Chirurgia del Prolasso Conservazione dell’uteroGLUP2010
This document discusses several studies comparing prolapse repair surgery with and without hysterectomy. It notes that while hysterectomy is commonly performed during prolapse surgery, there is no evidence it improves repair durability. Studies found higher morbidity and new urinary, bowel, and sexual dysfunction with hysterectomy. For apical prolapse, sacrospinous hysteropexy and Manchester repair had fewer recurrences than vaginal hysterectomy. Uterine preservation was associated with shorter recovery time. Other topics discussed include rates of endometrial pathology found during hysterectomy, effects of hysterectomy on urinary incontinence and sexual function, and reasons for considering uterine preservation.
Chirurgia del Prolasso Conservazione dell’uteroGLUP2010
This document discusses several studies comparing prolapse repair surgery with and without hysterectomy. It notes that while hysterectomy is commonly performed during prolapse surgery, there is no evidence it improves repair durability. Studies found higher morbidity and new urinary, bowel, and sexual dysfunction with hysterectomy. For apical prolapse, sacrospinous hysteropexy and Manchester repair had fewer recurrences than vaginal hysterectomy. Uterine preservation was associated with shorter recovery time. Other topics discussed include rates of endometrial pathology found during hysterectomy, effects of hysterectomy on urinary incontinence and sexual function, and reasons for considering uterine preservation.
PROLASSO E CHIRURGIA FASCIALE - Compartimento posterioreGLUP2010
The document discusses surgical techniques for repairing posterior compartment prolapse, including traditional posterior colporrhaphy, site-specific defect repair, and transanal vs transvaginal approaches. It reviews studies comparing success rates, anatomical outcomes, and rates of dyspareunia, constipation, and other functional outcomes between techniques. Key points emphasized are the importance of levatorplasty for advanced prolapse and aggressive reattachment of the posterior vaginal wall to the uterosacral ligaments for high rectoceles or those with an enterocele.
Evento Ostetrico e Perineo Le lacerazioni perinealiGLUP2010
The document discusses perineal lacerations that can occur during childbirth. It notes that severe perineal lacerations known as third and fourth degree tears affect 2.4% of women based on a review of over 650,000 deliveries. Endoanal ultrasound has helped identify previously unknown anal sphincter injuries in up to 33.5% of first-time mothers. Risk factors for these occult anal sphincter injuries include higher birth weight, mediolateral episiotomy, and forceps delivery. Proper identification and repair of anal sphincter injuries requires an experienced practitioner using endoanal ultrasound and careful examination in the immediate postpartum period.
Tossina botulinica: indicazioni, risultati e limiti GLUP2010
This document discusses the use of botulinum toxin type A (Botox) injections for the treatment of overactive bladder. It provides guidelines from medical organizations on when Botox is an appropriate treatment option. It summarizes several clinical studies that demonstrated the efficacy of Botox in improving overactive bladder symptoms like urinary incontinence and urgency. The studies also showed Botox had manageable side effects like urinary tract infections. However, long-term use of Botox can cause some patients to discontinue treatment due to issues like urinary retention requiring clean intermittent catheterization. The document discusses techniques to optimize outcomes from Botox injections like modifying injection locations and methods.
Posterior defect surgery (principles and techniques) - R. Milani/ M. FrigerioGLUP2010
This document discusses techniques for posterior defect surgery and pelvic floor reconstruction. It describes accurately identifying each pelvic support defect, then performing a tailored repair of the fascial and muscular components at each site. Surgical techniques discussed include anatomically based approaches via the vaginal route to repair the apical suspension, rectovaginal septum, and posterior vaginal wall. The goals are to restore the entire supporting mechanism by reattaching levels I, II, and III. Clinical experience with 351 patients who underwent tranvaginal fascial repair without mesh showed low recurrence rates of 1.1-11.7% across sites at 27 months follow up and good functional outcomes.
Studio ENLIVEN: EMA convalida domanda Daiichi Sankyo per l’autorizzazione al ...Media For Health, Milano
Convalidata la domanda di autorizzazione alla commercializzazione di pexidartinib per il trattamento di pazienti adulti con tumore tenosinoviale a cellule giganti (TGCT) sintomatico di tumore tenosinoviale a cellule giganti
La diagnosi clinica di appendicite acuta è ancora difficile nonostante la frequenza di questa patologia. La raccolta accurata dei sintomi riferiti dal paziente, una visita approfondita alla ricerca dei segni addominali di sospettata appendicite e l’uso del supporto diagnostico dell’ecografia addominale e, in casi selezionati, della tomografia computerizzata possono ridurre il tasso ancora elevato di errori diagnostici.
Attualmente il trattamento delle forme di appendicite acuta più comuni, senza segni di peritonite diffusa, può avvalersi dell’utilizzo degli antibiotici, riservando la chirurgia ai casi ben più rari che si associano a peritonite diffusa oppure a quelli che non si risolvono con la terapia antibiotica.
Neuromodulazione tibiale: indicazioni, risultati e limitiGLUP2010
PTNS, or percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation, is a neuromodulation technique that involves electrically stimulating the posterior tibial nerve. It has shown efficacy in treating overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms, with 71% of OAB patients improving after 10-12 PTNS sessions. Long term follow up studies found that most patients who responded initially continued to experience symptom improvement even with intermittent PTNS treatment over subsequent years. Predictors of success include being female and having fewer involuntary detrusor contractions. PTNS provides an alternative treatment option for OAB when antimuscarinic medications are ineffective.
Mirabegron is a beta-3 adrenergic agonist approved for the treatment of overactive bladder. It works via a different mechanism than antimuscarinic agents. Studies show mirabegron is effective for treating overactive bladder symptoms, including in patients who do not respond to antimuscarinics or in combination with them. It may be particularly suitable for patients with voiding difficulties, older adults due to its cardiovascular safety profile being similar to antimuscarinics, and its ability to improve adherence compared to antimuscarinic therapies for overactive bladder.
Sessione dolore pelvico cronico: prevenzione e diagnosiGLUP2010
This document discusses chronic pelvic pain, including summaries of several guidelines and studies. It notes that arriving at a diagnosis for chronic pelvic pain is challenging due to the many dimensions that must be considered. Basic investigations should rule out well-defined pathologies while further investigations help subtype pain syndromes. Persistent condom use can reduce the risk of recurrent pelvic inflammatory disease, chronic pelvic pain, and infertility following an initial episode. Central changes in the nervous system can maintain pain perception in the absence of acute injury and influence psychological factors.
Disfunzioni uretro-vescicali dopo sling: quale approccio?GLUP2010
The document discusses voiding dysfunctions after sling surgery for stress urinary incontinence. It notes that voiding dysfunctions occur in 2-20% of patients after various sling procedures. The causes can include excessive tension on the sling, displacement of the sling, or external compression of the urethra. Diagnosis involves evaluating the patient history and symptoms, as well as urodynamics testing and imaging exams. Treatment options include conservative measures like clean intermittent catheterization, or surgical interventions like sling loosening or incision if conservative options fail. Early sling loosening or incision within 2 weeks of surgery appears to effectively resolve voiding dysfunction in many patients without compromising continence.
Dolore pelvico cronico: epidemiologia ed eziopatogenesiGLUP2010
Chronic pelvic pain is defined as persistent pain lasting at least 6 months in the pelvis or lower abdomen that affects around 4-15% of women. It has no clear cause in 30% of cases. Neurogenic inflammation, where C-fibers release inflammatory substances, is thought to play a role in chronic pelvic pain by sensitizing nerves and sustaining pain even after initial tissue injury resolves. Pudendal neuralgia, where the pudendal nerve is damaged or inflamed, is a potential underlying cause. Diagnosis involves clinical exams and potentially pudendal nerve blocks, which provide diagnostic and therapeutic benefits. Guided nerve blocks provide over 60% success rates in relieving pain based on follow
Limiti e biases delle evidenze scientificheGLUP2010
This document discusses studies on the relationship between hysterectomy and stress urinary incontinence (SUI). One study found that the rate of SUI surgery was significantly higher in women who had undergone a hysterectomy compared to those who had not, with rates of 179 vs 76 per 105 person-years respectively. However, another twin study found no relationship between hysterectomy and SUI when excluding twin pairs with a history of pelvic floor disorders surgery. The studies show conflicting results on the impact of hysterectomy on SUI.
Chirurgia protesica e compartimento posteriore: un connubio possibile?GLUP2010
This document summarizes evidence on surgical treatments for posterior compartment prolapse. It finds that posterior fascial duplication has better objective outcomes than site-specific repair. There is no evidence of benefit from using mesh or biological grafts. While symptoms improve in most patients, elevatormuscle suturing can increase dyspareunia. The transvaginal approach is superior to the transanal approach. Overall, the literature provides no evidence that mesh or biological patches provide any added benefit over traditional non-mesh surgery for posterior compartment prolapse repair.
This document discusses the genetics of pelvic organ prolapse (POP). It provides evidence that POP has a genetic basis, including familial patterns seen in epidemiological studies and differences in collagen and elastin composition in pelvic tissues of women with POP. Molecular studies have identified differences in matrix metalloproteinases and other markers involved in connective tissue metabolism. While research limitations exist, identifying genetic markers could help predict who is predisposed to POP and guide preventative strategies. Future research directions include larger studies of diverse populations and further exploring biochemical and genetic factors.
Prolasso e chirurgia fasciale: steps ed evidenze - COMPARTIMENTO ANTERIOREGLUP2010
This document discusses the anatomy of pelvic floor support structures and techniques for fascial colporrhaphy surgery to repair anterior vaginal prolapse. It notes that traditional vaginal surgery often had high recurrence rates of 20-40%. The key anatomical structures of pelvic floor support are identified as the pubocervical and rectovaginal fascia. Successful colporrhaphy requires identifying and repairing individual fascial defects at specific sites. The objective of anterior colporrhaphy is to reattach the pubocervical fascia over the bladder to reduce protrusion. Modifications to the standard technique include more lateral dissection and fixation of the pubocervical fascia to other pelvic ligaments
1) Recurrent anterior vaginal wall prolapse can be repaired using traditional native tissue repair involving re-suturing of fascial attachments or using mesh-augmented repairs.
2) Studies show anatomical success rates are higher with mesh but mesh repairs also carry higher risks of complications like erosion.
3) Ensuring apical support with procedures like sacrocolpopexy may reduce recurrence rates compared to anterior repair alone.
4) Tissue quality, surgical technique including suture type and tension, and risk factors like wide genital hiatus can also affect recurrence rates.
2. Il razionale della Mesh
in chirurgia pelvica
• Terapia di supporto?
• Terapia di sostituzione ?
• L’obiettivo è quello di aumentare la LONGEVITÀ della
riparazione chirurgica
3. principi biochimici che guidano l’outcome
• Aggiungere del materiale protesico al tessuto connettivo danneggiato ne
aumenta la resistenza tensile ma ne riduce la flessibilità per la reazione
cicatriziale e la caratteristica anelasticità delle mesh
• Nonostante il raccorciamento tipico della mesh ( 25% ) il materiale protesico
incluso nel tessuto aumenta di gran lunga la resistenza ai carichi cronici
compensando la degenerazione del collagene
9. FDA Safety Communication:
UPDATE on Serious
Complications Associated with
Transvaginal Placement of
Surgical Mesh for Pelvic Organ
Date Issued: July 13, 2011
11. M.Murphy et All Int J Urogyn Jan 2012
The only study that used a composite primary
outcome of anatomyc and symptomatic results did
show a difference in both outcomes
The composite primary outcome showed superior
results for TVM at 2 months and at 1 year. The
symptom of vaginal bulge between groups was not
different at 2 months, but at 1year, 37,9% of the
colporraphy group Vs only 24,6% of the TVM
symptomatic bulging ( P= 0.008)
12. FDA Safety Communication:
UPDATE on Serious Complications Associated with
Transvaginal Placement of Surgical Mesh for Pelvic Organ
Date Issued: July 13, 2011
Sexual function
13. Considerazioni
• Il warning FDA fa riferimento al mercato USA e non al mercato Europa:
– Pubblicità più forte (tv,internet…) nei confronti delle pazienti . In italia non si
possono publicizzare i presidi chirurgici
– Eccessivo uso delle Mesh
– Avvocati
• Dal 2008 al 2011 sono aumentati le complicanze ma anche gli impianti di mesh
rispetto al 2005-2007. Se si considera che teoricamente tra il 2008-2011 sono
state fatte 225.000 interventi con mesh risulta un tasso di complicanze <1%...
• Non esiste un DATABASE che raccolga le complicanze degli interventi fasciali per
• Le problematiche sono state associate solo ai prodotti e non alla preparazione dei
chirurghi. In un sondaggio presso i soci AUA (+8000 medici) è emerso che solo il
49% dei medici aveva ricevuto un supporto chirurgico adeguato
• Il warning è rivolto a tutti i prodotti senza alcuna distinzione. Non si sa quindi se
ci sono stati prodotti che hanno avuto più problemi rispetto ad altri…NON TUTTI I
14. Across the board, the risk of mesh erosion might
be higher with TVM butin two large multicentric
trials conducted by surgeons who perform the
index surgery an a regular basis, the result of the
abdominal and vaginalapproach are quite
similar. In the TVM trial thet randomized 400
subjects, 3,2% had undergone a procedure to
correct mesh erosion at 12 months
15. More than half of most
exposures from TVM are
1/3 need only minor
outpatient operative
17. David E. Rapp et all ; Journal of Urology 2014
42 women , stage II or greater anterior – Apical
Intravaginal Kit Mesh
24 month follow-up
POP–Q points Aa, Ba, C improved from 0.9 – 0.8 and – 1.3 to -2.1 ; - 2.7;
• Leg pain 1 (3%) : non steroid antiinflammatory drugs
• Vaginal exposure 2 (5%) : 1 resolved with topical estrogen
• Urinary retention 5 (13%) : Foley catheter placement
18. Mert Turgol et all; Europea Journal Obst – Gyn 2013
20 patients anterior colporraphy
20 patients polypropylene mesh
Follow-up 12 months
Anatomical cure rate: - 73% colporraphy
- 95% mesh
De novo stress incontinence: 1 in anterior colporraphy
Mesh erosion: 3 (15%)
19. Josè Tamanini et all; Journal of urology 2015
Randomized controlled trial
100 women with II or grater anterior vaginal wall prolapse
Anterior colporraphy vs mesh insertion
• At 24 months follow-up significatly improved in the mesh
• Asymptomatic mesh exposure in 7 patient ( 16%)
• Vaginal and urinary symptom and quality of life improved
postoperatively in each group
20. Conclusioni
• Penso: ...maggiore esperienza e consapevolezza
• Penso: ...miglioramento di tecnica e materiali
• Penso: ...valida arma terapeutica
• Penso: ...autorizzati ad una visione più ottimistica