Pomeriggio SEID Campania dedicato alle nuove linee guida ESGE su PEG e PEJ tenutosi su piattaforma ZOOM
2- Tecnica di inserimento e scelta dei materiali- Dott. G. Spinosa
Pomeriggio SEID Campania dedicato alle nuove linee guida ESGE su PEG e PEJ tenutosi su piattaforma ZOOM
2- Tecnica di inserimento e scelta dei materiali- Dott. G. Spinosa
Intervento di cataratta e FLAC contemporaneo bilaterale Poliambulanza OCULIS...Nicola Canali
RAzionale e valutazione per un intervento bilaterale contemporaneo di cataratta e facorefrattiva FLAC femtolaser assisted con impianto di IOL multifocali. Drssa Camilla Pagnacco. Rationale and evaluation for simultaneous bilateral cataract and phacorefractive femtolaser-assisted FLAC surgery with multifocal IOL implantation.
Studio ENLIVEN: EMA convalida domanda Daiichi Sankyo per lautorizzazione al ...Media For Health, Milano
Convalidata la domanda di autorizzazione alla commercializzazione di pexidartinib per il trattamento di pazienti adulti con tumore tenosinoviale a cellule giganti (TGCT) sintomatico di tumore tenosinoviale a cellule giganti
Eiaculazione ritardata ed aneiaculazione nelle disfunzioni neurogeneGiovanni Beretta
Le problematiche sessuali e riproduttive devono essere valutate attentamente nel paziente con una lesione midollare; le disfunzioni dell'eiaculazione colpiscono la quasi totalit dei mielolesi.
Per riottenere un riflesso eiaculatorio sono state a questo proposito indicate, in questi ultimi decenni, varie strategie terapeutiche che qui affronteremo.
Posterior defect surgery (principles and techniques) - R. Milani/ M. FrigerioGLUP2010
This document discusses techniques for posterior defect surgery and pelvic floor reconstruction. It describes accurately identifying each pelvic support defect, then performing a tailored repair of the fascial and muscular components at each site. Surgical techniques discussed include anatomically based approaches via the vaginal route to repair the apical suspension, rectovaginal septum, and posterior vaginal wall. The goals are to restore the entire supporting mechanism by reattaching levels I, II, and III. Clinical experience with 351 patients who underwent tranvaginal fascial repair without mesh showed low recurrence rates of 1.1-11.7% across sites at 27 months follow up and good functional outcomes.
Tossina botulinica: indicazioni, risultati e limiti GLUP2010
This document discusses the use of botulinum toxin type A (Botox) injections for the treatment of overactive bladder. It provides guidelines from medical organizations on when Botox is an appropriate treatment option. It summarizes several clinical studies that demonstrated the efficacy of Botox in improving overactive bladder symptoms like urinary incontinence and urgency. The studies also showed Botox had manageable side effects like urinary tract infections. However, long-term use of Botox can cause some patients to discontinue treatment due to issues like urinary retention requiring clean intermittent catheterization. The document discusses techniques to optimize outcomes from Botox injections like modifying injection locations and methods.
Neuromodulazione tibiale: indicazioni, risultati e limitiGLUP2010
PTNS, or percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation, is a neuromodulation technique that involves electrically stimulating the posterior tibial nerve. It has shown efficacy in treating overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms, with 71% of OAB patients improving after 10-12 PTNS sessions. Long term follow up studies found that most patients who responded initially continued to experience symptom improvement even with intermittent PTNS treatment over subsequent years. Predictors of success include being female and having fewer involuntary detrusor contractions. PTNS provides an alternative treatment option for OAB when antimuscarinic medications are ineffective.
Mirabegron is a beta-3 adrenergic agonist approved for the treatment of overactive bladder. It works via a different mechanism than antimuscarinic agents. Studies show mirabegron is effective for treating overactive bladder symptoms, including in patients who do not respond to antimuscarinics or in combination with them. It may be particularly suitable for patients with voiding difficulties, older adults due to its cardiovascular safety profile being similar to antimuscarinics, and its ability to improve adherence compared to antimuscarinic therapies for overactive bladder.
Sessione dolore pelvico cronico: prevenzione e diagnosiGLUP2010
This document discusses chronic pelvic pain, including summaries of several guidelines and studies. It notes that arriving at a diagnosis for chronic pelvic pain is challenging due to the many dimensions that must be considered. Basic investigations should rule out well-defined pathologies while further investigations help subtype pain syndromes. Persistent condom use can reduce the risk of recurrent pelvic inflammatory disease, chronic pelvic pain, and infertility following an initial episode. Central changes in the nervous system can maintain pain perception in the absence of acute injury and influence psychological factors.
Disfunzioni uretro-vescicali dopo sling: quale approccio?GLUP2010
The document discusses voiding dysfunctions after sling surgery for stress urinary incontinence. It notes that voiding dysfunctions occur in 2-20% of patients after various sling procedures. The causes can include excessive tension on the sling, displacement of the sling, or external compression of the urethra. Diagnosis involves evaluating the patient history and symptoms, as well as urodynamics testing and imaging exams. Treatment options include conservative measures like clean intermittent catheterization, or surgical interventions like sling loosening or incision if conservative options fail. Early sling loosening or incision within 2 weeks of surgery appears to effectively resolve voiding dysfunction in many patients without compromising continence.
Dolore pelvico cronico: epidemiologia ed eziopatogenesiGLUP2010
Chronic pelvic pain is defined as persistent pain lasting at least 6 months in the pelvis or lower abdomen that affects around 4-15% of women. It has no clear cause in 30% of cases. Neurogenic inflammation, where C-fibers release inflammatory substances, is thought to play a role in chronic pelvic pain by sensitizing nerves and sustaining pain even after initial tissue injury resolves. Pudendal neuralgia, where the pudendal nerve is damaged or inflamed, is a potential underlying cause. Diagnosis involves clinical exams and potentially pudendal nerve blocks, which provide diagnostic and therapeutic benefits. Guided nerve blocks provide over 60% success rates in relieving pain based on follow
PROLASSO E CHIRURGIA FASCIALE - Compartimento posterioreGLUP2010
The document discusses surgical techniques for repairing posterior compartment prolapse, including traditional posterior colporrhaphy, site-specific defect repair, and transanal vs transvaginal approaches. It reviews studies comparing success rates, anatomical outcomes, and rates of dyspareunia, constipation, and other functional outcomes between techniques. Key points emphasized are the importance of levatorplasty for advanced prolapse and aggressive reattachment of the posterior vaginal wall to the uterosacral ligaments for high rectoceles or those with an enterocele.
Limiti e biases delle evidenze scientificheGLUP2010
This document discusses studies on the relationship between hysterectomy and stress urinary incontinence (SUI). One study found that the rate of SUI surgery was significantly higher in women who had undergone a hysterectomy compared to those who had not, with rates of 179 vs 76 per 105 person-years respectively. However, another twin study found no relationship between hysterectomy and SUI when excluding twin pairs with a history of pelvic floor disorders surgery. The studies show conflicting results on the impact of hysterectomy on SUI.
Chirurgia protesica e compartimento posteriore: un connubio possibile?GLUP2010
This document summarizes evidence on surgical treatments for posterior compartment prolapse. It finds that posterior fascial duplication has better objective outcomes than site-specific repair. There is no evidence of benefit from using mesh or biological grafts. While symptoms improve in most patients, elevatormuscle suturing can increase dyspareunia. The transvaginal approach is superior to the transanal approach. Overall, the literature provides no evidence that mesh or biological patches provide any added benefit over traditional non-mesh surgery for posterior compartment prolapse repair.
This document discusses the genetics of pelvic organ prolapse (POP). It provides evidence that POP has a genetic basis, including familial patterns seen in epidemiological studies and differences in collagen and elastin composition in pelvic tissues of women with POP. Molecular studies have identified differences in matrix metalloproteinases and other markers involved in connective tissue metabolism. While research limitations exist, identifying genetic markers could help predict who is predisposed to POP and guide preventative strategies. Future research directions include larger studies of diverse populations and further exploring biochemical and genetic factors.
Prolasso e chirurgia protesica. Indicazioni e controindicazioni: rivisitazione critica
1. Giancarlo Paradisi
Prolasso e chirurgia protesica. Indicazioni e
controindicazioni: rivisitazione critica
Dipartimento perla tutela della salute
della Donna e della vita nascente
2. Antefatto
Prevalenza di POP nei paesi occidentali 3-8 %
Circa una donna su 5 verr sottoposta a chirurgia
per POP nel corso della vita
Di queste, una larga quota (6-29%) dovranno
essere sottoposte ad ulteriore procedura chirurgica
per recidiva o IUS
3. Fatto
Dal 2004 circa 100 nuovi kit di mesh sintetiche
per chirurgia vaginale
Sviluppo di materiali, incluse le mesh sintetiche,
per migliorare loutcome in queste pazienti
Incremento degli eventi avversi (MAUDE*
Dehiscence* Manufacturer and User Device Experience
5. Risultato: FDA Public Health
Notification (PHN)
2008 PHN. Informativa a medici e pazienti riguardo
gli eventi avversi correlati alluso di mesh sintetiche
per la chirurgia ricostruttiva vaginale.
Raccomandazioni su come ridurre i rischi e su come
informare correttamente i pazienti
6. FDA Recommendations for
clinicians (2008)
Obtain specialized training for each transvaginal mesh placement, and be
aware of its risks.
Be vigilant for potential adverse events from the transvaginal mesh, especially
erosion and infection.
Watch for complications associated with the tools used in transvaginal
placement, especially bowel, bladder, and blood vessel perforations.
Inform patients that implantation of surgical mesh is permanent, and that
some complications associated with the implanted transvaginal mesh may
require additional surgery that may or may not correct the complication.
Inform patients about the potential for serious complications and their effect
on quality of life, including pain during sexual intercourse, scarring, and
narrowing of the vaginal wall (in POP repair).
Provide patients with a written copy of the patient labeling from the surgical
mesh manufacturer, if available.
8. Risultato: FDA Safety Communication
2011 Safety Communication. LFDA
comunica che le complicanze legate alluso
di mesh vaginali sono serie e NON RARE
9. FDA Recommendations for
clinicians (2011)
Recognize that, in most cases, POP can be treated successfully without transvaginal mesh,
thus avoiding the risk of meshrelated complications.
Choose transvaginal mesh surgery only after weighing the risks and benefits of surgery with
mesh versus all surgical and nonsurgical alternatives.
Consider these factors before placing surgical transvaginal mesh:
Surgical transvaginal mesh is a permanent implant that may make future surgical repair
more challenging.
A transvaginal mesh procedure may put the patient at risk for requiring additional
surgery or for the development of new complications.
Removal of transvaginal mesh due to mesh complications may involve multiple surgeries
and significantly impair the patients quality of life. Complete removal of the mesh may
not be possible and may result in incomplete resolution of complications, including pain.
Transabdominal mesh POP repair may result in lower rates of mesh complications
compared with transvaginal mesh POP surgery.
Inform the patient about the benefits and risks of nonsurgical options, suture-only surgery,
surgical mesh placed abdominally, and the likely success of these alternatives compared with
transvaginal with transvaginal mesh placement.
Notify the patient if transvaginal mesh will be used in her POP surgery, and provide the patient
with information about the specific product used.
Ensure that the patient understands the postoperative risks and complications of transvaginal
mesh surgery as well as limited long-term outcomes data.
11. Risposte alle raccomandazioni della FDA
ACOG Necessit di rigorosi studi comparativi
Formazione di un comitato consultivo sui devices
Implementare il database degli eventi avversi
Si sottolinea che le complicanze della chirurgia ricostruttiva
vaginale sono presenti anche in assenza di mesh 2011
SGS Si enfatizza la necessit che luso di mesh transvaginali sia effettuato da
chirurghi esperti nella chirurgia riconstruttiva complessa, e solo su pazienti
con alto rischio di fallimento senza il support di mesh
Necessit di studi comparative a lungo termine 2011
AUGS Viene sottolineato che la comunicazione di sicurezza dellFDA non
dovrebbe applicarsi all'utilizzo di rete sintetica per il trattamento
dell'incontinenza urinaria da sforzo o per un approccio addominale
alla riparazione di POP
Necessit di training appprofondito specifico per ogni tecnica
Informazione appropriata alle pazienti 2011
SUFU Le raccomandazioni della societ sono largamente in accordo con quelle
Si nota che molte delle complicanze degli interventi vaginali eseguiti con
mesh, sono presenti anche senza mesh
La decisione sulluso di mesh vaginale deve essere presa dopo
valutazione caso per caso 2011
12. Indicazioni alluso delle mesh
Non vi sono sufficienti evidenze scientifiche di livello
1 che possano aiutare nella scelta di utilizzare mesh
sintetiche transvaginali nella chirurgia del prolasso
Int Urogynecol J 2012
x Terminologia IUGA
probabile beneficio
possibile beneficio
poco probabile beneficio
non consigliato
14. Controindicazioni alluso delle mesh
Assenza di controindicazioni assolute allutilizzo
dei mesh sintetiche
Ellington and Richter 2013
15. Controindicazioni alluso delle mesh
Modificata da Davila 2012
Condition Issues
BMI BMI>30, associated with inc.
mesh exposure
Diabetes Poor wound healing
Genital Atrophy Poor wound healing
Chronic Steroid Use Poor wound healing
Smoking/Tobacco Abuse Poor wound healing
Concomitant Hysterectomy Mesh exposure
Co-morbid Conditions to Consider with Vaginal Mesh Implantation
16. Tecnica chirurgica
Adeguato training chirurgico Stretta associazione tra ridotta
esperienza chirurgica e maggiore frequenza di
complicanze (2.9 vs 15.6 %, Achtari 2005).
17. Tecnica chirurgica
Adeguato training chirurgico Stretta associazione tra ridotta
esperienza chirurgica e maggiore frequenza di
complicanze (2.9 vs 15.6 %, Achtari 2005).
Dissezione full thickness Lidrodissezione permette di lasciare il
tessuto connettivo pubocervicale attaccato allepitelio vaginale. Il
razionale 竪 mantenere una normale vascolarizzazione dellepitelio
e favorire una cicatrizzazione ottimale (Trabuco 2015).
Sospensione della mesh tensionfree La mesh deve essere
posizionata senza tensione. La tensione eccessiva si associa a
dolore vaginale ed esposizione (Feiner 2010). Dopo un corretto
posizionamento della mesh transvaginale le pareti vaginali
presenteranno ancora una persistente lassit.
Prevenzione di malposizionamenti della mesh (torsioni e/o
duplicazioni) La mesh deve essere fissata al tessuto sottostante.
Torsioni e duplicazioni sono associate ad esposizione e dolore
(Hurtado 2009).
18. Selezione della mesh transvaginale
Le mesh con micropori (pori <10 micron) o
polifilamento devono essere evitate
Trabuco 2015
19. Conclusioni
Non ci sono Indicazioni e Controindicazioni
alluso di mesh sintetiche nella chirurgia
Strumenti: Studi controllati
Database degli interventi
Formazione uroginecologica