Test stsf.pl mierzy satysfakcj z obecnego stanowiska pracy oraz rozwoju zawodowego. Wypenienie badania pozwoli Ci uwiadomi sobie jakich kryteri坦w pracy zawodowej potrzebujesz, a kt坦re z nich nie s dla Ciebie wa甜ne.
O documento descreve uma corrida a辿rea Red Bull realizada em 13 de setembro de 2009 na cidade do Porto em Portugal. Fotografias do evento foram tiradas por Ana Maria Coelho, uma fot坦grafa portuguesa.
Information As A Service The Key To The Correct Decisions At The Right TimeAcando Consulting
This set of slides were used in a seminar given by Acando in April 2009. This seminar was part of a three-part theme all focusing on information and how to leverage information to create competitive advantage.
The title of this presentation is Information as a Service the key to the correct decisions at the right time. The seminar used a chain of information evolution defined as data -> information -> knowledge -> understanding -> wisdom (see Ackoff, R. L., "From Data to Wisdom", Journal of Applies Systems Analysis, Volume 16,1989 p 3-9).
The key point made is that data, information and knowledge can be captured in information systems and often exposed as some kind of automated service, but understanding and wisdom requires a different approach. One such suggested approach relies on social networks and leverages 2.0-concepts.
Of course the message is hard to convey without the presentation being made, but I hope this set of slides can act as a catalyst for some interesting discussions. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding the presentation or individual slides.
Mattias Abrahamsson (mattias.abrahamsson@acando.com)
This document provides an agenda and overview for a BI and ProfitModeler event hosted by Acando on February 16th. It includes:
1. A brief introduction of BI at Acando and an overview of Microsoft's BI platform.
2. A presentation on ProfitModeler and its uses.
3. Time for questions.
The document also includes slides about the purpose of BI for better decision making at all company levels, and Acando's QuickValue methodology for rapid BI solution development and implementation.
Presentation from Information Management seminar discussing and illustrating how Enterprise 2.0 principles and mechanisms can be used when adressing Information Management challenges
Hur lyckas man f奪 ut strategiska v辰rdet fr奪n sin insamlade information om kunden? Vad g旦r framg奪ngsrika f旦retag g旦r f旦r att samla in och utvinna kunskap fr奪n informationsmassan och d辰rmed skapa nya aff辰rsm旦jligheter?
Seminariet 辰r en systemvisning som visar hur ett modernt verktyg kan anv辰ndas f旦r att snabba upp budgetcykeln. Samtidigt kan verktyget anv辰ndas f旦r att simulera konsekvenser (tex b辰sta fall, troligt, s辰msta fall) i b奪de resultat och balansr辰kning. Systemet visar ocks奪 hur moderna verktyg har integrerat st旦d f旦r drivbaserad budgetering
The document discusses how to use the available to promise (ATP) feature in Microsoft Dynamics AX2009 to determine when all quantities of an item can be delivered for a sales order. ATP shows the expected available quantity over time based on planned receipts and issues. The ATP time fence is determined by the item's site-specific order settings and controls how many days into the future the ATP slope is displayed. ATP considers only inventory availability, while capable to promise (CTP) also takes work center availability into account for produced items.
Presentation about ECM Today, trends and reality, held on November 4th as part of the seminar How many information flows are there? arranged by Mid Sweden University, CEDIF project Centre for digital information management and EU Objective 2
Frukostseminarium iBiz & Microsoft 19/5-2016Adam Wahlund
Presentation fr奪n iBiz Solutions & Microsofts frukostseminarium kring framtidens systemintegration. Hur ska man hantera den digitala transformationen och hur kan systemintegration bli en konkurrensf旦rdel? Ta del av slides fr奪n Richard Hallgren, L旦sningsarkitekt p奪 iBiz Solutions, Tord Glad Nordahl p奪 Microsoft och Arne Bj旦rn Mildal, IT-Direkt旦r L旦venskiold Handel
F旦ljande presentationsunderlag 辰r skapat och nyttjat av David Aler, Digital strateg p奪 Cloud Nine, under ett frukostseminarium i december 2018. I presentationen ges exempel p奪 e-handelsplattformar och hur du ska g奪 tillv辰ga i processen att v辰lja plattform baserat p奪 f旦retagets resurser och kundernas behov.
The Highway to Hell Cocktail 辰r en drink som f奪r m奪nga p奪 fall. Ofta intas den under vad som verkar vara Happy Hour och 2 F 1 men slutar oftast i tragedi.
Recept: Blanda D奪lig kontroll med Otillr辰cklig Information, krydda med Ingen Innovation och r旦r om med en drinkpinne av FRNDRING s奪 f奪r du en Highway to Hell. Byt ut valfri ingrediens mot lite bubblande vermod s奪 f奪r du en Beverly Hills Highway to Hell
Presentationen 辰r fr奪n IBM Collaboration Forum och visar n辰sta generation av Business analytics & optimization.
Kolla p奪 www-BI-bloggen.se
Finance Forum Nya innovationer i IBM cognos TM1IBM Sverige
IBM investerar stort i Cognos TM1 l旦sning
f旦r verksamhetsstyrning.Uppt辰ck hur vi har f旦renklat strategiarbetet med TM1 Scorecards, skapat en
flexiblare anv辰ndarupplevelse och f旦rb辰ttrat
design och modellering. Se 辰ven
vilka f旦rdelar det finns i att v辰lja Cognos
TM1 som en molntj辰nst.
Presentationen gjord av Niklas Molander, L旦sningsspecialist IBM
Business Analytics.
This document provides an agenda and overview for a BI and ProfitModeler event hosted by Acando on February 16th. It includes:
1. A brief introduction of BI at Acando and an overview of Microsoft's BI platform.
2. A presentation on ProfitModeler and its uses.
3. Time for questions.
The document also includes slides about the purpose of BI for better decision making at all company levels, and Acando's QuickValue methodology for rapid BI solution development and implementation.
Presentation from Information Management seminar discussing and illustrating how Enterprise 2.0 principles and mechanisms can be used when adressing Information Management challenges
Hur lyckas man f奪 ut strategiska v辰rdet fr奪n sin insamlade information om kunden? Vad g旦r framg奪ngsrika f旦retag g旦r f旦r att samla in och utvinna kunskap fr奪n informationsmassan och d辰rmed skapa nya aff辰rsm旦jligheter?
Seminariet 辰r en systemvisning som visar hur ett modernt verktyg kan anv辰ndas f旦r att snabba upp budgetcykeln. Samtidigt kan verktyget anv辰ndas f旦r att simulera konsekvenser (tex b辰sta fall, troligt, s辰msta fall) i b奪de resultat och balansr辰kning. Systemet visar ocks奪 hur moderna verktyg har integrerat st旦d f旦r drivbaserad budgetering
The document discusses how to use the available to promise (ATP) feature in Microsoft Dynamics AX2009 to determine when all quantities of an item can be delivered for a sales order. ATP shows the expected available quantity over time based on planned receipts and issues. The ATP time fence is determined by the item's site-specific order settings and controls how many days into the future the ATP slope is displayed. ATP considers only inventory availability, while capable to promise (CTP) also takes work center availability into account for produced items.
Presentation about ECM Today, trends and reality, held on November 4th as part of the seminar How many information flows are there? arranged by Mid Sweden University, CEDIF project Centre for digital information management and EU Objective 2
Frukostseminarium iBiz & Microsoft 19/5-2016Adam Wahlund
Presentation fr奪n iBiz Solutions & Microsofts frukostseminarium kring framtidens systemintegration. Hur ska man hantera den digitala transformationen och hur kan systemintegration bli en konkurrensf旦rdel? Ta del av slides fr奪n Richard Hallgren, L旦sningsarkitekt p奪 iBiz Solutions, Tord Glad Nordahl p奪 Microsoft och Arne Bj旦rn Mildal, IT-Direkt旦r L旦venskiold Handel
F旦ljande presentationsunderlag 辰r skapat och nyttjat av David Aler, Digital strateg p奪 Cloud Nine, under ett frukostseminarium i december 2018. I presentationen ges exempel p奪 e-handelsplattformar och hur du ska g奪 tillv辰ga i processen att v辰lja plattform baserat p奪 f旦retagets resurser och kundernas behov.
The Highway to Hell Cocktail 辰r en drink som f奪r m奪nga p奪 fall. Ofta intas den under vad som verkar vara Happy Hour och 2 F 1 men slutar oftast i tragedi.
Recept: Blanda D奪lig kontroll med Otillr辰cklig Information, krydda med Ingen Innovation och r旦r om med en drinkpinne av FRNDRING s奪 f奪r du en Highway to Hell. Byt ut valfri ingrediens mot lite bubblande vermod s奪 f奪r du en Beverly Hills Highway to Hell
Presentationen 辰r fr奪n IBM Collaboration Forum och visar n辰sta generation av Business analytics & optimization.
Kolla p奪 www-BI-bloggen.se
Finance Forum Nya innovationer i IBM cognos TM1IBM Sverige
IBM investerar stort i Cognos TM1 l旦sning
f旦r verksamhetsstyrning.Uppt辰ck hur vi har f旦renklat strategiarbetet med TM1 Scorecards, skapat en
flexiblare anv辰ndarupplevelse och f旦rb辰ttrat
design och modellering. Se 辰ven
vilka f旦rdelar det finns i att v辰lja Cognos
TM1 som en molntj辰nst.
Presentationen gjord av Niklas Molander, L旦sningsspecialist IBM
Business Analytics.
Vad 辰r Sparx EA?
Enterprise Architect st旦djer f旦ljande st旦rre notationsspr奪k?
Enterprise Architect st旦djer industristandarder inom arkitekturramverk f旦r att st旦dja modelleringsprojekt.
M旦jligheten att anpassa modeller, typer, element f旦r att passa f旦retagsstandarder och notationsspr奪k.
Strategiskt arbete med informationskvalitet ger 旦kad styrprecisionAcando Consulting
Master data 辰r den stabila grunden i f旦retagets samlade informationsmassa. Det kr辰vs aktivt arbete och en bra styrmodell f旦r att s辰kerst辰lla kvaliteten p奪 master data.
Presentation for an Acando seminar about social intranets explaining how the traditional corporate intranet will need to be transformed into a platform that provides the opportunity for wide participation by most or all employees in order to deal with the business challenges most organizations are facing.
Presentation from Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT in Frankfurt October 28th 2010 on how transparency both enables value-creation and decreases risk for organizations, but also how potential privacy, compliance and security risks need to be managed.
Acando review of NordREG proposal regarding a common Nordic end user market f...Acando Consulting
The document provides a review by Acando of NordREG's proposal for a common Nordic end user electricity market. Acando supports the proposal but recommends an iterative implementation approach focusing first on providing hourly consumption values to residential customers, then hourly pricing, establishing a single point of contact, and finally increasing customer control over energy usage. Acando also suggests moving the target completion date from 2015 to 2017 to allow sufficient time for such a large change involving multiple countries and stakeholders.
This document discusses the concept of Enterprise 2.0 and how organizations can leverage social software tools to address information management problems and tap into employees' knowledge and expertise. It describes how the cost of communicating and organizing has collapsed due to technologies that allow anyone to reach a global audience and create and distribute content at little to no cost. The document advocates that companies embrace principles from the social web by empowering knowledge workers to connect, share, create and broadcast using tools like wikis, blogs, microblogging and more. It provides an example of how a group collaboratively worked on a project using these types of tools.
Enterprise 2.0 - Efficient Collaboration and Knowledge ExchangeAcando Consulting
How to enable dispersed teams to coordinate their actions to achieve their goals and how to enable an organization to harness its collective intelligence - with the use of social software and principles of social media.
Web 2.0 At Work - Simple And Social Collaboration Between CoworkersAcando Consulting
This is a presentation from an "awareness seminar" held by Oscar Berg and Henrik Gustafsson from Acando about how Web 2.0 principles and social tools can be used to improve collaboration, knowledge exchange and innovation in an enterprise context.
Web 2.0 At Work - Simple And Social Collaboration Between CoworkersAcando Consulting
Partrap ehandel
1. parttrap速 e-commerce
n辰r online f旦rs辰ljning 辰r strategisk
Presented by:
Peter Thorstensson, Part Trap AB
- Krav n辰r online f旦rs辰ljning 辰r strategisk
- Kan ett nyckelf辰rdigt system uppfylla behoven
- Kundexempel
- Proof-of-Concept
- Diskussion, fr奪gestund
- Avslutning
2. N辰r online f旦rs辰ljning 辰r strategisk - hantering av komplexa fl旦den
100% integrerad del av aff辰rsprocessen
kad f旦rs辰ljning!
B2B och/eller B2C?
Vi har olika kundsegment och marknader!
Alla produkter eller ett begr辰nsat utbud?
Samordning av f旦retagets produktinformation!
Visa produktinformation med tillg辰nglighet och
kundunika priser!
Visa kundinformation med ordrar, fakturor och
Kan ett nyckelf辰rdigt system t辰cka v奪ra behov?
息 2010 Part Trap AB.
6. Online f旦rs辰ljning - reservdelar och kataloger
Atlet AB
Global inom materialhantering
Verksamhet i 47 l辰nder
Spare Parts Management and sales of Spare
Parts - 15 Catalogs, 1283 Catalog Pages
All On-line and printed spare part catalogs
Atlet guarantees delivery of spare parts within
24 hours in Europe
息 2010 Part Trap AB.
7. N辰r online f旦rs辰ljning 辰r strategisk minimera underh奪llet
Hantering av komplexa fl旦den
Integration med Dynamics AX?
Vad kostar det?
N辰r kan vi g奪 live?
Kan vi sj辰lva sk旦ta underh奪llet?
Vilket system passar oss idag? Om 2 奪r?
Vad h辰nder n辰r vi uppgraderarAX?
Kan ett nyckelf辰rdigt system ge oss en god avkastning?
息 2010 Part Trap AB.
9. Online f旦rs辰ljning med Parttrap e-commerce
Separat webshop eller kombinerad f旦retagssite & webshop
Flexibel hantering av komplexa fl旦den
Skapa / visa olika inneh奪ll f旦r olika kundsegment eller anv辰ndare
Styr sortiment per kundsegment.
Konfigurator f旦r komplexa produkter
Full integration med Dynamics
Alla priser / rabatter l辰ses i realtid fr奪n Dynamics
Styr 奪tkomst och presentation per anv辰ndare
Anpassningsbart efter behov
Fast pris
Snabb implementation
Nyckelf辰rdigt och k旦rbart direkt efter installation
10. Nyckelf辰rdig l旦sning att v辰xa med
Turn-key Parttrap Parttrap Create
System Administrator Style multiple Styles
13. Dynamics AX Integration
parttrap速 e-commerce
Fullt st旦d f旦r prislogiken
Prestanda anv辰ndarupplevelse
Underh奪ll p奪 ett st辰lle
Information Web Orders
Data Request
parttrap速 Database
ERP Mapping ERP Price Logic Order Update Profile
Dynamics AX Database
息 2010 Part Trap AB
20. Kundnytta h旦g prestanda
20:20 Mobile
Ledande distribut旦r inom telekombranschen
50% av oms辰ttningen via parttrap速
600 elektroniska order per dag 1 order/minut
9000 artiklar i sortimentet
"One Stop Shopping - ta en kontakt och f奪 tillg奪ng
till marknadens bredaste produktsortiment
息 2010 Part Trap AB.
21. Kundnytta snabb implementation
F旦rs辰ljning merchandise-produkter
till Volvo dealers
Live p奪 en m奪nad
AX 2009
息 2010 Part Trap AB.
23. Kundnytta - global s辰ljorganisation
Verksam i 10 l辰nder
15.000 rullstolar per 奪r
Alla reservdelar i parttrap速 On-line och Offline
100% orderkonfiguration via parttrap速 Configurator
3 dagar leveranstid med parttrap速 jmf. 3 veckor tidigare
息 2010 Part Trap AB.
24. Permobil AB - Utfall
Tidigare: N奪got fel i 100% av alla ordrar fr奪n f辰ltet.
Nu: 0% fel
Tidigare:1-2 personer i v辰rlden kunde konfigurera en stol korrekt.
Nu: Samtliga s辰ljare kan konfigurera korrekt.
Leveranstiden i Sverige har minskat fr奪n 1 vecka till 1 dag
Leveranstiden i Europa har minskat fr奪n 3 veckor till 3 dagar
70% av ordrarna g奪r direkt fr奪n f辰ltet till produktion
30% av ordrarna 辰r anpassningsordar som hanteras med viss handp奪l辰ggning
K辰lla: Anders Jaktlund, Global IS & Logistics Director, Permobil AB
25. Proof-of-Concept
Utv辰rderingsinstallation k旦rbart system p奪 3 dagar f旦r 30 000
Integration mot AX version 4 eller 2009
Grunddesign av siten
Nyckelf辰rdigt system f旦r strategisk online f旦rs辰ljning
息 2010 Part Trap AB.