Open Data presentatie Leiedal De Samenkomst op 10 december 2013 20131210 opendata
Open Data for local governments - De Samenkomst, Aelbeke, Kortrijk wouter Degadt wouterdegadt
Endangered African Bush Elephant 2nd period Erin, Hannah, Kateliptongreentea
The document contains 10 pictures related to elephants from various sources such as Wikimedia Commons and It also contains 5 references from wildlife organizations like Defenders of Wildlife and National Geographic that provide information on elephants, including facts, adopting elephants, and elephant protection efforts.
Seducing Robots with Ads. About the 2 forces that are changing marketing comm...Jan Algoed
Today, it is virtually impossible to absorb all the content youre interested in. Theres only so many hours in a day. And you probably still have to study or a job to do.
But then theres smart algorithms which are constantly learning what we do and dont like. At a certain point, they help us to make the optimal choice each and every time. They go by the names of Siri, Cortana or Google Now. And they will become the personal assistant everyone carries around.
Bad news for advertisers.
Because, how will advertisers ever get commercial content past all the smartness that has been put into the consumers hands?
And how will advertisers have to change in order to be successful?
This document provides details about four potential characters for a story including their age, height, ethnicity, eye color, and availability. Coco Pemberton is listed as a 17-year-old black student with brown eyes and availability after school. Information is also given for Hannieh Mills, Deeqa Ali, and Hannah Marshall, including their ages, heights, ethnicities, eye colors, and free periods.
An array arranges data values in ascending or descending order, allowing one to quickly see the lowest and highest values and whether any values repeat, but it is cumbersome to construct and does not summarize the data or highlight characteristics relevant to decision making.
This document describes a social media training game called the Social Media Game. It discusses setting up teams to play various scenarios dealing with social media dilemmas. The scenarios are presented to spark discussion and role-playing around topics like integrity, participation, aggression, content strategy and more. Players take on roles and have their reactions guided by a game master. The goal is to make the training engaging and help participants better remember lessons through an interactive experience. Information is provided on how to register to participate in the game.
This document provides instructions for a sample test that consists of 4 sections testing English, quantitative ability, data interpretation, and data sufficiency. It notes that the test is 2 hours, there is a positive mark for correct answers and negative mark for incorrect answers, and advises test takers to move quickly between questions. It also provides examples of question types and content that will be on the test.
Religious demography of india karnataka 2015VishvAs VAsuki
This document summarizes the religious demography of India based on census data from 1881-2011. It divides India into three regions based on the percentage of Indian Religionists (predominantly Hindus). Region I has over 85% Indian Religionists. Region II has between 65-85% Indian Religionists. Region III has under 65% Indian Religionists. The document analyzes the changing religious profiles of several Indian states, finding a general decline in the percentage of Indian Religionists and a rise in Muslims and Christians over time, with the most dramatic changes in Region III.
The Farm by BBDO is a 3-week program that provides 12 young people interested in advertising with hands-on experience equivalent to a year in the industry. Past participants have found it very effective at landing jobs, with 2 out of 3 ex-Farmers now working at advertising agencies. Selection for the program will take place on July 12, 2013.
Local Open Data: A perspective from local government in England by Gesche
Local Open Data: A perspective from local government in England
to help government and companies to
develop innovative services through the
use of open data and to encourage smart
use of Social Media
This document discusses digital transformation and dealing with digital disruption. It outlines several models of digital disruption, including the glass house, the package, the frog, the gatekeeper, the traveler, the participant, and the cyborg. It emphasizes that disruption is real and companies must be prepared to transform by developing a vision, digital leadership, innovation practices, and a culture open to change. The key takeaway is that disruption is happening and companies should proactively model and plan for transformation rather than reacting to changes.
This document provides an overview of TCP/IP protocols including:
- Internet Protocol (IP) which contains addressing data and provides connectionless delivery of datagrams measured by MTU.
- IP packet format includes fields for source/destination addresses, protocol type, and data.
- Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) maps IP addresses to MAC addresses.
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) provides reliable transmission of information through three-way handshakes and sliding windows.
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP) uses a simple connectionless model with minimum overhead but does not guarantee delivery.
- Network security threats are addressed through firewalls which filter traffic and intrusion detection systems (IDS)
This document discusses correlation and regression analysis. It defines correlation as the statistical technique used to determine how strongly two variables are related. Correlation can be positive if the variables increase together, or negative if one variable decreases as the other increases. Regression analysis models the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. Regression equations and different types of regression models like simple linear and non-linear regression are presented. Examples of applying regression to forecast sales trends over time and determine the effect of price changes on demand are provided.
Mr Bean goes Christmas shopping and tests holiday decorations by bouncing them and plugging them in. He plays with a toy before paying. He includes unusual additions to the nativity scene and relocates it, being stopped by someone. At the market, he meets a woman who shows him something, then does something else. When they run out of something, he takes the large one. At home, he decorates and prepares food, stuffing stockings and hanging decorations. On Christmas day, Mr Bean is excited for presents - his teddy gets something, he gets something, and the mouse gets something he puts in a box. For dinner, he prepares a turkey but gets stuck inside it when his girlfriend arrives
Introductie Open Data tijdens KBenP Zomerevent 2014GO opleidingen
Klaas-Jan Mollema verzorgde tijdens de GOx-sessies op het KBenP Zomerevent 2015 een korte presentatie over Open Data en de rol van de Informatieprofessional als introductie op onze 3-daagse cursus.
Meer info:
This document provides instructions for a sample test that consists of 4 sections testing English, quantitative ability, data interpretation, and data sufficiency. It notes that the test is 2 hours, there is a positive mark for correct answers and negative mark for incorrect answers, and advises test takers to move quickly between questions. It also provides examples of question types and content that will be on the test.
Religious demography of india karnataka 2015VishvAs VAsuki
This document summarizes the religious demography of India based on census data from 1881-2011. It divides India into three regions based on the percentage of Indian Religionists (predominantly Hindus). Region I has over 85% Indian Religionists. Region II has between 65-85% Indian Religionists. Region III has under 65% Indian Religionists. The document analyzes the changing religious profiles of several Indian states, finding a general decline in the percentage of Indian Religionists and a rise in Muslims and Christians over time, with the most dramatic changes in Region III.
The Farm by BBDO is a 3-week program that provides 12 young people interested in advertising with hands-on experience equivalent to a year in the industry. Past participants have found it very effective at landing jobs, with 2 out of 3 ex-Farmers now working at advertising agencies. Selection for the program will take place on July 12, 2013.
Local Open Data: A perspective from local government in England by Gesche
Local Open Data: A perspective from local government in England
to help government and companies to
develop innovative services through the
use of open data and to encourage smart
use of Social Media
This document discusses digital transformation and dealing with digital disruption. It outlines several models of digital disruption, including the glass house, the package, the frog, the gatekeeper, the traveler, the participant, and the cyborg. It emphasizes that disruption is real and companies must be prepared to transform by developing a vision, digital leadership, innovation practices, and a culture open to change. The key takeaway is that disruption is happening and companies should proactively model and plan for transformation rather than reacting to changes.
This document provides an overview of TCP/IP protocols including:
- Internet Protocol (IP) which contains addressing data and provides connectionless delivery of datagrams measured by MTU.
- IP packet format includes fields for source/destination addresses, protocol type, and data.
- Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) maps IP addresses to MAC addresses.
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) provides reliable transmission of information through three-way handshakes and sliding windows.
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP) uses a simple connectionless model with minimum overhead but does not guarantee delivery.
- Network security threats are addressed through firewalls which filter traffic and intrusion detection systems (IDS)
This document discusses correlation and regression analysis. It defines correlation as the statistical technique used to determine how strongly two variables are related. Correlation can be positive if the variables increase together, or negative if one variable decreases as the other increases. Regression analysis models the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. Regression equations and different types of regression models like simple linear and non-linear regression are presented. Examples of applying regression to forecast sales trends over time and determine the effect of price changes on demand are provided.
Mr Bean goes Christmas shopping and tests holiday decorations by bouncing them and plugging them in. He plays with a toy before paying. He includes unusual additions to the nativity scene and relocates it, being stopped by someone. At the market, he meets a woman who shows him something, then does something else. When they run out of something, he takes the large one. At home, he decorates and prepares food, stuffing stockings and hanging decorations. On Christmas day, Mr Bean is excited for presents - his teddy gets something, he gets something, and the mouse gets something he puts in a box. For dinner, he prepares a turkey but gets stuck inside it when his girlfriend arrives
Introductie Open Data tijdens KBenP Zomerevent 2014GO opleidingen
Klaas-Jan Mollema verzorgde tijdens de GOx-sessies op het KBenP Zomerevent 2015 een korte presentatie over Open Data en de rol van de Informatieprofessional als introductie op onze 3-daagse cursus.
Meer info:
In de zorg wordt in toenemende mate extramuraal gewerkt. De medewerkers die deze zorg leveren hebben steeds vaker behoefte aan een computerwerkplek met basisvoorzieningen voor kantoorautomatisering en toegang tot de ondersteunende systemen. Zowel financieel als technisch ligt het niet voor de hand om op allerlei locaties, zoals wijkcentra of buitenpolis, hiervoor klassieke werkplekken in te richten. Bovendien is er duidelijke behoefte om ook mobiel en thuis te kunnen werken. Een werkplek in de Cloud kan hierbij uitkomst bieden.
Maar waar zorg wordt verleend wordt met pati谷ntgegevens gewerkt. Is het mogelijk om een Cloudoplossing te kiezen die voldoet aan de eisen die in het kader van informatiebeveiliging in de zorg worden gesteld? En hoe overtuig ik vervolgens bestuurders, medewerkers en cli谷nten dat dit inderdaad voldoende veilig is. Een goede risicoanalyse waarin belangen, bedreigingen en maatregelen goed worden afgewogen helpt hierbij. Dit geeft gelijk houvast bij de inrichting van een effectief informatiebeveiligingsbeleid gericht op het gebruik van Cloudoplossingen.
Gebruik van ICT vanuit de Cloud kan een ook belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan de wendbaarheid van zorgorganisatie en versterking van hun waarde propositie.
Gezien het strategisch belang van Cloud concepten adviseren wij zorginstellingen daarom ervaring op te gaan doen met de Cloud en daarbij naast de voordelen ook vooral de risico's goed in kaart te brengen en daar op een realistische manier mee om te gaan.
Tijdens dit webinar zal Eduvision ingaan op de rol van Big Data binnen de overheid. Bijbehorend bij webinar
Big data voor rijksoverheid, gemeenten en andere publieke diensten. Nadruk op de werking en mogelijkheden van big data. Specifieke aandacht voor open data.
De Nationale DenkTank 2014 onderzocht de kansen, mogelijkheden en bedreigingen van big data. Op InfraTrends presenteren ze de belangrijkste resulaten die vervolgens hebben geleid tot concrete oplossingen met grote maatschappelijke impact. Zo verzamelt de applicatie 'Op weg met Data' gegevens van alle autos, waardoor infrastructuurbeheerders kunnen achterhalen wat de kwaliteit van de weg is, waar het glad is en waar files staan. Leer van ex-Denktankers Janne Verstappen en Rik Plender hoe data slim kan worden ingezet binnen een organisatie en hoe je om gaat met de bottlenecks.
This document outlines a social media maturity measure for organizations to assess their social media capabilities. It discusses two key dimensions - being a conversation government and a social local government. A conversation government aims for transparency, collaboration, and two-way engagement. A social local government supports social media through leadership, strategy, implementation, governance, and training. Organizations can measure their maturity across five stages from beginner to champion by evaluating their performance on ten drivers within these two dimensions. Taking the social media maturity measure assessment provides insights to help organizations improve their social media use.
The road to open data enlightenment is paved with nice excuses by Toon
The road to open data enlightenment is paved with nice excuses! These slides include 11 open data revenue models for government agencies who 'pragmatically' need to keep generating revenues being 'authentic sources'. This presentation was delivered by Toon Vanagt from as the opening keynote of the 'opening-up' conference in Brussels on 3/12/2014.
Open Data in your organization: tactics & tricks part 1 by Job Wiegant, Koen
This document discusses embedding open data in organizations. It describes drivers like streamlining processes, governance through accountability and participation, and economic benefits like efficiency. Barriers include lack of awareness, legal issues around data ownership, and costs of implementation. The document then details the approach taken in Groningen, Netherlands, which was to start small with two pilots - a basic open data portal and opening financial data. Key lessons were that maintenance is difficult, scale is important, and support from top management is essential. The next steps involve further institutionalizing open data practices and policies.
Generating rendement with open data by Arjan El
This document discusses how open data can be used to generate returns. It presents open data as findable, accessible, and allowing for re-use. The document also mentions the Open State Foundation and provides their website and contact details.
Open Knowledge Foundation Business Lounge by Pieter-Jan
This document discusses hackathons that develop applications using open data and the challenges in bringing those applications to market. It notes a lack of business models, funding, and time often prevent promising hackathon projects from being successful long-term. It then provides information on the Opening Up business lounge which supports turning open data projects into viable businesses through networking opportunities and pitching competitions for funding and recognition.
Basics of Open Data: what you need to know by Wouter Degadt & Pieter
Linked Open Data means making data more interoperable with other datasets on the web by using URIs as identifiers and triples as atomic building blocks. URIs are assigned to every term and concept, and triples are used to connect terms and represent facts about entities. This allows different machines to understand the relationships between data in a consistent way. Publishing data as Linked Open Data according to these principles can make it easier to query and integrate with other datasets.
Combining data through standards and metrics by Mike
This document discusses standards and metrics for combining open data from municipalities. It proposes using uniform resource identifiers (URIs) to define things precisely, schemas to define the structure of datasets, and common metrics to allow comparison of data across areas. Standards for identifiers, schemas, and metrics will enable data to be aggregated and analyzed to inform policy.
Content strategy for a municipal Facebook by Jenny Broden
This document provides tips for using Facebook to engage citizens. It recommends posting daily updates about what is happening in the city and writing updates that will affect citizens' days. It also suggests encouraging citizen contributions, listening to citizens, and establishing guidelines for professional conduct and verifying questions. The document outlines roles for an editor-in-chief, contact call center, and communicators to answer questions and address inappropriate content within 24 hours. It proposes using Facebook for marketing the organization and envisions an future e-citizen portal for e-services.
Social Media and local participation by Birgitte St辰
Birgitte St辰de from Hoeje-Taastrup Municipality in Denmark discusses using social media to increase citizen participation and voter turnout in local elections. The municipality live-streamed election debates on Facebook and answered citizens' questions online. During the election, they posted updates from polling stations and provided information to voters. Voter turnout increased from 64% to 69%, especially among young people. Citizens provided positive feedback, and the social media efforts helped find a good balance between politicians and administrators.
Improving decisionmaking with GIS by Bjorgulf
This document discusses how publishing data using geographic information systems (GIS) can improve decision-making. It provides examples of how municipalities in Denmark and Norway are using open GIS data and presentations to increase transparency, public involvement, and trust in political decisions. Key benefits highlighted include making large amounts of municipal indicator and statistical data easily accessible on maps, graphs, and other visualizations, which can help analyze trends, engage stakeholders, and demonstrate the basis for executive actions and policies. Some challenges around data consistency, standards, and broadband access are also noted.
Can you build a business with local open data? By Jan
This document outlines the agenda and rules for a workshop on open data and potential business models. The workshop instructs participants to form groups to discuss what data their organizations have that could be opened, the benefits of sharing that data and who would benefit, any blockages to opening the data and who might oppose it, and business strategies for making the data available despite potential blockages. The groups will then present their preferred business model to the full workshop. The goal is for participants to explore how opening up an estimated 140 billion euros worth of government data could create business opportunities.
Building Social Networks for a safer society By Elle De Jonge & Renske Stumpel
This document discusses building social networks for a safer society through citizen participation models. It describes a pilot project in Groningen, Netherlands testing a mobile app called "Meld!" that allows citizens and police to report incidents directly and collaborate in real-time. The pilot saw 205 reports over 3 months, with 117 leading to immediate police response. It concluded that attention to problems works, value exists in many eyes on a situation, and changing traditional response models requires communication to build trust and partnership between citizens and authorities.
This document discusses how geo-analysis and open data can be used to implement evidence-led policy. It describes analyzing socio-economic metrics and profiles by area across Europe to identify groups with similar characteristics. Examples are given of profiling metropolitan and rural areas. Further information is provided on metrics, dimensions, and tools for small area analysis in the UK and Europe.
2. Open data,
basis voor betrokken
burgers en
Dinsdag 10 december 2013
OC Aalbeke - Kortrijk
I n t e r c o m m u n a l e
L e i e d a l
3. Van maatschappelijke trends naar
regionale realisaties
Drie trends en hun invloed
Vijf trappen van Open Data
Zeven stappen van Leiedal
I n t e r c o m m u n a l e
L e i e d a l
10. 1. De participatieve burger
Mondige burger
Co-creatieve burger
I n t e r c o m m u n a l e
L e i e d a l
11. 2. De wereldburger
Altijd en overal online
Mobiliteit van persoon en gegevens
Sociaal en delend
I n t e r c o m m u n a l e
L e i e d a l
12. 3. De virtuele burger
Applificatie van de samenleving
Alles in de cloud
Gepersonaliseerde dienstverlening
I n t e r c o m m u n a l e
L e i e d a l
13. 3. trends met impact
Op overheidsdienstverlening
Eerlijke en transparante overheid
Faciliterend naar de burger
Nabij, bereikbaar en responsief
I n t e r c o m m u n a l e
L e i e d a l
16. 2
Vijf trappen van Open Data
I n t e r c o m m u n a l e
L e i e d a l
17. Open Data
Data die vrij gebruikt, herbruikt en herverdeeld kan worden
Door iedereen
Met de intentie om de data toe te wijzen en te delen
I n t e r c o m m u n a l e
L e i e d a l
18. De klim naar Open Data
I n t e r c o m m u n a l e
L e i e d a l
19. Bottlenecks
Er is politieke steun nodig
Administratieve schroom over de data
Online toegang
Bezorgd om de privacy van de burger
Welke licentie voorwaarden
Online opslag
I n t e r c o m m u n a l e
L e i e d a l
23. 3
De zeven stappen van Leiedal
I n t e r c o m m u n a l e
L e i e d a l
24. Overwinnen van bottlenecks
Creating awareness
Bouwen aan het netwerk
Politieke steun
Meer dan apps, ook webservices en bruikbaar voor beleidsanalyse
I n t e r c o m m u n a l e
L e i e d a l
25. Bouwen aan Open Data
Data dives
Data transformation
Portal creation
I n t e r c o m m u n a l e
L e i e d a l
28. Bouwen aan Open Data
Data dives
Data transformation
Portal creation
I n t e r c o m m u n a l e
L e i e d a l
29. Bouwen aan Open Data
Data dives
Data transformation
Portal creation
I n t e r c o m m u n a l e
L e i e d a l
30. Bouwen aan Open Data
Data dives
Data transformation
Portal creation
I n t e r c o m m u n a l e
L e i e d a l
31. Bouwen aan Open Data
Data dives
Data transformation
Portal creation
I n t e r c o m m u n a l e
L e i e d a l
#8: Nieuwe trendsCommunicatie is niet langer 辿辿nrichting en niet meer analoogWeg van top-down, meer bottom-up
#9: Nieuwe trendsCommunicatie is niet langer 辿辿nrichting en niet meer analoogWeg van top-down, meer bottom-up
#11: Participerende burger brainstormMondige burger, aandeelhouder in de gemeenschap brainstormsCo-creatieve burger samen ontwikkelen, hackathonsProsumer / user generated content mag niet zomaar als open data worden aangeboden (creatief verhaal van burgers, fotos, beeldbank) De getalenteerde burger
#12: Altijd online ubiquitous, applicaties voor onderweg met realtime info (parking app)Mobiel grenzen vervagen, overal devicesSociaal, sharing Voorbij sociale media, Githuboversharing, privacy
#13: Appification belang van datasets open te stellen is omdat apps info nodig hebben om binnen te trekken, info die van iedereen is.Alles in de cloud ook datasets moeten in de cloud: straks een ster van ODGerpersonaliseerdapps die gebruik maken van publieke data, maar afstemmen op persoonlijke login (vanuit de cloud)
#14: Impact op overheidsdienstverleningEerlijk en transparant te eerlijk, CO2 waarden vrij, burger kan ook ontevredenheid uitlaten maar maakt het ook zeer menselijkDe faciliterende overheid niet zelf apps ontwikkelen, maar wel mogelijk makenNabij, bereikbaar en responsief antwoord op datasets (politie met foute gemeentecodes)
#15: Voor betere dienstverleningEuropese projecten lokaal implementerenRaise awarenessPilootprojectenCommunicatieAcademiesCongressenStudiedagen
#16: Voor betere dienstverleningEuropese projecten lokaal implementerenRaise awarenessPilootprojectenCommunicatieAcademiesCongressenStudiedagen
#18: Dus de intentie is om de data te gebruiken, niet te misbruikenDe data is van iedereen, van de gemeenschap. Geef die informatie terug, zo dat er meer mee kan gebeuren
#20: Bottlenecks:Politieke steun: het laten landen van de meerwaardePrivacy van de burger: eenvoudig, er komen vele soorten data in aanmerking, maar geen privatieve persoonsgebonden gegevens, wel geaggregeerde en geanonimiseerde gegevens (statistiek)Schroom over de data: ontbrekende data of dubbele hitsOnline toegang: ze weten niet hoe of waar het moet geplaatst wordenOpslag: welke servers?Licenties
#21: Een hele belangrijke bron van data is geodata.Hier kan heel veel mee gedaan worden aangezien smartphones gps locatie hebben
#26: Stappenplan om lokale overheden mee te nemen volgens de nieuwe trends in het verhaal van open dataA timelinefor opening up dataBrainstormwithlocalcivilservantthatworkwith the data. Trytosee the opportunitiesfor a localappData-diveinto the data setsThe Data TankSet up website, eg. data.kortrijk.beOrganiseHackathon, co-creation events, appathonsEvaluateFollow-up
#27: We gaan de identiteit van de gemeente of de stad na
#29: Stappenplan om lokale overheden mee te nemen volgens de nieuwe trends in het verhaal van open dataA timelinefor opening up dataBrainstormwithlocalcivilservantthatworkwith the data. Trytosee the opportunitiesfor a localappData-diveinto the data setsThe Data TankSet up website, eg. data.kortrijk.beOrganiseHackathon, co-creation events, appathonsEvaluateFollow-up
#30: Stappenplan om lokale overheden mee te nemen volgens de nieuwe trends in het verhaal van open dataA timelinefor opening up dataBrainstormwithlocalcivilservantthatworkwith the data. Trytosee the opportunitiesfor a localappData-diveinto the data setsThe Data TankSet up website, eg. data.kortrijk.beOrganiseHackathon, co-creation events, appathonsEvaluateFollow-up
#31: Stappenplan om lokale overheden mee te nemen volgens de nieuwe trends in het verhaal van open dataA timelinefor opening up dataBrainstormwithlocalcivilservantthatworkwith the data. Trytosee the opportunitiesfor a localappData-diveinto the data setsThe Data TankSet up website, eg. data.kortrijk.beOrganiseHackathon, co-creation events, appathonsEvaluateFollow-up
#32: Stappenplan om lokale overheden mee te nemen volgens de nieuwe trends in het verhaal van open dataA timelinefor opening up dataBrainstormwithlocalcivilservantthatworkwith the data. Trytosee the opportunitiesfor a localappData-diveinto the data setsThe Data TankSet up website, eg. data.kortrijk.beOrganiseHackathon, co-creation events, appathonsEvaluateFollow-up
#37: Een wandeling bepalen op basis van een aantal voorkeuren: natuur, geschiedenis, architectuur, cultuur... Afhankelijk van het gekozen topic wordt er in Google maps een bepaalde route gekozen doorheen de stad Kortrijk. Daarnaast zijn er ook nog suggestieroutes die opgehaald worden op basis van je huidige positie. Dit is een native Android applicatie
#38: Je kan een bepaalde campus selecteren en van daaruit je zoektocht starten. Daarna kunnen ze voorkeuren opgeven van wat ze in de buurt willen van hun kot: parkeren, uitgaan, shoppen, winkels,... Op basis daarvan worden dan voorkeuren van verschillende studentenkamers weergeven. Alles wordt weergegeven door google maps. In de toekomst kan ook de veiligheid van de buurt als factor opgenomen worden. De gebruikte technologie is HTML5, CSS, JavaScript.油
#40: 油Een bedrijf dat zich meet met studentenStack&heap:broncodegepubliceerd op een interne groendienstapplicatie