the goal of better connecting classroom theory to practical applications. An evaluation found key factors that affected student engagement, and next steps were proposed to further enhance the mobile learning experience.
Este documento presenta las expectativas y objetivos de un sitio web llamado "Amazon Pez". Se espera que el sitio sea el principal proveedor de peces y productos de acuario de alta calidad, y demostrar que los peces son buenas mascotas para espacios peque?os como apartamentos. Tambi¨¦n busca crear conciencia sobre la importancia de cuidar los recursos h¨ªdricos para preservar la vida acu¨¢tica. Los objetivos incluyen llegar a familias sin espacio para mascotas, familias con hijos ¨²nicos, y empresas que buscan respons
Auto evaluacion 2 periodo santiago antonio arbelaez lopezIE Simona Duque
Santiago Antonio aprendi¨® a manejar computadores y crear archivos y blogs, y a usar sliders y SharePoint. Reconoce que debe mejorar su disciplina y manejo de herramientas tecnol¨®gicas. Sugiri¨® que los profesores pasen m¨¢s tiempo con los alumnos, que los monitores ayuden a todos por igual y que no haya insultos entre compa?eros.
The document is a schedule for the Cedar Creek summer concert series in Cedarburg, Wisconsin from June to August. It lists the musical performers for each date and thanks the city of Cedarburg and various sponsors. The website for more information and a list of headline, presenting, and sunset sponsors is also provided.
Les tendances des reformes universitaires en Amerique LatineClaudio Rama
Port au Prince, 17 ¨C 19 de junio, 2009
Este documento describe el reci¨¦n creado Observatorio de Medios de la Facultad de Comunicaci¨®n Social para la Paz de la Universidad Santo Tom¨¢s. El observatorio busca promover la investigaci¨®n de los estudiantes, la proyecci¨®n social de la universidad y la construcci¨®n de ciudadan¨ªas activas a trav¨¦s del an¨¢lisis cr¨ªtico del discurso en los medios. El observatorio ofrece oportunidades para desarrollar procesos acad¨¦micos que tengan un alto impacto social de acuerdo con los principios humanistas de la universidad.
This document provides guidance on academic writing, including constructing an opening paragraph, using references within the text, quoting, paraphrasing, and formatting the bibliography. It discusses including the author's name and publication date in parentheses after a paraphrase or quote. Quotes longer than three lines should be indented. The bibliography should be alphabetized and include author name, date, title, publisher for books or journal articles, and page numbers if referring to a specific chapter. Electronic references should include the author, date, title marked as online, URL, and access date.
The job ad is for an assistant position at the PFF Program located at the Biggio Center at Auburn University. The PFF Program provides services for students with disabilities to help them succeed academically and develop important life skills. Responsibilities include assisting students with disabilities by providing support in their classes, maintaining documentation of student progress, and coordinating services between the student and other university departments.
This document discusses the development of a best practice guide for the CITIES network. It outlines what should be included in the guide such as a summary of what was learned from the partnership, advice for municipalities on supporting creative industries, and a focus on converting traditional spaces. The guide's format would be an online wiki and printed copies, featuring case studies with photos and statistics. The document also discusses determining what qualifies as best practices and setting principles for the guide, as well as proposing a structure that includes an introduction, partner quotes, themes to cover, case studies divided by theme, and conclusions.
Sosiaalinen media voi olla yrityksille paljon enemm?n kuin vain l?sn?oloa yhteis?iss?. Me kutsumme haastetta Social Business Development-nimell?. Lyhyess? esityksess?mme lis?? aiheesta.
Raaka-aineet yrityksen jatkuvaan menestymiseen ovat 1. valmius nopeisiin muutoksiin, 2. jatkuva oppiminen ja kehittyminen sek? 3. ymm?rrys jatkuvasti muuttuvista markkinoista. N?m? raaka-aineet eiv?t valmistu pelk?st??n johtoryhm?n strategiaty?ss? vaan t?h?n tarvitaan isompi mullistus, joka muuttaa koko toimintaymp?rist?n, henkil?st?n toimiessa n?iden organisatoristen raaka-aineiden tehokkaina valmistajina. Miten laiva k??nnet??n, mit? asioita menestyminen vaatii henkil?st?n osaamiselta ja johtamiselta?
This 3 sentence summary provides the key information from the document:
This badge was issued to eric.rousselle@obfsolutions.com on 2020-01-03 by OBF sandbox to recognize their contribution as a presenter for an OBF Academy webinar. OBF Academy hosts regular webinars on customer cases and topics related to Open BadgeFactory for anyone interested in learning from users' experiences. The badge's validity can be verified online at https://openbadgefactory.com/validator.
This document discusses enabling badge ecosystems through collaboration and endorsement features. It describes key features in Open Badge Factory and Open Badge Passport that allow badges to be shared, endorsed by partner organizations, and endorsed by individual community members through comments and connections. These collaborative endorsement processes help recognition emerge from the community level rather than just from badge creators, enabling badge ecosystems.
In this presentation we reflect on why open badges have still a small impact today on the way our society recognise learning and we propse some practical improvements and actions to unlock more successful strategies
This document discusses Open Badge Passport, which is a platform for creating ePortfolios using open badges. Open Badges contain information about achievements and competencies that can be shared digitally. Open Badge Passport allows users to build micro-portfolios by collecting and displaying their badges to showcase their skills and qualifications. These badge-based portfolios are searchable, dynamic, and can help users set goals and match their skills to job requirements. The presenter believes Open Badges can motivate lifelong learning by helping users meaningfully document their achievements.
Open Badge Passport, reinventing the ePorfolio with Open BadgesEric Rousselle
The document discusses the Open Badge Passport, a new service that allows users to showcase and manage their open badges. It is being developed by Discendum, a Finnish edtech company with experience in ePortfolios and open badges. The service aims to address limitations in current open badge implementations by shifting the focus from the issuer's perspective to that of the badge earner. It will provide badge earners with a personal learning environment where they can dynamically assemble micro-portfolios using their badges to showcase skills to employers or for other purposes. The developer believes this approach can engage more learners compared to traditional static portfolios.
This document discusses the need for and benefits of badge sharing features in Open Badge Factory. It provides several use cases where organizations may want to share badges they have developed, such as an organization sharing its badge system with similar groups. Badge sharing can help avoid inflation, make better use of resources and expertise, and increase badge value if they are widely recognized. The document proposes the next step is developing features to support collaborative badge and badge system design across organizations.
Open Badges, an open standard to recognize, verify and celebrate learningEric Rousselle
This document discusses open badges, which are digital credentials verified through an open standard. It provides examples of open badges for skills, memberships, and certifications. The document outlines the growth in adoption of open badges from 2012-2014. It also describes Open Badge Factory, an open source platform used by over 400 organizations worldwide to issue open badges. Finally, it promotes the new Open Badge Passport community edition and links to related organizations.
Open Badges: Promotion and adoption of the standard in FinlandEric Rousselle
This document discusses the promotion and adoption of open badges in Finland. It provides details on Discendum Oy, an eLearning service provider that has developed an open badge issuing platform called Open Badge Factory. Over 12,400 badges have been issued in Finland so far by schools, projects, associations, and training companies. While open badges have generated interest, widespread adoption will take time and resources. Efforts are underway to use open badges for skills recognition, prior learning, international student exchange programs, and more in the Finnish education sector. The discussion of open badges needs to also explore the perspective of badge earners.
Kyvyt.fi, a large-scale Finnish e-Portfolio service built on MaharaEric Rousselle
Kyvyt.fi is a national ePortfolio service in Finland used by over 31,000 students across 200 educational institutions. It was developed by Discendum, a Finnish edtech company, and is built on the open source Mahara platform. Discendum is working on improvements to Kyvyt.fi such as new group collaboration features and integration with open badges. Open badges provide a way to recognize skills online through verifiable credentials. Discendum's Open Badge Factory is a service that helps institutions manage and issue open badges.
The document discusses lessons learned from piloting the Open Badge Factory (OBF) open badge management system. Key points include:
- OBF saw interest from vocational and educational organizations but badges' roles in formal education remain unclear. Adoption requires education about badges' concepts.
- Only 12% of earners stored badges in the Mozilla backpack due to complexity and lack of usefulness for work contexts. A badge passport micro-portfolio was suggested as a better alternative.
- Creating meaningful badge systems requires strategic planning - it is not as simple as making test badges. A "badges first" approach integrating badges into simplified portfolios was proposed.
Open Badge Factory presentation Mozilla Community Call 18.12.2013Eric Rousselle
This document describes the Open Badge Factory (OBF) project, a cloud-based platform that provides a centralized framework for organizations to implement and manage open badge systems. The OBF was developed by Discendum, a Finnish eLearning provider, and several partner organizations to help users avoid issues like badge inflation and fragmentation across platforms. The OBF allows users to issue badges from various systems like Moodle and Mahara and manage them centrally, provides tools for badge creation and awarding, and tracks badge data and user feedback. An initial version was released in January 2014 with piloting through June 2014 and a final version planned for December 2014.
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Open Badge -konsepti muutoksen agenttina
1. Osaamismerkki haastaa muutokseen:
Open Badges -konsepti oppimisen ja
kehityksen ty?kaluna
Eric Rousselle
Verkkoja kokemassa -seminaari
2. ? Digitaalinen merkki, jolla voidaan visuaalisesti osoittaa
henkil?n taitoja ja osaamista
? Koostuu PNG-kuvasta ja siihen liitetyst? metadatasta
? Mozillan ja sen tukeman laajan kehitt?j?yhteis?n kehitt?m?
avoin standardi, jolla voidaan tunnistaa ja tunnustaa my?s
ep?virallisen oppimisen kautta hankittua osaamista
Mik? on Open Badge ¨Cosaamismerkki?
10. Konseptin suosio kovassa kasvussa
? My?nt?ji? 98 kpl
? My?nnettyj? merkkej? noin tuhat
? My?nt?ji? 1915 kpl
? My?nnettyj? merkkej? 235 000 kpl
? kasvu 1400 %
11. 11
Open Badges -konsepti ilmaisee laajempaa
muutosta ja on itse muutoksen agentti
12. ? Tietoyhteiskunta ja ty?el?m? tarvitsevat osaajia
? Formaalioppisen maailman sertifiointij?rjestelm?t eiv?t pysty
vastaamaan nopeasti muuttuvan ty?el?m?n tarpeisiin
? Kasvava tarve l?yt?? keinoja, joilla voidaan tunnistaa,
tunnustaa ja hy?dynt?? my?s ep?virallisen oppimisen kautta
hankittua osaamista
Tietoyhteiskunnan ja ty?el?m?n muutospaineita
15. ? Henkil?kohtaisuus ja -keskeisyys
? Osaamisperusteisuus
? Yhteis?llisyys
? Pelillisyys
? Avoin ja globaali standardi
Open Badges -konseptin erityispiirteet
16. Open Badge -merkin tai merkkikokonaisuuden suunnittelun
yhteydess? organisaatio tai henkil? joutuu arvioimaan ja
mahdollisesti kyseenalaistamaan ja muuttamaan omaa
toimintaa tai toimintatapoja.
Open Badges -konsepti muutoksen agenttina
17. Open Badges ¨Ckonsepti:
? Mahdollistaa, ett? ep?virallisen oppimisen kautta hankittu
osaaminen, taito tai saavutus voidaan tehd? n?kyv?ksi ja
? Antaa monille organisaatioille mahdollisuuden validoida omaa
? Murtaa formaalioppimisen maailman monopolia osaamisen
tunnistamisen ¡±markkinoilla¡± ja haastaa oppim??r??n perustuvia
¡±perinteisi?¡± todistuksia ja sertifikaatteja.
? On ty?kalu, jonka avulla monet organisaatiot voivat arvioida ja
kehitt?? omaa toimintaa.
Osaamisen tunnistaminen ja sertifiointi
18. ? Henkil?st?n kehitt?misen alueella hyv? keino kuvata
osaamisalueita selke?sti ja asettaa ne tavoitteiksi.
? Ty?nantaja voi suunnitella osaamismerkin, jonka pohjalta
oppilaitos voisi kehitt?? koulutusta, jolla p??st??n tavoitteisin.
? Ty?nantaja ja ty?ntekij?t voisivat kehitt?? yhdess?
osaamismerkkej? ja n?in m??ritell? yhdess? organisaation
osaamistavoitteita ja mahdollisia muutostarpeita.
? Keino tehd? osaaminen n?kyv?ksi ty?yhteis?ss? ja edist??
¡±orgaanista¡± tiimiytymist?.
Ty?el?m?n n?k?kulmasta
19. ? Oppijan osaamisen todentaminen koulutuksen suunnittelun
yhten? keskeisen? l?ht?kohtana.
? Arviointi nousee keskeiseksi kysymykseksi!
? Mahdollisuus tuoda koulutuksessa hankittua osaamista ja
taitoja paremmin esille esim. ty?nantajille.
? Keino asettaa tavoitteita, motivoida ja tukea vaihtoehtoisia
? Tukee ilmi?pohjaista oppimista ja muuta oppimista, joka ylitt??
perinteisen oppiainejaon.
Osaamismerkit ja opetuksen kehitt?minen
20. ? Validoituna osaamisen todisteena Open Badge tuo portfolioon
? Open Badge ¨Cosaamismerkkien avulla on mahdollista
kevent??, yksinkertaista ja tehostaa portfolioty?skentely?.
? Open Badge on osaamisen tunnistamisen yhteisvaluutta.
Osaamismerkit ja ePortolio
21. Open Badges ¨C osaamisen tunnistamisen yhteisvaluutta
kouluttajat osaajat ty?nantajat
23. Hyvi? linkkej?
? Open Badge Factory: https://openbadgefactory.com
? Mozilla Open Badges: http://www.openbadges.org/
? Mozilla Open Badges blogi: https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2012/04/10/mozilla-open-
? Mozilla Open Badges blogi:
? Mozilla aikajana: http://www.tiki-toki.com/timeline/entry/216462/Open-Badges-in-
? Tim Riches / DigitalMe: http://www.slideshare.net/timriches96/bett-creating-a-new-
? Chicago Summer of Learning: http://www.chicagosummeroflearning.org/