Typhoid fever case study, explanation and treatmentDR Ramdu
This case presentation describes a 33-year-old woman who recently traveled to India and presented with fever, headache, cough, vomiting and diarrhea. Differential diagnoses included typhoid, malaria, dengue and other infections. Laboratory tests found Salmonella paratyphi A in her blood culture, confirming typhoid fever. She was treated intravenously with antibiotics and her symptoms improved over 6 days. Typhoid is caused by Salmonella bacteria and spreads through contaminated food or water. It can range from mild to severe illness with complications such as bleeding, pneumonia and death. Diagnosis is made by isolating the bacteria from blood, stool or bone marrow cultures. Treatment involves antibiotics and supportive care, while prevention relies on sanitation
Tetanus adalah infeksi akibat bakteri Clostridium tetani yang menghasilkan toksin tetanus. Penyakit ini ditandai dengan kekakuan otot yang disebabkan toksin tetanus. Ada tiga jenis tetanus yaitu umum, lokal, dan cephalic. Pencegahan melalui imunisasi dan penanganan luka, sedangkan pengobatannya menggunakan antibiotik, anti serum, dan obat penenang otot. Komplikasinya dapat berupa ganggu
Kepatuhan Minum Obat pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 di Beberapa Puskesma...Aji Wibowo
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji validitas skala kepatuhan minum obat pada pasien DM tipe 2, mengukur tingkat kepatuhan pasien, dan menganalisis korelasinya dengan hasil ukur klinis. Hasilnya menunjukkan skala MARS-10 valid dan reliabel untuk mengukur kepatuhan pasien. Sebagian besar pasien tergolong patuh minum obat, namun tidak ditemukan hubungan antara kepatuhan dengan hasil ukur glukosa
Dokumen tersebut memberikan penjelasan mengenai elektrokardiografi (EKG) yang meliputi definisi EKG dan komponen-komponen pentingnya seperti gelombang P, QRS, T, interval PR beserta nilai normalnya. Juga dijelaskan berbagai pola EKG normal seperti irama sinus normal, bradikardi, takikardi dan berbagai jenis aritmia seperti ekstrasistol atrium dan ventrikel, takikardi atrium dan ventrikel serta fibrilasi atrium dan vent
Dokumen tersebut membahas proses registrasi obat dan produk biologi di Indonesia, mencakup definisi obat, jalur evaluasi registrasi, kategori registrasi, persyaratan registrasi obat impor dan berdasarkan lisensi atau kontrak, pengajuan dokumen, alur proses evaluasi, kriteria penilaian khasiat, keamanan dan mutu obat, serta proses pengembangan obat copy/generik.
Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar had been experiencing queer and ill-defined pains and boils on his face and scalp for several weeks that were resistant to antibiotics. One night, he put Ayurvedic herbal oil in his nostrils, which caused strange sensations and sneezing followed by the expulsion of mucus from his sinuses. The next day, his pains and boils had disappeared without the need for expensive and risky surgery. He shared his experience of using NASYA to eliminate his pain and misery in hopes that others may consider holistic options.
Dal 1991 operiamo nellambito dei servizi IT e della consulenza strategica direzionale.
La rapida evoluzione della tecnologia e della
compliance normativa ci ha permesso di specializzarci in consulenze in ambito della sicurezza del
patrimonio informativo aziendale e del controllo delle informazioni.
Tejaswi Drushti Bestseller For Super Eyesight Dr Shriniwas Kashalikarbanothkishan
This document provides a 15-step routine for eye exercises and relaxation techniques. Each step provides instructions for specific eye movements or visualizations exercises to be repeated 10 times. The routines include instructions to shift gaze between close and distant focal points, rotate the eyes in clockwise and counterclockwise patterns, and move the eyes between different positions on an imaginary clock face. The overall document promotes the 15-step routine as a way to relax the eyes and reduce stress and tension.
Mobile learning encapsulates
all the training tools adapted to smartphones and tablets, whether in terms of their content, form, technology, teaching or learning methods.
Anim辿 par le personnage Wilby, Wilby.tv est un r辿seau social pour enfants o湛 la famille, les amis, les jeux et l'辿ducation se rencontrent.
Wilby.tv offre un environnement s辿curitaire qui soutient la croissance positive des jeunes de 6 12 ans et des familles du monde entier.
Punj Lloyd reported disappointing results for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2010, with top-line declining 45% and losses on the Simon Carves front negatively impacting profits. Interest and depreciation costs were as expected. Extraordinary gains from selling a stake in Pipavav Shipyard lessened the loss. Slower expected execution has led analysts to trim revenue and profit estimates, while factoring in additional extraordinary losses. However, the company maintains a buy rating due to its scale, diversified order backlog, and relatively low valuation.
Book - Thesis-draft 05- FINAL 2015-12-10Msizi Mkhize
This dissertation investigates the design of a Youth Enterprise Hub in Mamelodi, South Africa. It aims to address socio-economic exclusion through a hub that promotes innovation, skills development, collaboration and information access. The document provides background on Mamelodi's deprived context and outlines the urban vision for the hub. It discusses relevant theory, precedents that informed the design, and the design development process. Diagrams and images depict the proposed site plan, program, structural concept, material selection and other technical aspects of the hub.
This document provides a curriculum vitae for Afrizal Zaini Amd. It summarizes his personal details and education background. It then outlines his over 9 years of experience in instrument and electrical work on various oil, gas and petrochemical projects. This includes responsibilities like commissioning activities, quality control inspections, and loop testing. Finally, it lists 13 working experiences on specific projects from 1996 to present, describing his roles and responsibilities on each project.
The document provides information about India during the medieval period. It discusses the emergence of new social and political groups during this time, including Mahmud Ghazni and the Turks who founded the Delhi Sultanates. The Delhi Sultanates were later replaced by the Mughals, who established the Mughal Empire. Many regional kingdoms also emerged across India during the medieval period. There were also major developments in religious traditions, including the emergence of Bhakti, the arrival of Islam, and the spread of Sufism through Sufi saints.
Drama is a story meant to be performed on stage rather than read. It contains literary elements like plot, theme, characters, and dialogue; technical elements like scenery, costumes, and lighting; and performance elements like acting, vocal delivery, and facial expressions. Aristotle was the first to identify key elements of drama over 2000 years ago, including plot, theme, characters, thought, music/rhythm, and spectacle. While some elements have evolved, like replacing music/rhythm with conventions and adding genre and audience, Aristotle's analysis remains influential in understanding drama.
The document describes a photo shoot location at a model's house, with props including lights, a guitar, wooden door, fedora hat, piano, bench, and dog. Due to darkness and rain outside, the planned arched wall location was changed to a blank wall inside instead. Any hazards would have been tripping over wiring from the lights used.
Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar had been experiencing queer and ill-defined pains and boils on his face and scalp for several weeks that were resistant to antibiotics. One night, he put Ayurvedic herbal oil in his nostrils, which caused strange sensations and sneezing followed by the expulsion of mucus from his sinuses. The next day, his pains and boils had disappeared without the need for expensive and risky surgery. He shared his experience of using NASYA to eliminate his pain and misery in hopes that others may consider holistic options.
Dal 1991 operiamo nellambito dei servizi IT e della consulenza strategica direzionale.
La rapida evoluzione della tecnologia e della
compliance normativa ci ha permesso di specializzarci in consulenze in ambito della sicurezza del
patrimonio informativo aziendale e del controllo delle informazioni.
Tejaswi Drushti Bestseller For Super Eyesight Dr Shriniwas Kashalikarbanothkishan
This document provides a 15-step routine for eye exercises and relaxation techniques. Each step provides instructions for specific eye movements or visualizations exercises to be repeated 10 times. The routines include instructions to shift gaze between close and distant focal points, rotate the eyes in clockwise and counterclockwise patterns, and move the eyes between different positions on an imaginary clock face. The overall document promotes the 15-step routine as a way to relax the eyes and reduce stress and tension.
Mobile learning encapsulates
all the training tools adapted to smartphones and tablets, whether in terms of their content, form, technology, teaching or learning methods.
Anim辿 par le personnage Wilby, Wilby.tv est un r辿seau social pour enfants o湛 la famille, les amis, les jeux et l'辿ducation se rencontrent.
Wilby.tv offre un environnement s辿curitaire qui soutient la croissance positive des jeunes de 6 12 ans et des familles du monde entier.
Punj Lloyd reported disappointing results for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2010, with top-line declining 45% and losses on the Simon Carves front negatively impacting profits. Interest and depreciation costs were as expected. Extraordinary gains from selling a stake in Pipavav Shipyard lessened the loss. Slower expected execution has led analysts to trim revenue and profit estimates, while factoring in additional extraordinary losses. However, the company maintains a buy rating due to its scale, diversified order backlog, and relatively low valuation.
Book - Thesis-draft 05- FINAL 2015-12-10Msizi Mkhize
This dissertation investigates the design of a Youth Enterprise Hub in Mamelodi, South Africa. It aims to address socio-economic exclusion through a hub that promotes innovation, skills development, collaboration and information access. The document provides background on Mamelodi's deprived context and outlines the urban vision for the hub. It discusses relevant theory, precedents that informed the design, and the design development process. Diagrams and images depict the proposed site plan, program, structural concept, material selection and other technical aspects of the hub.
This document provides a curriculum vitae for Afrizal Zaini Amd. It summarizes his personal details and education background. It then outlines his over 9 years of experience in instrument and electrical work on various oil, gas and petrochemical projects. This includes responsibilities like commissioning activities, quality control inspections, and loop testing. Finally, it lists 13 working experiences on specific projects from 1996 to present, describing his roles and responsibilities on each project.
The document provides information about India during the medieval period. It discusses the emergence of new social and political groups during this time, including Mahmud Ghazni and the Turks who founded the Delhi Sultanates. The Delhi Sultanates were later replaced by the Mughals, who established the Mughal Empire. Many regional kingdoms also emerged across India during the medieval period. There were also major developments in religious traditions, including the emergence of Bhakti, the arrival of Islam, and the spread of Sufism through Sufi saints.
Drama is a story meant to be performed on stage rather than read. It contains literary elements like plot, theme, characters, and dialogue; technical elements like scenery, costumes, and lighting; and performance elements like acting, vocal delivery, and facial expressions. Aristotle was the first to identify key elements of drama over 2000 years ago, including plot, theme, characters, thought, music/rhythm, and spectacle. While some elements have evolved, like replacing music/rhythm with conventions and adding genre and audience, Aristotle's analysis remains influential in understanding drama.
The document describes a photo shoot location at a model's house, with props including lights, a guitar, wooden door, fedora hat, piano, bench, and dog. Due to darkness and rain outside, the planned arched wall location was changed to a blank wall inside instead. Any hazards would have been tripping over wiring from the lights used.
1. G Y M N A S I E A R B E T E T S A M T H U M A N T I S T I S K O C H
Uppsatsf旦rfattaren en kort presentation av din
unders旦kning, anv辰nd dig av powerpoint ca 10
Opponenten ska sakligt och konstruktivt opponera p奪
uppsatsen ca 15 minuter
Uppsatsf旦rfattaren ska vara beredd att svara p奪 fr奪gor
fr奪n l辰rare, elever och opponent.
Titel st辰mmer den 旦verens med inneh奪llet?
Spr奪ket 辰r det korrekt, sakligt och begripligt?
Grafisk utformning 辰r layout snygg och l辰sv辰nlig?
Fotnoter 辰r fotnotingen korrekt? Noggrannhet; 辰r citat,
referat, referenser korrekt 奪tergivna?
K辰ll- och litterturf旦rteckning st辰mmer den 旦verens
med fotnoterna?
Tabeller, figurer och bilder 辰r de f旦rklarade i texten?
mnesval, fr奪gest辰llningar och problematisering. r 辰mnet
relevant och intressant? r det problematiserat? r det
tillr辰ckligt avgr辰nsat? Finns det tydliga fr奪gest辰llningar inf旦r
unders旦kningen, och fungerar dessa med syftet?
Examensm奪l 旦verensst辰mmer 辰mnesval och unders旦kning
med samh辰llsprogrammets examensm奪l?
Sammanhang, s辰tt unders旦kningen in i ett st旦rre
sammanhang? Ges l辰saren den information hen beh旦ver f旦r
att f旦rst奪 det 辰mne uppsatsf旦rfattaren valt att studera?
Metod och k辰llor. Redovisas unders旦kningsmetoden
tillr辰ckligt utf旦rligt? Kan f旦rfattaren besvara sina
fr奪gest辰llningar utifr奪n den metod och de k辰llor som valts?
Finns det eventuella k辰llkritiska problem som f旦rfattaren har
Disposition, fungerar uppl辰gget som f旦rfattaren valt? Finns
det en r旦d tr奪d?
Resonemang, analys och tolkning. r f旦rfattarens
argumentation kring olika fr奪gor 旦vertygande? Finns
alternativa tolkningsm旦jligheter?
Noggrannhet. r redovisade faktauppgifter korrekta?
Bilagor 辰r n旦dv辰ndiga bilagor redovisade?
Relevans 辰r de unders旦kningar och resonemang som f旦rs
relevanta med tanke p奪 uppsatsens 旦vergripande syfte?
Sammanfattningen (abstract) framg奪r uppsatsen syfte, 辰r
fr奪gest辰llningar och slutsatser redogjorda f旦r?
Vilka resultat har unders旦kningen givit?
Vilka slutsatser har f旦rfattaren dragit?
Besvaras syftet?
S辰tts resultaten i relation till st旦rre sammanhang?
Har unders旦kningen bidragit till ny kunskap? P奪 vilket